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The inaccuracies in "How Star Wars Was Saved in the Edit"


You all may be familiar with the famous RocketJump video of their discussion as how “Star Wars was saved in the Edit” which painted a very specific narrative about Lucas and his editors, and how the editors basically saved Stat Wars, which wasn’t actually the case and is more complicated than the narrative told in the video.

Furthermore most of the claims made by RocketJump seem to have vague basis to actual truth, and the video itself is not all that objective of the information.

Just recently, I watched a video by “Nerdonymous” debunking some of the claims from RocketJump, and although the overall tone of the video seems to be a bit “ad hominem” in making fun of RocketJump, he actually makes fair points and assumptions based from sources such as Rinzler’s ebooks, Making-Of books and other material.

I suggest you guys to give it a watch, its 2-hours long (mostly due to the editing of how Nerdonymous likes to hone in on RocketJump’s use of words) but its worth a watch:

EDIT: Upon further watching of this video, although Nerdnonymous did point out some inaccuracies and errors in the way RocketJump simplified certain event lines and general misinformation, they are few and far between the amount of actual ad hominem that he constantly does and the amount of contradiction he makes to the point of hypocrisy in terms of misrepresenting information, I think the video dives moreso on mocking the channel, rather than actually providing an objective, unbiased view of the video itself.

I shouldn’t have made this thread while watching the video, as I first made it within like 10 minutes of his 2-hour long rant when he actually brought up a point of the mix-up of RocketJump and J.W Rinzler’s information of Brian De Palma’s involvement in the creation of the crawl, and which crawl was which in the shooting script, third and fourth drafts and the final version. The further I went on in the video, the more confused I became, especially as he tried to convince the audience about how the “Rough Cut” was better than the Theatrical cut, because that was Lucas’ vision, but that isn’t the case apparently because it was edited wrong and the final version is Lucas’ Vision?

He also tries to defend the deleted scenes, and only apart from the conference scene, which only kinda vaguely works in introducing the Force first before Obi-Wan does it, the majority of his opinions are wrapped up in layers of contradiction solely to belittle RocketJump and make him look wrong at every turn.

On the topic of who “really saved Star Wars” it is a complicated question to answer in and of itself, as every producer, editor, propsman, could’ve helped in contributing in the success and/or failure of this experimental sci-fantasy film and was a combination of Lucas, the editors, the producers, and even the actors themselves on fixing the wooden dialogue on the script, that Star Wars became… Star Wars.

this post has been edited.


He did a lot of research which is really awesome. And it proves that RocketJump wasn’t being genuine in his portrayal of Lucas and the making of the movie.

I’ve discussed this with people here before, and people got upset about it. And yeah, the guy can be passive aggressive and somewhat mean, but the points are still valid. I understand being mad about slander and misinformation about something you love. It was probably also partially due to me. I think you’ll get a lot better reception as you’re way more level-headed and objective.

Ultimately I think the original video gained a lot of traction because people really want an answer to, “What happened to the Lucas that directed the original trilogy?” question. Which is understandable and relatable. But to say that it must’ve been because George Lucas was just never good isn’t right.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


Isn’t this already discussed at length in here:


If that is the same video then it is a brave thing to post on here considering it shits on fan preservations and fan edits in the 15 minute summary at the end. Rocket Jump talking about the Special Editions, George Lucas making “tons of unnecessary changes”, and the unaltered theatrical cuts being the version of the films that won the Oscar for best editing, really seemed to trigger Nerdonymous.

And so Nerdonymous went on another rant about fans who didn’t like what George did with the Special Editions, or prefer the unaltered theatrical cut, somehow want to “take everything away from Lucas” and “burn Lucas to the ground”. Because some people did a video talking about the power of editing film and how it can have a big effect in general, this film especially? And Nerdonymous thinks that the Rocket Jump video is somehow an “attack video” and an attempt to discredit George Lucas? He had droned on for 2 hours, and often repeated himself, so it was difficult to stay focused. He really needs a good editor. Anyone know of any?

G&G-Fan said:

Correct. He did a lot of research clearly which is really awesome. And it proves that RocketJump wasn’t exactly being genuine in his portrayal of Lucas and the making of the movie.

I’ve discussed this video with people here before, and people got upset about it. And yeah, the guy can be passive aggressive and somewhat mean, which is a problem, but a lot of the points are still valid. I can understand being mad about slander and misinformation about something you love at the same time though. People getting upset at the video was also probably partially due to the way I talked about it, due to my explosive nature. I think you’ll get a lot better reception as you’re way cooler and more level-headed and this post is much more objective.

You got schooled hard in that thread. Sorry, I didn’t see anyone in there upset apart from you, the like minded troll, and some weird claims from you about the Rocket Jump video, like “So uh, yeah… Goerge Lucas didn’t suck and it wasn’t the editors that created Star Wars”, getting taken apart.

