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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 79

vaderios said:
brash_stryker said:

I second white/gray for the younglings' 'training sabers'

However, in my dream edit, the younglings scene would never appear anyway.




 I was thinking a little less grayscale more white sorta how the lukes saber is when he is training on the falcon but it looks cool nonetheless

(maybe now glow just the beam?)

John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:


fishmanlee said:

 I was thinking a little less grayscale more white sorta how the lukes saber is when he is training on the falcon but it looks cool nonetheless

(maybe now glow just the beam?)


No glow probably impossible without look jerky





vaderios said:
brash_stryker said:

I second white/gray for the younglings' 'training sabers'

However, in my dream edit, the younglings scene would never appear anyway.




 My idea come to life *tear drop* Of course that looks better than I imagined lol.


(And it was my idea originally lol, look back in the topic for proof)

vaderios said:

how it started:

Blue for good guys and red for bad guys.

Luke insert the green one.

We have dark forces 2 that shows the bad guys have rainbow sabers not only red.

then as an oficial cannon lucas make windu with purple.

then KOTOR defines the colors to classes and shit.


LESS IS MORE RIGHT? we never see a dialogue like: hey dude nice yellow saber you have! are you a sentinel?

EU details are useless and they work perfectly to comics and novels.

Im not saying not having more colors to the edits. After there is free will :) but i like to think it  like its star wars. Real star wars. not with many parameters or knights, masters, sentinels, neos and smiths.




KOTOR takes place 4000 years before the prequels, so a class/saber system could have been in affect and long abandoned by the time events we see in film roll around.

I say (as I have said bfore becuase Im obsessive that way) leave the lightsabers alone. Mace is a special circumstance with his purple saber so you dont need to take his into account. (Please not I said Mace and not Samuel Jackson) I think everyone with blue lightsabers would look silly and boring after a while. Why should Luke have the only green saber? Becuase he is so much better than everyone else or something? Hardly.

edit: Yeah...seeing them in full (ahem) color, the white sabers are a bad idea.

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Hey did anyone ever notice that the cave on Dagobah is partially an ancient structure? right before Vader appears you can tell it's like an arch or something. i'd never noticed it before until the other day.

shame on Lucas for not having anything dealing with that in the prequels. he probably didn't even remember.


I was OK with the darkside cave not being explained in the prequels, and it'd take too much editing to work in an explanation. That said, I love the idea of having the twins (or just Luke if ROTJ goes that way) born on Dagobah rather than some random asteroid we've never heard of.

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Bingowings said:

See Threepio?

No, where is he?

Nicely done on the 'youngling' saber mockup, vaderios. And it's a very interesting idea, Docta. Makes sense. I don't think I'd wanna see a tiny kid running around with something that could chop him in half with the slightest stumble. They should have Nerf in the Star Wars universe. Well, they do, actually. ;)


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Ripplin said:

... I don't think I'd wanna see a tiny kid running around with something that could chop him in half with the slightest stumble. ...

Well, if they silly enough to slice-n-dice themselves with their sabre, maybe they weren't destined to be a Jedi.

Although, maybe Fisher-Price will come out with 'Nerf Sabers' - They still light up, and make the sounds like real thing, but they hurt less.

....and they'll be available in hundreds of different colors!!!


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Ok Folks

I started that for fun and it ended to be a challenge and a big continuity problem.

I dont have to mention the bluriness and the glows of that scene.

I tried to match the clarity and sharpness to match with the  ROTS one.

Chairs and furniture is not the same-Fixed.

The Couch in the foreground are matte rather shinny in ROTS-fixed

The big window has extra detail in ROTS than AOTC- fixed

Enhanced the symbols detail above the big window.

The lines in the foreground walls/tunnel is different-fixed.

Removed the wires in the couches bases


I left the city different in purpose so dont bother.

First original AOTC, second Mine, third ROTS, where i based on.



RoccondilRinon said:

I was OK with the darkside cave not being explained in the prequels, and it'd take too much editing to work in an explanation. That said, I love the idea of having the twins (or just Luke if ROTJ goes that way) born on Dagobah rather than some random asteroid we've never heard of.


I was convinced before episode 3 came out that we'd see obi-wan and yoda with baby luke in tow chasing/being chased by count dooku at the end of the film landing on dagobah and they'd have a huge fight ending in count dooku being killed in the cave, leaving his evil spirit behind. Yoda would then choose to exile himself there as his force presence would be balanced and cancelled out by dooku's - hence he lives nearby this seemingly random evil cave.

I don't think it would have diminisedh its mystery, rather embellish the reason for it, tie the PT and OT together, make Luke's familiarity with dagobah make sense and give a reason for Yoda to be there. Everyones a winner!

Course then dooku selfishly gets his head cut off right at the start and blows my theory right out the water.


