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You're Disney, what do you do with Star Wars? — Page 2


TLJ is the only thing I love about the ST, and it’s precisely the one that ignored the fans.


fmalover said:

TLJ is the only thing I love about the ST, and it’s precisely the one that ignored the fans.

This is pretty much the boat I’m in as well, though I can appreciate how well-made TFA is from a technical standpoint, and I can kinda enjoy TRoS if I pretend the other two don’t exist.

But yeah, TLJ is the only one of the three that has true storytelling integrity.


fmalover said:

TLJ is the only thing I love about the ST, and it’s precisely the one that ignored the fans.

This isn’t really true either, it just prioritized some “fans” (the Lucasfilm Story Group and people like them) over others. It’s still full of exactly the same kind of repetitive material as The Force Awakens. It follows the same plot beats as ESB and ROTJ. It puts the Battle of Hoth at the end and the Emperor’s throne room in the middle, but it’s all the same stuff.

The other issue is that it isn’t so much ignoring what fans want as just being actively hostile to the audience in general. Everything is some kind of bait and switch. Even if you like the plot for being subversive, the subversiveness makes it frustrating to watch. Oh wow a cool ship! Oh it’s a clothes iron. Oh wow Rey is going to find out something about herself in the dark cave! Oh she just sees nothing and her character is exactly as uninteresting as before. Oh wow Kylo Ren offers Rey a chance to ignore all the conflict and start a third way! Oh she says no and he wasn’t really telling the truth anyway. The one thing that everyone (fan or not) would have universally loved, having Poe and Finn go on more adventures, was deliberately avoided.


Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.

I understand that as well and I also like that. However, there are things in the old EU that I wouldn’t want to be canon even though they were all integrated somehow. I think everyone always had stuff that they ignored. For me it’s The Old Republic MMO, big chunks of the prequels, everything post New Jedi Order, and loads of cruddy books and comics scattered all over.


Release the OOT. Its the one thing they haven’t done that could get me to spend money. I’m pretty much done with Disney Star Wars since they don’t support physical media. Not a plus subscriber and don’t intend to be.


Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not? Canon isn’t the biggest deal ever, but it’s nice to have everything in a fictional universe be roughly consistent with each other. That way, you get to avoid the confusion that comes with insanely tangled multiverse timelines, and every installment feels like it “matters” in the grand scheme of things.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Adapt some aspects of the EU into Live Action like Mara Jade Thrawn Luke Jedi Order and the Yuuzhan Vong maybe not tell the same story from the EU but use those concepts


If they go animated on EU novels, I’d still like to see them in the style of the amazing work on Spiderverse.
Deeper and not so cartoonish.

Forum Moderator

SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not?

StarkillerAG said:

SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not? Canon isn’t the biggest deal ever, but it’s nice to have everything in a fictional universe be roughly consistent with each other. That way, you get to avoid the confusion that comes with insanely tangled multiverse timelines, and every installment feels like it “matters” in the grand scheme of things.


«This is where the fun begins!»
(Anakin Skywalker)


Darth Malgus said:

What would I have done if I had bought Star Wars in 2012? Well, to understand it, you first need to understand how the Canon of the time was structured. Before the decanonization of the EU there was a very precise Canon hierarchical system in place, which included five levels:

  • G Canon: The Prequel Trilogy and the Original Trilogy
  • T Canon: The Clone Wars (2008)
  • C Canon: The majority of the EU
  • S Canon: The stories written in the 70s and 80s, before the Thrawn Trilogy
  • N Canon: The non-Canon stories, such as the Infinities comics, the satirical stuff, etc.

Anyone can see that this hierarchical system is very complicated, and that many people can get confused. So, if I had bought Star Wars in 2012 I would have kept the EU as Canon, but at the same time simplifying the hierarchical system by eliminating the S Canon and the T Canon tiers.

The stories that were part of the S Canon tier contradict the post-Thrawn Trilogy EU, so they were not considered entirely Canon, but only partially Canon. That is, the parts of those stories that didnt contradict the post-Thrawn Trilogy EU were considered Canon, while the parts that did contradict it weren’t taken into account. Now, since the S Canon stories were never considered entirely Canon to begin with, then keeping the S Canon tier is completely useless. So, if I had bought Star Wars in 2012 I would have simplifyed the Canon hierarchy by completely erasing the S Canon tier, and moving all the stories that were part of that tier into the N Canon (non-Canon) tier.

I’d have an issue with this. The Brian Daley Han Solo trilogy was effectively moved to the C tier by A.C. Crispin when she included them in her new Han Solo trilogy (there is a note in the text of the last book that says those three stories happen effectively making it a Han Solo 6 part series).


