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Video Games - a general discussion thread — Page 329


Decided to get DOOM too, having good fun with it. Haven’t tried multiplayer yet. Optimized pretty well on PC too, so that’s good. I had one really strange audio issue, but I got it fixed.


I love Wolfenstein 3d. Running around killing Nazis and even personally sending Hitler’s ass to hell is so satisfying!

The Person in Question


Forgot to post this the day it happened but got my first ace in CS:GO




So I just finished DOOM 4. What an amazing game. Unless some Witcher 3 type game happens again, this is GOTY 100%

Now, time to go collect EVERYTHING


moviefreakedmind said:

Is DOOM 4 too violent for my 5 year-old son to play?

Yes. DOOM 4 is not appropriate for ages under 5 and a half. I recommend getting him Postal 2 in the meantime.


Just decided to impulsively play through the entirety of Legend of Zelda today for the first time in years (maybe multiple decades?). The kid’s still got it! I made it all the way to the final castle and kicked that fat pig’s ass. I’m pretty sure I found all of the secrets too.

The Person in Question


moviefreakedmind said:

Just decided to impulsively play through the entirety of Legend of Zelda today for the first time in years (maybe multiple decades?). The kid’s still got it! I made it all the way to the final castle and kicked that fat pig’s ass. I’m pretty sure I found all of the secrets too.

As a filthy Millennial, I hadn’t ever played it until a few years ago. It was definitely worth it. It’s a great game and it’s nice to be able to go back and get a feel for what kicked off these venerable series’.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I never got into that weird-ass sequel they made in the final years of the NES. I really liked Wind Waker. I still have that one somewhere and plan on playing it tomorrow.

The Person in Question


I’ve heard that Zelda II is actually pretty good, just a departure from the norm.

I usually take time to replay Ocarina of Time once a year, but life has been too crazy for me to get it done for a few years now. I do have the fancy 3D Remastered edition on 3DS though, and it’s decent, but I’ll miss the chanting in the Fire Temple ambience.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I heard when I was young that Zelda was satanic. Primarily because of the magical mysticism and wizardry, but also because of the swastika-shaped map in level 3.

The Person in Question


They said that about DnD and Harry Potter and… well pretty much everything at some point.

It just made them all the more fun!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Tyrphanax said:

I’ve heard that Zelda II is actually pretty good, just a departure from the norm.

I usually take time to replay Ocarina of Time once a year, but life has been too crazy for me to get it done for a few years now. I do have the fancy 3D Remastered edition on 3DS though, and it’s decent, but I’ll miss the chanting in the Fire Temple ambience.

Play the n64 version on an emulator with the texture pack. The graphics are honestly better than the 3ds version and you still get the chanting.

I too try to play it about once a year.


Tyrphanax said:

I’ve heard that Zelda II is actually pretty good, just a departure from the norm.

Zelda II is GREAT! It’s one of my favorite Zelda titles. People don’t like it because it’s HARD. Really hard. And there’s a lives system and when your lives are up you gotta start from the beginning point. and work your way back to where you were (keeping all items and such).
That actually probably sounds like more of a pain that it really is though.
The combat is incredibly fun! Nothing on the NES can touch that.
It’s not perfect, but it doesn’t deserve the flack that it gets. In fact it set in place many of the things the series is known for.
Also, Zelda II has the best music in the series. It’s only a bout 4 tunes, so it can’t compete with soundtracks like OOT or SS, but the themes beat all the other games in my opinion. Youtube the ‘palace theme’. It’s too good!

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Possessed said:

Tyrphanax said:

I’ve heard that Zelda II is actually pretty good, just a departure from the norm.

I usually take time to replay Ocarina of Time once a year, but life has been too crazy for me to get it done for a few years now. I do have the fancy 3D Remastered edition on 3DS though, and it’s decent, but I’ll miss the chanting in the Fire Temple ambience.

Play the n64 version on an emulator with the texture pack. The graphics are honestly better than the 3ds version and you still get the chanting.

I too try to play it about once a year.

Yeah, I actually have it on an emulator as well, but haven’t done much with it.

ray_afraid said:

Tyrphanax said:

I’ve heard that Zelda II is actually pretty good, just a departure from the norm.

Zelda II is GREAT! It’s one of my favorite Zelda titles. People don’t like it because it’s HARD. Really hard. And there’s a lives system and when your lives are up you gotta start from the beginning point. and work your way back to where you were (keeping all items and such).
That actually probably sounds like more of a pain that it really is though.
The combat is incredibly fun! Nothing on the NES can touch that.
It’s not perfect, but it doesn’t deserve the flack that it gets. In fact it set in place many of the things the series is known for.
Also, Zelda II has the best music in the series. It’s only a bout 4 tunes, so it can’t compete with soundtracks like OOT or SS, but the themes beat all the other games in my opinion. Youtube the ‘palace theme’. It’s too good!

I’ve watched a few playthroughs of it and it honestly doesn’t look too bad, but Death Mountain being so early on probably threw a lot of people off. And there are definitely some iconic themes in the soundtrack!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


“Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil, because I am putting .5 millimeters of lead tipped ‘Fuck You’ into its skull.”

The DOOM single-player is simple precise and gory. The gun shots feel powerful, the enemies feel powerful, you feel powerful. It’s an amazing and BAT SHIT DIFFICULT adrenaline action. Nothing like killing a Baron with his own horn. The new enemy redesigns are awesome, an interesting mixture of the cartoony artstyle of classic games and spoopy realism of DOOM 3.

You meet your first enemy 3 seconds into the game and throughout the game you are forced to get exposition only about 3 times - otherwise, you can ignore everything.

The fact this game has SECRETS!!! has to be the most genius idea ever, since even though I have beaten the game twice, once on Ultra-Nightmare, I still keep coming back and finding new stuff, which is surprising for such simple game.

Multiplayer is not an arena shooter, but neither is it CoD clone. It’s an interesting mixture of both, which is fun, but only for short time. It’s mostly here just to fill your playtime between now and when the next {GENERIC SHOOTER HERE} releases.

SnapMap is an interesting idea, but poorly executed. Despite being the most simplest editor I laid my eyes upon, and having a fuckton of limitations, it’s takes time to learn when you hop into it. What baffles me is that it’s way more complex than DOOM Builder for classic DOOMs, yet has more limitations.

5 out of 5 fucking stars.




I love Super Mario Bros. 2. It may have been a game in Japan called Doki Doki Panic, but it’ll always be Super Mario Bros. 2 to me.

The Person in Question