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We should sue George Lucas. — Page 5

AxiaEuxine said:

I love all the fan edits that this site does, but man you guys posts are exhuasting to read....do you like anything?

We don't like people screwing up franchises and there's no reason why we should.


Mielr said:
AxiaEuxine said:

I love all the fan edits that this site does, but man you guys posts are exhuasting to read....do you like anything?

Yes- we like the 1977, 1980 and 1983 versions of the OT films, which is the reason this site was created.

This site was not originally created for fan edits. That has been a fortunate side-affect, but the main purpose of this site was and is to get the 1977, 1980 and 1983 versions of the OT films remastered and released in a up-to-date format (which today means anamorphic DVD or blu-ray).

Since the goal of this site has not yet been realized, I imagine (& hope) that there will be much talk about the subject for some time to come.


like what adywan's doing, its just filling in the gaps and mistakes the george lucas didn't fix so it will match up with the rest of the saga.


Mielr said:
AxiaEuxine said:

I love all the fan edits that this site does, but man you guys posts are exhuasting to read....do you like anything?

Yes- we like the 1977, 1980 and 1983 versions of the OT films, which is the reason this site was created.

This site was not originally created for fan edits. That has been a fortunate side-affect, but the main purpose of this site was and is to get the 1977, 1980 and 1983 versions of the OT films remastered and released in a up-to-date format (which today means anamorphic DVD or blu-ray).

Since the goal of this site has not yet been realized, I imagine (& hope) that there will be much talk about the subject for some time to come.


like what adywan's doing, its just filling in the gaps and mistakes the george lucas didn't fix so it will match up with the rest of the saga.


rcb said:

like what adywan's doing, its just filling in the gaps and mistakes the george lucas didn't fix so it will match up with the rest of the saga.


I have no idea what you're talking about.

C3PX said:
AxiaEuxine said:

I love all the fan edits that this site does, but man you guys posts are exhuasting to read....do you like anything?


Still trying to figure out why you are here if all you do is complain about everyone elses posts. Must be some odd form of masochism. Not suggesting your not welcome here, just wondering why you keep coming back when you dislike it so much.

(EDIT: You can skip the following paragraph, rcb summed it up perfectly in one sentence.)

We like plenty of things. Don't tell me you never come home from work and complain to your wife about colleages? Here we are a peer group that share interests. We are annoyed about things like the lack of a OOT DVD release, we can talk about it here with others who feel the same way. Same goes for the new Star Trek movie, plenty of fans are skeptical, we like to share that skepticism and hear what others think. In a world full of plenty of real problems, sometimes it is nice to worry about menial and pointless things, in the end we know they don't really matter.


Well, I like the fan edits and I come here from time to time to see if there are any updates. (looks over everyone's shoulders to see if there is anything on Empire revisted) And unfortunantly for me I have a tendency to wander once Im here. I dont really like the forums at TFN becuase they are just all over the place and have too many kids.

I can tell by the intelligence level of the posts here that there are very few kids. But you all seem to hate everything Star Wars. None of you seem to like the new MMO idea and Im very excited about that. You all hate the clone Wars and I think the show is awesome. And you all think the orginal theatrical release of the first trilogy is the end all be-all of human exsistence. (that is not meant to be snotty)

I suppose at the end of the day Im looking for a like-minded community to share my favoriteist hobby ever with and I cant share with you becuase anything post 83 you hate.


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia

AxiaEuxine said:

I can tell by the intelligence level of the posts here that there are very few kids. But you all seem to hate everything Star Wars. None of you seem to like the new MMO idea and Im very excited about that. You all hate the clone Wars and I think the show is awesome. And you all think the orginal theatrical release of the first trilogy is the end all be-all of human exsistence. (that is not meant to be snotty)

I suppose at the end of the day Im looking for a like-minded community to share my favoriteist hobby ever with and I cant share with you becuase anything post 83 you hate.



 please don't generalize us, as 'YOU ALL' ...... if you look hard enough,

you'll actually find people that do like those things... [i know for a fact

there are several people that like those things, if you read the threads]..


if you don't look around and see that, then aren't you being just as judgemental as you claim

the others to be?




