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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 113


kewlfish said:

StarkillerAG said:

idir_hh said:

I think Anthem of Evil was used too sparingly in the film. I only really noticed it after a few watches, definitely needs to be emphasised throughout.

Yeah, that’s one of the examples of “great music” I was talking about. I think re-scoring the entire movie using old music is the wrong approach. Instead we should emphasize the music that’s already there, and bring the score more in line with Williams’s intentions.

Yeah I watched Sideways video a couple weeks ago and he explains how TROS really kind of missed the mark on the usually very well-thought out placement of Star Wars.

I disagreed with most of his points, and I’m not bothered by a lot of the weird thematic placement. But I do want to restore some deleted Williams tracks, like “The Speeder Chase” and “Anthem of Evil.” I’m convinced that Williams didn’t do anything wrong musically, he was just screwed by JJ’s ADHD editing.

Possibilities for Prequel music are:
-Battle of Heroes for Rey V. Ren on the DSII until the the TROS music starts

That could be good. I’ve seen edits of it on YouTube, and it really highlights the Anakin vs Obi-Wan parallels. I think Duel of the Fates fits better though.

  • The choir from Duel of the Fates for Rey meeting with Palpatine for the Sith Eternal

Don’t think that would work. The Sith Eternal choir is supposed to be in-universe Sith language, it would be jarring if they suddenly started singing Duel of the Fates. Like I said before, I think that track would fit much better in the Death Star wreckage duel.

  • And from my own testing Across the Stars in some capacity works very well with Ben reviving Rey
    (But I would recommend that that there be some remixing, maybe slower or deeper or mixed in with the TROS music that goes on during this scene… really anything done will probably be good)

I’m not sure about that. Across the Stars is supposed to be a theme specifically for Anakin and Padme, it would be just as weird as the moments Sideways pointed out if it suddenly became the “tragic love” theme.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Knight of Kalee said:

I mentioned it already in the general thread, but besides obvious suggestions like Duel of the Fates or Across the stars, I have a less-known prequel theme in mind, one that is prominent in the second half of ROTS. It’s a Sith motif named “Mystery of the Sith” also known as the second half of Padmé’s Ruminations. It has early hints to the “Anthem of Evil” theme if you listen it closely.

TROS really should serve as a culmination of the saga in all its aspects, including the score.

Is that really a motif though? I can only think of one time it’s used in the film.

I will say too the film as is already features a few quotes of prequel music.


DominicCobb said:

Knight of Kalee said:

I mentioned it already in the general thread, but besides obvious suggestions like Duel of the Fates or Across the stars, I have a less-known prequel theme in mind, one that is prominent in the second half of ROTS. It’s a Sith motif named “Mystery of the Sith” also known as the second half of Padmé’s Ruminations. It has early hints to the “Anthem of Evil” theme if you listen it closely.

TROS really should serve as a culmination of the saga in all its aspects, including the score.

Is that really a motif though? I can only think of one time it’s used in the film.

I will say too the film as is already features a few quotes of prequel music.

It appears when Anakin is given instructions by Sidious, and also when Obi-Wan realizes he has turned to the dark side. I was suggesting to use snippets of it mainly because it’s less on-the-nose than other prequel tracks, and because of the similar notes to the Anthem of evil theme.

The film does reuse prequel music but it’s not that noticeable. I mostly remember “Yoda challenging Palpatine” track when Rey’s training on Ajan Kloss, and an AOTC track similar to the Kamino theme when Poe and Zorii talk on Kijimi. I’d have to rewatch the film to notice more similarities. For me, having Duel of the Fates during the final duel would be enough.


Here’s a couple thoughts based on this wonderful clip LILLIAN02330 posted earlier: https://vimeo.com/421944019

Picture this:


Pan down to TIEs approaching a destroyer (with some tiny specks beneath, subtly moving toward the planet

Aerial shot of a patterned lava flow, with a few troop carriers flying by, either above camera or very closeby underneath, overtaking the camera (could use the forest shot instead)

Troop carriers land, and troops emerge, heading into battle

Distant shot of a lava eruption with trees in the foreground

Kylo Ren is seen on a rampage, and scene goes on from there

My stance on revising fan edits.


Episode IX

Flames of rebellion burn across the galaxy. The tyrannical First Order has retaliated by attacking any planetary system that supports their enemy.