Then the 2 hour Nerdonymous video also got taken apart in there.

Like I said above, I think it was a brave thing to post that Nerdonymous video on here considering it shits on fan preservations and fan edits. Brave or stupid or maybe naive, if you thought nobody would call that part of the video out. No disrespect, just saying it like I see it.


Oh I see. I didn’t fully finish the video when I made the post, so I didnt get to the part where he was talking about fan preservations. I guess he probably took it too far. Do I delete the thread or something?

EDIT: I finished the video and yeah… there are some things that kind of make it more like a sensationalist hit-piece than an unbiased take on RocketJump’s video. Although he does point out the inaccuracies and ““narrative””(?) RocketJump is making, from the perspective of Nerdnonymous? I honestly think he’s done more bickering than actual evidence.

I edited the post and post title to reflect my current thoughts.

this post has been edited.


It feels like this is a cycle that’s doomed to repeat. Someone starts watching the video, recommends it on here, then reconsiders after watching more of it.

This Nerdonymous does a lot of research, but he has a serious chip on his shoulder that gets in the way of his videos having any value.


That one uber prequel apologist, So Uncivilized, lost all credibility for me when he championed Nerdonymous’ video.


BedeHistory731 said:

That one uber prequel apologist, So Uncivilized, lost all credibility for me when he championed Nerdonymous’ video.

You mean the one who did a video that basically said “Sure, the prequels’ dialogue is awful, but that makes it memorable, so you aren’t allowed to criticize it”, but stretched out to 10 minutes long? Yeah, he had no credibility to me from the very beginning.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Marooned Biker Scout said:

Like I said above, I think it was a brave thing to post that Nerdonymous video on here considering it shits on fan preservations and fan edits. Brave or stupid or maybe naive, if you thought nobody would call that part of the video out. No disrespect, just saying it like I see it.

As if that snide comment about fan-edits and preservations was ever the main topic of the video (which I obviously disagree with due to being on the forum in the first place).

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Correct. He did a lot of research clearly which is really awesome. And it proves that RocketJump wasn’t exactly being genuine in his portrayal of Lucas and the making of the movie.

I’ve discussed this video with people here before, and people got upset about it. And yeah, the guy can be passive aggressive and somewhat mean, which is a problem, but a lot of the points are still valid. I can understand being mad about slander and misinformation about something you love at the same time though. People getting upset at the video was also probably partially due to the way I talked about it, due to my explosive nature. I think you’ll get a lot better reception as you’re way cooler and more level-headed and this post is much more objective.

Ultimately I think the original RocketJump video gained a lot of traction because people really want an answer to, “What happened to the Lucas that directed the original trilogy?/WTF happened with the prequels?” question. Which is understandable and very relatable. I felt that during my latest rewatch. But to take on a mindset that it must’ve been because George Lucas was just never good is not the answer. The real answer is definitely way more complex.

I remember shitting on you really hard about this video. I’m a lot more suspicious of this anti-George Lucas narrative that became so popular in the fandom than I was when you made that post. It feels really shitty to change my mind about something I was so opinionated on before, but I really feel like I watched Nerdonymous’s video with a hostile mindset and could only find errors in his refusal to treat RocketJump in good faith. But does RocketJump deserve good faith? Treating people with good people is a virtue, so maybe, but RocketJump’s video makes so many factual errors that he kind of has no credibility. The argument between Nerdonymous and RocketJump should be framed as someone who did their research vs someone who, at best, has no idea what they’re talking about, not as two equals both presenting valid viewpoints.

I originally disliked how Nerdonymous’s video didn’t make a strong, central argument to refute RocketJump, instead just being two hours of pointing out dumb shit RocketJump said, but the point here is to undermine RocketJump’s credibility: Here he is making pretty lofty claims discrediting George Lucas of Star Wars’s success, and he can’t even get basic facts right. Nerdonymous implies that RocketJump is a Disney shill or that the fans of this video are Disney shills, which I didn’t like at the time, and I still don’t see how you could ever prove that RocketJump had any connection to Disney or Disney promoted it. But it’s kind of obvious to me now how much RocketJump’s video was muddying the waters, and it’s extremely hard to believe someone who’s as clearly intelligent as RocketJump was just overzealous and ran a story based on mistaken and/or completely fabricated information. I don’t blame Nerdonymous for connecting the dots and blaming Disney, although there’s no evidence for that and literally all it takes to make a video like this is one guy still seething over the Special Editions.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

Because some people did a video talking about the power of editing film and how it can have a big effect in general, this film especially?

Come on. Let’s be real, that’s not what this video was. It’s not the takeaway you were meant to get from this video. It’s not why it got popular either, and it’s not what people reference it for. Do you really think Nerdonymous just randomly attacked RocketJump’s innocent video about “the power of editing film”? Even if trying to discredit George Lucas is a total accidental message that RocketJump did not intend to put in his video, come on, we need to look a little more critically about the messages in the media we’re consuming. You’re being extremely forgiving. The message is definitely there, and considering how many people have picked up on this message and used this video to argue against George Lucas deserving credit for Star Wars’s success, it deserves to be taken seriously.

Like I said above, I think it was a brave thing to post that Nerdonymous video on here considering it shits on fan preservations and fan edits.

That pissed me off too. I’m a member of this community and I didn’t appreciate being shit on like that. But can you really blame an outsider for thinking these things about us? 99% of the early fanediting scene was driven by George Lucas seethe, and while we constantly talk about the preservation of Star Wars’s cultural legacy, something which is extremely important, you have to admit George Lucas seethe is embedded in these preservationist communities. Anti-Lucas revisionism is more of a problem here than Pro-Lucas revisionism is in the general population. If we want to be act like someone who has a deep admiration for Lucas shitting on us is an unfair thing to do, maybe we should stop shitting on George Lucas so much.

Especially because, if Star Wars’s cultural heritage is what we want to say we’re here for, and not just because we’re still seething about the Special Editions, we need to keep in mind that George Lucas has contributed far, far more to Star Wars’s cultural heritage than he’s destroyed. It’s a shame that he destroyed some of it. But he literally made Star Wars. Can we have some perspective?

We’re at a point in time where our fiction is as soulless and hollow as ever because we shit on visionary storytellers like George Lucas. The creativity and passion that went into the OT which is now rare if not absent from modern filmmaking is more important to Star Wars’s cultural legacy than whether or not Han shot first, and considering that Disney has done nothing but give us what we ask for, it was us who destroyed it.

Anyway, I apologize to you G&G Fan. I was wrong about what I said, and it’s embarrassing to look at the original thread and see myself defending a viewpoint which I really think should have been obvious how wrong it was. I’m feeling that way more and more about the shit I’ve said on the internet years past. Although Nerdonymous’s major chip on his shoulder really does make the video fucking suck.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


SparkySywer said:

Anyway, I apologize to you G&G Fan. I was wrong about what I said, and it’s embarrassing to look at the original thread and see myself defending a viewpoint which I really think should have been obvious how wrong it was. I’m feeling that way more and more about the shit I’ve said on the internet years past. Although Nerdonymous’s major chip on his shoulder really does make the video fucking suck.

You’re good man. I’ll think about messages I’ve sent here before that just make me cringe (me bending over backwards to defend the Prequels, like my old Yoda thread). I’ve funnily gone from one of the biggest Prequel defenders on the forum to agreeing with a lot of people’s issues, even if I still enjoy ROTS a lot (tho I’ve changed my mind about it being better then ANH; ANH is awesome). My last rewatch of the saga had me saying a lot of the stuff OT fans say. I used to use Rick fucking Worley videos to support my points before coming to the inevitable realization that he’s an egotistical idiot (probably should’ve been tipped off by him slandering Marvel; the MCU is awesome, I will take no sass). Sometimes I’ve exploded in ways that are just embarrassing to look back at, too.

But in the end we all grow and change and evolve.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

SparkySywer said:

Anyway, I apologize to you G&G Fan. I was wrong about what I said, and it’s embarrassing to look at the original thread and see myself defending a viewpoint which I really think should have been obvious how wrong it was. I’m feeling that way more and more about the shit I’ve said on the internet years past. Although Nerdonymous’s major chip on his shoulder really does make the video fucking suck.

You’re good man. I’ll think about messages I’ve sent here before that just make me cringe (me bending over backwards to defend the Prequels, like my old Yoda thread). I’ve funnily gone from one of the biggest Prequel defenders to agreeing with a lot of people’s issues, even if I still enjoy ROTS a lot (tho I’ve changed my mind about it being better then ANH; ANH is awesome). My last rewatch of the saga had me saying all the same stuff most OT fans say. I used to use Rick fucking Worley videos to support my points before coming to the inevitable realization that he’s an egotistical idiot (probably should’ve been tipped off by him slandering Marvel; the MCU is awesome, I will take no sass). Sometimes I’ve exploded in ways that are just embarrassing to look back at, too.

But in the end we all grow and change and evolve.

I know how you feel, man. I used to be a MauLer fan and thought that Rick Worley was right about everything. I used to get way too worked up arguing about these movies, and it’s pretty embarrassing, looking back. Life’s too short for all that. I still like the prequels, but I agree with a lot of the criticisms about them, and I still dislike the sequels, but I’m not going to try to argue that they’re “objectively” bad or whatever. There’s no point to that.