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

AxiaEuxine said:

I love all the fan edits that this site does, but man you guys posts are exhuasting to read....do you like anything?

I've answered your questions before, and you've ignored my comments. So how about answering a question of mine: .... Do you think it is OK that the original academy-award winning movie "Star Wars" has not been restored and is unavailable in a modern format?

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars

AxiaEuxine said:

I suppose at the end of the day Im looking for a like-minded community to share my favoriteist hobby ever with and I cant share with you becuase anything post 83 you hate.

I wouldn't say all of us hate everything post-83. But the common denominator here is the OT. As I've said in the past, Star Wars is a big place with lots of different types of fans, so it can be hard to find the exact niche you're looking for.

Have you been over to http://galacticsenate.com/? They're not as hardcore about the OT as we are here, and they seem pretty mature.


You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I just don't see any point for Star Wars or Star Trek to continue.  Star Wars had two amazing movies, one good one, and three debatable ones, tons of novels and video games.  After the prequel trilogy, there's really nothing else to do.  There's no point in continuing to explore every single little nook and cranny in this galaxy.  As much as I disagree with this statement, George seems to believe that Star Wars is the "Tragedy of Darth Vader."  Even if that was true, he finished telling that story with the prequels.  And as for Star Trek, I'm willing to give this new movie a chance, but I still think that franchise should give up the ghost as well.  It's been around for forty years and encompasses six television series, ten movies (soon to be eleven), and also countless novels even though its creator has long been dead. 

Just because I don't like the new things doesn't mean that I hate Star Wars and Star Trek.  I just love them enough to believe that they should be given the dignified chance to end.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

Gaffer Tape said:

I just don't see any point for Star Wars or Star Trek to continue.  Star Wars had two amazing movies, one good one, and three debatable ones, tons of novels and video games.  After the prequel trilogy, there's really nothing else to do. 

Just because I don't like the new things doesn't mean that I hate Star Wars and Star Trek.  I just love them enough to believe that they should be given the dignified chance to end.


 i mentioned in another thread that the Star Wars franchise has generated over US$20 billion

dollars... i'm not sure how much the Trek series has.


but there's no way you're going to stop something with that much financial momentum..

unless peoples interest go away like they did in the late 80's-late 90's..(but even then

there was still merchandise)..


will the new tv show, and live action show coming out, books, comics, action figures, etc

for star wars... i doubt it will EVER end......

trek, i'm not so sure about, they've done a pretty good job of killing off interest in the

series ever since they went overboard with all the spinoffs.. if 'enterprise' hadn't been

cancelled maybe there would be more fans? but i think this new movie is the last gasp

of the trek series..... its possible it might come to an end (but not the merchandise though)...




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

Erikstormtrooper said:

I wouldn't say all of us hate everything post-83. But the common denominator here is the OT. As I've said in the past, Star Wars is a big place with lots of different types of fans, so it can be hard to find the exact niche you're looking for.

Have you been over to http://galacticsenate.com/? They're not as hardcore about the OT as we are here, and they seem pretty mature.


thanks for the link..

looks like a cool board....

but i do think there's just a much hardcore talk there also just by looking at the topic

titles..  maybe not as much bashing/flaming though..





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

AxiaEuxine said:

I can tell by the intelligence level of the posts here that there are very few kids. But you all seem to hate everything Star Wars. None of you seem to like the new MMO idea and Im very excited about that. You all hate the clone Wars and I think the show is awesome. And you all think the orginal theatrical release of the first trilogy is the end all be-all of human exsistence. (that is not meant to be snotty)

I suppose at the end of the day Im looking for a like-minded community to share my favoriteist hobby ever with and I cant share with you becuase anything post 83 you hate.

