Originally posted by: CO
I have a respectful question Mielr, what is in SW insider that has any relevancy anymore? I picked up a couple of issues during the PT days to see what was going on with the upcoming movies, but I just don't understand why people keep funding Lucas every year for a movie series that is overwith?
I've considered letting my subscription lapse several times. I don't like the revisionist slant the magazine has taken, and I was really mad the time they bundled the magazine subscription w/Hyperspace and charged like $45 for it. But, I'm always afraid I'm going to miss something, so I've decided to keep it for now. However, they do send some nice items in the Fan Club membership pkg. One year we got a real animation cel used in the Ewoks cartoon series, there was a nice 25th anniversary ROTJ poster, novelty pens, patches, toys, pez dispensers, etc.
I started subscribing to Bantha Tracks in 1983 or '84, but I DID let my subscription lapse during the late 80's (when it was called Lucasfilm Fan Club magazine), but that was because there was almost zero Star Wars content during those years. But I agree that SWI is not the quality that it was 10 yrs and several publishers ago.
Originally posted by: Moth3r
I think his intention is to encourage fan films rather than fan edits - I certainly don't think he's condoning "the Internet as a distribution vehicle" for copyrighted works. However, "I know that some of you haven't liked every single thing that I've done" in the preceding sentence does suggest he is tolerant of Star Wars fan edits.
I don't know what to make of it. It's kind of ambiguous. You can definitely read a lot into it.