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Unpopular Opinion Thread — Page 17


Yeah if they only continued Legends as a separate timeline and gave us the OOT, and reprinted all of the dark horse stuff at Marvel i’d have little to complain of about Lucasfilm and Star Wars. Indiana Jones is another thing entirely Disney hasn’t done anything with it. Beyond starting production on a new film the IP has been left abandoned for years. the comics were never reprinted at Marvel, no new series of comics were produced. No new video games. Novels not reprinted. No Television shows or specials produced, not even Young Indiana Jones on Blu-Ray.


emanswfan said:

I like having a wide variety of genres within future Star Wars projects instead of everything feeling like classic Star Wars.

I’m bumping this opinion since it’s sorta topical and has been bouncing around in my mind for a while now.
I feel like this isn’t talked about enough, but the more Star Wars films and TV shows Lucasfilm makes, the more often they’re going to be finding themselves treading the same ground. (Sometimes literally! 😉) I’ve heard some people complain about some of the recently announced, upcoming instalments being too ‘genre-specific’ like for example, Andor being described as a spy-thriller whilst The Acolyte sounding like a creepy, mystery series.

In my opinion, this is exactly what the franchise needs to remain a pop-culture staple. I know people hate the idea of Star Wars turning into the MCU, but if Lucasfilm really wants to keep making new things, it can’t just continue being, as emanswfan describes it, ‘classic Star Wars’

Star Wars has long evolved from being just a series of films, it’s now the name of a multi-media franchise, so why does everything have to be those same few films retold again and again? Honestly, go nuts Lucasfilm, I wanna see whatever random-ass story you can imagine just told in the Star Wars setting with the Star Wars name. Sounds crazy, but this is the unpopular opinion thread.

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They kind of have to to compete, since Marvel is doing their own thing, and Paramount is doing their thing with multiple Star Trek shows.

And DC i’m sure will get into doing some new DC comics shows at some point. For HBO max.

I cannot complain about the streaming wars because it means everyone is trying to do their best material and one up each other, and their is a abundance of entertainment choices.

I’m hoping for a Luke Skywalker show, though it isn’t likely. So far all the shows have been very high in quality from a production standpoint, Lucasfilm has been excellent.

ILM has been in top form.


Chase Adams said:

emanswfan said:

I like having a wide variety of genres within future Star Wars projects instead of everything feeling like classic Star Wars.

I’m bumping this opinion since it’s sorta topical and has been bouncing around in my mind for a while now.
I feel like this isn’t talked about enough, but the more Star Wars films and TV shows Lucasfilm makes, the more often they’re going to be finding themselves treading the same ground. (Sometimes literally! 😉) I’ve heard some people complain about some of the recently announced, upcoming instalments being too ‘genre-specific’ like for example, Andor being described as a spy-thriller whilst The Acolyte sounding like a creepy, mystery series.

In my opinion, this is exactly what the franchise needs to remain a pop-culture staple. I know people hate the idea of Star Wars turning into the MCU, but if Lucasfilm really wants to keep making new things, it can’t just continue being, as emanswfan describes it, ‘classic Star Wars’

Star Wars has long evolved from being just a series of films, it’s now the name of a multi-media franchise, so why does everything have to be those same few films retold again and again? Honestly, go nuts Lucasfilm, I wanna see whatever random-ass story you can imagine just told in the Star Wars setting with the Star Wars name. Sounds crazy, but this is the unpopular opinion thread.

I believe Star Wars has only been great when it has broken new genre ground. The first movie was a classic romance, while Empire was radically different in tone, almost becoming sci-fi horror in places. Jedi was so mediocre compared to the first two because it was the first one to go back to the well, so to speak, and ended up being a greatest hits of the first two films without the freshness of either.

Phantom Menace failed because it didn’t go far enough into the political thriller which made it a weird hybrid political drama and adventure film, neither of which worked. Clones had a mystery noir and romance angle but again neither were done competently enough to work. Sith works mostly because the tragedy angle was competent, and it is almost an inverse of a Star Wars movie.

TFA fails because it’s basically a thematic retread of the original, and TROS doubles down on the OT beats without any of the supporting tissue. TLJ is the only film which succeeds, even if the postmodernist deconstruction angle deconstructed the franchise one film too early and wasn’t super well-executed.

We’ll never know how Solo would have turned out as a straight comedy, but I suspect it would have been better than what we got. Same for RO before the Vader reshoots.

All this to say, I’m all for new directions for Star Wars films.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


TLJ is far and away the best film of the ST. Finn and Rose’s misadventures are thematically inseparable from the film, and Finn was given a beautiful character arc here. The film is full of hope for a franchise to grow and be spiritually relevant again.

TRoS isn’t that bad. Pretty fun stuff. Doesn’t retcon or counter anything from TLJ.

Solo is a straight up blast.

Rogue One is cynical and masturbatory and everything that Star Wars shouldn’t be.


Rogue One does have that lived in look. That quintessential star wars look that hasn’t been seen since Star Wars and Empire.

In terms of production design its the most Star Wars anything in looks since Empire.

It looks and feels like Star Wars, which the prequels never did.

The sequels also are of the same flavor, but not the same design of the OT, or at least close enough. They also feel like Star Wars even if they are too shiny and modern looking movies.

I feel like the prequels were from a rusty creator who came back 16 years later to not add to but recreate Star Wars. And i feel the same about the Special Edition, its like spray painting over a masterwork.

I did like Qui Gon though, and i like the idea of the living force and that there might be something more than the narrow view of the Jedi, its also kind of a Zen like idea, and i liked that aspect about Last Jedi, where Luke explains how wide the force is and how it touches all life. And how the Jedi are not its masters.


-The biggest flaw of the PT is not the acting, the dialogue, the CGI, the writing, or the overall story. It’s the small inconsistencies with the OT that accumulates throughout the movies.

-As much as I love Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan (in my mind, he is as much if not more Obi-Wan as Alec Guinness), I don’t think he looks like Alec Guinness at all and I don’t understand when people say he was perfectly cast (as in, cast based on looks only). I just don’t see it. Are people just fooled by the haircut/beard and accent?


Some of them are really dumb like Obi Wan’s teacher not being Yoda. And Leia’s mom dying before she was a little girl on Alderaan.

Other ones can be chalked up to Obi Wan lying or exaggerating or not remembering things. Like saying he never owned a droid, or that Anakin wanted Luke to have the saber when he was old enough. Or that Anakin was a great starpilot and a cunning warrior and a good friend. What was he supposed to do tell him yeah i cut off all your dad’s limbs when he went to the dark side and he is Darth Vader by the way, and your dad also killed your mom and used this saber to cut down a bunch of younglings. I’m sure Luke would have been up to joining Obi Wan on an adventure then.


JadedSkywalker said:

Some of them are really dumb like Obi Wan’s teacher not being Yoda. And Leia’s mom dying before she was a little girl on Alderaan.

Other ones can be chalked up to Obi Wan lying or exaggerating or not remembering things. Like saying he never owned a droid, or that Anakin wanted Luke to have the saber when he was old enough. Or that Anakin was a great starpilot and a cunning warrior and a good friend. What was he supposed to do tell him yeah i cut off all your dad’s limbs when he went to the dark side and he is Darth Vader by the way, and your dad also killed your mom and used this saber to cut down a bunch of younglings. I’m sure Luke would have been up to joining Obi Wan on an adventure then.

The most problematic for me are what Obi-Wan tells Luke in ANH and Yoda not being Obi-Wan’s teacher.

Anakin being a great starpilot/cunning warrior/good friend I feel is shown in the PT. But Luke’s father wanting him to have his lightsaber, Owen not wanting him to join Obi-Wan and get involved etc, I just can’t chalked it up to Obi-Wan lying. You just know watching the movie that the original backstory was different and no amount of retcon like “he’s lying” works for me.

It’s even more frustrating because they would have been easily fixable in my opinion. Add a couple of lines from Owen in AOTC showing he wants Anakin to stay on the farm now that he is back on Tatooine. Have Anakin say to Obi-Wan somewhere in AOTC or ROTS that he would like to have kids one day and for them to be Jedi, etc…
As for Yoda being Obi-Wan’s master, it’s as easily fixable without altering the movies that much. Just have Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon both be Yoda’s students in TPM with Qui-Gon having the big brother role to Obi-Wan without being his actual master, just his older fellow student. Or they could have just emphasize the fact that Yoda teaches all younglings before they are assigned on a master/Padawan relationship.