Well, as can be seen from the various comments, plenty of us like plenty of things post 1983. Such generalizations are not fair to anyone. We are out spoken about our opinions here, we are not afraid to say how we feel. We are not ashamed for disliking anything, or for liking anything. I think it odd you feel "none of" us seemed to like the new MMO idea, since if memory serves, just about as many of us who were disappointed in the idea expressed that they thought it was cool. Tons of people here absolutely love The Clone Wars cartoon, even I have admitted that while it is obviously aimed at the youngins and holds very little interest to me personally, that it isn't that bad of a show, and that if I were in the right age range I'd love it to death.

Countless times I has pronounced my deep love for X-Wing, a 1993 video game, Dark Forces (1995), Shadows of the Empire from (1996). Those three games are three of my absolute favorite bits of Star Wars. I have enjoyed many EU novels and comic books. As much as I dislike the PT as a whole, I have on numerous occasions mentioned my fondness of The Phantom Menace (1999) despite all its flaws. I have before mentioned really being excited about and enjoying the Special Editions of the SW trilogy (1997), but any fondness of the SE as an alternative version of the trilogy I had is sullied by having been burnt by not only having had my prefered versions ignored for a DVD release (after being told by their maker that if I want them, they are on VHS) but also by having the real SE that I enjoyed back in 1997 be ignored.

There are many post 1983 Star Wars things I absolutely love. Sure, there are a few around here who are strict 83 and nothing afters, as well as a few 77 onlys. There are many here who hate everything PT and EU. If I, a guy who loves many things EU, can get along quite well with guys who couldn't stand Empire Strikes Back (my favorite of the original trilogy) or anything that came after it, and if I can get along with guys who consider AOTC to be one of the best films, when I have only managed to sit through it twice and and couldn't imagine detesting a movie anymore than I detest that one, then why shouldn't you be able to get along with us? The bottom line is, you really seem to like SW. Well, so do we. Sorry if we manage to be pretty negative sometimes, but really, as many of us here who you find that don't like something, you will find others who do. We are a diverse group, and we respect each others likes and dislikes, that doesn't mean we wont voice our dislike for things, but we wont judge you for liking them.

As I have said before, we would love for you to stick around and become a regular part of this community. You really shouldn't get offended when we don't like something you like. Plenty of people here dislike things I like. Don't take things to heart so much. This can be a really fun place.


"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

negative1 said:


 i mentioned in another thread that the Star Wars franchise has generated over US$20 billion

dollars... i'm not sure how much the Trek series has.


but there's no way you're going to stop something with that much financial momentum..

unless peoples interest go away like they did in the late 80's-late 90's..(but even then

there was still merchandise)..


will the new tv show, and live action show coming out, books, comics, action figures, etc

for star wars... i doubt it will EVER end......

trek, i'm not so sure about, they've done a pretty good job of killing off interest in the

series ever since they went overboard with all the spinoffs.. if 'enterprise' hadn't been

cancelled maybe there would be more fans? but i think this new movie is the last gasp

of the trek series..... its possible it might come to an end (but not the merchandise though)...





Yeah except Lucas had to destroy the original star wars trilogy to get rich.

As for the JJ trek film Paramount does not care if it is garbage as long as it makes money like That piece of shit Cloverfield did.  MIII was totally a boxoffice bomb according to the Suits at Paramount.  Though they blamed that on Tom Cruise.  Just like they blamed the bomb of a speilberg film war of rthe worlds on cruise.  Instead of Spielberg.  They allowed him and Lucas to destroy the Indiana Jones franchise to make 700 million worldwide.

Money should never be a bar to the enjoyment of something or how great a piece of work, or art it is.  The old star wars trilogy would remain close to my heart even if it did not make tons of money.

Lucas is a good business man as far as the bottom Line goes.  His shareholders must be pleased.  But as a storyteller or being loyal to  his fans he sucks.

But also on the other side of the coin he is a very bad businessman because he does not give people what they want.  Also he keeps the one golden asset he has which would make him even richer the original originals from being released in anamorphic form. 

