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General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I really wish we'd seen some Japanese people in the SW films. I mean, GL wanted to cast Toshiro Mifune as Obi-Wan!

And his early idea circa 1975 for having Han Solo be black was clearly what led to the creation of Lando in ESB.

Shame the casting of Japanese actors didn't happen--I guess the production crew on ROTJ was too busy making alien masks to bother putting human faces before the camera.

thread to continue the sex/gore in movies/tv dicussion from the Random Thoughts thread

darth_ender said:

ATMachine said:

For my part, I think that true respect for the human body would involve not being disgusted by its mere appearance on screen.

But then, I clearly don't run the MPAA.

On the other hand, I agree with you to the extent that "less is more".... that is, restrictions on creativity often force filmmakers to be more clever and entertaining than they would otherwise have been.

Still.... I really hope you're not advocating that filmmakers submit themselves to moral censorship based on Christianity. You do realize that doing so means, in effect, going back to the bad old days of the Production Code and the Catholic Legion of Decency?

I've heard stories about how Hays Office censors objected to films about the Holocaust because they feared the nudity of emaciated concentration camp prisoners would somehow be titillating.

Faced with the specter of censorious bureaucratic fools, I'll take Game of Thrones any day.

 You don't know me too well, but I don't recall saying that I am disgusted with the human body.  I am a nurse who just got off shift.  I probably have seen more people naked than you, and I'm not just talking about movies or particular websites.  Real people with real privates that I at times have to examine closely.  I do not find the human body repulsive.

Am I advocating moral censorship?  Only self-censorship.  I don't believe in taking away people's rights, but I do believe that their right is still wrong (clever pun there, eh?).

Thus, with you better understanding my views, as well as the obvious intent of trying to treat sex and the human body disrespectfully, do you think that respectful art or the Holocaust would somehow be included as not appropriate?  For children it probably is not, but for mature adults, certain things remain in fact preferable.  Who'd want to see the Holocaust as anything less than horrifying.  And speaking of which, why were those Holocaust victims so often forced into nudity?  Because it was humiliating, disrespectful, degrading, another opportunity for Nazis to exert control over others?

Good for you for standing up to censorship and getting an erection while you're at it.

Apologies if I offended you.

I'm very glad to hear that you don't actually advocate the sort of external censorship that led to the Hays Code. And I quite agree that a certain amount of restraint in filmmaking is welcome.

The trouble is, of course, that censorship is a slippery slope. I cited that Holocaust example for a reason.

A real person, in a position of power in Hollywood, actually thought that a movie about Holocaust victims might be dangerous to show--because it might turn the audience on!

It seems to me, therefore, that lewdness is in the eye of the beholder.

And as far as this discussion goes, I think it would help if you remembered that atheists are people just as much as religious believers.

Do you discriminate with medical care in your hospital based on a patient's religion? I'd hate to go to a hospital where they did.

thread to continue the sex/gore in movies/tv dicussion from the Random Thoughts thread

For my part, I think that true respect for the human body would involve not being disgusted by its mere appearance on screen.

But then, I clearly don't run the MPAA.

On the other hand, I agree with you to the extent that "less is more".... that is, restrictions on creativity often force filmmakers to be more clever and entertaining than they would otherwise have been.

Still.... I really hope you're not advocating that filmmakers submit themselves to moral censorship based on Christianity. You do realize that doing so means, in effect, going back to the bad old days of the Production Code and the Catholic Legion of Decency?

I've heard stories about how Hays Office censors objected to films about the Holocaust because they feared the nudity of emaciated concentration camp prisoners would somehow be titillating.

Faced with the specter of censorious bureaucratic fools, I'll take Game of Thrones any day.

Is Leeland Chee fired? (a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group)

Frankly, at the moment I'm worried about certain other Lucasfilm employees a lot more than I fear for Leland Chee.

Who they are I do not yet wish to say. But an earthquake has been set in motion.... a Temblor with far-reaching consequences, whose effects will be like those of a Great Scythe.

Even the Dead will fall in the wake of its wrath!

Actually, the thing I fear most for Leland Chee right now is that, with so little new canon as yet written, he'd be bored out of his skull.

Last movie seen

As far as Dial M for Murder goes, I'm a big fan of John Williams' (the actor, not the composer) performance as Inspector Hubbard.

He's so outwardly unprepossessing that you can't help but think he's going to be a blundering detective in the mold of Thomson and Thompson, but he's far cannier than he lets on.

Perfect casting in my opinion. I kind of wish Denholm Elliott had played Marcus Brody that way at some point in the Indy films--it'd have provided a good balance between the bumbling museum curator of Last Crusade and the savvy ex-adventurer of Raiders.

All Things Star Trek

SilverWook said:

DrCrowTStarwars said:

Yeah since when did Picard shoot first and ask questions latter.  The situation in Insurrection is exactly the type of thing he would have talked his way out of on the show, why did it need to turn into a blood bath again.  Also once we get the plot twist that the Baku kicked the Sona off of the planet and now they are dying slowly and painfully there are no straight up good guys.  Now on the show Picard would have refused to take sides once he learned this and used it to force some sort of truce but in the movie he just uses it as another excuse to kill Sona.  The twist didn't change anything so what was the point and Picard is so out of character I don't even think of him as Picard.

I grew up with TNG and I hate the movies because of this, it's painful to admit but it is true. I can't stand the TNG movies.

 What stuck out for me in FC, was his almost casual writing off any crew member who had been assimilated. Never mind he's living proof you can be de-borgified, shoot to kill!

If he had ever met Seven of Nine, that would have been a really awkward conversation. ;)

 I have thought this many times myself.

Doctor Who

Hmmm..... who is "The Witch's Familiar," I wonder?

The "Witch" in question is presumably Missy.... but who's the Clara to her Doctor?

I wonder if they're setting up a new companion for when Jenna finally leaves the show. Here's hoping they don't go with somebody else from present-day Earth this time.