The Padmé/Leia one doesn’t bother me as much because for some reason the excuse “it’s the Force” almost works for me. I just wish in the movie Padmé would hold Leia in her arms for a few moments or something. That way the “Force” explanation would be a bit more reasonable.


I dont like Hayden Anakin or TCW Anakin i dont believe both of them is the same guy with mask that we see in the OT
The Clones feels like something made from Halo than Star Wars
Disney Wars is bad and always will be bad George at least wanted to be choherent and was genuine
Both EU and Disney Wars are fan fiction but the EU was good fanfiction
Episode VII should have been made before The Prequels
Some people like Star Wars because nostalgia only
Lucas stole things from the EU for his Prequels and stole things too when he made th OT
The Prequels are more childish than OT
KOTOR is what the Prequels should have been


Having rewatched the Prequel Trilogy, I’ve come to agree with Harmy that The Phantom Menace is the most well made of the three. People favor RotS because it has the big emotional moments and payoffs, but TPM is a better crafted film. I think the PT as a whole is actually quite decent, despite being a clear step down.

Also, Palpatine is the best character in the Prequels, especially in TPM. I would’ve loved to have gotten a whole film, Star Wars or not, of Ian McDiarmid as a scheming politician rising to power (sort of like what we got a glimpse of in the Darth Plagueis book).


I really don’t like the “Anthem of Evil” motif in TROS. As a full piece, it’s good, but the melody alone just feels like it’s constantly interrupting itself. Personally, I would either remove its uses from the movie or find a way to add in the album version.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


-The biggest flaw of the PT is not the acting, the dialogue, the CGI, the writing, or the overall story. It’s the small inconsistencies with the OT that accumulates throughout the movies.

Imo, retcons should be encouraged when they make for a better scene. I’d much rather cut the lines about Leia’s mother in RotJ than have Padme awkwardly survive RotS. I’d rather change the line about Obi-Wan’s teacher in ESB than erase Qui-Gon from TPM. The priority to me is that final product is cohesive, and if that means going back to change older bits to match I’m all for it.

Oh and midi-chlorians are great.


IMO The Clone Wars (2008) is a tad overrated.

Clone Wars (2003) does a way better job bridging AotC and RotS.


Anakin Starkiller said:

-The biggest flaw of the PT is not the acting, the dialogue, the CGI, the writing, or the overall story. It’s the small inconsistencies with the OT that accumulates throughout the movies.

Imo, retcons should be encouraged when they make for a better scene. I’d much rather cut the lines about Leia’s mother in RotJ than have Padme awkwardly survive RotS. I’d rather change the line about Obi-Wan’s teacher in ESB than erase Qui-Gon from TPM. The priority to me is that final product is cohesive, and if that means going back to change older bits to match I’m all for it.

That makes sense but as you say the final product has to be cohesive, and I feel it isn’t sometimes. And since the PT was made after the OT, it was its job to connect the dots. Even if I agree it would be easier to just change the lines in the OT.

About the Padmé one, I agree that it makes more sense for her to die at the end of ROTS. But I think it’s a shame that during the course of the OT, the only mention we get about this major character from the PT turns out to be retconned and lose the weight it could have had when watching 1 through 6.

And like I said in my earlier post, other ones are just frustrating because they could easily be fixed by a couple of lines in the PT itself. A line about Anakin’s lightsaber for his son, some lines about Anakin and Owen’s differences, etc… These are not necessarily things that were retconned in the PT, but simply things not adressed, that I think created inconsitencies.


I think Phantom Menace is the best prequel movie. I always had a soft spot for it. Hal’s cut is the cut I wish I had as a kid though.

I think a new colour grade would improve the overall CGI effects in the movie. If I had the set up to do so I’d do it


Hal 9000 said:

TPM is, as I believe Ebert said, “a pretty good bad movie.”

I definitely enjoy the prequels (especially TPM) in the same way that I enjoy the campier Godzilla movies. I lower my expectations, and I end up getting to enjoy a corny space adventure, with fairly impressive effects for the time, and some intriguing ideas that I can appreciate more now as an adult.

A big part of why the prequels were so lambasted for so long is because people only had the OT to compare them to. By any metric, the prequels were a huge step down from their predecessors, so that made them look far worse than if they had been their own series. With the new batch of Star Wars films, there’s a new basis for comparison, and many people’s perspectives have shifted, since the prequels are (arguably) no longer the low point of the saga.


