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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 89


The issue is the first sentence shows an overall state of growing rebellion. Then other statements in the crawl may undercut that first sentence at least superficially. It feels like instead of kindled it should say stifled. But of course that’s not the more optimistic direction Hal is going for.

EDIT: Also it feels like the communications being cut off and stuff about brave agents should be in the same paragraph.

heil Palpatine!


jonh said:

It’s a shame not to have seen Luke Han and Leia together …
Maybe we can break the rules, and since force is not something that belongs to the Jedi, perhaps force has adopted han, hahahah

love has united them to han and leia in life, why not in death?

I agree, that would be kind of cool.
Also, love the new profile picture!

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Hal 9000 said:

Even when the baby sleeps well, leave it to something like my wife having hiccups to drive me here in the middle of the night.

I was perusing the review thread and saw a good point raised by NeverAr: Kylo shouldn’t have been able to take the TIE fighter from the Death Star II to Exogol, as ANH made clear that they do not have hyperdrives. Given that we see it for all of one shot, standing still, it should be feasible to replace with something else, like an Imperial shuttle or a TIE variant.

Then again, it doesn’t really make sense for Luke’s X-wing to be functional without serious work either. TLJ showed us he used part of a wing for a door. Lol, maybe for the few interior shots of the X-wing, it could be made to look gross and covered in moss.

This has bugged me since I saw it at the cinema. I thought it’d be pretty ace if Kylo arrived on Exegol in a Tie Advanced like Vader’s.


jordan_winter said:
This has bugged me since I saw it at the cinema. I thought it’d be pretty ace if Kylo arrived on Exegol in a Tie Advanced like Vader’s.

@poppasketti… haha 😉

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Hmm, we’ve only see one TIE like that, and we’d have to assume it was on the DSII. This concern might be silly in light of having the wreckage be the way it is in the movie, but I’d find it more believable if he arrives in a craft of which there were presumably many. Maybe he had to rummage around a while to find one that actually worked. A shuttle could be cool, and only enough of it would need to be in frame as would appear from that distance due to its size.

Hard to keep up with everything, but I keep tabs even when I can’t do any actual work. I’ll keep revisiting the crawl until we get it solved. Thanks for the continued good feedback.

My stance on revising fan edits.


My prequel edits have Spanish subtitles thanks to a volunteer. Originally MalaStrana did the French subtitles but I’ve done them since.

I’ll be sure to do Spanish subtitles for this and future releases, and go back and do them for ANH-TLJ. The work and syncing is done, as I can mirror the English subtitles’ timing to the Spanish ones. It’s not rocket science but requires some time and attention.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

My prequel edits have Spanish subtitles thanks to a volunteer. Originally MalaStrana did the French subtitles but I’ve done them since.

I’ll be sure to do Spanish subtitles for this and future releases, and go back and do them for ANH-TLJ. The work and syncing is done, as I can mirror the English subtitles’ timing to the Spanish ones. It’s not rocket science but requires some time and attention.

Maybe I could help with some Spanish / Portuguese translation I think 😃 and maybe my native Polish


Feel free, certainly! English subtitles exist, so you could take a language subtitle file and align the timing or even just do a custom translation if you really want to.

I’ll try to do Spanish for ROTJ that I’m trying to get out the door, and the others sometime later.

My stance on revising fan edits.


kewlfish said:

Thanks to Movies Remastered, I got a Blu-Ray version of Vader’s Castle, and here is my first draft for color correction. I personally think it’s a little too pink, but I’ll let y’all decide. If it’s good then I’ll throw it into the drive, but if it needs another pass I can get back into DaVinci and take another crack at it.

password - Ascendant

Edit: I left the clip longer so that an editor can cut the parts they don’t like, the bulge at the beginning is the ship and that’s the only super noticeable part of where the ship used to be.

Just looked on the big screen and there seems to be a weird ghost shape on the ridge half way through. I’m guessing thats the autofill struggling with the clouds?

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Hal 9000 said:

Feel free, certainly! English subtitles exist, so you could take a language subtitle file and align the timing or even just do a custom translation if you really want to.

I’ll try to do Spanish for ROTJ that I’m trying to get out the door, and the others sometime later.

For now, I meant only the up coming Ascendant project when it comes out 😉 but when I have more free Time I can try others 😉


Hal 9000 said:

nl0428’s mockup is what got me thinking about Kijimi today, incidentally.

I mainly did the mockup to showcase how breathing room could be improved to grieve Leia’s death, and more importantly, move Ben and Han’s conversation to later, for more emotional impact, not to feel too soon (as it was placed after Chewie screamed), and to help Ben not be offscreen for so long.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I’ve heard y’all had a dagger-problem. I toyed around with this sequence a bit, this is a really rough proof of concept. What do you think?


As you may notice, I’m also experimenting with color correction, because…damn this movie is fugly sometimes. 😄


mrsmith said:

I’ve heard y’all had a dagger-problem. I toyed around with this sequence a bit, this is a really rough proof of concept. What do you think?


As you may notice, I’m also experimenting with color correction, because…damn this movie is fugly sometimes. 😄

That’s interesting. I cut and replace “A feeling” so many times. Are you trying to remove the dagger all together or just that scene?

I felt there were 3 choices, 1) Remove the scene completely 2) Change the dialog in that scene to cover Kylo missing Rey holding the dagger the whole time or 3) Add a digger in the last few seconds of that scene to fix the contuniety error.

I still haven’t decided which one is best but I’ve fixed the dialog so far…

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Movies Remastered said:

Is there any way you could add a few seconds before the tight fighters come into shot?

I’ve posted two versions of the Mustafar tie flyover to the Master Clips folder on my drive, one that’s 5 seconds (same timing as original) and one that’s 6 seconds with about 2 seconds before the ties enter the frame. Each has a version with and without color correction so Kewlfish or whoever wants can add their own!

For reference, here they are:
Mustafar - Tie Flyover
Mustafar - Tie Flyover Alt
pw: fanedit


Hal 9000 said:

I was perusing the review thread and saw a good point raised by NeverAr: Kylo shouldn’t have been able to take the TIE fighter from the Death Star II to Exogol, as ANH made clear that they do not have hyperdrives. Given that we see it for all of one shot, standing still, it should be feasible to replace with something else, like an Imperial shuttle or a TIE variant.

What I want to know is how he was able to get to Exogol at all. Rey took his actual interceptor with the wayfinder so did the first order come looking for him (after he told them he was facing Rey alone) and brought him a TIE to use that just happened to have a hyperdrive (I get the handwaved ‘experimental’ nonsense but that’s dumb)? Plus without the wayfinder, did he commit the path to memory having only been there once? Seems unlikely but the movie needed him to be there so he magically was. Lazy writing. Maybe they stored the path in some memory banks after Kylo returned from there the first time. Pryde and the other ships needed to know how to get there too after palpatine told them to come to Exogol.

The even lazier way would have been to just have him run into frame without showing the ship. Then at least you can use your imagination how he got there instead of getting into a debate how ships work. Just a lazy plot hole that really doesn’t have an ideal solution. But replacing with something that’s been established to be hyperdrive capable would be the best compromise here.

What would have been really cool is if Rey sensed his planned redemption and “dyad transported” him to Exogol. I admit the lightsaber transfer to take down the knights of Ren was a cool moment set up multiple times earlier in the film. But this would have been the most realistic way to get Kylo to Exogol as quickly as the movie does. It’s hard to see accomplishing this though in an edit without ruining the lightsaber transfer moment (where the technique hadnt been used since kijimi so it’s a surprise).


Hal 9000 said:

it should be feasible to replace with something else, like an Imperial shuttle or a TIE variant.

That should be doable!


poppasketti said:

I’ve posted two versions of the Mustafar tie flyover to the Master Clips folder on my drive, one that’s 5 seconds (same timing as original) and one that’s 6 seconds with about 2 seconds before the ties enter the frame. Each has a version with and without color correction so Kewlfish or whoever wants can add their own!

