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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 278


That will be super unfortunate if he remains MIA. Hope all is well.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Did he ever mention if he was using After Effects or something for the effect? Or if he was using some kind of plug-in?


He mentioned he was using after-effects for the crackle saber. I pray his friend’s cancer diagnosis has only improved.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Hal 9000 said:

I do, too. I PM’d him about a week ago and haven’t gotten anything. I do hope to see a return from him, but obviously it’ll depend on that.

Me too. I hope he’s ok. We seem to have lost a few people during quarantine which is a real shame.

I hope Snooker is ok too.

Looking forward to you next workprint. I was gonna watch your current one tonight but I’ll wait.

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Hal 9000 said:

It’s always a little unsettling for someone to go missing. Hoping it’s just due to life rather than adversity. Time will have to tell us.

I’m sure hes just enjoying a bit of time out from it all…

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Workprint number 6 on its way up now. Same link as ever.

Again, without the technically optional bits and pieces that remain, this is what a final release would look like without anything else coming in.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I really hope the broken saber can come to fruition, it would be a really big improvement/fix to continuity.

So I assume this latest workprint could be considered sync-locked? If so I could start working on the subtitles.


Palpatine’s fingers have some lightning show up in the workprint now.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Glad to see the workprint, and yeah the crackly Anakin saber may be my favorite change. I hope kewlfish is doing okay!


Was checking out the KoR voices in the new workprint and noticed that you used the exact same “Traitor” audio clip for when Ben first sees the KoR and when Ben is surrounded after being beaten. I know the set of voices that axlanian provided had another take for the “Traitor” line that you can use. Right now it sticks out that they are the exact same audio clip.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


I’m skimming through it and I’ll add to this as I do with other nitpicks and anecdotes.

  • The full-sounding 5.1 audio during the ice wall scene seems to dip out during the newly edited “How thick do you think that ice wall is?” moment. It seems to just be the score and Poe’s line playing. Maybe add some ship/space ambient atmosphere sounds to fill up the channels? It feels like going from 5.1 to lower quality stereo during that clip. Also, the score is clearly edited as well, and the lack of more atmospheric sounds to drown that out just calls attention to it a little more than it should. I’m playing it loud and with headphones on, so I assume it would be even more noticeable on a larger receiver setup.

  • Finn walking in during that scene is edited as best as it could be with the foliage and everything, but it stiiiill feels ever so slightly like he just popped in out of nowhere. I’m not sure what to do with that.

  • As much as I personally didn’t mind the Goonies compass thing, I like the change to make it a Sith chant guiding Rey either way. However, (and this might be off-topicy, so I apologize in advance) it begs the question… why didn’t Luke just go back to Endor and check out the Death Star II wreckage? Before or after the Ochi trail ran cold. The Rebellion would have had the schematics to DSII still, knew where Endor was, and should have tried checking around Palpatine’s chair room at least. Right? This isn’t the fault of this edit, as the DSII ruins were just on another Endor moon in the theatrical cut. I guess it would have taken too much time for Luke and Lando to scout an entire moon? If that’s the thought process, then I can accept that, I suppose.

  • I remember someone posted a few clips of the Luke haircut. I’m guessing that wasn’t the whole scene? But I hope that works out and gets added to this. It was looking great.

  • Really hope jonh didn’t give up on a Sebastian Shaw ghost…

Gonna leave it there. This edit is so good. It flows so much better. The extended shots to slow the pace down are very much appreciated.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!


Can’t access the new work print says its been publicly accessed too many times and exceeded the limit, never encountered this before.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


This is a fantastic achievement, for the community at large and especially Hal. Well done! I really hope we get that last couple of changes. And of course, much like with Hal’s light-touch edits of TFA and TLJ, I also look forward to whatever follows, using this as a base!

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Would someone be that kind and convert it, lets Say to 1080 mp4 file, and somehow share a link with me?

