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Your DVD Collection — Page 11


DuracellEnergizer said:

Since I’m bored, I’m gonna list all the movies I still own only on VHS:

  • Bad Boys (1983)
  • Behind the Sun (2001)
  • Blood and Concrete (1991)
  • Bringing out the Dead (1999)
  • Conan the Destroyer (1984)
  • The Dark Angel (1987)
  • The Frighteners (1996)
  • The Hitcher (1986)
  • The Limey (1999)
  • Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983)
  • Mystery Date (1991)
  • Nick of Time (1995)
  • Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)
  • Star Wars (1977)

I of course plan on replacing them all with BD/DVD copies eventually (It’ll be next to impossible for me to get a copy of The Dark Angel, though, since it hasn’t been given a Region 1 release.).

You may also have trouble with Star Wars (1977), unless you want a crappy LaserDisc transfer.


My latest additions:

  • Are You Afraid of the Dark? (Season 2)
  • Babylon 5 (Season 2)
  • Holes (2003)
  • Poltergeist (1982)

doubleKO said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Since I’m bored, I’m gonna list all the movies I still own only on VHS:

  • Bad Boys (1983)
  • Behind the Sun (2001)
  • Blood and Concrete (1991)
  • Bringing out the Dead (1999)
  • Conan the Destroyer (1984)
  • The Dark Angel (1987)
  • The Frighteners (1996)
  • The Hitcher (1986)
  • The Limey (1999)
  • Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983)
  • Mystery Date (1991)
  • Nick of Time (1995)
  • Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)
  • Star Wars (1977)

I of course plan on replacing them all with BD/DVD copies eventually (It’ll be next to impossible for me to get a copy of The Dark Angel, though, since it hasn’t been given a Region 1 release.).

You may also have trouble with Star Wars (1977), unless you want a crappy LaserDisc transfer.

If you don’t own a laserdisc player or said laserdisc all you may be able to get is a crappy laserdisc transfer so it’s not necessarily a bad thing.



I need to get more movies.


I remember when my DVD collection looked like that, and it contained most of those movies as well. It’s the Early-Twenties-Male Movie Starter Pack™.

Granted, I don’t buy a whole lot of DVDs/Blu-rays so my collection is only about 3x that size now, and a good portion is taken up by the VHS, 2004 DVD, 2006 DVD, and Blu-ray releases of the 6-film Star Wars Saga.

Yes, I have AOTC in all 3 formats.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I remember the first DVD I bought; it was the extended edition of Stargate.

In hindsight, I should’ve bought the GOUT version of SW instead. That way not only could I have a crappy LaserDisc transfer of the film instead of a decaying VHS copy that looks a thousand times worse, I could’ve later bought the Stargate BD that comes with both versions of the movie.


I bought two DVDs to start, TPM (sigh) and Simpsons S1 (yay).


Earl said:

I need to get more movies.

That certainly is a starter pack, LOL. Going to resale shops could help you beef that collection up a bit.

I still have my Halloween (Michael Meyers) DVD collection, Star Trek movie DVD’s, 2 Star Wars OT sets with one including the GOUT and a Prequel set plus a menagerie of others that I just could not part with, including a Godzilla/Gamera collection. I’m glad I didn’t because some of them have come in handy for projects needing alternate audio releases and color timing references.

Just have fun with it.


I have actually held on to all my DVDs, even the ones I’ve upgraded to Blu, because they’re much easier to work with when I need a quick snippet of audio or video for one of my projects. Ripping and working with HD files takes up much more time and hard drive space.


Perks of growing up in a conservative Christian household in the '00s include finding these years later:

EDIT: one of the discs is missing. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯



I’ve seen some of him on the Internet. It’s bad.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Not i’m I am avid fan as some are. But I’m working on a collection of the Evil Dead thanks to spleen members, and members here.


Darth Solo said:

Not i’m I am avid fan as some are. But I’m working on a collection of the Evil Dead thanks to spleen members, and members here.

