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The Star Wars canon saga as only the OT? — Page 3


Servii said:

BedeHistory731 said:

rocknroll41 said:

Nice to see other people finally becoming sw77 purists like me!

That said, I was watching ESB just yesterday for the first time in awhile and I can at least appreciate how well it’s made from a technical standpoint.

As others here have said, it works very well on its own, but led to serious issues in the long run with the force, saber fights, familial themes, etc.

“Franchise original sin” really is a bitch, isn’t it?

You know, it’s a funny thing. Nearly every Star Wars fan I’ve met believes there was some “line” that Star Wars crossed at some point that marks when the franchise jumped the shark. But no one ever agrees on when that “line” was crossed. Was it 1980, 1983, 1997, 1999, 2015, 2017, etc.

You can add 2019 to that list now too…



That’s an entirely valid way to look at it and one I’ll probably circle back to at one point. I completely see how ESB and ROTJ add to the world of SW, but it’s not worth it to me.

Right now, I’m just so burned out on franchise filmmaking that I relish in the idea of standalones. Leaving on a high note > overstaying your welcome. Some people see ROTJ or ROTS as that high note, I see Star Wars as that high note in this moment. One excellent movie and that’s it. ESB isn’t a Highlander II or Jurassic Park II: The Lost World, but it’s decisions led to far worse things to come for the franchise.

In recent times I’ve come to feel the same way about films, I really don’t like these drawn out series. That’s why I’m not the biggest fan of TV show formats. And while they are still franchise movies, I’m excited by the prospect of these new standalone Star Wars films. That way I can take them or leave them when there’s one I don’t like, and it’s not dependent on other films. For example, I wasn’t that big a fan of Rogue One, but absolutely LOVE Solo!

For the Original Trilogy, I view it more as a standalone film that happened to get two sequels. I think I already said it on this thread, but each of the films feel so distinct, you can tell they weren’t all planned together and all three seek to accomplish different things.

Now, I grew up with the prequels, but I find myself hardly ever watching them because they, way more that the OT, demand to be followed upon. I’m not sure the best way to put it, so I hope that makes sense. Its one reason I think I love the Indiana Jones movies so much. All four are all pretty self contained, and are their own story with shared characters, not trying to tell an elaborate overarching epic. I wish more film series were like this.

Move along, move along.


of_Kaiburr_and_Whills said:

That’s an entirely valid way to look at it and one I’ll probably circle back to at one point. I completely see how ESB and ROTJ add to the world of SW, but it’s not worth it to me.

Right now, I’m just so burned out on franchise filmmaking that I relish in the idea of standalones. Leaving on a high note > overstaying your welcome. Some people see ROTJ or ROTS as that high note, I see Star Wars as that high note in this moment. One excellent movie and that’s it. ESB isn’t a Highlander II or Jurassic Park II: The Lost World, but it’s decisions led to far worse things to come for the franchise.

In recent times I’ve come to feel the same way about films, I really don’t like these drawn out series. That’s why I’m not the biggest fan of TV show formats. And while they are still franchise movies, I’m excited by the prospect of these new standalone Star Wars films. That way I can take them or leave them when there’s one I don’t like, and it’s not dependent on other films. For example, I wasn’t that big a fan of Rogue One, but absolutely LOVE Solo!

For the Original Trilogy, I view it more as a standalone film that happened to get two sequels. I think I already said it on this thread, but each of the films feel so distinct, you can tell they weren’t all planned together and all three seek to accomplish different things.

Now, I grew up with the prequels, but I find myself hardly ever watching them because they, way more that the OT, demand to be followed upon. I’m not sure the best way to put it, so I hope that makes sense. Its one reason I think I love the Indiana Jones movies so much. All four are all pretty self contained, and are their own story with shared characters, not trying to tell an elaborate overarching epic. I wish more film series were like this.

Agreed. A lot of film franchises bite off way more than they can chew these days. Would be nice to see a return to more self-contained storytelling all around.



Maybe we’d have been better off if Lucas just made “The Star Wars” into a novel series. Who knows, maybe it would’ve been adapted into a set of movies?


BedeHistory731 said:

Maybe we’d have been better off if Lucas just made “The Star Wars” into a novel series. Who knows, maybe it would’ve been adapted into a set of movies?