I’ve finally come to the conclusion that Star Wars: Rebels is my favourite Star Wars series. It has my favourite romance in the franchise, my favourite master-apprentice duo, and many of my favourite moments - like Ben vs Maul and Ezra’s scene in the remaining piece of the Lothal Jedi temple. It tells a convincing account of the formation of the Rebel Alliance, while expanding the mythology of Star Wars in imaginative ways and keeping the story of a family unit forged in desperate times at its heart. Every character has episodes of development, including Chopper. It honours what came before by incorporating characters and vehicles from Legends and using McQuarrie’s art style as a basis for its visual style, as well as - for me at least - making the original trilogy more compelling. I could go on for hours.

At the end of the day, Rebels is the Star Wars story which makes me happy the most.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

I’ve finally come to the conclusion that Star Wars: Rebels is my favourite Star Wars series. It has my favourite romance in the franchise, my favourite master-apprentice duo, and many of my favourite moments - like Ben vs Maul and Ezra’s scene in the remaining piece of the Lothal Jedi temple. It tells a convincing account of the formation of the Rebel Alliance, while expanding the mythology of Star Wars in imaginative ways and keeping the story of a family unit forged in desperate times at its heart. Every character has episodes of development, including Chopper. It honours what came before by incorporating characters and vehicles from Legends and using McQuarrie’s art style as a basis for its visual style, as well as - for me at least - making the original trilogy more compelling. I could go on for hours.

At the end of the day, Rebels is the Star Wars story which makes me happy the most.

I have the opposite view.

For me Star Wars Rebels represents the absolute worst of Disney era SW. It’s Star Wars at its most sanitised and risk-averse. Every storyline ends with a cop out.

I honestly don’t get why this series is so popular.


I wouldn’t have said risk-averse - creations like the Bendu and the World between Worlds are bold choices and have occasionally not gone down well with many people.

I get the ‘cop-out’ bit because few main characters die, and Ezra’s dark side tendencies are set up then last for two episodes, but that’s my personal preference. Rebels is at heart a fun and hopeful show so I’m perfectly fine with most characters living to get happy endings and such, and I’m glad more episodes weren’t tainted by Ezra doing shit like mind controlling Imperials into killing themselves. We got those episodes where Ezra is heading down a different path, he learns his lesson, the show gets its theme across, and it doesn’t need any more time spent on it.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Ezra learned his lesson far too quickly for my liking. Had it taken about 5-10 episodes I would have bought it, but learning his lesson after just one mistake is IMO cowardly storytelling.

Ezra mind controlling Imperials into killing each other was the only truly enjoyable moment for me throughout the series + when he’s a total dick to that Imperial officer.


jedi_bendu said:

I’ve finally come to the conclusion that Star Wars: Rebels is my favourite Star Wars series. It has my favourite romance in the franchise, my favourite master-apprentice duo, and many of my favourite moments - like Ben vs Maul and Ezra’s scene in the remaining piece of the Lothal Jedi temple. It tells a convincing account of the formation of the Rebel Alliance, while expanding the mythology of Star Wars in imaginative ways and keeping the story of a family unit forged in desperate times at its heart. Every character has episodes of development, including Chopper. It honours what came before by incorporating characters and vehicles from Legends and using McQuarrie’s art style as a basis for its visual style, as well as - for me at least - making the original trilogy more compelling. I could go on for hours.

At the end of the day, Rebels is the Star Wars story which makes me happy the most.

I’ve been getting back into Rebels and I think it’s up there as part of my favourite Disney era content. It’s making me feel like I may need to finally give Mandalorian a chance. With regards to Rebels though I think my favourite things about it are when it expands on the Force like with Bendu and the closure it gives with Maul. It honestly made me cry when he died after all these years. It was very eerie going back and watching his first fight with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon’s last words. It was a very tragic feeling.

“Heroes come in all sizes, and you don’t have to be a giant hero. You can be a very small hero. It’s just as important to understand that accepting self-responsibility for the things you do, having good manners, caring about other people - these are heroic acts. Everybody has the choice of being a hero or not being a hero every day of their lives.” - George Lucas


The amount of love Star Wars Rebels gets makes me wonder sometimes if I am some sort of extraterrestrial being, because frankly that show makes me angry.


You’re not an extraterrestrial being, I agree dude. That show is downright unwatchable. I’ve tried so many times to like it, I really have, but it’s really just bad.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories