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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 350


Speaking of Zelda, has anyone seen the Symphony of the Goddesses concert? It’s an Orchestra playing Zelda music, with screens displaying scenes from different Zelda games.


ray_afraid said:

It would be cool to play the remakes of Ocarina and Majora too.

Interestingly, both have been subtly Lucas-ified with each iteration.
The sublimely creepy music in the epic Fire Temple of OoT was replaced for the GCN version due to some paranoid imagining of offense to like some Sufi mystics that were sampled in the original soundtrack.
Also, the terrifyingly atmospheric black streaks-and-splatter from OoT’s torture chamber in the haunted mini-temple were scrubbed for the 3DS version due to being too awesomely frightening and disturbing.
I forget what got modified in MM for the moment…
In other words: you’re too late to enjoy the Pure Original True Version™.


I can’t be the only one who prefers the CG version of the Fire Temple theme. Though I love the original I feel the updated version fits the atmosphere of the dungeon more.

If we lived in a perfect world there would be a version with the original chanting in the beginning and this at the end.


Darth Id said:

ray_afraid said:

It would be cool to play the remakes of Ocarina and Majora too.

Interestingly, both have been subtly Lucas-ified with each iteration.
The sublimely creepy music in the epic Fire Temple of OoT was replaced for the GCN version due to some paranoid imagining of offense to like some Sufi mystics that were sampled in the original soundtrack.
Also, the terrifyingly atmospheric black streaks-and-splatter from OoT’s torture chamber in the haunted mini-temple were scrubbed for the 3DS version due to being too awesomely frightening and disturbing.
I forget what got modified in MM for the moment…
In other words: you’re too late to enjoy the Pure Original True Version™.

Actually the change with the fire temple music happened when it was still on the n64. Iirc by the time they stopped printing the gold cartridges and went to the standard grey cartridges it had already been changed. They also censored ganondorfs blood for some reason.


Possessed said:

Darth Id said:

ray_afraid said:

It would be cool to play the remakes of Ocarina and Majora too.

Interestingly, both have been subtly Lucas-ified with each iteration.
The sublimely creepy music in the epic Fire Temple of OoT was replaced for the GCN version due to some paranoid imagining of offense to like some Sufi mystics that were sampled in the original soundtrack.
Also, the terrifyingly atmospheric black streaks-and-splatter from OoT’s torture chamber in the haunted mini-temple were scrubbed for the 3DS version due to being too awesomely frightening and disturbing.
I forget what got modified in MM for the moment…
In other words: you’re too late to enjoy the Pure Original True Version™.

Actually the change with the fire temple music happened when it was still on the n64. Iirc by the time they stopped printing the gold cartridges and went to the standard grey cartridges it had already been changed. They also censored ganondorfs blood for some reason.

Yeah, the 1.0 (gold and grey) and 1.1 (grey and very rarely gold; I grew up with this one) versions of the cart are uncensored, but come the 1.2 (grey only) they censored the Fire Temple theme (which had a section of a Muslim prayer in it: Nintendo did this themselves without being pushed) to some lame thing that sounds like the Shadow Temple and Ganon/Ganondorf’s blood to green from red.

The Gamecube version is 1.2 but also changed the Gerudo symbol (on the Mirror Shield, switches, push blocks, and signs in Gerudo Fortress) from the crescent and star (also for Muslim reasons) to the symbol used in Majora’s Mask. They also scrubbed up the Shadow Temple and the Bottom of the Well, which were bloody and torture/death themed (which was cool, dangit!), but that might also have been the 3DS version…

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Possessed said:

Have you ever tried the MSU-1 hack that replaces all in game music with symphonic versions? It’s an emulator hack that lets you replace the music in SNES games with PCM wav files. (I’m actually working on a pack myself for the Mega Man X games to have my brand of metal as a soundtrack, but that’s off topic and I’ll post more about it when it’s done) It’s pretty rad. And easier to work than you’d think.

