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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread — Page 209


Prune face Palpy is actually a very good idea if you go the upfront route that it is Sidious pulling the strings. Or you could go the mysterious route and darken the features under the hood to leave it ambiguous.

Or maybe you don't have any communique with Palpious at all and just leave it to the Neimoidians and Maul during the first film?

Then maybe have Maul say something about a master during the end duel so the jedi know Maul is just the apprentice and the Mastermind is still out there?


shanerjedi said:

Bingowings said:

A great idea. nice mockup but whoever attempts this will have to prepared to have the sequence picked over at the sub-atomic level.

Bingo, uuh, I think Sidious' cloak looks a little wrinkly laying on his shoulder. Could you smooth that out a bit? :p

Bingo didn't make the picture. He just pasted it for everyone to see as the creator had just posted it as a link.

EDIT: OH! IT WAS A JOKE. Ignore me, I'm tired.

Yeah sorry for the link, I couldn't get the code to work. As for Sidious, I wouldn't hide his face. As a viewer, one can tell that the villain has a public indentity to protect, and suspicions of who he is are bound to occur. However, by visually separating Sidious from Palpatine, his reveal to Anakin becomes a rather surprising twist. Editing should take place to remove his encouraging of Anakin's attitude "I see you're becoming the greatest of all Jedi", to make it seem like he's one of the good guys, geniuenly concerned about the well being of the Republic. The goal is (or at least my goal) is to make "Palpatine is the Sith lord!" the "I am your father" of the prequels.

heh i'm kinda embarased to admit this, even though the name Palpatine wasn't ever in the OT it had been in the EU pretty much since the beginning, although i wasn't familiar with this stuff at all so when i was watching ep1 for the first time i had no idea senator Palpatine was supposed to become the emperor, this revelation came to me only later when i noticed in the credits that palpatine was played by Ian McDiarmid, and being such a SW nerd in my early years i imediately recognized him as being the emperor :P  His voice/face didn't spark any resemblence with the emperor to me initially.


Thats cause (I believe) he was in his 30's when he filmed his scenes in RotJ.

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


A few pages ago the thought of making more real looking Clone troopers came up. I had an idea that no one mentioned about that. Adding OT Storm Troopers into the mix. Please keep in mind that this was done in about a hour, and is in no way anything spectacular. Just trying things out


 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


A fairly radical idea that I just had: When Palps sends the order for 'Order 66', let's not have it received by "Commander Cody" or any clone on Utapau for that matter. Instead have it received by a suited officer on Coruscant (I've never liked the fact that SOME clones can advance to "commander" status - they're all identical and disposable!)

Obviously this would require some refilming of a costumed actor in front of a green screen, but as far as the ideas here go, it's a pretty simple one. Get an amateur actor who looks a bit like Peter Cushing and it can even be 'Commander' Tarkin's career defining move, and why he gained such favour with Palpatine and was able to talk to Vader the way he does - he was loyal to Palps and had this 'Order 66' in place long before Anakin turned.


The clones could even receive some kind of noise trigger which makes them kill their Jedi commanders.

That way anyone intercepting the signal wouldn't know what it was.

The order could be brainwashed into from youth but activated by communications signal from a trusted officer.

You could then have a sequence that would mirror the firing of the Death Star weapon.


This isn't a "radical" redux, but still worth considering. The ROTS novelization made Anakin's anger at the Council not making him a Master a whole lot more substantive, rather than just petulant whining, by establishing that Anakin was counting on Master-status to get him full Jedi Archives access, where he hoped to learn something that could help save Padme.

Maybe this could be incorporated into the movie through new dialogue - for instance, during the meeting have Plo Koon (since we don't see his lip movements, fans like him, and his voice would be relatively easy to do) say something like, "You may represent the Chancellor, but you will neither vote nor have Master-level access to the Temple Archives."

To further sell the idea, maybe put "I found a way to save you from my nightmares" before the Council scene, so it's referring to the hope Anakin places in Mastery.


Well, Fish, in DC's post, the emphasis was on the Jedi Archives access, so it doesn't really matter if the "voting" part made little sense. The idea is still a valid one.

And if you want to get nitpicky, it's you're, not your.


brash_stryker said:

A fairly radical idea that I just had: When Palps sends the order for 'Order 66', let's not have it received by "Commander Cody" or any clone on Utapau for that matter. Instead have it received by a suited officer on Coruscant (I've never liked the fact that SOME clones can advance to "commander" status - they're all identical and disposable!)

Obviously this would require some refilming of a costumed actor in front of a green screen, but as far as the ideas here go, it's a pretty simple one. Get an amateur actor who looks a bit like Peter Cushing and it can even be 'Commander' Tarkin's career defining move, and why he gained such favour with Palpatine and was able to talk to Vader the way he does - he was loyal to Palps and had this 'Order 66' in place long before Anakin turned.

This is actually a great idea. The way Tarkin was just forgotten about in ROTS was a real missed opportunity - and it's one of many things that make Lucas's point about the episodes being watched in sequence moot. I.e. we're not meant to ask "who's this geezer we haven't seen before" at the end of ROTS. If your idea gets fan-fixed we won't have to.