StarkillerAG said:

SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not? Canon isn’t the biggest deal ever, but it’s nice to have everything in a fictional universe be roughly consistent with each other. That way, you get to avoid the confusion that comes with insanely tangled multiverse timelines, and every installment feels like it “matters” in the grand scheme of things.

I guess I just don’t see the value in that. I don’t think either Star Wars EU does anything especially interesting with the overarching history of the galaxy so I don’t think we’d lose much by moving away from an overarching continuity. It feels like more of a novelty that pretty wildly different stories have continuity between each other.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

StarkillerAG said:

SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not? Canon isn’t the biggest deal ever, but it’s nice to have everything in a fictional universe be roughly consistent with each other. That way, you get to avoid the confusion that comes with insanely tangled multiverse timelines, and every installment feels like it “matters” in the grand scheme of things.

I guess I just don’t see the value in that. I don’t think either Star Wars EU does anything especially interesting with the overarching history of the galaxy so I don’t think we’d lose much by moving away from an overarching continuity. It feels like more of a novelty that pretty wildly different stories have continuity between each other.

I’m not big on the idea of all these interconnected stories myself. I think a better approach is to let different creators do different types of stories however they want to. If they want to form a continuity, the only rule should be no contradicting other stories. I think at its inception, Lucasfilm marketing wanted the EU to work like this, but what ended up happening was authors started trying to interweave everything. Miss this one book that came out three years ago? Well looks like you’re not going to understand what this is all about then.

Its also one of my least favorite parts about comic books. Miss a story or read one you didn’t like? Too bad, here it is in another series and you have to deal with it here now! This is a very niche thing but still, I personally hate not having a full story like that. This is going to seem bizarre to some but I did not like the famous Thrawn trilogy. I do however, somewhat enjoy Jedi Academy. It isn’t a big deal, but it is annoying to see Thrawn and Dark Empire Palpatine brought up in Jedi Academy, a trilogy that I think should be its entirely own story.

Just my opinions of course.

Move along, move along.


of_Kaiburr_and_Whills said:

SparkySywer said:

StarkillerAG said:

SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not? Canon isn’t the biggest deal ever, but it’s nice to have everything in a fictional universe be roughly consistent with each other. That way, you get to avoid the confusion that comes with insanely tangled multiverse timelines, and every installment feels like it “matters” in the grand scheme of things.

I guess I just don’t see the value in that. I don’t think either Star Wars EU does anything especially interesting with the overarching history of the galaxy so I don’t think we’d lose much by moving away from an overarching continuity. It feels like more of a novelty that pretty wildly different stories have continuity between each other.

I’m not big on the idea of all these interconnected stories myself. I think a better approach is to let different creators do different types of stories however they want to. If they want to form a continuity, the only rule should be no contradicting other stories. I think at its inception, Lucasfilm marketing wanted the EU to work like this, but what ended up happening was authors started trying to interweave everything. Miss this one book that came out three years ago? Well looks like you’re not going to understand what this is all about then.

Its also one of my least favorite parts about comic books. Miss a story or read one you didn’t like? Too bad, here it is in another series and you have to deal with it here now! This is a very niche thing but still, I personally hate not having a full story like that. This is going to seem bizarre to some but I did not like the famous Thrawn trilogy. I do however, somewhat enjoy Jedi Academy. It isn’t a big deal, but it is annoying to see Thrawn and Dark Empire Palpatine brought up in Jedi Academy, a trilogy that I think should be its entirely own story.

Just my opinions of course.

I completely agree (including the part about the Thrawn trilogy being overrated).



This should almost go without saying, but my very first move would be to give each film of the pre-existing I-VI saga its own “all versions” edition like how WB handled Blade Runner. As a show of good will to George, I’d extend an olive branch by inviting him to make whatever changes he wants to his versions and I’d even offer to finance a complete re-do of the cgi, essentially a Special Edition 2.0, if that’s what he wanted. This would be on the understanding, though, that this would be the final edits he ever makes to the films.

Speaking of George, I think I’d keep him involved with 7-9 and at least try to incorporate more of whatever his ideas were for the ST. I don’t think I’d get Abrams, it would either be Johnson from the get-go or another filmmaker who’d only worked with smaller budgets just like George had when he made THX and Graffiti. It’s been a decade, so who knows who that could’ve been, but I wouldn’t get hung up on “this person basically already made a Star Wars movie so just give them an actual Star Wars movie” like Lucasfilm did when they courted JJ.

…But here’s my little twist, since this is all a thought experiment anyway…

…I’d insist they figure out a way to set the ST within the confines of the existing EU, if for no other reason than it would force the writers/directors to get creative and not lean on Nostalgia. Nothing that’s happened in the years since Endor needs to be referenced (Coruscant wasn’t so much as mentioned in the actual ST anyway), but there would be certain unavoidable limitations in place.


