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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 45


Ed Slushie said:

Knight of Kalee said:

Hal, I remember you or someone else here thought of changing the music that plays over the ending Rey Skywalker/Binary Sunset scene, as to avoid repeating the Force theme across three movies. Have you though of putting some version of Rey’s theme instead? I believe it might be the most fitting, because it reaffirms Rey’s identity above all else, and is very much the central musical theme of the sequel trilogy. I personally like this track (originally from TFA end credits): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bJpmMwrabo.
Not the full theme, but some snippets of it, like that transition between the Force and Rey’s motifs. If you plan to end the scene with a fade to black, maybe the peaceful version of the SW main theme that plays at the end of the track could could fit better instead of a more bombastic piece, as it has much of a “final farewell” feel to it.

I had the opposite idea: I rearranged tRoS’ final scene to better fit the music, and put Rey’s line at the very end, as if it’s what the music was building towards:

I feel like it would be better if we didn’t even get the final line, just a shot of the sunset instead. Since the title is Rise of Skywalker that name is implied, and it prevents the awkwardness of her actually saying it.

Not actually saying the last name could also be a way of acknowledging all of the names, Solo, Organa, heck even Palps.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Hey there Hal, I’ve been mostly keeping up this fan edit you have and I’m not sure how opposed you would be to ideas but I think this could work in your edit. You mentioned in your original post:

“When Kylo and then Rey get flashes of scenes from TFA when they touch the Vader mask, Kylo should get flashes of Luke from Crait rather than Ach-To. (Only Rey-specific flashes first, then Kylo in the later scene. Include Rey turning him down in TLJ.) (Also, try to work in an audible mention of “Exogol.”) (Also, move this to after Rey smashes the training seeker.)”

Would it be plausible to add to the scene (probably would need permission for this as well) when Kylo touches Vader’s mask to show parts of the Kylo vs. Vader fan film (https://youtu.be/owrmLeX20CY) as a way to show Kylo’s internal struggle that he wants to be like Vader and overcome him?

Either way I love the ideas for your edit and can’t wait to see the whole thing!


It’s a cool fan film, but I think including fan film stuff into a fan edit breaks any illusion of authenticity that your fan edit might have, if that’s what you’re going for.


It’s not much, but I finally got to sit down long enough to mix the elements snooker sent me for the little Ewok scene into 5.1 and blend it into the new context.

Thanks, snooker, it’s a wonderful little thing.


My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:
Nice idea! That would be a very nice way to end it. It sounds like if I can’t play with the audio or get it right, Dominic certainly will. 😉

Here’s a quick pass with the alternate Rey-Luke theme when the old woman asks “Rey who?” although you may notice some missing force ghosts:

heil Palpatine!


Hmmm… Leading into the credits may be the tricky part. Just playing with it in my head, I have an idea but I can’t think how to express what I mean without humming. (Can’t do that, with multiple sleeping family members and myself about to join them in sleepybyland…)

I wouldn’t want to remove the ghosts, myself. If anything adding Ben would be nice. (Even if he’s goofy! It’s okay for him to be.)

My stance on revising fan edits.


RogueLeader said:

Jonh, seriously props to you for being so optimistic and generous with the feedback we’ve been giving you. I think this was something most people were hoping to see (I remember reading how many people online were hoping to see Anakin). I think if we can get a few solid versions of this, plus a few other major changes from some other editors around here, I think we can create a surprisingly different version of The Rise of Skywalker.

EDIT: If I had to nominate an extra Jedi to add, I wouldn’t say Leia since, like Hal said, her body is still on “Jungleworld” at this point. I would argue that you could put Qui-Gon on the far left, next to Anakin, though. I mean, he’s basically the reason all of them are even able to be force ghosts. Plus, we literally here Qui-Gon say “We stand behind you, Rey.”

Hell, if Rosario Dawson does end up showing up as Ahsoka in the Mandalorian, as rumors have been suggesting, I could see a future version of this with her standing there. That way you could have at least one female Jedi behind her.

Thank you vary much!
In this version I will not include a Qui-gon, but later, if you want it for your edition, I can include it 😃


I’d vote to leave Qui-Gon out simply because it’s explicitly stated in canon that Qui-Gon can only manifest as a voice.

