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The Place to Go for Emotional Support — Page 33


TV’s Frink said:

Tyrphanax said:

As an aside, it always shocks me when people mention great-grandparents. Mine were all long gone before I could remember.

Both my grandmothers are alive and healthy at the age of 90, and my daughters will be fourtunate enough to remember them after they’re gone.

My grandfathers have been gone for years and years, long before my daughters were born.

I hope to God I get that much time with mine and that he still has some more years ahead of him.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Holy fuck, so much for progress! I had another COMPLETELY random set of compulsions followed by an anxiety attack unlike any I’ve ever had, I actually thought I might go crazy. I’m still sweat hours later, my heartbeat doubled, my hands shook, my face went numb, it was easily of the scariest experiences I’ve ever had. I think I’ll hope for a heart attack from it if that shit happens again. Don’t know if I can hide it from my parents. I dot know what the fuck to do. I’m amazed I managed to make it through the rest of my work shift. Jesus fucking Christ. That was…God.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Mike O said:

Holy fuck, so much for progress! I had another COMPLETELY random set of compulsions followed by an anxiety attack unlike any I’ve ever had, I actually thought I might go crazy. I’m still sweat hours later, my heartbeat doubled, my hands shook, my face went numb, it was easily of the scariest experiences I’ve ever had. I think I’ll hope for a heart attack from it if that shit happens again. Don’t know if I can hide it from my parents. I dot know what the fuck to do. I’m amazed I managed to make it through the rest of my work shift. Jesus fucking Christ. That was…God.

Just a tidbit as it’s somethi,g I used to freak out about when I had panic attacks and it would make it worse: the chances of having a heart attack from a panic attack are very, very slim unless you have a preexisting heart condition. My doctor (back when I went to the doctor, which hasn’t been since 2013) once told me that for a healthy person your heart could literally beat like that for days and days on end without harm.


Mike O said:

Holy fuck, so much for progress! I had another COMPLETELY random set of compulsions followed by an anxiety attack unlike any I’ve ever had, I actually thought I might go crazy. I’m still sweat hours later, my heartbeat doubled, my hands shook, my face went numb, it was easily of the scariest experiences I’ve ever had. I think I’ll hope for a heart attack from it if that shit happens again. Don’t know if I can hide it from my parents. I dot know what the fuck to do. I’m amazed I managed to make it through the rest of my work shift. Jesus fucking Christ. That was…God.

Continue therapy. Don’t hide it.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Sorry about that melodramatic little outburst, but I really did feel what I said at the time. Jesus, that was bad. I was straightforward with my parents about it, and they were supportive as usual. My mistake, no doubt, but I guess that because I was feeling a little better, I made the rookie mistake of assuming things were “back to normal” or that I was “better.” After a good night’s sleep, I will hunt for a new therapist, or go back to my old one if things don’t pan out. I know it’s a process, and it’s hard to think that way when the suffering is so concentrated, and it’s hard to think about how long it will take, but I do appreciate the reminder to keep fighting.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Don’t worry about, just keep working at it!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


Mike O said:

Holy fuck, so much for progress! I had another COMPLETELY random set of compulsions followed by an anxiety attack unlike any I’ve ever had, I actually thought I might go crazy. I’m still sweat hours later, my heartbeat doubled, my hands shook, my face went numb, it was easily of the scariest experiences I’ve ever had. I think I’ll hope for a heart attack from it if that shit happens again. Don’t know if I can hide it from my parents. I dot know what the fuck to do. I’m amazed I managed to make it through the rest of my work shift. Jesus fucking Christ. That was…God.

It sounds like almost every anxiety attack I’ve had or my mother has had in my presence. The last one I had was watching Game of Thrones. I was running around shouting “I can’t breath” at the top of my voice until the rational side of my brain kicked in and reasoned that if I can run around shouting I must be breathing. I then calmed down. Scary as hell while it was happening though as you know.


