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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 76

vaderios said:
ben_danger said:

just oggling again at your mockups vaderios, it would be awesome to see a thread just for them!


i know you are an eager fan of the ROTS style colours, with harsh contrasts and pure blacks. have you ever tried making ROTS mockups of the OT?

buhuhuhuhu :'(


I dont like pure blacks :'(






*awkward silence*




i just want more mockups.:''(


windows 7 and osx have a pleasant cycle wallpaper function. a series of 1280x800 vaderios recolours would look fab on a macbook......;)


Vaderios, fantastic mockups, mindblowing, riviting, 2 thumbs up.....now if only the prequals got these reveiws ;]

And tehwallaby, unless you are god, I don't know how you plan to do what you are planning to do, but I'm an optimistic person, go for it. I think I ran over my comma limit ;/

And for every one that is reading this thread, and if you have not done so, read Troopermans Shroud of the dark side thread http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Episode-II-Shroud-of-the-Dark-Side-MAIN-EDITOR-PaulisDead2221/topic/1895/ to help. I really wish this thing would get done, but I believe this should be were we work from. If we could join hands and finish it....... I'm going to far, but please read it if you have not.Its really an ispiration for a more OT;PT. Remember that it is not a dead project!!!!!!!

I should be the spokesperson for Trooperman lol

The person your searching for simply does not exist


angel, you need to put allof your collections together somewhere. They are great. I wish they were screen shots of actually photage you are working on.

teharri said:

angel, you need to put allof your collections together somewhere. They are great. I wish they were screen shots of actually photage you are working on.

Already doing that I'll have a link when it's ready :)



In the Works - TMNT:Return to New York -






Angel, I would love to see a full star wars saga edit by you. Your mockups are beautiful. You do them so fast and yet they look like they took you months to do.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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EyeShotFirst said:

You do them so fast and yet they look like they took you months to do.

Im one Angel :) You know that we are many up here.

Cloning ftw :D




vaderios said:
EyeShotFirst said:

You do them so fast and yet they look like they took you months to do.

Im one Angel :) You know that we are many up here.

Cloning ftw :D



If you had the mutant power are mulitplication you could work and have fun at the same time. unless you have fun working LOL


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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We are tonight's entertainment! I only have one question. Where is Harvey Dent?(lol?)

Mood changing again. Consider that this shot is a pan scan. so the skyline can change or be different.

And also the concept of gray ships more to OT palette....




Now the prequels are looking more industrial like the OT. Thanks Angel for the very moddy display of awesomeness. You seem to be less into the blue nowadays. LOL. Did you get theropy? You even removed some blue from shots way above.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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fishmanlee said:

i know of a way to make the preqs/'s more OTlike!

the crawl music its the same dang music!!
in the OT the crawl music for each movie was a little bit different
now using some music from the binary sunset alternate cue from the ANH soundtrack
we could have different crawl music for AOTC and ROTS so the music is not the same as TPM

this got buried so i am posting it again


John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



EyeShotFirst said:

Now the prequels are looking more industrial like the OT. Thanks Angel for the very moddy display of awesomeness. You seem to be less into the blue nowadays. LOL. Did you get theropy? You even removed some blue from shots way above.


I don't know what are you talking about. the blue is right there! oh wait is right here, no no is everywhere!

Im wondering the user here that called Angel Blue01 is from a joke or from a mad coisidence !


Thedudehasskillz said:

this got buried so i am posting it again

So... make it :)





vaderios said:

EyeShotFirst said:

Now the prequels are looking more industrial like the OT. Thanks Angel for the very moddy display of awesomeness. You seem to be less into the blue nowadays. LOL. Did you get theropy? You even removed some blue from shots way above.


I don't know what are you talking about. the blue is right there! oh wait is right here, no no is everywhere!

Im wondering the user here that called Angel Blue01 is from a joke or from a mad coisidence !



HAHAHAHA. Your legend will continue for the rest of mankinds rein on earth to our life in the deep reaches of space with fans like that.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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tehwallaby said:

Negotiations - There are no shots of the Neimodians, you just see all of the Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan parts.

I just saw that.
Well i noticed some color changes thanks to you that you put all the obi qui shots together. Very interesting how from cool tones we see warm and then cool again.


Now why quigon slices the door? if you dont show the reason then he is a drunk jedi with a yellow saber.

I like the wipes, maybe too many in a short time.

Also we dont see the reason of the ship gets blown up.

if its a montage of action i can understand that :)





sketchrob said:
Ripplin said:

I like the idea of Dooku on the council in TPM. Maybe having him in a meeting, but as a hologram because he's off-planet, could be a workaround for the sync issue. Fuzz it up and there y'go.

I love that idea :)


been a busy few days on this forum and this topic got a bit squashed. I love the idea of Dooku being a hologram on the jedi council in TPM and was wondering if it would also be possible to get Syfo-Dyas in there as well. Both these characters just pop out of nowhere in AOTC, it'd be nice to briefly introduce them earlier. My recall of AOTC is a bit rusty but i was never sure if it was meant to be implied Count Dooku was pretending to be Syfo Dyas to place the order for the clone army, or if the actual Syfo Dyas was pressured/manipulated/tricked into doing it or what. The whole plotline is a bit too vague - if we could make hologram syfo dyas seem afraid of dooku or something, it could make this whole story element a bit more logical.

And if one of them replaced Yoderina or whatever her name is, that'd be ideal.

Yoda - There can be only one!



Dooku should replace Yaddle, and Syfo-Dias should replace Oppo Rancisis or Yarael Poof *shudder*.

I'm currently working on recolouring Qui-Gon's sabre in the opening of TPM and I'll release it, along with my altered crawl in a couple of weeks.


Hey all, I've started collecting Angels pics, my own (when I get the nerve to make some :P) work here...


There's also a sig link at the bottom :P I'll update daily, takes a little time to collect changes :p but Angles got a lot of work so I figured it best to have a place to easily browse thru it all. Thx Angle for sending all the material.


In the Works - TMNT:Return to New York -






All mention of Sifo Dyas needs to be removed in my opinion. The stupid detective plot involving him went absolutely nowhere.

New crawl saying that a clone army is being created on Kamino, and that the senate is bickering about whether it should be used is all that it'll take - as well as removing obi wan's and the other jedi's surprise at its creation. The secret creation thing (along with never being explained) is utterly stupid. Why would the Jedi happily use the army, knowing it was commisioned by neither a Jedi or the republic?

Also remove the whole "missing planet" thing, where obi wan goes to dexter, then the archives, THEN asks a bunch of KIDS before going to Kamino. It was STUPID. Just redub the droid analysis deleted scene so that they say that the ore used to create the dart is from the Kamino system - maybe something about this being the location of the republic's cloning facility, just to clarify to the audience.

"Probably hand-made by a warrior yadda yadda yadda.......however I am detecting minute trace elements of Kaminolium. That ore is unique to the Kamino system if you hadn't figured that out, sir" :P

Possibly move part of Yoda's line of "And see this army they have created for the republic" to earlier in the film if he ever instructs obi wan to go to Kamino ( I don't remember)

That way, Obi Wan goes to Kamino under the ruse of checking out the army, when he's really looking for Jango. (or in my dream edit, Boba - the kid doesn't exist). Also we never see "Boba" unmasked. It ruins the mystery.

But I've said all this before I think.

But yes. I approve of Dooku replacing Yaddle in the council chamber. Sifo Dyas, on the other hand, belongs on the cutting room floor.

brash_stryker said:

All mention of Sifo Dyas needs to be removed in my opinion. The stupid detective plot involving him went absolutely nowhere....

But yes. I approve of Dooku replacing Yaddle in the council chamber. Sifo Dyas, on the other hand, belongs on the cutting room floor.

I agree and from what I remember when the script was leaking on the net waaay back was the Sifo Dyas was a play on Sidious, as if Sidious himself went impersonating the Jedi (on approval of the Chancelor.. which turned out to be one and the same) but then in the film SIfo Dyas became actual Jedi??? removing him and adding the clone army to the opening crawl is the way to go.



In the Works - TMNT:Return to New York -





sketchrob said:

I agree and from what I remember when the script was leaking on the net waaay back was the Sifo Dyas was a play on Sidious, as if Sidious himself went impersonating the Jedi (on approval of the Chancelor.. which turned out to be one and the same) but then in the film SIfo Dyas became actual Jedi??? removing him and adding the clone army to the opening crawl is the way to go.


Exactly. It would have made some sense if there was no such Jedi as Sifo Dyas. But there was. So stupid.......


tehwallaby said:

Dooku should replace Yaddle, and Syfo-Dias should replace Oppo Rancisis or Yarael Poof *shudder*.

I'm currently working on recolouring Qui-Gon's sabre in the opening of TPM and I'll release it, along with my altered crawl in a couple of weeks.

No just find some good footage to replace yaddle with dooku :)

with the correct lights perespective etc






I'm considering finding someone with a British accent to help me redub Jar Jar, being an Australian, real British accents are in short supply, so if anyone has an accent they would like to give to Jar Jar, please PM me, I'd love to hear your take on Jar Jar, and indeed Gungans as a whole.

I'm also considering adding a slower, deeper, version of the Cantina Band theme to The Phantom Strikes (my edit of TPM). I'm not entirely sure where to put it, but I've got a few ideas as to where it should go. The idea is that it is sort of a classic song, that the cantina band re-imagined for performing.


I might be missing something here, but why all this talk of redubbing Jar Jar with a British accent?

Why would that work?


You know trooperman re dubbed jar jar in some like scotish accent, lol.

The person your searching for simply does not exist