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The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse.

I had this crazy dream that I was filming in a house which I later realised was where I filmed a notorious found footage ghost story some years previous. I hadn’t recognised it because we approached the house from a different street in broad daylight where as the ghost film was made on consequitive nights. The film was semi improvised with a core of people playing investigators making a so haunted type show and lots of extras playing ghosts and operating the props to scare the cast. It had a reputation for actually scaring the cast so bad the film was tied up with legal issues and hadn’t been seen yet. When we were at the location this time I met lots of other people who were in it and we shared experiences about making it. Even though I knew I was dreaming I was convinced the original film happened for some minutes partly because of how familiar the house was and how convincing the stories were.


Something popped into my head last night before going to sleep. It goes back to the old marrying the original trilogy to the prequel thing.

Obi-Wan technically didn’t own a droid in the prequels. He was a Jedi and the order had access to droids. He was friendly with them but didn’t take them too seriously. He wouldn’t mourn a decapitated R2 unit like he would a youngling but he also didn’t treat them like furniture.

When he comes across Artoo in episode 4 he may not of expected to see him again. His brain would possibly dismiss the idea that this blue astromech was the same one Padme owned or Anakin had flown with because there were only so many colours and probably millions of units made.

But once Luke mentions Ben’s true name the nagging suspection that the R2 unit was Artoo must have entered his mind as well as the implication that this was the moment when training Luke would be necessary.

So my suggestion is, if possible, add a “Artoo?” to the scene from Ben and have Artoo respond. Maybe just before he says to Luke that doesn’t remember owning a droid.

A bit like him saying to Artoo “I going to pretend to not know what’s going on but I do remember.” an exchange that they would share and the audience would see but went completely over Luke’s head.

Alternatively it could happen while Luke is unconscious but that would mean Ben recognised Artoo right away and deduced the situation immediately which might very well be a Jedi thing. Though he might still suspect an Imperial trap.

If I went back to 1977 and saw such an exchange I would be intrigued by what’s going on. I think that’s a good criteria for changes like this. But it’s probably impossible to do anyway.

Just a thought.

What is the best way to convert modern media to VHS?

You read that correctly. I want to watch pan and scan versions of modern films and television shows on VHS but I haven’t a clue where to start. I know the PT got a VHS release (though ROTS is very rare) but I would dearly love to watch Disney Star Wars and NuWho on VHS as well as some fanedits. I have a CRT TV so it would be a real hoot. Are there any known projects out there doing this?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

nobodybutjarjar42 said:

the one thing that i wish ESB:R had was this C3PO line from the mono mix

Me too but maybe someone else will do it. I would love to see Ady’s work but with the option to hear it with John Williams’ unused music properly timed but once again work for somebody else.

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

One bit that’s probably impossible to do anything about but has bugged me all these years. The film makes out sword fighting and acrobatics are more impressive than throwing the ceiling at people and making electricity spark out of your finger tips (something the Palpatine should be the only user really but I digress). For me it makes more sense if Yoda and Dooku use sabers first magic next. It leads into Dooku dropping a large pipe on Kenobi and Skywalker if they are at that point chucking the architecture at each other.

FAN EDIT REQUEST THREAD - Post your dream Fan Edits Here!

Dune : The Uberlynch Version. I love the Spicediver Edit. It takes as much of the availabile footage and orders the scenes to match the structure of the book more and removes the worst changes. I watched it in Monochrome once as I heard a rumour that Lynch toyed with the idea as his first two hits had been in beautiful black and white. It’s really good. The monochrome hides some of the worst effects compositing and the grainier deleted scenes stand out less. One thing about Lynch films in general is they have a strange dreamlike stilted feel. Lynch says his films make 100% sense but he purposely removes scenes or exposition that might explain how it makes sense. That way the viewer is given room to piece the narrative together. However in Dune he makes the unique choice of giving everyone a voiceover even characters we only see a few times. I like it a lot but it does remove that Lynchian mystery. So what I’m proposing is essentially the Spicediver edit in monochrome (possibly with the exception of the eyes) but with all internal monologue and expositional introductions removed and maybe the Baron’s death trimmed to just a needle scratch. I’m curious to see how much the film holds up without the exposition.

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

NeverarGreat said:

Anakin is written as a creep in AOTC, but that wasn’t driven home so completely until I watched this video:


It’s an interpretation of the character which might actually work in isolation and could be fascinating. However, it is this aspect of the prequels, above anything else, that makes them fundamentally incompatible with the spirit of the OT. Luke’s journey is predicated on the belief that his father was basically a good man, but if Anakin is really just a predatory creep then his redemption rings hollow. But take away Anakin’s predatory and creepy behavior and you have removed his most distinctive and interesting trait.

I don’t know how you would go about fixing this problem.

I attempted to have this more explicit by having Vader begin as a fugue state. A dark robed figure that follows him around and removes people that anger him until eventually Anakin is lost, realises he is Vader and only Vader remains.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

An idea popped in there.
Never liked Yoda’s death scene.
So imagine Luke has just rescued Han. Luke announces to the audience his intention to return to Yoda. We see the swamps of Dagobah Yoda is meditating. We hear engines and see an out of focus ship land behind him. “I sensed you coming old friend. The time has come. One last lesson have I” It’s not Luke. A red Saber ignites, Vader’s breath. “I will teach you to die”. When Luke gets back Yoda is one with the Force. His hut is smoldering ruins. The dialogue with Ben’s ghost continues as before.