I’ve had scattered panic attacks throughout my life, a few this bad, but mercifully rarely this bad. I am mildly worried that I’m self-diagnosing, especially regarding the OCD symptoms, but whatever it is, I want it to fucking stop. Hopefully Dr. #2 will answer this e-mail, if not, third try will be calling, and then I’ll have to hunt elsewhere.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


I’ve had depersonalization panic attacks before, but I don’t think that’s what this is. I’ve fallen into a bit of a depression, but it’s strange this time. I’m not angry like I usually am when I’m depressed. My room feels smaller and darker than usual. Interacting with the family feels strange. I thought I had carbon monoxide poisoning a little earlier, my left ear and the area behind it was pressed by a dull pain and I felt strange. I really don’t know how else to describe it but strange. My vision feels blurry, but I can see fine. I don’t know, man.


No answer to the e-mail, sent I around noon. Another fucking attack. I did manage to cry a little after it, and during it, I was sweating. My mother even noticed how I appeared frazzled, sweaty, and altogether not right, though I passed it off as being out of shape. I guess that feeling better was a short-lived victory. I have to go back to work tomorrow too, and retail is a stressful job. I don’t know how I’ll manage another attack, especially during work, and parity lad given how one of the people who works on weekends is stressful to work with. All of these barriers and stuff I’ve set up in my mind seem too fragile. The thought of having to always live with this is frightening, but I guess it’s a reality I’m going to have to face. I suppose I was too complacent in thinking I was “better.” I actually feel like it’s ebbed a little bit right now, but it can come back in ages minutes if it wants to. I’m just getting sick of this; I’m gonna die from the anxiety and obsessiveness, oh look, I feel a little better, it comes back again. I’m tired of fighting and losing. Can’t even win by giving up. It’s just so crippling.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned this before, but are you able to look for another job?

The Person in Question


Have you talked to your supervisor about it?

I ask because I’m a supervisor at Wal-Mart myself and if an employee comes to me with something like this I can usually find something away from people for them to do until they calm down and just having their supervisor know and accept it seems to help.

I have the odd panic attack at work too but working with customers usually makes it go away after a few minutes cuz I’m more focused on them than my chest.


My father is still in the hospital. He is in the intensive care step down unit. He sleeps a lot and tires easily. He spoken a few words but not much. He is still very much out of it. They are giving him some medicine today to try to wake him up more. He has been able to follow a few directions(like wiggling his toes and squeezing his hand). They it might a take a year for the blood in his head to absorb. We still don’t know if he has had brain damage or not. Last Saturday was tough, he didn’t look good and I thought he was going to die soon. He has improved a little since then, his vital signs are better. I wish I knew how this was going to end. If you pray, please keep praying for my family and my father. Thank you.


thank you. My mom says he is more awake today, which is good.


Jeebus said:

I’ve had depersonalization panic attacks before, but I don’t think that’s what this is. I’ve fallen into a bit of a depression, but it’s strange this time. I’m not angry like I usually am when I’m depressed. My room feels smaller and darker than usual. Interacting with the family feels strange. I thought I had carbon monoxide poisoning a little earlier, my left ear and the area behind it was pressed by a dull pain and I felt strange. I really don’t know how else to describe it but strange. My vision feels blurry, but I can see fine. I don’t know, man.

Have you consulted a doctor about it? I’ll be honest, I’ve been fortunate that my full-scale anxiety attacks have been fairly few. Not few ENOUGH, but fairly few.

moviefreakedmind said:

I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned this before, but are you able to look for another job?

I’m long overdue for that, a good many years. Right now, I just want my mind fixed. I’m going insane here.

Possessed said:

Have you talked to your supervisor about it?

I ask because I’m a supervisor at Wal-Mart myself and if an employee comes to me with something like this I can usually find something away from people for them to do until they calm down and just having their supervisor know and accept it seems to help.

I have the odd panic attack at work too but working with customers usually makes it go away after a few minutes cuz I’m more focused on them than my chest.

My weekend supervisor is not exactly the sympathetic type, and except for one guy who mysteriously NEVER does ANY work (don’t get me started), we’re going to need all hands on deck for the holiday weekend.

Warbler said:

My father is still in the hospital. He is in the intensive care step down unit. He sleeps a lot and tires easily. He spoken a few words but not much. He is still very much out of it. They are giving him some medicine today to try to wake him up more. He has been able to follow a few directions(like wiggling his toes and squeezing his hand). They it might a take a year for the blood in his head to absorb. We still don’t know if he has had brain damage or not. Last Saturday was tough, he didn’t look good and I thought he was going to die soon. He has improved a little since then, his vital signs are better. I wish I knew how this was going to end. If you pray, please keep praying for my family and my father. Thank you.

Slow progress is still progress. I hope to God he continues to improve.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


Jeebus said:

I’ve had depersonalization panic attacks before, but I don’t think that’s what this is. I’ve fallen into a bit of a depression, but it’s strange this time. I’m not angry like I usually am when I’m depressed. My room feels smaller and darker than usual. Interacting with the family feels strange. I thought I had carbon monoxide poisoning a little earlier, my left ear and the area behind it was pressed by a dull pain and I felt strange. I really don’t know how else to describe it but strange. My vision feels blurry, but I can see fine. I don’t know, man.

You should have you ears examined. It sounds silly but inner ear damage caused by an infection can have the strangest effects. When I had Labyrinthitis for the first time I really did worry for my sanity. The other odd thing is it’s very common and hardly anyone talks about it.


My dog, Pipo, died last night.

It happened pretty suddenly. At the beginning of the week, she seemed fine for a dog her age. Then around Tuesday/Wednesday, she started getting sick; she stopped eating, began throwing up, starting discharging some nasty, foul-smelling liquid from her vagina, then got weaker and weaker to the point where she stopped moving around and just laid down towards the end. She died sometime before midnight; her body was still warm when we finally noticed she was gone.

I don’t know what she died from, but her mother died the exact same way back in 2011. Perhaps it was cancer – Pipo developed hard lumps on her chest/in her teats in the last few years, and so had her mother in the years before she died – or maybe it was miscarriages.

When I got ready to take her body out of the house, she didn’t look at all good. Her eyes were fixed open and her mouth was in a rictus grin. She looked hideous, like some kind of terrifying dummy. I’ve seen too many dogs and cats dead, and not one of them looked like they were in peace, that they were just sleeping; they always look like they died in agony.

Now I’m worried about her brother, Cheech. They were both born in 2004, and he doesn’t look too healthy himself these days. Now that Pipo’s gone, Cheech is the last living thing I still have from those years – the last thing I have left from a happy period in my life. I don’t want to lose him now, not right after this.

I swear that once I move out of this place and am out on my own, I’m never going to own another dog again. Cats are one thing – I’ve never had to witness a cat die of old age; the coyotes around here make sure they never get that old – but dogs … dogs stick around, they stick around and become permanent members of the family, and so when they die, it’s hard – too damn hard for me to take. I have three dogs left, and it’s going to suck just as much when I have to bury them in the backyard. After they’re gone, never again.


Yeah, Duracell. I know that pain. I grew up with a dog as a second younger brother and the three of us ran around the desert for years and years growing up together.

He had to be put down while I was in Canada, and it ruined me not being there for him at the end. I know being there would have ruined me as well, but I feel like he probably felt like I abandoned him towards the end. Ugh, it’s hard to think about today even.

I could never have another pet. Never.

I’m sorry for your loss, but she had a really nice life as part of your family.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


RIP Pipo.

Don’t do drugs, unless you’re with me.


I am sorry about the pooch, man. I’m no animal-lover, but I know how much they mean to their owners and how deep the bond goes, and I’m sure you’re in a lot of pain right now. I hope you heal and remember the happiness she brought you, and that over time, the pain lessens. That isn’t much, but it’s all I can offer.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death