Hell, I too cringe at my r/SaltierThanKrayt act on here. This isn’t some awful hive of reactionaries just because they don’t like the new media coming out (save for a few posters who aren’t here anymore). This place doesn’t have that same “poisoned well” as YouTube or Reddit and it’s not worth it fighting political conflicts over a mediocre TV show.

Life’s too short and why be angry about that? I’ve also quit Reddit for the most part, which has improved my mood drastically. Message boards are much better.


G&G-Fan said:

SparkySywer said:

Anyway, I apologize to you G&G Fan. I was wrong about what I said, and it’s embarrassing to look at the original thread and see myself defending a viewpoint which I really think should have been obvious how wrong it was. I’m feeling that way more and more about the shit I’ve said on the internet years past. Although Nerdonymous’s major chip on his shoulder really does make the video fucking suck.

You’re good man. I’ll think about messages I’ve sent here before that just make me cringe (me bending over backwards to defend the Prequels, like my old Yoda thread). I’ve funnily gone from one of the biggest Prequel defenders on the forum to agreeing with a lot of people’s issues, even if I still enjoy ROTS a lot (tho I’ve changed my mind about it being better then ANH; ANH is awesome). My last rewatch of the saga had me saying a lot of the stuff OT fans say. I used to use Rick fucking Worley videos to support my points before coming to the inevitable realization that he’s an egotistical idiot (probably should’ve been tipped off by him slandering Marvel; the MCU is awesome, I will take no sass). Sometimes I’ve exploded in ways that are just embarrassing to look back at, too.

But in the end we all grow and change and evolve.

His opinion that MCU isn’t cinema (an opinion shared by some of the greatest filmmakers out there) automatically makes him an idiot and invalidates any insights he’s had on Star Wars?


StarkillerAG said:

BedeHistory731 said:

That one uber prequel apologist, So Uncivilized, lost all credibility for me when he championed Nerdonymous’ video.

You mean the one who did a video that basically said “Sure, the prequels’ dialogue is awful, but that makes it memorable, so you aren’t allowed to criticize it”, but stretched out to 10 minutes long? Yeah, he had no credibility to me from the very beginning.

“Eminem has memorable lyrics but to me it doesn’t sound like things real people would naturally say, therefore it’s bad and he’s a hack.”


Ejn said:

His opinion that MCU isn’t cinema (an opinion shared by some of the greatest filmmakers out there) automatically makes him an idiot and invalidates any insights he’s had on Star Wars?

Nah, that’s not my main problem. Most of his points are nonsense. The MCU thing is just one of them.

His Prequels video is just, “Look at this visual storytelling and poetry, that automatically makes every point about the Prequels flaws null and void”. Yes, I’m aware that, “It’s a language” and that the parallels have meaning and all that. But the OT did the same thing without sacrificing plotting, character development, pacing, good dialogue, etc.

His “debunks” of Prequel criticism are just addressing nitpicks rather then actual story or character critiques. Instead of acting like you destroyed Chris Stuckmann because he said they have candlelight dinners in AOTC but there aren’t actually any candles (as if that was the point), how about address the actual problems with the romance plotline or Anakin’s character?

He defends Chewbacca being in ROTS by saying that it makes ANH better, as Obi-Wan approaches Chewie “on his first try” and that’s because he knew him because “He helped the Jedi 20 years ago”. First of all, Chewie met Yoda, not Obi-Wan. Second, Chewie is not the first pilot he approaches. It’s a normal guy who then refers him to Chewie. This and the dialogue indicates he had no idea who Chewie was. For all the talk he does of people “Not watching the movies”, it doesn’t seem like he rewatched ANH for his video.

His special edition defenses are bad too.
He states that Greedo shooting first was done because Greedo’s intentions to shoot Han weren’t clear visually, despite the fact that his blaster pointing at Han is clearly visible.
He says that both of Vader’s Big No’s aren’t any different from Luke’s Big No in TESB, without accounting for the performance or that it’s out-of-character for Vader, who’s supposed to be stoic. There being a Big No in every other movie doesn’t excuse giving Vader a cheesy stupid line that undercuts the scene. Would it be an excuse if they gave Han a cheesy Big No when the door to the shield generator closes?

Also he actually had the balls to say Jedi Rocks isn’t any more cheesy then Lapti Nek. pukes

“An opinion shared by some of the greatest filmmakers out there”, Argument from authority. I don’t care. You don’t get to just call something not what it is just because you don’t think it’s good example of it. Every movie is “a real movie” and “cinema”.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Ejn said:

Also he actually had the balls to say Jedi Rocks isn’t any more cheesy then Lapti Nek. pukes

Lapti Nek’s only real issue is that the Sy Snootles marionette puppet looks unconvincing within the context of the other 1983 puppets. A stop-motion puppet or even a suitmation puppet (obviously with a different design) would’ve been feasible and better.


I watched both videos, and I can’t stand either of them. One video follows from a trend, which takes the in my view valid criticisms of the prequels, but then uses those criticisms to create a narrative (which gained traction in the 2000s), that the OT was a success in spite of Lucas rather than because of him. The other would treat Lucas’ stool like they are nuggets of gold. My view is quite simple. Lucas was and is a creative genius, who in his early days tended to be more collaborative, and more open to criticism. However, even that Lucas could create a turd, like Howard the Duck. The Lucas that created the prequels initially wanted similar collaborations, but many of the people he approached turned him down, finding the task to create another Star Wars film too daunting. So, he did it himself, rusty has a was. Despite all of its flaws, and the fact that Lucas became too enamoured with the technology, TPM is still the most Star Wars prequel of them all in my view, and clearly a labour of love for Lucas. My theory is, that the wave of criticism, and hate, that followed TPM made Lucas dig in more, and he became more isolated, more controlling, and less receptive to criticism. To him fans demanding changes to the prequels were not much different from studios trying to meddle with his movies, and so that set the stage for Lucas sticking to his guns, and cemented Lucas’ refusal to release the OOT. That’s my theory anyway.


Ejn said:

StarkillerAG said:

BedeHistory731 said:

That one uber prequel apologist, So Uncivilized, lost all credibility for me when he championed Nerdonymous’ video.

You mean the one who did a video that basically said “Sure, the prequels’ dialogue is awful, but that makes it memorable, so you aren’t allowed to criticize it”, but stretched out to 10 minutes long? Yeah, he had no credibility to me from the very beginning.

“Eminem has memorable lyrics but to me it doesn’t sound like things real people would naturally say, therefore it’s bad and he’s a hack.”

Sweet Jesus, that’s a bad argument. Literally the biggest case of false equivalency I’ve ever seen.

Like, I don’t know if you realize this, but songs literally CANNOT sound natural. If a song sounded like natural speech, it would just be some guy ranting with no rhythm or melody while an instrumental track played in the background. “Naturalism” is literally the least important thing in a musician’s mind.

But meanwhile, movies definitely have the capability to sound natural. In fact, most people would argue that’s what a scriptwriter should aim for. Of course, you don’t always need to sound natural: Even in the original Star Wars, the spiritual mentor characters spoke in a more poetic way to emphasize their mythic nature. But when it came to the more down-to-earth characters that Star Wars mostly focuses on, they spoke in a very natural way, with the perfect combination of relatable awkwardness and powerful emotion. That selectively-applied naturalism is part of the overall concoction of scriptwriting genius that made the OT so relatable to millions of people.

And that combination of poetry and naturalism is exactly where the prequels fell flat. There were no more down-to-earth, relatable characters, no natural, semi-awkward speech: everyone just spoke in the exact same mixture of “bureaucratic meeting” and “high-schooler’s attempt at writing a sonnet”. It was awkward in the absolute worst way, and it’s possibly the biggest reason why the prequels are so hard to watch as an adult.

Ejn said:

G&G-Fan said:

SparkySywer said:

Anyway, I apologize to you G&G Fan. I was wrong about what I said, and it’s embarrassing to look at the original thread and see myself defending a viewpoint which I really think should have been obvious how wrong it was. I’m feeling that way more and more about the shit I’ve said on the internet years past. Although Nerdonymous’s major chip on his shoulder really does make the video fucking suck.

You’re good man. I’ll think about messages I’ve sent here before that just make me cringe (me bending over backwards to defend the Prequels, like my old Yoda thread). I’ve funnily gone from one of the biggest Prequel defenders on the forum to agreeing with a lot of people’s issues, even if I still enjoy ROTS a lot (tho I’ve changed my mind about it being better then ANH; ANH is awesome). My last rewatch of the saga had me saying a lot of the stuff OT fans say. I used to use Rick fucking Worley videos to support my points before coming to the inevitable realization that he’s an egotistical idiot (probably should’ve been tipped off by him slandering Marvel; the MCU is awesome, I will take no sass). Sometimes I’ve exploded in ways that are just embarrassing to look back at, too.

But in the end we all grow and change and evolve.

His opinion that MCU isn’t cinema (an opinion shared by some of the greatest filmmakers out there) automatically makes him an idiot and invalidates any insights he’s had on Star Wars?

That’s honestly a pretty decent point. If anything, “he thinks the MCU is regurgitated fast-food trash” should be taken as a sign of intelligence. Sorry Marvel fans, but your movies suck.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


“His “debunks” of Prequel criticism are just addressing nitpicks rather then actual story or character critiques.”

