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The misquote random thought out of context thread. — Page 11


paja said:

Piss on Frink

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


Actually he is doing it right. Didn’t believe he actually said that


Possessed said:

Actually believe he actually said that

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


paja said:

Long Black ones.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


No! You’re still… HOLDING ON! (to doing it wrong)

Jedit: I guess that was kinda right, my bad


I’m gonna speak up here and say anything goes for out of context, ie: Paja you’re doing fantastic.


LordZerome1080 said:

I’m gonna speak up here and say anything goes for out of context, ie: Paja you’re doing fantastic.

Well yeah but my way is better. If you don’t hold to it, you’ll force me to make my own thread so paja can be kept under control.


Paja is a force of nature. He can no more be stopped than can an earthquake or hurricane.


Tyrphanax said:

get some of your ducks in a row and shot them

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


TV’s Frink said:

LordZerome1080 said:

I’m gonna speak up here and say anything goes for out of context, ie: Paja you’re doing fantastic.

Well yeah but my way is better. If you don’t hold to it, you’ll force me to make my own thread so paja can be kept under control.

TV, obey my rules or I will report.


Well you just said anything goes so that means he is obeying the rules


LordZerome1080 said:

TV’s Frink said:

LordZerome1080 said:

I’m gonna speak up here and say anything goes for out of context, ie: Paja you’re doing fantastic.

Well yeah but my way is better. If you don’t hold to it, you’ll force me to make my own thread so paja can be kept under control.

TV, obey my rules or I will report.

You should know better. Televisions do not obey the whims of Man.


thewinkingmonk said:

Been dying You saint.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.


DominicCobb said:

adywan said:

You only have to look around places like facebook to see how the RT audience scores have been manipulated. Campaigns were started before the film even come out to give it negative reviews. Not just star wars pages either. 99% of the time, RT was the place they aimed for. After the film came out it got even worse. The amount of posts i had to delete on my page where people had posted links to these type of campaigns was astounding. They even added getting people to upvote the prequels on RT to make TLJ score look even worse. Just check out the ROTS reviews and see just how many new ones have suddenly appeared since TLJ.

There’s a real dark side to the Star Wars fandom and it came out in force after TLJ. The amount of the so called reviews and the negative comments/ attacks on social media that point their hatred for it towards the fact that there is more diversity, more women taking the lead roles, Disney is pandering to the SJW’s etc is disgusting.

Woah ady, slow down with your rash


Collipso said:
Not much of a guy.

“Get over violence, madness and death? What else is there?”

Also known as Mr. Liquid Jungle.