Because I ve been trying So many times, but some reason when i want to Access the Google drive link sent by Hal, it simply Doesnt work, i cannot open it 😔😔😔

And by now, i can honesty Say its the most important movie premiere of 2020 for me 😉


dgraham414 said:

Was checking out the KoR voices in the new workprint and noticed that you used the exact same “Traitor” audio clip for when Ben first sees the KoR and when Ben is surrounded after being beaten. I know the set of voices that axlanian provided had another take for the “Traitor” line that you can use. Right now it sticks out that they are the exact same audio clip.

Huh. I’ll take care of that. Thank you!

And I’ll address the other audio related changes, too. I appreciate the feedback.

You may need to try to download the file rather than play it inside your browser. If it says it’s been accessed too many times, try copying it to your own Google Drive and then copying it again within your Drive. That should be enough to fool it into letting you download it.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Tried that, making copy method doesn’t work.

Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Having issues downloading too. Tried making a copy through various drive accounts and nothing. Looking forward to checking this out!


I Just wanted to say, Hal, John and all who participated a lot in this edit. Guys, you are amazing. You did Such an amazing and Creative work. Its what this fansom should be about, about sharing SW world together in a positive, productive Way. Its Just incredidble, how you all basically remade and SAVED the last chapter of the saga we all love.
Hal, you basically made this movie watchable. When I left the theater in december, i was devastated. I was waiting So many years for E9 and I truly believe in this movie. And I was So dissapointed. I decided to never watch this movie again in my life. For me, the saga eneded with E8.
And then this topic started. And new ideas were created.one by one. And then, you guys started to make those beautiful pieces, step by step, and I believed again this movie can be SAVED. That i can enjoy it and consider it a decent epilogue of the saga. And then it came out (i mean the v6 workprint). And its amazing. Its brilliant what you did. I enjoy watching this movie again. Its far from Perfect. But at least, its good. I enjoy watching it. And I love the ghosts, i like purple saber, and Palpatine Doesnt explain spirit passing blah blah to Rey. And I adore the ending, with the chess scene and Falcon flying off and all. It feels like a proper ending.
This version of the movie is Perfect for me. Its the E9 i waited for, i thought i d never See it and now its here. Its now. It exists. Because you guys made it.

HAL and All of you, all of you who gave ideas, who did some shots, scenes, audio etc. Big thank you to all of you. Fans saved Star Wars. Its unbelievable what a United Group of Creative Fans can do.
You guys are my heroes. For me, E9 was made by Disney and OT trilogy crew 💪🏽 i hope one day George Lucas and JJ Abrams get the chance to See this fanedit 🖖🏼 May the force be with you people, im sure its strong with this community.


szopman said:

I Just wanted to say, Hal, jonh, and all who participated a lot in this edit. Guys, you are amazing. You did such amazing and creative work. It’s what this fandom should be about: sharing the SW world together in a positive, productive way. It’s just incredible, how you all basically remade and SAVED the last chapter of the saga we all love.
Hal, you basically made this movie watchable. When I left the theater in December, i was devastated. I waited So many years for TROS and I truly believed in this movie… and I was so disappointed.

My thoughts exactly. The movie has gone from nearly ruining the franchise for me to being an ending I truly enjoy watching. Are there still gripes I have with the original that can’t be fixed? Of course. But I am truly grateful for the work we’ve done and I hope we can see it truly finished with the crackling saber 😃


Well said, I agree with you. I felt bad after seeing 9 in the theater and was reluctant to enter this arena. You all have provided great ideas and improved this to a satisfying degree.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Well said, I agree with you. I felt bad after seeing 9 in the theater and was reluctant to enter this arena. You all have provided great ideas and improved this to a satisfying degree.

Someone on fanedit.org wrote reviews on your edits of the Prequels saying that Episode III was the best, but Episode II was the most improved. I think we can say that Episode IX has so far been the most improved of your Sequel edits.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.