As Rey, sole heir to the Jedi, continues her training, General Leia Organa sends her brave agents across the stars to unite the disparate worlds in the name of Resistance.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar, chasing whispers of a hidden power that would allow him to destroy any threat to his rule…

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a couple thoughts based on this wonderful clip LILLIAN02330 posted earlier: https://vimeo.com/421944019

Picture this:


Pan down to TIEs approaching a destroyer (with some tiny specks beneath, subtly moving toward the planet

Aerial shot of a patterned lava flow, with a few troop carriers flying by, either above camera or very closeby underneath, overtaking the camera (could use the forest shot instead)

Troop carriers land, and troops emerge, heading into battle

Distant shot of a lava eruption with trees in the foreground

Kylo Ren is seen on a rampage, and scene goes on from there



Hello editors, new to posting here, but have been fan-editing for a few years now on fanedit.org (mostly just workprints for my personal collection.) I am a huge fan of the Hal9000 Star Wars edits, they are definitive for me!

I have been watching this thread and just finished my own full trilogy edit. I am sure this is not the place to post but this is the thread I have been reading so I thought it was right to share here.

One thing that I haven’t noticed anyone mention but seems ok with the amount of changes being discussed:
I moved the moment of Ben reviving Rey to BEFORE she beats Palps. I am sure everyone here can take this idea and make it better, if it works at all.

Again, I have nothing but admiration for what everyone is contributing! I know when this is all done, the result of the group effort will be amazing.



StarkillerAG said:

kewlfish said:

StarkillerAG said:

idir_hh said:

I think Anthem of Evil was used too sparingly in the film. I only really noticed it after a few watches, definitely needs to be emphasised throughout.

Yeah, that’s one of the examples of “great music” I was talking about. I think re-scoring the entire movie using old music is the wrong approach. Instead we should emphasize the music that’s already there, and bring the score more in line with Williams’s intentions.

Yeah I watched Sideways video a couple weeks ago and he explains how TROS really kind of missed the mark on the usually very well-thought out placement of Star Wars.

I disagreed with most of his points, and I’m not bothered by a lot of the weird thematic placement. But I do want to restore some deleted Williams tracks, like “The Speeder Chase” and “Anthem of Evil.” I’m convinced that Williams didn’t do anything wrong musically, he was just screwed by JJ’s ADHD editing.

Possibilities for Prequel music are:
-Battle of Heroes for Rey V. Ren on the DSII until the the TROS music starts

That could be good. I’ve seen edits of it on YouTube, and it really highlights the Anakin vs Obi-Wan parallels. I think Duel of the Fates fits better though.

  • The choir from Duel of the Fates for Rey meeting with Palpatine for the Sith Eternal

Don’t think that would work. The Sith Eternal choir is supposed to be in-universe Sith language, it would be jarring if they suddenly started singing Duel of the Fates. Like I said before, I think that track would fit much better in the Death Star wreckage duel.

  • And from my own testing Across the Stars in some capacity works very well with Ben reviving Rey
    (But I would recommend that that there be some remixing, maybe slower or deeper or mixed in with the TROS music that goes on during this scene… really anything done will probably be good)

I’m not sure about that. Across the Stars is supposed to be a theme specifically for Anakin and Padme, it would be just as weird as the moments Sideways pointed out if it suddenly became the “tragic love” theme.

Yeah, of course John Williams did nothing wrong lol… I watched the video and thought he made some decent points, I was just making suggestions, of course take them or leave them… One thing that he did mention that I don’t know if it is true or not is the amount of music that Williams made for this movie that wasn’t actually used.

Edit: Just for anyone curious I also think the novelization implied that Jannah actually wasn’t Lando’s daughter… so do with that info what you will.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Eh, I’ve seen the Battle of the Heroes and DotF music mentioned multiple times here, but personally don’t know why we’d want to borrow a prequel-specific theme for the final Kylo/Rey duel. To me, this screams TPM and ROTS. It’s not like the main SW theme, or Force theme, etc. that’s been used across the whole saga. These are very specific to certain people and/or events and don’t come across as a good fit to me for this fight. For the hell of it, here’s a different take I just made that mixes in some Kylo and Rey motifs. See if you guys recognize the source. Seems like a better fit to me for the first half of the battle before JW’s The Final Duel music kicks in.



DarthYcey said:

Eh, I’ve seen the Battle of the Heroes and DotF music mentioned multiple times here, but personally don’t know why we’d want to borrow a prequel-specific theme for the final Kylo/Rey duel. To me, this screams TPM and ROTS. It’s not like the main SW theme, or Force theme, etc. that’s been used across the whole saga. These are very specific to certain people and/or events and don’t come across as a good fit to me for this fight. For the hell of it, here’s a different take I just made that mixes in some Kylo and Rey motifs. See if you guys recognize the source. Seems like a better fit to me for the first half of the battle before JW’s The Final Duel music kicks in.


That’s sic!!! This is a great approach to take.

Clips - for Editors folder -https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mfEISVdMldOKuSNjcjYO2QSggvqI_7-Y


Hal 9000 said:

Here’s a couple thoughts based on this wonderful clip LILLIAN02330 posted earlier: https://vimeo.com/421944019

Picture this:


Pan down to TIEs approaching a destroyer (with some tiny specks beneath, subtly moving toward the planet

Aerial shot of a patterned lava flow, with a few troop carriers flying by, either above camera or very closeby underneath, overtaking the camera (could use the forest shot instead)

Troop carriers land, and troops emerge, heading into battle

Distant shot of a lava eruption with trees in the foreground

Kylo Ren is seen on a rampage, and scene goes on from there

That’s pretty awesome. I would only suggest flipping the shots on the troops landing. When they land they’re moving from right to left, but then once Kylo is introduced they’re moving from left to right. It breaks the 180 degree rule and is visually a little confusing. Other than that it looks awesome.


Hal 9000 said:

Episode IX

Flames of rebellion burn across the galaxy. The tyrannical First Order has retaliated by attacking any planetary system that supports their enemy.

As Rey, sole heir to the Jedi, continues her training, General Leia Organa sends her brave agents across the stars to unite the disparate worlds in the name of Resistance.

Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has traveled to Mustafar, chasing whispers of a hidden power that would allow him to destroy any threat to his rule…



wakeupkeo said:

Hello editors, new to posting here, but have been fan-editing for a few years now on fanedit.org (mostly just workprints for my personal collection.) I am a huge fan of the Hal9000 Star Wars edits, they are definitive for me!

I have been watching this thread and just finished my own full trilogy edit. I am sure this is not the place to post but this is the thread I have been reading so I thought it was right to share here.

One thing that I haven’t noticed anyone mention but seems ok with the amount of changes being discussed:
I moved the moment of Ben reviving Rey to BEFORE she beats Palps. I am sure everyone here can take this idea and make it better, if it works at all.

Again, I have nothing but admiration for what everyone is contributing! I know when this is all done, the result of the group effort will be amazing.


Palpatine just watching there with his popcorn: “how cute”

Otherwise really well done!

Edit: Maybe you can add some background laughter from Palpatine, showing his amusement.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


StarkillerAG said:

idir_hh said:

I think Anthem of Evil was used too sparingly in the film. I only really noticed it after a few watches, definitely needs to be emphasised throughout.

Yeah, that’s one of the examples of “great music” I was talking about. I think re-scoring the entire movie using old music is the wrong approach. Instead we should emphasize the music that’s already there, and bring the score more in line with Williams’s intentions.

Oh, I wasn’t talking about replacing everything with old music… quite the opposite. I think far too much of the score relied on old music for nostalgia rather than new music. Even the soundtrack album has more music in it than the film.


wakeupkeo, that’s an interesting idea. If one could buy that Palpatine is engaged in what he’s doing, maybe firing lightning all over, it could work. Seems like it’d be in exchange of the Jedi speaking and showing up, though, and we’ve got that covered.

I’m leaning away from adding music to the duel. The movie is so busy, maybe they were right not to add any. Or if there’s a killer track maybe I can do an alternate audio track. But in the context of the whole movie maybe it’s nice to kind of take a breath and just see them fight.

Movies Remastered, I’ve been burned out for a while. Thing is, I’m stubborn and have OCD-like tendencies in some areas. We’ll get this thing complete one baby step at a time. I’ve been thankful for the help over the years being able to complete projects and have them get to actually exist, so we’ll get there for this last one, too.

My stance on revising fan edits.


@idir_hh, yeah, that is an issue. I will see what I can salvage for palps voiceover during the time, thanks for the feedback!

