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Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

It doesn't matter who I am !!!!! circa 2001 the rock wwf.

anyway, i am not speaking for anyone, just taking a look at what i see. when people talk smack aka shit, about someone or what they are doing, kinda sucks buddy.

didn't know to be on a site, you had to grow a pair. another stupid comment. so many "tuff guys" are behind a keyboard. tell you what, take your pair and go boil them.

comeback with something positive to say.

Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***
tjdavis1138 said:

If ID gave you permission than I apoligize,  I'm just speaking for myself here and not ID. I would have rather not seen them used at all. 

I'm sure this is in the reborn thread somewhere but I'll post it again.  ID and I quit because we were burned out plain and simple. We put in a ton of work on reborn and just couldn't get the results we wanted. We didn't want to release anything that wasn't of the highest quality and what we had done so far most certainly was not.  

I changed jobs in January of this year which has kept me very busy (not to mention the wife and kids!).  ID has many things going on in his own life, one of which is being heavily involved in his Kingdom of the Crystal Skull edit, which could be the most highly anticipated edit since ANH: Revisited. :) 

I still have everything from the project sitting on my hard drive including a newer cut of anh/aotc that ID did later. Some of the stuff ID has come up with for this project really is brilliant.

Will reborn ever see the light of day?  Who knows. I'd love for it to, but not if we have to release a sub-par version. 

My suggestion to A-Man would be to delete what you downloaded off of the internet and re-create those scenes. When you release the full qualtiy version in December those scenes will stick out like a sore thumb because they weren't uploaded in full quality.  Use them as a template and nothing more.




yeah, i'm with you. let me know if you need what they call, persuasion to get back into it. hint..

i hope it does get back off the ground TJ/ID.

looking forward to the crystal rework.


Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

oh no, i hear you for sure. just making the case of, he was so far ahead back in 06-07, a shame that he would have left it up to you to make one similar, when he was as close as he was per say.

i know it is low quality, yes i have seen the posts. just didn't expect the quality to be that bad.

i guess i am just spoiled from seeing ID's trailers, and the one of rotj recut ending i posted the link here of.

again, from what he said to me, he stopped because you were making one too.

Star Wars: Renascent *** NOW AVAILABLE!!! ***

well from what ID, told me, was that someone else was going to do,so basically just came to a halt, lost footage or not. this goes back to 07.

if you had seems like from TJ, you didn't have permission to use some of their stuff?

no i have not seen clip, but seeing those stills, wow, that looks like s h i t, so why would i wanna see a trailer or clip of that, that looks like one step above the poltergeist scenes of white snow on the t.v.

of course you're doing your own thing, from what ID said via message, came across, like since you're doing it, he wasn't gonna bother.