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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 663


Burbin said:

"Our mother watched helplessly as the democracy she fought so hard to maintain crumbled before her eyes, so Leia decided to follow in her footsteps and watched helplessly as the democracy she fought so hard to maintain crumbled before her eyes. She surrendered her saber to me and left me to deal with Ben Solo’s darkness alone.

Lesson three. Now that she’s gone, Leia is romanticized, deified. But if you strip away the myth and look at her deeds, the legacy of Leia is failure. Hypocrisy, hubris. A thousand generations live in you now, but this is your fight, and honestly you’re better off on your own."

Bruh there is so much wrong with what you said I feel like Rey going: “That’s not true!”

  • Padme was a founding member of the Rebellion along with Mon Mothma and some other Senators
  • Leia formed the Resistance so quickly due to the fact that she made so many connections with other military leaders and politicians during her time in the New Republic
  • Yes, Leia was scared of the darkness in Ben! She thought Luke could handle it. But that’s why she doesn’t EVER want to give up on Rey. She sees her as the daughter she never had, and she will never make that same mistake again.

At the end of the day, you might just have to stick with the alternate audio track which Hal is thankfully going to create for v4.


DZ-330 said:

I started to train her, and she was a quick learner."

Leia kicks Luke’s ass

"But Leia felt she could better serve the galaxy through diplomacy, as our mother once did. She surrendered her saber to me and said that one day, it would be picked up again by someone who would finish her journey. A thousand generations live in you now. We’ll always be with you, but this is your fight.

@JarJar, can you try this one? The new one isn’t bad, but I think that initial line misses that Leia only trained briefly.

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Jar Jar Bricks said:

How many times have I redone this single scene today? Lmao:


I think this is the winner.

DZ-330 said:

DZ-330 said:

I started to train her, and she was a quick learner."

Leia kicks Luke’s ass

"But Leia felt she could better serve the galaxy through diplomacy, as our mother once did. She surrendered her saber to me and said that one day, it would be picked up again by someone who would finish her journey. A thousand generations live in you now. We’ll always be with you, but this is your fight.

@JarJar, can you try this one? The new one isn’t bad, but I think that initial line misses that Leia only trained briefly.

Seems like maybe keeping the length of her training completely in the dark is maybe the cleanest solution.


Burbin said:

"Our mother watched helplessly as the democracy she fought so hard to maintain crumbled before her eyes, so Leia decided to follow in her footsteps and watched helplessly as the democracy she fought so hard to maintain crumbled before her eyes. She surrendered her saber to me and left me to deal with Ben Solo’s darkness alone.

Lesson three. Now that she’s gone, Leia is romanticized, deified. But if you strip away the myth and look at her deeds, the legacy of Leia is failure. Hypocrisy, hubris. A thousand generations live in you now, but this is your fight, and honestly you’re better off on your own."

Isn’t that the same thing Luke did, rebuilt a Jedi Order in the same way as before and watched it crumble?

@Burbin, think you need to understand there is no saving the writing for the OT characters in the ST.

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DominicCobb said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

How many times have I redone this single scene today? Lmao:


I think this is the winner.

DZ-330 said:

DZ-330 said:

I started to train her, and she was a quick learner."

Leia kicks Luke’s ass

"But Leia felt she could better serve the galaxy through diplomacy, as our mother once did. She surrendered her saber to me and said that one day, it would be picked up again by someone who would finish her journey. A thousand generations live in you now. We’ll always be with you, but this is your fight.

@JarJar, can you try this one? The new one isn’t bad, but I think that initial line misses that Leia only trained briefly.

Seems like maybe keeping the length of her training completely in the dark is maybe the cleanest solution.

That’s a beaut’. It’s like Mark Hamill were still with us today. I love the way “she was a fast learner during our training” sounds.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

That’s a beaut’. It’s like Mark Hamill were still with us today.