For reference, here they are:
Mustafar - Tie Flyover
Mustafar - Tie Flyover Alt
pw: fanedit

Hate to be a nuisance Poppasketti, but I mentioned this way back so you probably didn’t see it, but I believe that you have mistakenly used Imperial TIE models instead of First Order ones. 😉


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Ah yes indeed I missed that note. I can adjust that!


Movies Remastered said:

kewlfish said:

Thanks to Movies Remastered, I got a Blu-Ray version of Vader’s Castle, and here is my first draft for color correction. I personally think it’s a little too pink, but I’ll let y’all decide. If it’s good then I’ll throw it into the drive, but if it needs another pass I can get back into DaVinci and take another crack at it.

password - Ascendant

Edit: I left the clip longer so that an editor can cut the parts they don’t like, the bulge at the beginning is the ship and that’s the only super noticeable part of where the ship used to be.

Just looked on the big screen and there seems to be a weird ghost shape on the ridge half way through. I’m guessing thats the autofill struggling with the clouds?

Yeah I’m going to keep working on it to see if there is an possible way to make it more smooth.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Movies Remastered said:

That’s interesting. I cut and replace “A feeling” so many times. Are you trying to remove the dagger all together or just that scene?

I felt there were 3 choices, 1) Remove the scene completely 2) Change the dialog in that scene to cover Kylo missing Rey holding the dagger the whole time or 3) Add a digger in the last few seconds of that scene to fix the contuniety error.

I still haven’t decided which one is best but I’ve fixed the dialog so far…

Well, my thinking was that it is enough to remove some focus and all that talking of the dagger for it to make sense to remove the Indiana Jones-ey lining.

Side note: I’m doing a Rey is Anakin’s reincarnation/chosen one edit, so I’m gonna expand on her looking at the Vader mask in that scene a bit more too, but something like this should also work without that.

So, the rest would play out pretty much the way it did in the movie, as far as the dagger is concerned, but I figure by cutting Rey (and later Finn) stating that they NEED the dagger, the events are recontextualized, so that Rey goes on a vision quest of sorts instead of a McGuffin retrieaval.

As for her having the knife out during the fight, sometimes you’re just gonna have to settle with head cannon if fixing an error is more trouble than worth. In this case, I say Kylo’s just not a very observant guy. I mean, look at how he was fooled by an entirely too young Skype avatar of Luke, wielding the same lightsaber which was destroyed a couple hours earlier. 😄
Granted, I’m one to take a more light-hearted approach to these movies. There are quite a few little things I enjoy (or enjoy to thrash talk) that most seem to straight up hate, so easy for me to say, I guess. 😄


If you want to remove the Goonies moment with the knife, it could still be found and need translation to inform them they need to go to Endor.
Then Rey finds it in Kylo’s room and pockets it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


poppasketti said:

idir_hh said:

One thing that I can’t unsee is the road with the few cars on the top left corner of the forest.

Removed the road/cars from the shot. Good call!
pw: fanedit

Kewlfish, I can send you something later without any color correction so you can match your shots!

I do feel compelled to point out that I think your TIEs have the wrong color scheme for FO TIEs.

Edit: didn’t see that this has already been pointed out. My apologies.

Looks good otherwise!


jarbear said:

@Dorksyde I understand where you are coming from, but even Disney doesn’t care about Canon from their own work…

(One of the many, MANY, examples: Poe meets Rey for the first time in The Last Jedi in the movie, but in The Force Awakens Novel they meet. Again, just a small example of MANY discrepancies.)

That’s the point of these fan edits in that they don’t have to follow “Cannon.”

“We” Make these edits and Adjustments that makes sense in the context of the movie or the trilogies to “our” liking.

Sure, but folks who are really into the canon are also allowed to make canon-compliant, or at least canon-adjacent fan edits.