Some more tests.

I remove the total blue that making it cartoon and left some of it to make a pop-art color game.

Plus is near sunrize/sunset the sun is where padme looks and in the next shot is correctly from the right. but the window has too much brightness and the sun is not so high to that section. So- better mood.

Retro colors some new ambient and more beers:




As a long-time lurker, I just want to say that I love the discussion in this thread - Vaderios's wonderful colour corrections specifically.

For me, film is first and foremost a visual medium. My favourite films have - for very different reasons - memorable visuals. A quick top five to illustrate: "Il deserto rosso" (Antonioni); "2001" (Kubrick); Fire Walk with Me (Lynch); Sunrise (Murnau); and "Vertigo" (Hitchcock).

The point to all this: I could have tolerated the wretchedness of the prequel stories had they had the strange sense of both wonder and junkyard aesthetics (a beautiful and weirdly potent brew) of the OT. But even the good parts - the Easter Island-ness of the Naboo forests; the late Renaissance building parts from AOTC - get bogged down in terrible and inconsistent colouring.

There is no doubt in my mind that had someone less rich and less famous than Lucas made these films, no studio would have released the films in the states they're in. They would have been colour corrected - heavily! - before release. The finished films (possible exception of ROTS) are not even release candidates - they're in workprint shape.

As much as I love the story changes in some prequel edits - my favourites are probably MagnoliaFan's - I think I would actually probably prefer a colour corrected fanedit with no story changes. Even keeping the Midichlorians. That's how important the colours are to Star Wars, in my opinion. If someone could just make a good and consistent colour correction of the PT - Vaderios, I'm looking at you :) - I would be really grateful.

Sorry if this is (vaguely) off-topic! (Back to lurk mode...)


Thank you for that :)


More count dracula's tower erm i mean geonosian something

I had a concept with very greenish/greyish colors to look like it was poluted and dead but it was too of balance that i left it.

Still i like to see Geonossis with Bravestarr's characteristics and tech.




vaderios, will you ever be doing a colour corrected version of The Phantom Menace? It's always been the most niggly to me, and your mock-ups are fantastic, I'd love to see all your talent set in motion.


No! never in motion :) im doing mockups and give ideas from my taste to other editors :)

vaderios said:

I had a concept with very greenish/greyish colors to look like it was poluted and dead but it was too of balance that i left it.

Ehm lol

It supposed these big penises have factories inside them!





Oh WOW that looks KOOL Angel 


it looks almost cathedral like (which if memory serves was the original intention)

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Amazing as usual! What sort of effects did you apply to the TPM footage to de-pink it? I was thinking greens, to offset the pinks, but you would know best.


No specific effects or ways. But thats the part of mystery :)

Programs like AE have different sliders from PS and more shit for color correction so i cant tell with confidence what are the steps :)



vaderios said:

Ok Folks

I started that for fun and it ended to be a challenge and a big continuity problem.

I dont have to mention the bluriness and the glows of that scene.

I tried to match the clarity and sharpness to match with the  ROTS one.

Chairs and furniture is not the same-Fixed.

The Couch in the foreground are matte rather shinny in ROTS-fixed

The big window has extra detail in ROTS than AOTC- fixed

Enhanced the symbols detail above the big window.

The lines in the foreground walls/tunnel is different-fixed.

Removed the wires in the couches bases


I left the city different in purpose so dont bother.

First original AOTC, second Mine, third ROTS, where i based


It sure does make those shots look better. I sat for hours with those pics from the other night and tried my best to make them look less fake. The halos are a bitch to fix. I spent more time on the halos then anything. Good job on mixing the shots. The ROTS version looks way better than the original AOTC shot now they both look equally good. You have better skills in that kind of thing than i do.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Hah it was fun :)

This cyan-red is a cool retro and evil combination! No more warm welcome




vaderios said:

No! never in motion :) im doing mockups and give ideas from my taste to other editors :)

vaderios said:

I had a concept with very greenish/greyish colors to look like it was poluted and dead but it was too of balance that i left it.

Ehm lol

It supposed these big penises have factories inside them!



Cue Toccata and Fugue!!!!! looks like Frankenstein is building his monster in there. I like it. Maybe you could do something like that for your COUGH COUGH. It looks neat and goes to more of a sith thing. I wouldnt mind seeing something like the thunderdome in ATOC. The whole desert warrior thing doesn't get used enough.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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vaderios said:

Hah it was fun :)

This cyan-red is a cool retro and evil combination! No more warm welcome


God Angel! I have always thought of the Sith/future Empire as cold hearted people. Why in the hell are they in all of these hot places. Good work!


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

EyeShotFirst said:

Cue Toccata and Fugue!!!!! looks like Frankenstein is building his monster in there.

Forget the monsters!

The man himself is inside them. Count D(racula)ooku

