Just saw the new clip, nice work Ady! Only problems I have with it are the two tie fighters we see when the imperial fleet arrives at Hoth, at the first part of the clip. You can see the blue screen matts around the ties when they pass by, and their flight path gets a bit sloppy right before the scene ends.
The other problem is the scene when the first transport takes off. The problem is not with the transport that is already in flight, it's the one thats coming out of the cave that is the problem. It's really distracting. I suggest that those background ships should be static or moving a bit slower, and composition wise, they stand out a little too much. They could use some softening. I also suggest darkening the ships a tad bit more. They seem to be catching a little bit too much light.
I think the focus should be on the ships in flight, and not on the ones in the background.
Other than that, I really like what I saw.