George, Rian and JJ all get offered the chance to make whatever changes they’d like to their respective works. All eleven films get the Blade Runner treatment, with all the deleted footage from Rogue One, Solo, and TRoS finally out there for all to see.

Final Cuts of all nine main saga films get released in theaters in chronological I-IX order, with only a week between the re-release of each film just like the Saturday matinee serials that inspired Star Wars in the first place. Rogue One and Solo would also occasionally be shown theatrically, as would the original cuts of the OT.

Tell a new saga taking place thousands of years either before or after the films we know and find a young, hungry director for the job.


of_Kaiburr_and_Whills said:

SparkySywer said:

StarkillerAG said:

SparkySywer said:

Darth Malgus said:

I think it might be simpler to just do it the way the Star Trek EU does and let people choose to integrate or not integrate whichever canon they want.

Well, no. Unlike most of you, I’m a person who actually cares about continuity. I would like Star Wars to be a multimedia project, a single universe made up of multiple media that’s basically consistent with itself and between the various stories, as much as possible. I’m absolutely in favour of the existence of and official continuity, I think it’s necessary. This doesn’t prevent the individual fans to create their own personal Canon, and in fact I am the first to do so. But I think the existence of a stable and consistent official continuity is important.


Why not? Canon isn’t the biggest deal ever, but it’s nice to have everything in a fictional universe be roughly consistent with each other. That way, you get to avoid the confusion that comes with insanely tangled multiverse timelines, and every installment feels like it “matters” in the grand scheme of things.

I guess I just don’t see the value in that. I don’t think either Star Wars EU does anything especially interesting with the overarching history of the galaxy so I don’t think we’d lose much by moving away from an overarching continuity. It feels like more of a novelty that pretty wildly different stories have continuity between each other.

I’m not big on the idea of all these interconnected stories myself. I think a better approach is to let different creators do different types of stories however they want to. If they want to form a continuity, the only rule should be no contradicting other stories. I think at its inception, Lucasfilm marketing wanted the EU to work like this, but what ended up happening was authors started trying to interweave everything. Miss this one book that came out three years ago? Well looks like you’re not going to understand what this is all about then.

Its also one of my least favorite parts about comic books. Miss a story or read one you didn’t like? Too bad, here it is in another series and you have to deal with it here now! This is a very niche thing but still, I personally hate not having a full story like that. This is going to seem bizarre to some but I did not like the famous Thrawn trilogy. I do however, somewhat enjoy Jedi Academy. It isn’t a big deal, but it is annoying to see Thrawn and Dark Empire Palpatine brought up in Jedi Academy, a trilogy that I think should be its entirely own story.

Just my opinions of course.

It depends on what you like and don’t like. Eventually you’ll run into something you don’t like either way. But it is cool when the things that you do like reference each other.


2012: I would continue as planned all ongoing and in-development projects including TCW, 1313, Detours, and Underworld. I would focus on these projects as I would not want a sequel trilogy, the movies would always be a 6-episode story as Lucas intended. I would release the original cuts of the 6 films if I was legally allowed to do so, and continue the 3D releases as planned. Also, there would be no canon reset, but there would be no new post-RotJ content. If there were no sequel trilogy, as it should have been, I see no reason to focus on that time period as much, if at all. There are so many more time periods to explore, and with that comes so much potential.

Now: I would designate Disney canon with a name like how Legends is treated and they would be equal but separate, with the possibility of new works equal in both continuities. This would mean publication of Legends media would resume and be alongside Disney canon. I would also bring back Colin Trevorrow to make his version of IX to be an alternate version of the movie, to best describe this would be to say it branches off from VIII to 2 versions of Episode IX that people would have a choice of which one to watch/consider canon in their own “certain point of view,” so to speak. The issue with this would be convincing John Boyega to reprise his role one more time, or if any other cast members might not want to do this either. Another thing I would do is focus less on the D+ shows and for example bring back Rogue Squadron and other films that may be or may already have been canceled, and in addition to this, release Episodes I-VI in 3D for real this time, starting over again at I and going in timeline order. Finally (and most obviously) I would release the original cuts of all 6 films that have had changes made to them including the prequels (RotS would be the one exception if it weren’t for the moss on Kashyyyk and the clones yelling in the background on Utapau).


I would want to develop the years in between ROTS and ANH, the Core Worlds during the events of the Original Trilogy, and the Old Republic era. I would look to what was planned for Underworld and hire James Luceno as a writer. I would make all the planned The Clone Wars episodes. Legends would continue. I would release all versions and sound mixes for all the movies and complete soundtracks for all the movies.

2012: I would declare movies and tv series going forwards to be a “Star Wars Cinematic Universe” and Legends to be “Coruscant-616”.

Now: I would establish a policy that anything that isn’t labeled as canon isn’t canon. I would make Solo 2. I would make everything less secretive.