Then again, Padme canonically died in childbirth, so…


ChainsawAsh said:

I’d vote to leave Qui-Gon out simply because it’s explicitly stated in canon that Qui-Gon can only manifest as a voice.

Depends on how canon you believe From A Certain Point of View is. The official line seems to be “Although From a Certain Point of View forms part of the Star Wars canon, it presents several contradictions. As such, Lucasfilm Story Group’s Matt Martin confirmed that the contradictions present in the stories were intentional, as that was part of the project’s nature.”.


I’d be inclined not to include Qui-Gon, although hearing all the various Jedi spirits audibly even seems to go against what ROTS told us. (Weird as that was even.)

I guess Qui-Gon and the other few must have enlivened the rest of the dead Jedi. Maybe it takes a while and so they started with the big names in reverse chronological order.

My stance on revising fan edits.


jonh said:

RogueLeader said:

Jonh, seriously props to you for being so optimistic and generous with the feedback we’ve been giving you. I think this was something most people were hoping to see (I remember reading how many people online were hoping to see Anakin). I think if we can get a few solid versions of this, plus a few other major changes from some other editors around here, I think we can create a surprisingly different version of The Rise of Skywalker.

EDIT: If I had to nominate an extra Jedi to add, I wouldn’t say Leia since, like Hal said, her body is still on “Jungleworld” at this point. I would argue that you could put Qui-Gon on the far left, next to Anakin, though. I mean, he’s basically the reason all of them are even able to be force ghosts. Plus, we literally here Qui-Gon say “We stand behind you, Rey.”

Hell, if Rosario Dawson does end up showing up as Ahsoka in the Mandalorian, as rumors have been suggesting, I could see a future version of this with her standing there. That way you could have at least one female Jedi behind her.

Thank you vary much!
In this version I will not include a Qui-gon, but later, if you want it for your edition, I can include it 😃

I certainly would like to see a version w/ Qui-Gon Jinn, but I understand why he should probably be omitted from the final edit. That being said, I wish Liam Neeson who get to revisit the character in some capacity outside of the clone wars in the future. Qui Gon and Maul (Obi-Wan too) are the highlights of Episode I to me and their omission in the rest of the prequel films is definitely felt IMO.


Do you think adding a bit of grieving for Ben’s death might help. The film really glosses over it and practically ignores it. Maybe adding slow exterior shots with music of Exegol or Palpatine’s destroyed lair could help sink in the feeling of his loss. Anyone with VFX could possibly add Rey knealing down from behind her in one of the shots if duable.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


This is something that just came to my mind, and while I still find it unlikely, I could see something like this happening. Episode IX arrives on Disney+ in October, there is a chance that deleted scenes are released on there. Avengers: Endgame had some deleted scenes on there that were not on the Blu-ray. I still find it less likely to happen, but it’s possible to put people’s attention on the streaming service.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


idir_hh said:

So in this hypothetical version, Palpatine is dying, all this time he has been grooming Kylo and Rey, a prophesiced Dyad, to inherit the throne after his death. Palps gives the rundown to Kylo but he knows that there has to be a catch, he plays along but plans to kill him together with Rey. I think the dynamic between Kylo and Palps has to change, Palps will play the act of a weak, harmless old man, like the good old days with Anakin. Make Kylo less hostile, rather more intrigued. I’m working on a mockup that will go something like this:

  • At last! My boy.
  • Snoke trained you well.
  • I killed Snoke.
  • I made Snoke. I have been the voice inside your head.
  • The first Order was just the beginning, I will give you so much more.
  • I have died before, now I don’t have long, I’m weak - more than a clone, less than a man.
  • What could you give me ?
  • Everything - a new Empire, the might of the final order will soon be ready, It will be yours if you do what I ask.
  • Become what your grand father Vader could not! Find the girl, Turn her and bring her before me. Together you will rule the galaxy as emperor and empress. Two that become one. A dyad of the dark-side of the force.
  • Who is she ?
  • Our blood. (just my crazy headcanon)

Here’s a proof of concept:

-Added in a hint of the “Palpatine’s teachings” track.
-Axed Snoke’s clone, as well as switching around the shots for better fluidity.
-Cut Snoke’s line “you have ever heard”.
-Cut Kylo’s aggression, he’s almost submissive, which in the context of this story makes his plan to kill Palps all the more pronounced.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

idir_hh said:

