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How often do you watch the Original Trilogy?


Some of my friends will watch them whenever they’re on television; others maybe once a year. For others, it’s somewhere in-between.

Personally, I mostly watch parts and segments when channel-changing, as opposed watching in their entirety, from beginning to end.


I probably watch them once a year. Maybe twice. But now that my kids are old enough it’s always a family event. And it’s always the OOT (currently 4K77, ESB DE 2.0, and 4K83).

I’m in the planning (and saving up for) stage of building a home theater so I’m hoping my next watch will be sometime in late 2021 as the inauguration of sorts for the theater. And if so, that’ll be my first time watching 4K77 in actual 4K!

Whoops, I forgot that D+80 has supplanted the despecialized edition for ESB in my lineup.


NeverarGreat said:

The last time I watched the whole trilogy was probably 2015 or 2016. Since then, I’ve watched bits and pieces from them on occasion, but I think the oversaturation of Star Wars from TFA onward has cooled my interest for sure.

Same for me.


include fan versions i think every movie… 300 - 400 times… 😃


I don’t think a year has gone by when I haven’t watched all the movies more than once.


As a kid, I would rent an OT film from the video store every single Friday for years. I took an extended break for most of the 2010s, only rewatching my old GOUT DVDs a few months before TFA came out. But, after discovering Harmy’s work last year, I’ve had a renewed interest in the series, so I’ll probably go back to watching the OT at least once a year going forward.


Every year or so, usually whenever the mood strikes. I don’t watch them in order unless it’s with a friend, so it comes down to whichever of the three I feel like watching.

I alternate between my preservation of choice, and Revisited.

“Star Wars has, and will always be a restaurant.”


Probably once every 6 months or so. I find it to be a ‘pick me up’ really


I watch them once a year along with the prequels and sometimes the sequels.


I’m planning on watching a double feature of Raiders of the lost ark preservation and 4K77 Star Wars, in my home when i can find the time.


Ever since 2015 I’ve done Saga marathons in December. I intend to continue this trend for the foreseeable future, as it seems Star Wars is sticking with December theatrical releases.

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Couple of times a year? I don’t really keep track.


Last time all through was Christmas 2014 at the BFI in London.


I try to watch them at least once each year, definitely watching parts from time to time, it’s always something special to watch the full movies at once.

You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll kiss three bucks goodbye!


I haven’t watched ROTJ in its entirety in years, probably 4 or so. I’m waiting for me to finally get off my ass and edit it for it to go back to regular rotation. TESB I usually watch once every couple of years. Star Wars I watch at least once every year, but usually more.

As for the others… I’ve only seen Solo twice, and Rogue One three or four times. I don’t think I’ll revisit them very often, though Rogue One is my favorite of the two and one of my favorites in general. TROS only once, and I intend to keep it that way, TFA many times in 2015/16 but I think only once since (two days ago, and I don’t think I’ll watch it anytime soon), and TLJ I’ve seen like 7 or 8 times, but I don’t see myself watching it more than once every 2/3 years. As for the PT, I don’t usually watch TPM or AOTC, but I’ve seen them tons of times, and ROTS I watch once every couple of years ish, like TESB.


just last night, I was flipping the channels and caught Luke’s arrival to Dagobah. I initially just wanted to see Yoda steal his flashlight and ended up sitting through the conclusion. Funny how that happens.


I used to watch Return of the Jedi at least once a year, sometimes multiple times, starting in the 80’s when we taped it off TV. I took a break around the time of middle school and started up again after the Special Editions came out (after which I probably watched the complete trilogy once a year).

When I was a kid, we didn’t go to the theaters that often, but my parents would and it would be the defacto babysitting tape when I was watching my younger siblings.

I slowed down in the early 2000s and I probably have seen them the least often since Disney took over. The Last Jedi killed a lot of my enthusiasm for Star Wars in general for awhile, but not completely. I did see the ESB re-release in theaters in 2020.