He refuses a fixed colors and sound version of the 2004 dvd's, he refuses the theatrical cuts for the prequels to people who want them.  He refuses the 1997 special editions to those who want him.

In other words the thing he is best at is f***ing over his fans.

The blu ray format won the format wars.  and Has the Amount of physical disc space and specifications to give the fans what they want.  Give them an Uber box set with 3 remastered and properly fixed versions of the trilogy.   For the fans of the prequels he can give them the 2 different versions and possibly give those who want a fixed Yoda in Episode 1 a third edit of the film. 

I personally don't care if the 2004, 1997, or prequels are ever released again.  I only  want the oot remastered and restored to its original state via the standards outlined by Robert Harris.

If the Ridey Scott's of the world, the Steven Speilberg's, and Francis Ford Coppola's can give people what they want on blu ray and dvd why cannot Lucas.

His stubborness is irritating and takes out any enjoyment i would get out of the prequels or special editions if i even get any from those films.  When the oot gets its due i will give the other films the status they deserve of a far far away second place in my collection.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

C3PX said:
AxiaEuxine said:

I can tell by the intelligence level of the posts here that there are very few kids. But you all seem to hate everything Star Wars. None of you seem to like the new MMO idea and Im very excited about that. You all hate the clone Wars and I think the show is awesome. And you all think the orginal theatrical release of the first trilogy is the end all be-all of human exsistence. (that is not meant to be snotty)

I suppose at the end of the day Im looking for a like-minded community to share my favoriteist hobby ever with and I cant share with you becuase anything post 83 you hate.

Well, as can be seen from the various comments, plenty of us like plenty of things post 1983. Such generalizations are not fair to anyone. We are out spoken about our opinions here, we are not afraid to say how we feel. We are not ashamed for disliking anything, or for liking anything. I think it odd you feel "none of" us seemed to like the new MMO idea, since if memory serves, just about as many of us who were disappointed in the idea expressed that they thought it was cool. Tons of people here absolutely love The Clone Wars cartoon, even I have admitted that while it is obviously aimed at the youngins and holds very little interest to me personally, that it isn't that bad of a show, and that if I were in the right age range I'd love it to death.

Countless times I has pronounced my deep love for X-Wing, a 1993 video game, Dark Forces (1995), Shadows of the Empire from (1996). Those three games are three of my absolute favorite bits of Star Wars. I have enjoyed many EU novels and comic books. As much as I dislike the PT as a whole, I have on numerous occasions mentioned my fondness of The Phantom Menace (1999) despite all its flaws. I have before mentioned really being excited about and enjoying the Special Editions of the SW trilogy (1997), but any fondness of the SE as an alternative version of the trilogy I had is sullied by having been burnt by not only having had my prefered versions ignored for a DVD release (after being told by their maker that if I want them, they are on VHS) but also by having the real SE that I enjoyed back in 1997 be ignored.

There are many post 1983 Star Wars things I absolutely love. Sure, there are a few around here who are strict 83 and nothing afters, as well as a few 77 onlys. There are many here who hate everything PT and EU. If I, a guy who loves many things EU, can get along quite well with guys who couldn't stand Empire Strikes Back (my favorite of the original trilogy) or anything that came after it, and if I can get along with guys who consider AOTC to be one of the best films, when I have only managed to sit through it twice and and couldn't imagine detesting a movie anymore than I detest that one, then why shouldn't you be able to get along with us? The bottom line is, you really seem to like SW. Well, so do we. Sorry if we manage to be pretty negative sometimes, but really, as many of us here who you find that don't like something, you will find others who do. We are a diverse group, and we respect each others likes and dislikes, that doesn't mean we wont voice our dislike for things, but we wont judge you for liking them.

As I have said before, we would love for you to stick around and become a regular part of this community. You really shouldn't get offended when we don't like something you like. Plenty of people here dislike things I like. Don't take things to heart so much. This can be a really fun place.


this place really can be fun!


vote_for_palpatine said:

Socks, plants, rival camps of fans, suppressing cinematic history - my God, GL is totally insane.

Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?

Johnboy3434 said:
Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


We were driven insane by watching CGI Jabba, Jabba's palace SE musical number, invasive ROTJ SE celebration scenes (with added Gungan) and Hayden Skywalker. ;)

Vaderisnothayden said:
Johnboy3434 said:
Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


We were driven insane by watching CGI Jabba, Jabba's palace SE musical number, invasive ROTJ SE celebration scenes (with added Gungan) and Hayden Skywalker. ;)


 what the hell you talking about. CGi  jabba, the musical number and the ROTJ celebration was definitly nessecary. and haydens goast was one of the best add ins GL did.

Vaderisnothayden said:
Johnboy3434 said:
Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


We were driven insane by watching CGI Jabba, Jabba's palace SE musical number, invasive ROTJ SE celebration scenes (with added Gungan) and Hayden Skywalker. ;)


and the original jabba, and musical number, and the final Ewok song were any better?

i don't think so, they were all equally cheesy...




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

rcb said:
Vaderisnothayden said:
Johnboy3434 said:
Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


We were driven insane by watching CGI Jabba, Jabba's palace SE musical number, invasive ROTJ SE celebration scenes (with added Gungan) and Hayden Skywalker. ;)


 what the hell you talking about. CGi  jabba, the musical number and the ROTJ celebration was definitly nessecary. and haydens goast was one of the best add ins GL did.

Seriously?  Seriously?!  Am I missing the irony in your post?  Please tell me I'm missing the irony in your post.  I mean, as much as I disagree with your previous posts, I can understand to an extent why you might not like puppets.  But you're really going to have to explain why the above list of changes is necessary because I just can't begin to understand that. 


There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.

rcb said:
Vaderisnothayden said:
Johnboy3434 said:
Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


We were driven insane by watching CGI Jabba, Jabba's palace SE musical number, invasive ROTJ SE celebration scenes (with added Gungan) and Hayden Skywalker. ;)


 what the hell you talking about. CGi  jabba, the musical number and the ROTJ celebration was definitly nessecary. and haydens goast was one of the best add ins GL did.


CGI Jabba was utterly unnecessary. That whole scene was unnecessary, so stuffing in a cgi Jabba that didn't fit with the film's style or with previously existing portrayals of Jabba was totally unnecessary. The musical number? How in god's name was that necessary? There was zero need for it. Heck, there wasn't even any need for the original scene, except that it was part of the original film, so expanding it with nonsense and cartoonish creatures was totally unnecessary, not to mention serious vandalism. The ROTJ SE celebration was so damned unnecessary that nobody felt its lack in all those years after ROTJ came out before the SE came out. It broke up the flow and feel of that part of  ROTJ, which was emotionally important stuff. Hayden's ghost?! Sebastian Shaw did a great job on ROTJ and his sympathetic portrayal was emotionally important to the end of the trilogy. That final image of him redeemed is crucial. It was an abomination to replace him with Hayden Christensen, who has nothing to do with Anakin Skywalker in any of the valid Star Wars films. And Hayden Christensen's performance in the prequels was the worst thing about the prequels, so putting him in the original trilogy was an incredible insult. Not to mention an insult to Sebastian Shaw. All those things are stand out extreme cases of vandalizing the original trilogy, abominations that would make any good Star Wars fan want to vomit. 

negative1 said:
Vaderisnothayden said:
Johnboy3434 said:
Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


We were driven insane by watching CGI Jabba, Jabba's palace SE musical number, invasive ROTJ SE celebration scenes (with added Gungan) and Hayden Skywalker. ;)


and the original jabba, and musical number, and the final Ewok song were any better?

i don't think so, they were all equally cheesy...




The original Jabba was a spectacular work of art. So convincing and so full of personality. The original musical number wasn't my favorite part of the film, but it wasn't drastically at odds with the film like the SE version was. The final Ewok song fit in with the fim, unlike the added celebrations on various worlds, which broke up the feel and flow of that part of the movie. Rightful parts of the film versus additions that didn't fit and screwed things up. 