If one were to dub Anakin trooperman style you could definitely pull off the archive access thing I'd think.


It would explain the particular scenes of carnage around the Temple Library.

It might even be possible to create footage using altered AOTC footage of a hooded Darth Vader taking advantage of having freedom of the place to try and extract information.


Also, I didn't make up the bit about not voting - I think it's in the novelization. The logic was that the Jedi were giving Palpatine's appointment of Anakin the bare minimum accommodation they could get away with. So it was essentially, "You can present the Chancellor's views, but you (and by extension, he) don't get a say in making Jedi policy."


fishmanlee said:

um "your on this council, but you cant vote" makes very little sense

brash_stryker said:

And if you want to get nitpicky, it's you're, not your.

It's also can't not cant....unless you are talking about a facade with multiple angles.  And of course there's no period at the end of the sentence, and um should be capitalized, if you even consider it a word, and...

I love grammatical nitpicks.


I can always count on you to point out the stuff I couldn't be bothered to, Frink. I guess that's why you're the cutlist man :-)

P.S. I love the little blurb about 'The Frink Files' on fanedit.org. I only noticed it the other day. Is it new?


It's fairly new.  They put it up when the new Star Wars page went live a few weeks (?) ago.


Trying to make sense of the Zam/Fett/Poisoned bugs thing.

What if Zam is hired by Gunray directly to kill Padme and use the droid, operated by remote to do it (we already know that the Feds use battle droids so no need for bugs).

It opens up a hole in the window, takes aim and Anakin rushes in just in time to deflect the shots.

When Kenobi jumps onto the droid she tries to smack him into buildings using the remote and then self destructs it.

Fett kills Zam under orders from Dooku who is trying to control Gunray's quest for revenge because she is one of the few Senators trying to stop the escalation of the war.


but thats way more complicated!

If the original star wars was a medley of other sources, then perhaps where the prequels lost their way was trying to make something 'original' or 'symbolic' as oppose to a formula that already had charm. So a B-Movie in space.


What Would Flash Gordon Do?


That's fine as an explanation, Bingo, but how would it be conveyed in an edit?

Having Gunray as an antagonist in Episode 1, and on Dooku's side in Episode 2 makes it very challenging writing Dooku as a good guy. Along with all the other stuff too. :-(

Edit: In reply to your idea about the droid too, if it can cut a hole in a window, then it obviously has technology capable of penetrating the 'glass" so why not just shoot her with it? :-p


It is more in line with the existing story elements.

We see Gunray insisting on Padme's death as a precondition of his remaining in the Confederacy and Dooku trying to placate him (the story he falsely spins in the current version is to bide for time but it could be reworked so he is being sincere).

Dooku wants her alive to try and stop the clone army being deployed, Gunray wants revenge on the woman who got him kicked out of the Republic.

Basically Dooku is a good guy who has the Galaxy's best interests at heart but to do what he needs to do he has to work with despicable people.

As for the action elements it's actually more simple.

Why does a formidably armed bounty hunter get another formidably armed bounty hunter to kill a woman with poisoned bugs anyway?

If the idea was to hide the means of her death why blow up her ship in such an obvious fashion in the beginning of the film?

None of the assassination strands of the story make any sense at all.

It makes much more sense if the two bounty hunters are rivals and one kills the other leading not to Kamino, a mystery that leads to nowhere in the theatrical version but to Geonosis directly, which makes sense of the investigation plot strand.

If you have a robot assassin why have a non robotic agent at all unless to counter the previously seen unreliable nature of robots for this sort of work?

It's ability to melt glass is the very reason why I would cut the bugs and have it try to shoot her so basically it's a floating remote control gun and Zam is a snipper by proxy.

Even Sherlock Holmes has had plot lines like that.

It gives Zam something to do rather than just wait to be captured by the droid leading the Jedi to her. Get rid of the gun and replace it with a remote control device (it's straight out of an early Bond film and they are easy enough to follow).

Once captured she could mutter something about Geonosis and that could be the missing planet Obi-Wan investigates.



I think that even it's full of weak elements, dull, and sometimes it reaches to be predictable, AOTC will perdure in the history of the saga like the "thriller one" because of some subplot it has in it. So if I were to make a fanedit, I'd rather try to exploit that overall feeling the movie has (of course, with the main aim of making something good out of it, not leaving the crap it is) than to change it into something more "star warsy".


You make good points Bingo. I guess it's been so long since I watched AOTC as it was originally that I'd forgotten those little elements that would serve what you're saying :-)


AOTC is a prime candidate for radical reworking.

Padme's main objection to the formation of the Grand Army is trying to minimise the prospect of galactic war.

If the Clone Army was already an option on the table rather than a mystery (which nobody bothers to solve) new footage or dialogue could be added to make the issue more to do with the Republic losing it's moral integrity.

The Republic has outlawed slavery within it's borders but the Clones are essentially slaves created to serve the Republic.

They are programed like machines using, for want of a better term brain washing.

The Jedi use mind control on the weak minded and that could be sited as a defence of using the technology bringing that up could help Anakin start to look at the Jedi's double standards in a bad light as a former slave himself and a Jedi sympathetic to what the Chancellor is trying to do.