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The official "Who is going to Star Wars Celebration, Anaheim California, April 2015?" thread — Page 3


I've been looking at the maps on the hotel reservation part of the official website, showing the paths from various hotels to the convention center, and they all seem to take the really long way around. Even the one that is right next door, where one should only have to cross the street.

Is there any reason to think the most direct route walking from a hotel to Celebration is going to be obstructed, or is Google maps just nutty?

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Where were you in '77?


Yeah, it's those long lines that give me pause.

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Where were you in '77?


I normally would be fine with walking that one block, but the logistics of doing that in costume is a little daunting.

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Where were you in '77?


Going in costume are we?

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Not my first rodeo, but I haven't worn it in a long while. (Need to get it out of mothballs and check it's condition pretty soon.) Previous voyages were in con space under the same roof as the hotel, so there were no worries about being outside too long, or watching out for traffic.

And Frink had better be going as Ric. ;)

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Where were you in '77?


bkev said:

Interested in this "online uproar" you speak of, SilverWook.  What's the reaction to this news on the whole?  I'm generally indifferent.

 I'm not Silverwook but here's a sampling of some of the reactions:

The EU was canon for me. If Disney won’t respect the old fans for their ongoing support and simply declare our stories to be some fanboy apocrypha, why should we bother with them? Declaring the EU to be “legend” would at least indicate the existence of our charcters. And if it was as important as they claim Christie Golden’s Sword of the Jedi trilogy could move forward. It isn’t. Because the mouse is blowing sunshine up your exhaust port. I knew Disney would screw this up the minute they bought it. This isn’t Marvel. We don’t reboot canon just to shake things up. I watched the first movie in theaters when I was 3. I lived and breathed Star Wars. I took in the new movies and even accepted Jar Jar but I would’ve been happier to just read the EU until I died than to have them jettison it like a Star Destroyer before it goes into hyperspace. Unless they rectify this massive misstep my fandom will have to come to an end.

I want my money back from all the books I bought from Xwing series to the New Jedi Order series then. Waste of my time and money. Someone should set up a lawsuit against Disney. Lol. But I’m serious.

What a load of crock. You killed the EU when you decided to write a new future for Star Wars. For good or bad, it’s done and nothing will change that. Don’t try to sweeten the poison and don’t treat people invested in the EU as cripples that need a pat on the back and a good word for the road.

“Even though they would no longer be part of a Star Wars official history, they’re still stories that mean something, and they can mean something to you, even if they didn’t ‘happen.’”

Just stop talking. No one cares about headcanon.

It’s kind of crappy I wasted all the time and money on the novels just to say none of that is real, just a legend in your own head… Oh well it was expected I guess…

If they’re gonna declare all the EU “non-canon,” I want my money back for all of the officially licensed stuff I’ve bought from Lucasfilm over the years. Lucasfilm mandated that all the EU material tie in with the trilogies and with each other to be licensed by them. Now, it all goes out the window. Lucasfilm and Disney should be ashamed for betraying their loyal, diehard fans in this way. No amount of condescending, false coddling and half-baked excuses is gonna change the fact that it is a betrayal of those of us who have faithfully followed the EU over the last 20+ years. It makes me sick.

Dear Disney and Not fans of the EU,

In regards to the Lucasfilm’s “retcon” of the Star Wars Expanded Universe.

They said that the stories in the EU was a great way of fans to share their version of the Star Wars universe.

They committed two atrocities in that simple accusation.

First, they said that the EU was put together by mere fans, making it a “fanfiction.” Fanfictions are prevalent on the internet today. Many fanfictions are horrible pieces of writing. While some are adapted into childlike stories, the vast majority that I have come across, involve certain even childhood characters engaging in s3xual activities. This sort fanfiction is spread throughout many fandoms, from the Animes Naruto and Dragon Ball Z to even My Little Pony. Disney did not stop at calling it a “fanfiction.”

They said that the EU did not hold in continuity, that it was a “fanfiction.” Though some fanfictions can be good, all agree that they are not part of any unified storylines. The EU was part of a storyline drawn up by George Lucas and then turned over to pre-Disney Lucasbooks to handpick authors. The authors then did their best in creating a story worthy of the Star Wars Universe.

Which leads me to another point. Those authors put hard work into creating those books, only to have Disney’s Lucasfilm declare that the books were no longer in continuity and had no effect on the Star Wars Universe.

Yet conveniently, Disney made it a point to convey the idea that such writings that contributed to the behemoth known as Star Wars, were, in essence, cute. Disney said that people really do enjoy them, so in the name of satisfying the fans, they will sell the books as “Legends.” What they really mean, of course, is that they will continue to plunder the talents of the authors, by selling them under their own banner, with a continued ability to create crappy, pulp, politically correct storylines, thus raking in more revenue. Of course, they can use material from part of a single book from, say the Thrawn trilogy, but it won’t have to have the honor of being complete in its retelling. It could simply be just retold after tearing half the pages out, editing different dance sequences in, with bad music.

The worst crime they committed was not so much against the authors, because in selling their books to the publishers, some tend to detach themselves from their books, especially when they are in the habit of making many books. The crime was towards the entire fan base.

If someone claims that he is a Star Wars fan, I can easily strike up a conversation about the mythology of the EU, because it was something accepted, something that, no matter what, would be there. And without a hint of remorse, in a flood of forced optimism, Disney picked up the entire fan base, broke it over its knee, and threw it into the trash. A large part of my childhood, flushed down the toilet, like it was nothing.

Already, many fans are grieving over this great theft. An outsider may consider this act of grieving over a fictional universe, silly. After all, the stories are simply lies crafted from an imagination. They aren’t real. It’s not as if someone died, or the country fell to invaders.

In answer to that, these stories were real. They gave us heroes to look to. They gave us characters to imitate. They opened our eyes to different realities in the real world, even within philosophy. Mara Jade Skywalker, the wife of Luke Skywalker, taught me that to accomplish things, you didn’t need some magic power, but one’s two hands. She was not only killed, she was ripped from existence. Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Imperial that picked up the shards of the Empire, a military genius, philosopher, art appreciator and gentleman—also torn from existence. I followed the trials of Han Solo after him losing Chewbacca, his best friend, stayed with him as he overcame his grief for his friend, and later, his son becoming a murderer, like Darth Vader, his daughter killing him herself. I followed Boba Fett as he got old, and actually started caring about his people. I watched Darth Bane create the Rule of Two which led to the culmination of Darth Sidious and Darth Vader, one thousand years before Star Wars, A New Hope, the movie that started it all. I watched the children of Han and Leia (yes, they got married) grow up from little tikes, into strong Jedi. I witnessed the birth of Luke’s child many years later. I’ve seen countless wars, I have witnessed the political workings of the New Republic, The Empire’s Remnant, the Galactic Republic, the Old Republic, and of course, the Galactic Empire.

There are no large figures to lead us (the maltreated Star Wars fans). Timothy Zahn, the author of the Thrawn trilogy, is being misguided by Disney, and is not backing us; he must not know that when Disney said that they were ditching the EU, they were literally ditching it.

At first, I couldn’t believe it. They not only cut out the stories after the movie “Return of the Jedi”, but they removed the entire universe.


Thirty years of hard work. Gone.

More than a hundred books, most of which were great. Gone.

All the games that told a story, immersing us into the universe and into the life of the characters. Gone.

My childhood. Half of it just ripped out, repackaged and the now dead part being sold.


I feel sick.

Most importantly, I will no longer be able to count on future Star Wars fans on knowing the mythology that I know, I cannot know that in the distant future, whether there will be fans. I didn’t even get to know more than a handful who know about the EU.

That's just a small sampling from one comment section. I've seen some real vicious stuff out there, especially on Facebook.

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^Ignorant cretins, each and every one of them, and I only call them that because what I really wanna call them would probably get me banned from this site.

I'll bet not a single one of them ever criticized Lucas for trying to bury the OOT, and what he did was a million times worse than what Disney did to the EU; at least the old EU's still being published, which is more than can be said for the OOT at this time.

Frankly, if this is how they react to something so innocuous -- if they choose to refer to stories they ostensibly love as being a waste of time and money just because they aren't "real" anymore -- then they deserve to feel as miserable as they do.


Someone said:

It’s kind of crappy I wasted all the time and money on the novels just to say none of that is real, just a legend in your own head… Oh well it was expected I guess…

Duracell, I sometimes wonder if you aren't right about there being alternate universes. At least, I don't remember any of the EU ever being any more real than it is now....


Funny how all of those grievances are directed at Disney.

Where were they when George said years ago in interviews that none of it counted?

Lucasfilm said from the Thrawn books onward that this was the official continuation of the story, and they were apparently lying the entire time.


Fang Zei said:

Funny how all of those grievances are directed at Disney.

Where were they when George said years ago in interviews that none of it counted?

On Mars, in a cave, with their eyes shut and their fingers in their ears*.


*And their heads up their [CENSORED].


It’s kind of crappy I wasted all the time and money on the novels just to say none of that is real, just a legend in your own head…

Uuuuuuuh.  I don't even know where to begin with this one.

Guess I'll just say what I always say: Star Wars folks cray-cray!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, if they are secretly planning a grand announcement of a restored OOT, I'm guessing they're gonna wait until at least the second day of the convention. Apparently JJ and Kathleen are debuting the new TFA trailer the morning of the 16th. 


Fang Zei said:

Well, if they are secretly planning a grand announcement of a restored OOT, I'm guessing they're gonna wait until at least the second day of the convention. Apparently JJ and Kathleen are debuting the new TFA trailer the morning of the 16th. 

 And a poster as well.


Just dropping in to say I'll be there.  I actually live very close to the convention center.  It is right across the street from a disneyland parking lot, so in a pinch you can spend some dough and park there for a very quick walk to the front doors.


You lucky guy! As a kid I thought living close to Disneyland would be awesome, but as an adult, I realized that means lots of fireworks throughout the year. ;)

In the 80's I saw at least one house that was sort of boxed in by the outer fence on the back end or side of the park property. I'm guessing the owners didn't want to sell back in the day, and Disney had to build around them. Wonder if it's still there?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Oh its actually splendid!  It's a free fireworks show I can see from my house whenever I like :)  The sound isn't too bad as I'm just a couple miles out (about a 4 or 5 minute drive), so if I have my tv on you can barely hear it.  You get fairly used to it.

I'm not sure what house you're talking about so I would assume it's gone.  I know disney had to undergo hell when they wanted to build California Adventure because they had to convince a whole community, many of whom had been living there for years and years toward the back end of the old parking lot to sell their properties in order to make the room that disney would need to build the park.


Frank your Majesty said:

So, one week to go. I won't be there but I had a look at the schedule. Restored Music from ESB and Secrets of the Cantina seem to be somewhat relevant to the OOT and there is still this one timeslot Coming Soon. Also, "there might be a forward-looking surprise". Could it possibly happen or am I just too optimistic?

 The surprise could be an OOT blu ray announcement I guess or maybe even a new TFA trailer, but forward-looking implies that its something pioneering, so it could potentially be the 4K thing. Or it could also be something completely boring that no one would even consider being excited about.

Sadly a trip to California is a bit (and by a bit I mean entirely) out of my budget at the moment so I'll just have to read about how much fun everyone else had at Celebration ;)

The Person in Question


I'm having trouble justifying the expense myself. If it was a yearly thing in the same location, then staying home when I'm only a couple hours away wouldn't bite so hard. :(

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?