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The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread — Page 13


Alright, that kicks major ass! I wouldn't think it would be too difficult to adapt that other than visual effects. That and introducing another Jedi for us to suspect.

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


mangojango said:

Loving the concept of reordering the film so that it is Darth Vader post-suit that attacks the temple and using the Mcquarrie prototype helmet, but looking down that page at the photos it, the most striking one is the image of the mask without the helmet.


I quite like that look actually......somewhat reminiscent of the clone troopers...which would almost make sense.....and then of course Vader changes it over time. 


muddyknees2000 said:

mangojango said:

Loving the concept of reordering the film so that it is Darth Vader post-suit that attacks the temple and using the Mcquarrie prototype helmet, but looking down that page at the photos it, the most striking one is the image of the mask without the helmet.


I quite like that look actually......somewhat reminiscent of the clone troopers...which would almost make sense.....and then of course Vader changes it over time. 



Quite a bit being said about this on the facebook page - From what I understand, Ady intends to keep Vader similar to ANH vader, with some differences, and that the McQuarrie model won't be used because it is too dissimilar to the OT.

Here's a mockup of my earlier mockup leading the troops to the Jedi Temple:

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000



Before (Click for HD)


After (Click for HD)



Thought I'd take the McQuarrie face part and put it on Anakin, utilising the hood as a few others have done, but I also tried for a more direct middle ground between their costumes. Anakin's suit now in black, plus the torso, and the robe is now a hooded-cape.


Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread


Asteroid-Man said:



I know this is just a mock-up, but this really doesn't work. The body is so tiny! Once again proves the point that Christensen was a terrible choice for Vader.


But it's technically the first version of Vader right? Couldn't he get larger in size over 19 years of upgrades?

Star Wars Renascent

Inspired by the Godfather Part II and a revamp of Star Wars: Reborn

View the discussion thread


Only if he was so self-conscious that he would order shoulder implants.


This is Mannikin Skywalker we are talking about so naturally he go a push up bra with all the trimmings.


I had a couple of concepts as I was experimenting with idea's for RotS;

Not sure if my idea's are even possible, certainly beyond my feeble video editing skills.

Also would love to see Tarkin added, even if it was only for brief cameo's in shots;

At least for me however the full image isn't being displayed you can see it here for a younger Tarkin having been inserted at Palpy's right...


Just to explain the thinking behind the above concept pictures. Several things always bothered me from the Original Trilogy not really being present in the Prequels.

1. The separation of Anakin and Vader as Characters.

2 The way Obi-Wan describes what happened. Currently he just looks like lair in the OT from the way the prequels are done.

3. Yoda telling Luke not to underestimate the powers of the Emperor or he will suffer his fathers fate.

To me the logical approach to 1. would be to have Anakin and Vader appear as separate characters. My idea was Palpatine could have a private assassin he is using to kill of senior Trade Federation leaders, apparently to bring the war to a quicker close. So we see a masked figure assassinating some of them, following Palpatine's orders (and possibly a Clandestine committee with Tarkin in it).

The last time we see Anakin he would realize that the chancellor is a Sith Lord and goes to confront Palpatine on his own. Palpatine then attacks Anakin with lightning, and that is the last time we see Anakin as Anakin. He's presumed dead - This would also sort of mirror what happens to Luke in RotJ....

Later Vader in mask saves Palpatine from Mace Windu... After that he could finally be officially called "Darth Vader". Anyway the whole point of all that being in ESB, there is a whole "aahhh" moment, and makes what Obi-Wan says about Anakin being consumed by Darth Vader make far more sense. At least with this ordering, Vader in mask would also fight Obi-Wan on Mustafa - which is the bit I'm not sure is even technically possible - and afterwards finalize the transformation from Anakin to Darth Vader.

The other advantage of this is it would save us from some of those horrific Hayden speeches!

Anyways, that was just my idea for the way Anakin should of fallen, while saving the reveal till ESB.


"Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation." - Rabindranath Tagore

"Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth." - Kahlil Gibran


Is there any reason why ROTS can't go...

