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Vertigo mono track (Released)

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I’m a big, big fan of the movie “Vertigo”. And I got this DVD after it came out: Vertigo

This release had a new audio remix, with new, loud sound effects. It wasn’t the movie Hitchcock made, however similar. Then I find out that they finally released it with the mono track, but it’s packaged in an $85 dollar set (Masterpiece Collection), and most of the movies in it are already in my collection. I already bought the movie, anyway.


The box set is very well worth it... they're selling some of the remasters on their own now for $14.99 street price. So, technically $85 would be like getting just five of the singles (like Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, The Birds, and Rope). It's also worth saying that the box set has a 16x9 remaster of Vertigo that is much better than the first DVD.

"I was a perfect idiot to listen to you!"
"Listen here, there ain't nothing in this world that's perfect!"

- from The Bank Dick
I'm thinking Universal will eventually get around to re-releasing this (as well as Psycho) separately. But they're the big titles, so they're probably holding on to it for a while.
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