You know what, the two nitpicks you mentioned are also problems I had with the video. The candlelight dinner comment was a bit of a “well ackshually” moment (even though it would’ve been a perfect time to address the fact that Yoda and the Jedi didn’t seem to give any instructions to have candle-lit dinners with her as far as I remember and were probably more focused on, ya know, protecting the senator rather than the romantic scenery of the planet they visited). Also, you’re right, the Chewbacca point didn’t make much sense. Like they may have reminisced over the clone wars, but it does not seem like Obi-Wan was deliberately seeking him out. He also seemed to imply that the famous “I love you/ I know” exchange may have been inspired by Casablanca but from what I know Lucas only kept Ford’s ad-lib because test audiences liked it.

Outside of his SW series, similarly, I’ve also seen him make a couple of false or questionable claims about the movies such as a pretty awful debate on TPM.

So, the two flaws you mentioned here are 2 out of the 3 exact issues I had with the video. But for a video over two hours, we’re dwelling a lot on a couple of minor complaints. “You’re focusing on the negative, Anakin.”

“His special edition defenses are bad too.
He states that Greedo shooting first was done because Greedo’s intentions to shoot Han weren’t clear visually, despite the fact that his blaster pointing at Han is clearly visible.
He says that both of Vader’s Big No’s aren’t any different from Luke’s Big No in TESB, without accounting for the performance or that it’s out-of-character for Vader, who’s supposed to be stoic. There being a Big No in every other movie doesn’t excuse giving Vader a cheesy stupid line that undercuts the scene. Would it be an excuse if they gave Han a cheesy Big No when the door to the shield generator closes?”

I thought this was an improvement over the first video, with the only complaint being that he was a bit too flippant about Lucas adding and then removing Luke’s scream. (However, this again would’ve been a great time to note that according to Matthew Wood, it was an error that Lucas never approved of in the first place and that Ben Burtt put it in himself and must’ve forgotten to ask.)

Sure, shooting Greedo was always self-defense and that may be obvious to you. But the fan reaction to the change proves that it WASN’T obvious to many other viewers. While you may complain that it was unnecessary, an equal amount of fans such as the SW Explained types complain that this changes his character arc because they thought the point was he started out as a cold-blooded killer before turning a new leaf even though either way shooting Greedo is justified. (Maybe cause they were little kids when first watching them and couldn’t comprehend the implication of the subtitles?)

Rick’s point on Vader’s "NO” is more about how it mirrors Vader’s own scream in ROTS than Luke’s “NO”. I’m sure Lucas would say you are correct in that Vader is supposed to be stoic, but the whole point here is that we’re not dealing with Vader anymore, this is Anakin returning. Anakin, like Luke, isn’t meant to be as stoic as Vader. The last time Vader was vulnerable, the last time Vader was Anakin, his last word was “NO”. Now that Anakin is returning, his first word is “NO.” Except now, Vader is actually able to save the life of the person he cares for. There’s more thought put in doing this than Lucas shoehorning in the dialogue at random somewhere as you see it.

“Yes, I’m aware that, “It’s a language” and that the parallels have meaning and all that. But the OT did the same thing without sacrificing plotting, character development, pacing, good dialogue, etc.”

This is almost word for word the common critique that Rick foresees in the first couple minutes of the video. The intertextuality and motifs do inform the plot and characters. As well as Dave Filoni can articulate his interpretation, the other kids in the audience and I never needed it to understand that the similarities across Qui-Gon’s death, Anakin’s immolation, and Anakin’s death were conveying the flawed nature of the dynamic between Anakin and Obi-Wan and how that compared to the father-son dynamic that Anakin achieved with Luke despite being robbed of himself as a kid.

One has the son-figure cradling the father-figure in his time of need and burns his body out of honour, the other has it reversed so the son-figure is burning and the father-figure abandons him yada yada you get the point. I know some fans get very angry and call BS when you try talking about symbolism in these movies but that’s who Lucas is and that’s what his films revolved around before Star Wars.

The references to other text, likewise, frame the story itself. I’m reminded of Jeremy Jahns on youtube who, despite initially disliking the trilogy, changed his opinion a bit after watching Dracula. Now, even without having watched Dracula first I still think myself and most kids could understand that this was the kind of tragedy the movie was going for and could connect to it in a primal way.

Also, let’s not pretend Rick’s accentuating of the visual language and cinematography is a complete whataboutism that ignores criticisms of the prequels because many criticisms of the movies did revolve around this. Stuckmann mocking the use of 180-degree rule and close ups in the fight scene, Patrick Willems doing a whole video on the visual language and picking up on like two parallels, Redletter Media noticing parallels between other films such as Citizen Kane and within the SW films themselves “but doing them bad.” And while, sure, Rick didn’t address a lot of major specific criticisms of the prequels, the second half does a pretty good job undermining the analytical skills the youtube critics who perpetuate a lot of these same criticisms. While Rick’s video doesn’t address every point against the prequels, but it encourages you to think for yourself and not just agree with every point made by the popular youtubers. Just apply the same thought process Rick does to Stuckmann’s genius points about worms and Anakin’s helmet size to some of their other issues with the films and maybe you’ll find those criticisms don’t hold up.

Maybe the above changes nothing. I find whenever someone brings up a positive about the PT or how it does something the same as the OT, people respond that the prequels do it “but bad” or that it “feels wrong” without really elaborating. If you want to talk about the more specific problems and want someone to help see those movies in a more positive light, I’m game.

“Sweet Jesus, that’s a bad argument. Literally the biggest case of false equivalency I’ve ever seen.

Like, I don’t know if you realize this, but songs literally CANNOT sound natural.”

We could try to make song lyrics that sound natural. But why? Like you said it comes at the expense of the actual rhythm of the song. As much as it is memed on, poetry and music are the exact things Lucas has used to describe how he structures Star Wars. In a Sci-Fi fantasy universe with millions of languages, is it worth robbing dialogue with dramatic irony or that “rhymes” for the sake of preserving its ability to sound natural to western viewers. IDK I find “From my point of view, the Jedi are evil,” when Obi-Wan talks about failing Anakin and how that line works together with the other times the concept of POV is brought up than Kylo Ren’s perhaps more natural “I’m sure you are!”.

It isn’t a “real-world” movie, the main goal is not to evoke our way of speaking, just as it wouldn’t be in LOTR or Romeo & Juliet. Sure, the OT has Han and Luke. By the end of that trilogy, however, Luke whose diction previously indicated a whiny, idealistic teenager, now has matured and speaks the same as the rest of the Jedi. Is it the fact he lacks a British accent that no longer renders him “mythic and poetic”? Han Solo’s dialogue is relatable for Westerners because his character draws from just that; Westerns. Even then some of his lines such as “over my dead body/ Yeehaw” and some of his other snarky remarks are pretty played to the hilt cliches that people wouldn’t naturally say nowadays.

“There were no more down-to-earth, relatable characters, no natural, semi-awkward speech: everyone just spoke in the exact same mixture of “bureaucratic meeting” and “high-schooler’s attempt at writing a sonnet”.”

In episode 1, you do have “down-to-earth" characters like Anakin and Jar Jar. Obviously, Jar Jar’s dialect isn’t meant to resemble human speech patterns, but not everyone is speaking the exact same way. Anakin is more of an “every-man” character but like Jar Jar, this is character that is meant to be relatable to children, so he talks as such. Throughout the next two films, Anakin is somewhere in between the dialogue of someone stoic like Obi-Wan and someone hotheaded like Han Solo, as half of his life has been with the Jedi and half of his life was more normal. He may not be the most fluent expressing his feelings to girls and taps more into the poetic side. (“From the moment I met you all those years ago, not a day has gone by…) But when teasing Padme on a picnic or racing through the streets of Coruscant with Obi-Wan he makes quips probably just as a normal teenage Han Solo type character would.

So, while there are prequel characters that don’t speak this way, I don’t see Jedi characters who do speak this way as unrelatable. Don’t get me wrong I like having the variety of ways of speaking and I like Han, but a lot of the people who complain that the Jedi are boring because they’re stoic and say they need a hot-headed, kind of ass-holish character to relate with a story tend to be the dude-bro Stuckmann types and it says more about them and the kind of people they have interacted with in their life that they see Qui-Gon’s tempered way of speaking as something akin to a Shakespeare robot.

Also, I’m not trying to insult the marvel fans or even say that Worley or any of those filmmakers who hate Marvel are necessarily correct, but I wouldn’t dismiss their knowledge of film as a whole cause of this.


I’m glad you actually acknowledged the weaker parts of his videos. It’s very obvious to me that many times Worley just finds patterns where none exist. For example, he seems to think the council scenes in AOTC are a parallel to the ones in TPM, but literally the only reason they’re the same camera angles is because they straight up just used the footage from TPM.

That thing about Burtt putting it in himself without Lucas’ input would’ve actually been really nice to know. I’m glad you discovered that tidbit.

The critiques of the Greedo scene are still valid. The change made it way less subtle and interesting. Han is less sly and sleazy; rather then being sneaky and getting a shot from under the table, he waits until he’s shot. Also, the scene begins with Greedo holding Han at gunpoint. There’s a certain point where it’s the audiences fault for not getting a scene and I’d say the original scene crossed that threshold just from that shot.

I’m aware that the Vader “Nooooo” in ROTJ is paralleling the No from ROTS, but he tried to make it seem like it’s as cheesy as Luke’s No in ESB, when it’s not. Also, again, your justification does not answer the true crux of the criticism. The criticism of Anakin/Vader’s character in the Prequels (and thus, what Vader is retconned into acting like in this change to ROTJ) is that he does not act like Darth Vader from the OT. Vader in the OT is stoic. The fact that the original version of the scene had him silent proves that this was the original intention for his characterization.