I don’t know that this is the same as having actual original DVD’s. There is something about having the original packaging and such instead of something on a burned disc.

If they are things that have not seen a release outside of VHS and Laserdisc I can see having them.


That’s why I bought the book of dead edition limeted bollards, and the bootleg army of darkness. Is it the latter a bootleg, or an official release, as seen the in evil dead which looks like the book of the dead booklet.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Perks of growing up in a conservative Christian household in the '00s include finding these years later:

EDIT: one of the discs is missing. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

Please tell me one of his adventures involves him travelling back in time to 4004 BC to prove that young Earth creationism is the actual, literal, laugh-out-loud truth and that all old Earth creationists and theistic evolutionists are closet atheists damned to eternal torment in a sulfurous Hell.


DuracellEnergizer said:

suspiciouscoffee said:

Perks of growing up in a conservative Christian household in the '00s include finding these years later:

EDIT: one of the discs is missing. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

Please tell me one of his adventures involves him travelling back in time to 4004 BC to prove that young Earth creationism is the actual, literal, laugh-out-loud truth and that all old Earth creationists and theistic evolutionists are closet atheists damned to eternal torment in a sulfurous Hell.

Not AFAIK, but perhaps it could be a future animated series episode.



Heathens was Christian Slater’s best movie.

No wait, that was Heathers.


suspiciouscoffee said:

Perks of growing up in a conservative Christian household in the '00s include finding these years later:

EDIT: one of the discs is missing. ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

I popped one of these in just out of morbid curiosity, and one of the previews was for “Bibleman: Live.”



I’m honestly surprised this isn’t in 4:3.

Okay, now to the intro, and this is ridiculous. I CAN SEE THE GREEN SCREEN.

Somehow becoming a devout Christian advanced puberty by several years per second.

Through the power of prayer, Bibleman exposed hidden landmines I MEAN “Sneak Bombs.”

I could use some of this villain’s CGI test answer papers he threw into the air for kids to use to cheat.

So they used the entire climax of a previous episode as a flashback simply because someone referenced said episode.

I hope this is a clipshow.

So their base is a trailer that’s bigger on the inside. TARDIS trailer. Huh.

There’s apparently a full “Bible Adventure Team” out there somewhere. A full team.

“So you work in technology?”
“No, it’s just a hobby, my first love is Biblical Studies!”

So far, Bibleman acts and talks like a sidekick and his sidekick acts like the real hero.

These expository transition slides are just bizarre.

*reference to magic*
Sidekick guy: “I believe in MIRACLES, not magic.”

So the “plot” is that a sports drink sold at a concession stand is making all the kids at the baseball park into hateful brats. The villain is getting a phonecall from satan himself, and the camera keeps spinning and twisting while he’s just… talking.

The evil gatorade is made of sugar, water, and rotten apples. The reasoning behind this is because of biblical “spiritual fruit” allegories in Luke 6.

Evil mohawk goblin villain appears behind a kid and the kid doesn’t freak out because he’s so totally evil now, and so the villain teaches him the most evil thing ever: how to shrug!

I think the effects were rendered in about 240p, even though the rest of this is standard 480.

The heroes are now trapped on wires hanging from the ceiling.

Nevermind, they have now been released through the power of quoting scripture.

So now a girl shows up and this is suddenly eerily similar to Batman and Robin. The neon aesthetic, the Batgi- er, Biblegirl arc. Holy Shumacher!

The villains keep referencing Satan, but never by name. He is only “the Boss.”

The ending is an in invitation to accept Christ with a scripted prayer said eerily in unison in front of a green screen (Complete with visible green outline)!

This theme song is surprisingly catchy.

Well it’s over now, and that was… equal parts hilarious and uncomfortable.

Here’s the full thing on YouTube if anyone else wants to go on this bizarre Bible adventure.
