NeverarGreat said:
I am simply bewildered that so many people say that Zahn understands Star Wars better than Lucas. Zahn never tells us anything new about the Force, doesn't really force any of the primary cast to change
Thrawn and Mara Jade seemed to be the only characters that he cared about
I suppose it's all about what a person wants from a novel and what you consider understanding Star Wars. If it's strictly the magic of the journey from 1977, I feel like Zahn understands it much better than Lucas. If it's Tolkienesque mythology - that's all Lucas.
I wanted something more than the tired rehash of Jedi v Sith. I didn't find that stuff even remotely interesting in the one prequel I saw, so I certainly didn't want to read any novels about it. I wouldn't have bothered.
Correct on Zahn not delving into, or explaining, the Force. I loved it's mystery in 1977, so I enjoy its continued mystical properties in the Zahn novels. I'd much rather have it be an unknown magical property that only some people can feel - instead of Lucas' heavy-handed over explanation of how it can simply be measured with a Lady Gillette and then discussed ad nauseum in some chamber of elders.
Also correct on Mara and Thrawn being the focus of several of his novels. He invented those characters, so it stands to reason he'd write about them more often.
Regarding character development; I'd agree that Han & Leia go through very little of it in his novels. However, they don't figure into his stories much beyond vehicle, so they don't need to have lengthy novels about personal growth. That, by the way, is fine with me because I don't find either character to be very interesting. Luke is a continuation of, and maturing of, the character he was in Return. I think his character growth is realistic.
On a related note; To me, Zahn understands and handles Lando far better than Lucas. The novels where he figures into the story are some of the best of Zahn's work.
Mara receives the bulk of the growth through the years. We see her from the time she's 18 to around the age of forty and her character is wildly different as she grows and matures through the years. I enjoy her stories more than any of the others. I particularly like her depth when she's older.
If you dig the Sith\Jedi arc, there appears to be shelf after shelf of it in the book stores. Compared to what I seek out in EU, it's much more popular. It's not what I'd prefer, but I expect the Disney films to go in that direction.