Whenever Vader is angry in the OT, he lashes out in a cold, collected manner. His statements are short and blunt, his voice commanding, his body language stiff and powerful. This is how Anakin should also act when he’s angry. But instead, he whines, yells, and goes on long rants about how everything is unfair. Anakin and Vader are supposed to be the same person. Vader is the dark side of Anakin. But besides some scenes in which he does resemble Vader (Watto scene in AOTC, being knighted Vader in ROTS and most of the movie afterwards), Anakin in the PT isn’t like him. The only similarity is “They’re angry”, but the way they express that anger is completely different. Connecting the two requires too much suspension of disbelief. It’s also why both times Vader screams No, it’s unbelievable. It’s not something Vader would do.

Anakin’s retconned characterization feels like if there was a prequel spin-off about a young Gus Fring, but his younger self is characterized like the popular meme caricature of Jesse Pinkman.

This is what I meant when I said the parallels don’t fix the issues. It doesn’t matter if there’s a parallel between Anakin and Frankenstein, it doesn’t change that Lucas missed a fundamental aspect of Vader’s character. It doesn’t change that Anakin is a moron for just blindly believing the story of Darth Plagueis with no evidence, or that he’s slaughtering children a few days after being a Jedi in his prime. It’s unnatural. We should’ve seen him gradually be seduced by the dark side and do worse and worse things over the course of the trilogy, because that’s how people work. A good person becoming bad is a very gradual process. Think like Walter White from Breaking Bad. It’s natural because Walt doesn’t just become a psychotic murderer the second he starts cooking meth.

Ironic you bring up “the flawed nature of the dynamic between Anakin and Obi-Wan”, because there’s proof that Lucas’ intent was for Obi-Wan to be the right master for Anakin. Dave Filoni’s belief that Qui-Gon should’ve been Anakin’s master and was doomed as soon as Qui-Gon died is his own interpretation.

This is what I mean when I say that Worley sometimes finds things that don’t exist. This is not to say that there isn’t any parallel between Qui-Gon and Vader’s death, there definitely is, but I wanted to bring that up.

Reading from this blog is partially what made me realize how badly made the Prequels are. The Prequels are so bad at conveying what Lucas was really trying to convey that people keep making head canons and being so off the mark they’re basically turning them into entirely different movies. No, Anakin is not Obi-Wan (or the Jedi’s) failure. The reason people believe this is because Lucas was so poor at conveying his intent to the audience, and EU authors and people like Filoni interpreted it wrong and spread it.

And that’s what makes me so sad. The concepts behind the Prequels are quite brilliant, but their execution is so poor.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


The Prequels are so bad at conveying what Lucas was really trying to convey that people keep making head canons and being so off the mark they’re basically turning them into entirely different movies.

And that’s why the Prequels are actually good. They’re so bad at conveying what Lucas was really trying to convey that they turn out being good, because what Lucas was really trying to convey is… bad.

«No one is guilty of being born a slave. But the slave to whom not only aspirations for freedom are alien, but who justifies and paints his slavery in rosy colors, such a slave is a lackey and a brute who arouses a legitimate sense of indignation, disgust and repugnance.»

— Vladimir Lenin


Spartacus01 said:

And that’s why the Prequels are actually good. They’re so bad at conveying what Lucas was really trying to convey that they turn out being good, because what Lucas was really trying to convey is… bad.

Nah, I kinda like Darth Vader to be mostly completely responsible for his own actions and the Jedi not vilified because of a misunderstanding of Buddhism.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


As a viewer who has got a special interest is cults, the non-Buddhist reading of the Jedi is appealing but robs Anakin of his agency. If you wanted a more agency-friendly criticism of organized and esoteric religion, it should be “some people shouldn’t be exposed to certain religious thoughts, because it’ll make a troubled man believe what they’re doing is righteous.” Palpatine exposes an already troubled Anakin to the dark side philosophy and it’s over for Anakin. A historical example of this would be Roch Theriault finding Seventh Day Adventism (after difficulties with Catholicism) and using Adventist philosophies to launch the infamous Ant Hill Kids group.


Ejn said:

I thought this was an improvement over the first video, with the only complaint being that he was a bit too flippant about Lucas adding and then removing Luke’s scream. (However, this again would’ve been a great time to note that according to Matthew Wood, it was an error that Lucas never approved of in the first place and that Ben Burtt put it in himself and must’ve forgotten to ask.)

According to Matthew Wood, the scream was added at George’s request for the '97 Special edition. It was when it came around to doing the mix for the 2004 DVD’s that Mathew , who hated the scream, removed the sound effect and George didn’t notice it had gone, so it stayed that way.