The only SE change I can actually say I prefer over the original was the ROTJ ending. I really don't like Ewoks too much, and them singing Yub Nub and celebrate the love is not something I have ever felt was the greatest ending to the trilogy. The yub nub bit worked well enough, but I kind of prefer the musical bit from the new one. I even kind of liked the idea of seeing other planet celebrating (until Jar Jar was added anyway), though, it is a bit silly considering the Emporer's body hasn't even gone cold yet, so to speak (yeah, I know, he got blown up), and they are already tearing down his statue. Seems for such a figure to be so powerful he would need a lot of loyalties, loyalties who wouldn't just give up the second he is dead.

As for the Hayden ghost, not only is it annoying that they removed Shaw and dismantled a moment in the film that was absolutely perfect the way it was, this change makes no sense at all! Obi-wan is an old man, and Anakin is still in his twenties. Someone didn't think that one through very well... If they had gone ahead and put Ewan's Obi-Wan there and maybe even the CG Yoda as well, then it would have made a little more since. Hell, just to make it even more weird and nonsensical, I think they just should have pasted the entire PT cast in there, kind of like at the end of a play when all the actors come out to take a bow. They could have had Padme, and Mace Windu, Shmi, Qui-gon, and just for kicks, Jake Loyd's Anakin could have been there too also, and let's not leave out Jar Jar, and Watto. 

The only Anakin Luke ever met was the Sebastian Shaw Anakin, how would Luke even recongnize Hayden as his father's ghost? It just doesn't make any sense to make this change. It is just a lousy attempt to tie the two trilogies together, and to make it stand that the series is really the Tradgedy of Anakin Skywalker.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

C3PX said:

The only Anakin Luke ever met was the Sebastian Shaw Anakin, how would Luke even recongnize Hayden as his father's ghost? It just doesn't make any sense to make this change. It is just a lousy attempt to tie the two trilogies together, and to make it stand that the series is really the Tradgedy of Anakin Skywalker.


It's sort of an attempt to make it impossible to see the OT without seeing the PT, because if you've only seen the OT you wouldn't have a clue who Hayden was. It does shove the whole Tragedy of Anakin bull down our throats.

Johnboy3434 said:
vote_for_palpatine said:

Socks, plants, rival camps of fans, suppressing cinematic history - my God, GL is totally insane.

Whoa, wait a minute! It's GL's fault that fans of his work are so insane?


He caused the rift in SW fandom, didn't he?

Want to book yourself or a guest on THE VFP Show? PM me!


Since everyone's addressed the Hayden issue to death, I guess I'll pick on the Star Wars Jabba scene.  In some ways, I find it worse than Hayden because while that's pandering and annoying and disrespectful (things we expect from George Lucas), adding back in the Jabba scene is just bad filmmaking and editing (well, things we also expect from him lately, but since it's his job to be a filmmaker, he should know better).  It's redundant as hell.  When the scene was cut, some of Han's lines were edited into the Greedo scene, so now he says the exact same thing twice.  No new information is presented.  It also destroys the pacing of the movie by sidelining the real focus of the movie at that point:  to get to Alderaan.  It also screws up the reveal of the Millenium Falcon by having it just appear in this random scene before Luke and company arrive to see it.  There were so many things wrong with this scene in 1976 that it's no wonder it ended up on the cutting room floor... where it belonged.  Adding a horrible-looking CG Jabba just made it even worse.  It was clearly done as a test to see if CG characters interacting with humans could be done in the prequels.  Oh, and this scene is pandering too by compositing in a Boba Fett mugging the camera.  Sooo many things wrong with this scene.  The fact that it was changed again in 2004 should tell you that.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


the whole hayden thing, i'm sure adywan, when he gets to it of course, could redo the Sebastian Shaw anikan head in when luke takes off the helment and replace it with haydens.

i think this already may have been attempted.