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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 268


Not only that, but shouldn’t his robes match those worn by ghost anakin at the end of ROTJ? We never once see him dressed like that in the PT to justify why his ghost has those robes.


Very true. Although I can accept that it’s just him appearing before Luke in the kind of Desert Garb of Tattooine that both he and Luke grew up with. It would have made more sense though if we saw Anakin as a young man spending time on Tattooine in such clothes (a la when he visited Cleig, Owen, Beru and Shmi).

Thinking the unthinkable indeed.


Maybe if all Jedi masters wear the white under-robe in the PT his ghost in ROTJ would indicate not only that he has rejoined his fallen comrades after death but attains mastery of the Jedi arts.
Still think this looks cooler :


After watching Jessica Jones I came up with a sinister reason why Padme falls in love with Anakin regardless of his crimes.
He or Palpatine is using the Force to keep her bound to him.
The closer he comes to the Dark Side the weaker his grip on her (explaining her involvement with the Alliance and her final attempts to flee Vader).
That way it’s not a love story but a story of abuse which matches the acting style more closely.


That’s an interesting concept but how would one manage to convey that?


Darth Lucas said:

That’s an interesting concept but how would one manage to convey that?

Without a re-dub you’d have to remove most of their dialogue together and just simply show her crying or looking distressed most of the time while he pretty much gives her orders and manipulates her, actually now that I think of it that would make for a really interesting edit.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


So ANH and TFA both start off in space, then they cut to our hero, then our earlier introduced characters end up meeting and needing them. So in order to make TPM mirror ANH more, wouldn’t it be better to introduce Anakin before the other characters meet him? I think it would make more sense, one idea is to show Anakin being forced into a podrace by Watto and barely losing to Sebulba. Rather than having one long three-lap podrace, you could introduce Anakin earlier, establish him as a good pliot and have two short and exciting podraces. What do you guys think?

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


A good idea but it would require some effects work to show him losing and maybe crashing/damaging Watto’s pod. You need to set up a sense of peril for the next race.


That’s how the novelization of TPM starts (might have been mentioned somewhere in the thread, I don’t remember). Always thought it made a nice alternative intro to the story.


Smithers said:

So ANH and TFA both start off in space, then they cut to our hero, then our earlier introduced characters end up meeting and needing them. So in order to make TPM mirror ANH more, wouldn’t it be better to introduce Anakin before the other characters meet him?

Which version of ANH are you watching? The lost cut? Did you find it? We meet Luke when the sand crawler shows up at the homestead. I was semi-surprised when TFA didn’t follow this model and instead went with the way ANH originally went (and the way it is in the adaptations).

Hal’s TPM edit is probably the closest you can get to ANH, with the amount of time it takes to get to Anakin only a couple minutes or so more than it takes to get to Luke.


Have Yoda on Tatooine at the end of the PT with Obi-wan, and then change all of the Jedi clothing to NOT be moisture farmers robes.


Smithers said:

Oh well nevermind mirroring ANH then lol, but in terms of pacing, would it work? You wouldn’t specifically have to make anakin destroy watto’s pod but just show him losing, then Qui-Gon could find him getting into a fight over whether or not he cheated.

I think it would work well but I think you would have to show anakin destroying watto’s pod. Cuz later in the film he says “he smashed up my pod last race”
I mean you could just take out that line but still.


Smithers said:

Why doesn’t Qui-Gon disappear once he dies? In the clone wars show it’s explained that Qui-Gon discovered eternal life and appears as a ghost to teach Yoda and Obi-Wan this ability. So wouldn’t you have to discover it while still being alive?

Qui gon NOT disappearing is the only thing that gives indication that you don’t need to disappear to become a force ghost and gives reason as to why anakin doesn’t disappear when he dies.


Some pages back I mention that one of the problems I have with the invasions and battles in the prequels is there aren’t many signs of peril for the populations of the worlds we see.
Naboo is still a garden paradise, we don’t see the Gungan city ruined, we don’t see the effects of the war on Coruscant.
I imagine many people on here would have seen this Star Trek ‘fan film’ extended prelude and maybe read about the problems that the film makers have had with Paramount but it does manage to create a tangible sense of loss and portent with very minimal actors and effects shots of destruction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1W1_8IV8uhA
It’s a shame the Klingons don’t have a title which means “the final MILF”.


So I watched all of CinemaSins’ “Everything Wrong With The Prequels” and I noticed that he seems to have accidentally made the audio from the movie much deeper, however this actually makes Anakin have a much better sounding voice, you could just deepen the centre audio track while he’s talking and I think it would sound pretty good. Have a listen for yourself: https://youtu.be/-Iw_CZtq4LI?t=39s

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329