Maybe. Sometimes I consider the sw77 novelization (The Adventures of Luke Skywalker), Splinter of the Mind’s Eye and the three Han Solo Adventures books to be “true” Star Wars.



rocknroll41 said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Maybe we’d have been better off if Lucas just made “The Star Wars” into a novel series. Who knows, maybe it would’ve been adapted into a set of movies?

Maybe. Sometimes I consider the sw77 novelization (The Adventures of Luke Skywalker), Splinter of the Mind’s Eye and the three Han Solo Adventures books to be “true” Star Wars.

My favorite adaptation of Splinter was the Blue Milk Special version.




rocknroll41 said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Maybe we’d have been better off if Lucas just made “The Star Wars” into a novel series. Who knows, maybe it would’ve been adapted into a set of movies?

Maybe. Sometimes I consider the sw77 novelization (The Adventures of Luke Skywalker), Splinter of the Mind’s Eye and the three Han Solo Adventures books to be “true” Star Wars.

I could roll with this lol.

Move along, move along.


rocknroll41 said:

If you say one bad thing about ESB on places like Reddit and TFN or one good thing about the ST you get ripped to pieces. Threads like this one here are a breath of fresh air, in that regard.

When it comes to Star Wars, sometimes I feel like this is the only sane place on the internet.

Yeah, it’s crazy how tolerant this sub is of wildly differing opinions on this franchise. You can hate everything from 1980 onwards, or you can love almost every installment, and your opinions will still be tolerated. There are arguments, sure, but they tend to be respectful debates rather than Twitter-esque namecalling.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Servii said:

We’ve ascended beyond OT purism now. We’ve gone up to 1977 purism.

But in all seriousness, I think something is lost when you only view Star Wars 77 in isolation. It’s neat to look at how far the characters come from the start of that movie to the end of RotJ, and the two sequels recontextualize the original in a way that adds more depth to the story imo

I would also consider myself as an 1977 purist i find the idea that the Emperor is not a Force User or a Sith fascinating that there are no great Force Powers like Force Ghosts or Force Lightning

the only change i would make to the 1977 movie is that Obi Wan no longer disappears or he becomes a Force Ghost i would make him died naturally killed by Vader in battle well maybe this wouldnt be Star Wars anymore but i find the original concepts of the 1977/ANH movie fascinating maybe in another Timeline Star Wars is more different


rocknroll41 said:

For anyone who cares, I have a new post up on my blog now that touches on this subject: http://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/2022/12/revisiting-my-empire-strikes-back-hot.html?m=1

Oh cool, you referenced my Tolkien comparison! I’m glad that was food for thought.

But we can’t turn back. Fear is their greatest defense. I doubt if the actual security there is any greater than it was on Aquilae or Sullust. And what there is is most likely directed towards a large-scale assault.


Servii said:

rocknroll41 said:

For anyone who cares, I have a new post up on my blog now that touches on this subject: http://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/2022/12/revisiting-my-empire-strikes-back-hot.html?m=1

Oh cool, you referenced my Tolkien comparison! I’m glad that was food for thought.

Ah, was that you? I remember reading it but couldn’t remember who said it. If you want me to edit the post to credit you then let me know!



rocknroll41 said:

Servii said:

rocknroll41 said:

For anyone who cares, I have a new post up on my blog now that touches on this subject: http://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/2022/12/revisiting-my-empire-strikes-back-hot.html?m=1

Oh cool, you referenced my Tolkien comparison! I’m glad that was food for thought.

Ah, was that you? I remember reading it but couldn’t remember who said it. If you want me to edit the post to credit you then let me know!

It’s alright, you don’t have to.

But we can’t turn back. Fear is their greatest defense. I doubt if the actual security there is any greater than it was on Aquilae or Sullust. And what there is is most likely directed towards a large-scale assault.


Servii said:

rocknroll41 said:

Servii said:

rocknroll41 said:

For anyone who cares, I have a new post up on my blog now that touches on this subject: http://henrynsilva.blogspot.com/2022/12/revisiting-my-empire-strikes-back-hot.html?m=1

Oh cool, you referenced my Tolkien comparison! I’m glad that was food for thought.

Ah, was that you? I remember reading it but couldn’t remember who said it. If you want me to edit the post to credit you then let me know!

It’s alright, you don’t have to.

Fair enough, then! But yeah, in any case, I thought you made a very good point with that comparison. It certainly helped me to look at ESB from a whole new angle, so thanks.