@hal9000, totally agree, with the “All the jedi” force ghost awesomeness this team has been pulling off! But if anyone can evaluate whether there is merit to the idea and actually make it work, it would be editors here! This is about all I can contribute compared to to level of skill shown on this thread.

That is all, carry on LOL


DarthYcey said:

Eh, I’ve seen the Battle of the Heroes and DotF music mentioned multiple times here, but personally don’t know why we’d want to borrow a prequel-specific theme for the final Kylo/Rey duel. To me, this screams TPM and ROTS. It’s not like the main SW theme, or Force theme, etc. that’s been used across the whole saga. These are very specific to certain people and/or events and don’t come across as a good fit to me for this fight. For the hell of it, here’s a different take I just made that mixes in some Kylo and Rey motifs. See if you guys recognize the source. Seems like a better fit to me for the first half of the battle before JW’s The Final Duel music kicks in.


This is great! The one bit that makes it feel a little wonky is that at 1:12 it plays Kylo’s theme for a bit while the camera focuses on Rey. Musically, it would make more sense for Kylo to be striking more aggressively as that plays.


DarthYcey said:

Eh, I’ve seen the Battle of the Heroes and DotF music mentioned multiple times here, but personally don’t know why we’d want to borrow a prequel-specific theme for the final Kylo/Rey duel.

-This is suppose to be the ending of all episodes, it should also include PT OST, not only OST from the OT.

-DOTF was promised in several tv spots:



-DOTF is the most emblematic and epic lightsaber duel soundtrack of the entire saga, and it should be in the final lightsaber duel.

-Kylo v Rey duel is suppose to be a motif to Anakin’s and Obi-wan Duel in mustafar

-This movie doesn’t have anything meaningful to say and is just fan service, the more fan service that could be included that helps to tie the entire saga, the better.

-Myself and a lot of people wanted/expected DOTF in that movie as john williamns promised that every iconic soundtrack of SW was going to be in TROS.

-DOTF is awesome is a shame that only is present in 2 of 9 films.

-Hal9000 if you don’t really want DOTF in the main TROS audio, at least put an alternative audio that includes it, for those who really want it in the movie (like myself) :d.


I think DominicCobb’s use of duel of the fates is pretty seamless. I’d just copy that (maybe as an alternate track) and call it a day.


Hal 9000 said:

Yoda’s theme during the X-wing’s resurrection makes sense. It harkens back to Luke who didn’t think he could do it, which was where his head was at for most of the ST, and hits home how he’s grown and changed throughout this story.

The music that played as Luke revealed to Leia that they were family plays as Lando reaches out to serve as a father figure to Jannah, and he may very well be. This is a bit of shorthand, and is the only thing that tells the savvy viewer that he’s not just picking her up.

I like the music as Ben dies. It touches on the big theme of the movie on the soundtrack that strikes me as a combination of Kylo’s and Rey’s themes, which is nice. I don’t really want to shoehorn in a love theme between other characters into that moment.

I agree, it played in clone wars and rebels I think it’s also morphed into the theme of teachers and students



darkshadowspike said:

DarthYcey said:

Eh, I’ve seen the Battle of the Heroes and DotF music mentioned multiple times here, but personally don’t know why we’d want to borrow a prequel-specific theme for the final Kylo/Rey duel.

-This is suppose to be the ending of all episodes, it should also include PT OST, not only OST from the OT.

-DOTF was promised in several tv spots:



-DOTF is the most emblematic and epic lightsaber duel soundtrack of the entire saga, and it should be in the final lightsaber duel.

-Kylo v Rey duel is suppose to be a motif to Anakin’s and Obi-wan Duel in mustafar

-This movie doesn’t have anything meaningful to say and is just fan service, the more fan service that could be included that helps to tie the entire saga, the better.

-Myself and a lot of people wanted/expected DOTF in that movie as john williamns promised that every iconic soundtrack of SW was going to be in TROS.

-DOTF is awesome is a shame that only is present in 2 of 9 films.

-Hal9000 if you don’t really want DOTF in the main TROS audio, at least put an alternative audio that includes it, for those who really want it in the movie (like myself) :d.

I don’t know if I’d say that it doesn’t have ANYTHING meaningful to say. Just that I don’t think it says it well.



I’m gonna be working on some new tutorial videos over the next few days and probably goto my other house to upload them. Are there any early scenes you’d like to see of my cuts? I’ll try to do them at the sane time.

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