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I’m not talking about the worst, most offensive, or most childish change. I’m talking about the changes so baffling that it boggles the mind that anyone ever even thought of them and you can’t even begin to understand the line of reasoning going through Lucas’s head when he made them. When it comes to something like Greedo shooting or Hayden Christensen ghost, you may think Lucas’s reasoning for the change is idiotic, but you can usually at least understand why he did it and see what he was going for, no matter how strongly you disagree with the result.
But for me, the essence of just how pointless the SE is comes in two unfathomable dialogue changes that just make no sense. My least favorite dialogue change is the loss of “bring my shuttle,” but you can at least see why he did that since he was adding footage of Vader walking to his shuttle at that moment, so the line no longer made sense in context. But there are two that I just don’t understand why they were done at all:
- “You were lucky to get out of there” replacing “You were lucky you don’t taste very good”
- “It’s alright, I can see a lot better” replacing “It’s alright, trust me”
I’m convinced that the only reason these lines were changed is because Lucas initially recorded two takes and just decided to go with the alternate take when doing the SE for shits and giggles. It was just lying around, so why not? Otherwise I just can’t understand why he did it. It’s not something that makes or breaks the films, but in both cases they are made just ever so slightly worse because the humor and humanity in those lines that was probably the reason the younger Lucas chose them in the first place is gone, replaced by cold and sterile lines that were overly literal and overexplanatory. And for nothing. I just don’t get it.