That sounds great! I gotta check it out.
I play it with a mod that makes Link’s pink hair blonde. The pink hair has bothered me since 1991.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


If you like mega man x and heavy metal I’m working on a soundtrack patch for it as well. I mean that soundtrack already skewed metal anyway so it’s basically the same soundtrack but with real guitars and real-er synth and drums. Pm me if you need help as it requires a patched version of snes9x and a patched Rom as well as a folder for the pcm files.


I’ve finished Windwaker HD. It was… alright. I guess I’d rank it some where in the upper middle of all the LOZ games.
I can’t imagine playing this without the WiiU enhancements. The swift sail, cannon targeting and streamlined Triforce quest took what would have been a bunch of frustration and wasted time from the game. Also the game looks beautiful and having access to maps and items on the gamepad was super handy.

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


After replaying Super Mario Kart (SNES) I think that it has aged worse than any other classic game ever made. It’s pretty disappointing because it seemed so awesome at the time. I still hate, and always have hated, the impossibly hard difficulty and the computer’s ability to cheat at every turn.

The Person in Question


Yeah it’s sequels were definitely an improvement. Even Mario kart 64 is dramatically better.


The computer excelled at cheating in the Mario Kart 64. Especially when you’re playing Single Player mode, and trying to unlock everything. The later games after N64 became more lenient with not forcing you to always finish in the top 3 or 4. Regardless, Mario Kart is a great series and always fun to play with a big group of people.


Mario Kart 64 cheated a lot but it wasn’t almost completely impossible to get back in the lead if you messed up on the higher difficulties.

The Person in Question


I played Mario Kart 64 so often it became boringly easy. Sucks because the people I play with are worse than the computer. It is very possible to get back in the lead even if you’re in last place.


Handman said:

I played Mario Kart 64 so often it became boringly easy. Sucks because the people I play with are worse than the computer. It is very possible to get back in the lead even if you’re in last place.

Exactly. In Super Nintendo Mario Kart, if you mess up once, you’re down to sixth place if you’re lucky. If you fall off the edge, then you’re in last place and it could take up to three whole laps to catch up, but only if you get good items.

The Person in Question


When it comes to Nintendo racers, I prefer F-Zero, which on the harder difficulties is very similar to how you describe Super Mario Kart. Not to knock Mario Kart, since they’re both good games, but I get more excited when I do well in F-Zero.


moviefreakedmind said:

Mario Kart 64 cheated a lot but it wasn’t almost completely impossible to get back in the lead if you messed up on the higher difficulties.

The way I always noticed the computer cheating on this game, even as a kid, is if you hit a computer with a shell and they are off screen they don’t actually take the hit. They just sort of “brake” for a second. You can catch them doing this if they are just barely off screen. I’m sure this was to save cpu, but they could have at least made them stop for the appropriate amount of time.


I finally got myself a PS3.
I intend to eventually get a Wii U and that will be me sorted out for a few years.


On Monday I thought I’d treat myself to a PS3. MISTAKE
I got the console with a fair wack of memory and quite a few games and plugged it in.
More than half the games didn’t work.
I thought that if it were some of the disks it could just be bad disks but more than half sounds like laser problems so I took it back and the guy was very apologetic and replaced it with another console. I took it home and the same games didn’t work so clearly it’s a disk problem after all so I took the disks in. They all got replaced and I took the alternate versions home and put them in the alternate console. Still didn’t work.
I reformated the hard drive, tried tilting the console. Nothing works. The same games don’t work on different disks in different consoles. I really wish I got a Wii U now.


That’s really odd. Sorry for your troubles, man.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Damn, Bingo. That’s not a thing I’ve come across though my PS3 I bought at its launch did blow up on me. Sounds very much like you should need to check out the firmware that’s installed asap. If you need any help, just holler.


Mmmm…are all of your games the right region?

Forum Moderator

The firmware is up to date, the regions are correct. It’s apparantly a known issue, particularly with certain games (The Last of Us being the most notorious) https://goo.gl/sUzin5

I had fun with some games yesterday but I don’t want to get too comfortable knowing I will have to take this particular console back again.

I might have to get a brand new PS3 if such a thing is still around. Replacing the blue ray unit is beyond my techical skill set.


Depending on where you live you might be able to find someone on craigslist that could do that for you.

Forum Moderator