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Unpopular Opinion Thread — Page 30


I’m incredibly disillusioned by Return of the Jedi. I feel like it should have been deeper and more complex than Empire, and darker still. There are elements of it there Luke wearing all black, being tempted to the dark side. But it is also way too light and silly. I feel like Lucas wanted to do the first film again but bigger, with another death star a bigger battle, way more monsters in Jabba’s little kingdom than in the Cantina. I have similar problems with Indiana Jones the Last Crusade, having a lighter more comedic style and derivative of Raiders. and the complete misuse of Sallah and Marcus, and the complete lack of verisimilitude. Some really very bad and obvious model shots.

Like in Return of the Jedi the matte painting standing in for a real set that looks fake even on laserdisc. The Millennium Falcon behind Lando is so atrocious, why didn’t they build it out as a physical model?


Fundamentally flawed though TROS may be, I do think it has a fantastic space opera vibe that’s been absent since the OT (other stuff like Rebels notwithstanding.) I also appreciate the sense of scale, with them visiting like 10 different planets. It may contribute to the rushed narrative, but it really feels like there’s an entire big galaxy out there.