So in this hypothetical version, Palpatine is dying, all this time he has been grooming Kylo and Rey, a prophesiced Dyad, to inherit the throne after his death. Palps gives the rundown to Kylo but he knows that there has to be a catch, he plays along but plans to kill him together with Rey. I think the dynamic between Kylo and Palps has to change, Palps will play the act of a weak, harmless old man, like the good old days with Anakin. Make Kylo less hostile, rather more intrigued. I’m working on a mockup that will go something like this:

  • At last! My boy.
  • Snoke trained you well.
  • I killed Snoke.
  • I made Snoke. I have been the voice inside your head.
  • The first Order was just the beginning, I will give you so much more.
  • I have died before, now I don’t have long, I’m weak - more than a clone, less than a man.
  • What could you give me ?
  • Everything - a new Empire, the might of the final order will soon be ready, It will be yours if you do what I ask.
  • Become what your grand father Vader could not! Find the girl, Turn her and bring her before me. Together you will rule the galaxy as emperor and empress. Two that become one. A dyad of the dark-side of the force.
  • Who is she ?
  • Our blood. (just my crazy headcanon)

Here’s a proof of concept:

-Added in a hint of the “Palpatine’s teachings” track.
-Axed Snoke’s clone, as well as switching around the shots for better fluidity.
-Cut Snoke’s line “you have ever heard”.
-Cut Kylo’s aggression, he’s almost submissive, which in the context of this story makes his plan to kill Palps all the more pronounced.

I like the way you worked in “more than a clone, less than a man.” Good job!



Thanks, always thought the original line was a bit of a cop-out.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

idir_hh said:

So in this hypothetical version, Palpatine is dying, all this time he has been grooming Kylo and Rey, a prophesiced Dyad, to inherit the throne after his death. Palps gives the rundown to Kylo but he knows that there has to be a catch, he plays along but plans to kill him together with Rey. I think the dynamic between Kylo and Palps has to change, Palps will play the act of a weak, harmless old man, like the good old days with Anakin. Make Kylo less hostile, rather more intrigued. I’m working on a mockup that will go something like this:

  • At last! My boy.
  • Snoke trained you well.
  • I killed Snoke.
  • I made Snoke. I have been the voice inside your head.
  • The first Order was just the beginning, I will give you so much more.
  • I have died before, now I don’t have long, I’m weak - more than a clone, less than a man.
  • What could you give me ?
  • Everything - a new Empire, the might of the final order will soon be ready, It will be yours if you do what I ask.
  • Become what your grand father Vader could not! Find the girl, Turn her and bring her before me. Together you will rule the galaxy as emperor and empress. Two that become one. A dyad of the dark-side of the force.
  • Who is she ?
  • Our blood. (just my crazy headcanon)

Here’s a proof of concept:

-Added in a hint of the “Palpatine’s teachings” track.
-Axed Snoke’s clone, as well as switching around the shots for better fluidity.
-Cut Snoke’s line “you have ever heard”.
-Cut Kylo’s aggression, he’s almost submissive, which in the context of this story makes his plan to kill Palps all the more pronounced.

As a rough proof of concept I love it. Do you think it is possible to clean up the new audio enough that it blends seamlessly? It be cool if someone could replace the vats of Snoke clones with ones of Palapatine instead, but that might be asking for too much VFX wizardry.


Glad you liked it, unfortunately my audio chops are pretty amateur at the moment so I’m not sure how seamless I can make it, I could however provide time stamped references to the exact moments in the films where I collected the words if anyone wants to take a stab.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I agree on that the audio can be perfected, but as a preliminar concept it’s looking pretty great. I specially like the bit with Palpatine’s instructions and explaining the Force-dyad right from the beginning.

My nostalgic self kind of misses the “Dark side is a pathway to many abilities…” but I can see it not being really needed in this new context, specially with the “more than a clone, less than a man” piece reworked.


I like the idea, but it would take some serious audio wizardry to make it not sound like he’s pressing buttons on a Palpatine soundboard. I think it may be a bit too ambitious but I’d love to be proven wrong.