In my “lack of sleep” daze I just had to quickly Google if something happened to Mark. He is still alive no worries 😄

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DominicCobb said:

Seems like maybe keeping the length of her training completely in the dark is maybe the cleanest solution.

Fair enough! I think we can consider this V4 change complete, unless Hal has any other input?

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Also, I do believe we can get Palpatine to say whatever we want now. Was there anything in particular that somebody brought up a while ago?


Time to revive the “more than a clone, less than a man” line?

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If that does work out well too, we could better clean up his motivations about wanting to take over Rey since Kylo turned back to the light. I am thinking during the “The Princess of Alderaan has disrupted my plan” scene.

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That would be much harder to pull off because the hologram distorts his voice in a really unique way.

Also, I honestly don’t think “more than a clone, less than a man” would work because Kylo would need to initiate that response somehow. Sounds messy.


Emperor Palpatine: At last. Snoke trained you well.

Kylo Ren: I killed Snoke. I’ll kill you.

Emperor Palpatine: My boy. I made trained Snoke.

Since Ascendant removes the notion of Snoke literally being created by Palpatine, maybe we give Snoke back some agency as a character in the ST?

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I actually think it is better to leave it as “I made Snoke”, because it leaves it ambiguous as to whether he literally made Snoke, or figuratively trained him to become the Supreme Leader.

I haven’t tried Palpatine yet but I’m skeptical due to the nature of his voice. The way his voice is mixed is different than the other characters, and the throaty voice will be hard for an AI to replicate. But maybe it’d surprise me. Haven’t tried it.

I haven’t messed anymore with the Poe line. Did we wanna try to another delivery of dreadnought cannons? If an exact line reading is decided on I’d be down to mess it with some more.

If you mess with Jannah at all, JarJar, these were the changes I was considering for her if you’re looking for ideas:

Finn: I never knew there were more.
[Old Line] Jannah: Deserters? All of us here were stormtroopers.
[New Line V1] Jannah: All of us stormtroopers heard your story.
[New Line V2] Jannah: All of the stormtroopers here heard your story.

Jannah: We laid our weapons down.
Finn: All of you?
[Old Line] Jannah: The whole company.
[New Line] Jannah: Just like you.


DZ-330 said:

Emperor Palpatine: My boy. I made trained Snoke.

Since Ascendant removes the notion of Snoke literally being created by Palpatine, maybe we give Snoke back some agency as a character in the ST?

That could be interesting but it’s… risky? Sooner or later, there’s definitely gonna be a million places, in-canon wise, were they explicitly confirm that somehow Palpatine made Snoke. So I think it’s better leaving it ambiguous as it is.


RogueLeader said:

Finn: I never knew there were more.
[Old Line] Jannah: Deserters? All of us here were stormtroopers.
[New Line V1] Jannah: All of us stormtroopers heard your story.
[New Line V2] Jannah: All of the stormtroopers here heard your story.

Jannah: We laid our weapons down.
Finn: All of you?
[Old Line] Jannah: The whole company.
[New Line] Jannah: Just like you.

“Oh… it’s beautiful!”


Since Ascendant removes the notion of Snoke literally being created by Palpatine, maybe we give Snoke back some agency as a character in the ST?

Or maybe he could say “I am Snoke.” In other words, Snoke was an alias Palpatine used but taken a step further. Like a disposable puppet he made to control and speak through until the time was right to reveal himself.


Rey: “Wait. Don’t shoot it. I’m going to try something from the Jedi texts.

Not sure if this would read better or not… but as opposed to Rey already knowing it, she is trying it for the first time here.

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With our new crackley saber, she’s probably already tried it once (but clearly it didn’t fully work). But yes, I suppose this would be the first time she’s tried it on a living being.

The reason I’d like to make this change is because lots of people point this out as a Mary Sue moment because there’s no explanation given for how she knows this and also I’ve heard people have the misconception that it’s the dyad which grants her this power.


I like the idea, I would be interested in seeing other ways of wording it though. I wouldn’t know what those other ways would be though lol

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi