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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 78


This is really an ideas thread (with a bit of wiggle room for off topic buffoonery) so if you have a project well and truly on the cards it may make sense to make your own thread to promote it and ask for input.

Some editors have posted ideas from their projects which other people have found useful sounding boards (like JasonN talking about what he did with Dooku) and that's fine because it promotes discussion and people developing their own takes on the idea.

But it would be more in line with the aims of this thread to see a few less posts of a, "I'm doing this in my project" flavour and more of a "What do you think about?" or "I think it would be a good idea if...." nature.


Sorry about hijacking your thread, I'll move along now, thanks for creating it by the way, this thread has really helped motivate my edit.

tehwallaby said:

Sorry about hijacking your thread, I'll move along now, thanks for creating it by the way, this thread has really helped motivate my edit.

It wasn't really a hijack, (cripes I've needed to be reminded to stay on topic on this thread too...and in other places) and I hope you keep posting and respond to the ideas here.

It's great that you have found it useful (which is down to everyone who contributes to it).

You do seem to be well on the way to making a distinct project so it just seemed to make more sense for posts about it to be in a thread dedicated to what you plan to do with that unique direction rather than posting those plans to a thread which deals with ideas in a more general sense.


EyeShotFirst said:

I just miss the FANTASY aspect of Star Wars. Look at Dagobah in ESB. It had a mystic almost Spielberg esque Fantasism . If someone can bring Fantasy to the PT then you are truly a master. Vaderios your mockups have been bringing the fantasy aspect back good work. The prequels made Star Wars a universe I wouldn't want to be in. Midiclorions, Orange and Pink tints, Yoda CGI and Skinny Puppet. What happened to you Star Wars. I thought Star Wars was supposed to be like the serials of the 30's and 40's.


 The fantasy aspect of Dagobah? would that be the fake-ass looking swamp. The earth igunas or the earth snakes? The big puddle of water? The horribly composited flying thing?


BTW what is everyone's obsession with recoloring the lightsabers in the movies. They are all fine. Everyone leave them alone. Especially Qui-Gon's. Qui-Gon is one of the most badd-ass things in Star wars, he doesnt need changed and he certainly doesnt need to be some double agent.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


We all have our visions of Star Wars, yours doesn't include changes to lightsabres, or Qui-Gon, but others (read: mine) does. And I agree with ESF about the fantasy of Dagobah, it was awesome, the CG version was pretty good, but it still didn't compare to the version created in ESB.

Also, I'm going to shamelessly plug my new edit and the thread I've created for it, for anyone interested in anything I've talked about, please take a look at it.


The Dagobah set with it's huge tree roots and the unearthly mists was very fantasy inspired and I've never had a problem with the reptiles and lizards, Star Wars has human beings in it after all.

As for sabre colours it's a matter of personal taste.

Some people see varying degrees of symbolism in the colours (something Lucas started by giving red blades to only the bad guys).

It's in the nature of this thread to discuss these changes to a degree but only if the rationale behind the colour change radically impacts on the story.

Changing Dooku from a Sith Lord to a Jedi who no longer trusts the Senate or the Council is a story shift that can be underlined by a sabre colour change for example.

This thread is about making changes so if you are happy with the films as they are don't get upset by the contents of this thread (the original versions still exist and sit on your DVD shelf).


I enjoy Dagobah in the OT just fine, I was just trying to make a point and yes there are humans in Star Wars but not from Earth so you could argue the inclusion of snakes and lizards but to me its pulls me out of the movie. Why not add giraffees and elephants too?

I enjoy edits of movies I have very little issue with. Like extended editions of the prequel trilogy and the extended edition of the first Terminator.

I dont like the idea of making Dooku not a sith, its a bad idea.

The saber colors have no deep mystical meaning. Sith use artificial crystals which make the blade color red. end of story no deep philiosphical meaning behind blade color. And if a blade color is changed than it creates a continuity problem with all of the EU and the Clone Wars.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia

AxiaEuxine said:

The saber colors have no deep mystical meaning. Sith use artificial crystals which make the blade color red. end of story no deep philiosphical meaning behind blade color.

I don't really see how you can use an in-universe explanation to debunk filmic symbolism.


AxiaEuxine said:

I enjoy Dagobah in the OT just fine, I was just trying to make a point and yes there are humans in Star Wars but not from Earth so you could argue the inclusion of snakes and lizards but to me its pulls me out of the movie. Why not add giraffees and elephants too?

I enjoy edits of movies I have very little issue with. Like extended editions of the prequel trilogy and the extended edition of the first Terminator.

I dont like the idea of making Dooku not a sith, its a bad idea.

The saber colors have no deep mystical meaning. Sith use artificial crystals which make the blade color red. end of story no deep philiosphical meaning behind blade color. And if a blade color is changed than it creates a continuity problem with all of the EU and the Clone Wars.

The explanation as to why the colours are that way is in the EU realm as are the continuity issues any changes like these make (unless they impact on the OT and there are threads for that too).

To some fans I can understand that would be important but to others it's not.

I love some of the EU (just as I love spin off stories in my other Sci-Fi and fantasy worlds like Doctor Who) and it would be interesting to see something radically different which still manages to ring true to the many novels, comics, games and the various animated series (though it would be much, much harder).

If you want to reconcile these edit flavours to the EU stick them in the Infinities folder (anything can go on there) there have also been many of the Star Wars Tales strips that play fast and loose with official canon.

This thread is specifically about edit ideas that go beyond extended cuts and tinkering around the edges so if that's not your bag on principle it doesn't make much sense complaining about it and possibly putting someone off posting an idea that other people might find useful or entertaining.



My Doku wish list for TMP

Dooku placed on the council with an alien Jedi referencing (his absent apprentice) Sifo~Dias.

Have maul order the clone army on kamino. With the "at last we will have revenge" speech there, with a possible references to looking for a clone template to a holographic sidious.

Have dooku as the chancelers personal representitive on the Jedi council and have him present on the central podium of the senate.
Have dooku meditate in the council chamber by himself during qui gons death. Have him hear the words "soon I will have a new apprentice, one far more powerful" and have him confront palps in his office. Just prior to them leaving for naboo."chencellor the Jedi have destroyed the sith"
Have dooku attend Qui Gon's funeral from a distance.

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


That's a good list, BarBar! It would be nice for him to be set up for AOTC more, as he's such a big character in it. As it is, he sort of comes out of nowhere a bit when I watch it. He is definitely one of the more interesting characters, too. The ones you're not sure about are often the strongest/most memorable.

My crazy vinyl LP blog

My dumberer blog

My Retro blog

brash_stryker said:
AxiaEuxine said:

The saber colors have no deep mystical meaning. Sith use artificial crystals which make the blade color red. end of story no deep philiosphical meaning behind blade color.

I don't really see how you can use an in-universe explanation to debunk filmic symbolism.



 There is no filmic symbolism to the lightsaber colors beyond the fact that Sith have red.

And Bingo Im not against more radical edits that enhance movies like Ady's ANH:R. But Ive never seen or seen an edit of a prequel discussed where enhancements were discussed or done, only subtractions or impossible to pull off complete rewrites, thats what Im against.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia

AxiaEuxine said:

Everyone leave them alone.


AxiaEuxine said:
brash_stryker said:
AxiaEuxine said:

The saber colors have no deep mystical meaning. Sith use artificial crystals which make the blade color red. end of story no deep philiosphical meaning behind blade color.

I don't really see how you can use an in-universe explanation to debunk filmic symbolism.



 There is no filmic symbolism to the lightsaber colors beyond the fact that Sith have red.

And Bingo Im not against more radical edits that enhance movies like Ady's ANH:R. But Ive never seen or seen an edit of a prequel discussed where enhancements were discussed or done, only subtractions or impossible to pull off complete rewrites, thats what Im against.

Sure but those who wish to alter the colours are doing so because they wish to extend the symbolism to the Jedi blades too (in various ways).

And this thread is an ideas thread for people who want to attempt the sort enhancements that Adywan wishes to attempt for the PT and ROTJ and perhaps go quite a bit further.

You've seen how long it's taken Ady to do his versions and they seemed on the onset to be less ambitious than they eventually turned out to be.

There haven't yet been many projects that even approach the level of reworking that Ady has done so really you are being critical of something people haven't had much of a chance to show you yet.

If you are so against such an enterprise it does seem a bit of a waste of your time being in vocal opposition to something that doesn't appeal to you or effect those things that do.

Serji-X Arrogantus said:
EyeShotFirst said:

Paint his ass out. Angel paints jar jar out very well. Ady was able to remove rontos so it shouldnt be too hard.


Even of you could paint out Jar-Jar in CG, who on earth are Qui Gon, Obi-Wan, Padme and Anakin meant to be talking to in numerous scenes, the invisible man, you can't just remove a character who's in most of the major plot scenes !!

Sorry for moving this point over here Serji but what is a cry of desperation on one thread can be a call to arms on another.

If someone did have the time and patience to paint out Jar-Jar (and bear in mind that would mean having to remove his dialogue too, something I'm having related problems with at the moment) what would you replace him with?

See Threepio?


fishmanlee said:

darth maul or sidius! ;)

Jar Jar: Esqueeze me! qui-gon: that wont be neccesary! you are not intelligent! 




Well then if the Lightsabers have to be recolored then how about this. Make them symbolise where they are in their training? White sabers for the little kids, Yellow for older ones...like maybe that kid that Senator Organa watches get killed in sith, Blue for knights, Green for Masters. Purple for bad-ass mutherfuckers. Pink for Coruscant Breast Cancer awareness day...etc etc

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


okay, personally id prefer all blue, except for green in ROTJ, and of course red for baddies. but if people can figure out other colour schemes that are more interesting for seperate edits, then id be interested to see them.


The problem there though is that isn't Anakin and or Obi-Wan a Knight in ROTS?

Then Luke/Ben would have to be green throughout the whole OT. messy messy. haha.

I think white for padawans is a great idea though. And no purple ;].

Blue, White, Green, Yellow, Silver (KOTOR! oh ya) are all good.


how it started:

Blue for good guys and red for bad guys.

Luke insert the green one.

We have dark forces 2 that shows the bad guys have rainbow sabers not only red.

then as an oficial cannon lucas make windu with purple.

then KOTOR defines the colors to classes and shit.


LESS IS MORE RIGHT? we never see a dialogue like: hey dude nice yellow saber you have! are you a sentinel?

EU details are useless and they work perfectly to comics and novels.

Im not saying not having more colors to the edits. After there is free will :) but i like to think it  like its star wars. Real star wars. not with many parameters or knights, masters, sentinels, neos and smiths.





I second white/gray for the younglings' 'training sabers'

However, in my dream edit, the younglings scene would never appear anyway.

I love the idea of all the Prequel sabers being blue, that way, in ROTJ when luke fires up his new one, it's a ZOMGWTF moment.

Hints that he could be straying from the 'proper' jedi path, and signifies a new era.

The only possible exception would be dooku (if someone does an edit where he's not a sith) perhaps his could be green too, or another colour even. Orange? Yellow? I'm sick of purple simply due to Sam Jackson.

brash_stryker said:

I second white/gray for the younglings' 'training sabers'

However, in my dream edit, the younglings scene would never appear anyway.