1. Anakin saves Palpy from Windu; Windu dies

2. Anakin flees to Mustafar; Anakin is left for dead w/ the lava

3. Slaughter at the Jedi Temple, feat. Darth Vader


And hey, if Palpy makes some reference to his apprentice, Darth Vader, when talking to Anakin earlier... the illusion is complete.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


I agree with Adywan...

If you are going to do a Darth Vader temple scene then it should be the Vader that we see from ANH but more clean looking and still using the original helmet and armor.

efx Collectables have just released their Limited ANH Vader helmet which has a clean "spray" paint job and has less of the original defects which would make sense seeing as he's just been put into the suit.

I have both the ROTS and ANH helmets and now that I see them side by side, the orginal ANH helmet wins hands down.

Here's a render that was done a while ago.


I've been trying to find the 1975 storyboard with the really scary Vader mask in it.

I can just imagine that terrifying the hell out of those you Jedi.


In response to the Facespace mockup competition and in the hope of inspiring you all to do better than me I thought I'd troll through some of my old mockups and pick one idea for each film that I would really like to see.

Right click to expand where necessary.


I never liked the taxation plot strand in the first prequel. It made more sense to me that the Feds used to own the planet but were kicked out by humans.

That way they could be the Gods that the Gungans used to worship.


I'm rather fond of turning Geonosis into Droid occupied Tatooine (so Anakin can rescue the slaves and be a hero) but I felt proud of this ash coloured slate world (Angels was better but he took his crayons home, silly bugger).


For me this one image I've dreamed about since I was ten.

Inspired by Luke's familiarity with Dagobah.



Love the film as it was when I saw it first, Loved what Ady did but one change I would love to see is the removal of the clean blue or red squadrons from either version of the film.

If the helmets could be made to match the look of the battle I think the audiences minds can fill in the blanks.



Not much to add here that isn't already being done so instead I'm call two ideas for the next one.


Have Ben's ghost in his old house on Tatooine.

Bring Luke's story full circle in the place where 'his journey' began, not sitting on some swamp log.

Probably my fav.


Here's my render of the Temple Siege expect I used ESB Vader (he's my favourite)




Still hoping for a concept Vader.

Still can't find that storyboard (it used to be all over the web but poof).


Bingowings said:

I've been trying to find the 1975 storyboard with the really scary Vader mask in it.

I can just imagine that terrifying the hell out of those you Jedi.

Is this it?  I think this is the scariest Vader I've seen.  Man, he looks badass.

Anyone remember different camera angles from ROTJ?


Do you mean something like this?


<span style=“font-weight: bold;”>The Most Handsomest Guy on OT.com</span>


Man, now that's a a black armored Samuarai.  It's hard to believe sexy bald Hayden is under that armor.  Oh, smooch, smooch, smooch!!!


darth_ender said:

Man, now that's a a black armored Samuarai.  It's hard to believe sexy bald Hayden is under that armor.  Oh, smooch, smooch, smooch!!!

Don't you get near my hot and godlike Hay Chris!!!!!!!!!!!


Come on guys, get with the program :P

It's not Hayden under there... it's Alec Baldwin:

Preferred Saga:
1/2: Hal9000
3: L8wrtr
4/5: Adywan
6-9: Hal9000


greenpenguino said:

Do you mean something like this?


It's basically the same helmet design but the story board is really in your face with Vader in a rage (presumably at Captain 'Princess" Antilles).

If it doesn't turn up soon I will have to scan it as it must be in one of my books (presumably The Complete Vader).

You can see his eyes through the lenses which makes it somehow even more scary.

Ideal for a PT helmet especially if he is wearing it pre-burn.


Bingowings said:

Still hoping for a concept Vader.

Still can't find that storyboard (it used to be all over the web but poof).

I know the one you mean... Where he has his hands up by his face as if he's saying "Oggy-Boogy-Boo!"? That's the most frightening one I've ever seen!

nightstalkerpoet said:

Come on guys, get with the program :P

It's not Hayden under there... it's Alec Baldwin:

HA! Love it!


Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


It's on pg 7 I'll try and upload a better copy tomorrow but hopefully this shows for the time being :


Bingowings said:

It's on pg 7 I'll try and upload a better copy tomorrow but hopefully this shows for the time being :

Vader is LITERALLY going "Ogga booga boo! I'm soooo scary!" In this picture! XD