I like just sitting down to a movie I know I will enjoy, rather than doing a research project where I nitpick all the changes on screen, maybe that’s odd to hear on a forum like this which was based on noticing these things (and changing them).

As for doing a marathon, I think that tends to make the experience less enjoyable rather than more, because whatever you watch at the end you are going to be really tired for, and you don’t have a chance to let it really sink in. So ROTJ is going to suffer the most in those kinds of binge sessions. I have only once ever done it where I tried to watch all Star Wars movies “in order.” At my sister’s house we started in the morning with Episode I and we had breakfast, lunch and dinner at the appropriate times. People came and went (some friends showed up only for the OT). That was a long day. If it had been done a decade later to include the sequels (and/or “Star wars stories”) I would have refused, or only showed up for part of it… that’s just too much.

I wouldn’t even sit through a LOTR marathon (better to split it up over multiple nights). Each to their own, maybe I’m not the right age anymore to do that sort of thing. 6 hours of straight watching anything is hard to do, even if it’s stuff you love.

I’d much rather watch one (or at most 2) movies a day and spread it out over a weekend (or two) or even a week. It’s tougher to get adults from different households to do anything that dedicated together (even before the pandemic). If you can though, good luck!

I’m with Nilbog in that certain movies I can catch it mid-way through and will stay till the end, even though I didn’t plan on it. Most movies (in general) I will just turn it off and resolve to see it from the beginning (and often put that off for months or even years). Not so with ROTJ, most of all of the classic films. If it were the prequels I might watch the fight scenes, and that’s probably it. Still, over the years I’ve probably seen Episode I more times than I’d care to admit even though it’s my least favorite of the George Lucas ones.

With ROTJ probably the more I see it, the more I enjoyed it, but ROTS I actually saw too much in the time between its release in theaters and the time it came out on DVD. Even though I said I enjoyed it, I had no desire to watch it for years after that time. I re-watched it again more recently on the blu-ray set from 2011 and I was amazed once again how jarring the change was from the first act to the second (I was re-watching the entire series, about one movie a week in 2018 iirc).

As cool as it would be to do a fan-edit, I think it would possibly ruin a movie for me to watch it that closely and that often in such a span of time. But maybe actual editors don’t feel that way.

When things open up again, I would love to see the classic Trilogy in theaters again, and even though I might make an exception to my “no marathons” general rule. 😉



Since I was a kid with VHS tapes, I don’t think a year has gone by that I haven’t watched them at least once. Probably more than once. I just don’t get tired of Star Wars.


Less and less each year. Just in general Star Wars has been replaced with The Witcher, Mass Effect, and other gaming universes. Gaming and Podcasts have increasingly replaced movies and TV (and reading, sadly) in how I spend my entertainment hours.

Man, back in the 90s and early 00s I would watch these films so much, buy up tons of EU material (books, comics, games).

My main engagement with Star Wars is playing KOTOR2: The Sith Lords, once a year or so.

“It is only through interaction, through decision and choice, through confrontation, physical or mental, that the Force can grow within you.”
-Kreia, Jedi Master and Sith Lord


Once a year. I try and make time to watch all 3, I don’t watch any of the other Star Wars stuff often at all, just the Original Trilogy. Sometimes Rogue One and Solo, but they are not really a tradition, like it is for the OT. May be in the future it will be.
Always the original versions of the Original Trilogy. I’ve seen the later releases with more changes in each release, but watching them once or twice was enough for me.

I did manage to sit through the entire Holiday Special once, and have seen a few clips up on YouTube since. There should have been a postal “send away” for a free medal, or ability to join some sort of members club for watching that! 😃


I just watched Star Wars again and Return of the Jedi. Waiting for 4K80 to be able to enjoy Empire in good quality without all the horrible changes in the 2020 Special Edition, or the bad colors of the Eastman prints that seem to be every version available.


Once a year generally or whenever they happen to be on TV I’ll watch parts.


It’s the trilogy I watch the most (at least once per month, at most, a 3 day one at a time marathon)

I’m not really that much of a movie purist. I really should’ve thought my name out a bit more.