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(The Mandalorian+BoBF) The Way of Mandalore | A New Mandalore Movie Saga (Final Update in Progress) — Page 17


Regarding your Book 6 plans.
I belive it would be better to make 2 books out of your plan. So the Book 6 would be pretty muvh what you have in act 1 but with all the usable 70 min of Book of Boba fett footage and then have it intersect with Bo katan training Mandalorians.

And then have Book 7 be what you have planed in act 2 and act 3 of your current Book 6 plan.

I think that would be better and insted of having 1 nearly 3h film you end up with 2 films around 1h 40min.


I do echo the others in saying I think that keeping more Boba content would be worthwhile as your previous edits had personally.

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


pableve said:

Regarding your Book 6 plans.
I belive it would be better to make 2 books out of your plan. So the Book 6 would be pretty muvh what you have in act 1 but with all the usable 70 min of Book of Boba fett footage and then have it intersect with Bo katan training Mandalorians.

And then have Book 7 be what you have planed in act 2 and act 3 of your current Book 6 plan.

I think that would be better and insted of having 1 nearly 3h film you end up with 2 films around 1h 40min.

I second this! This will help your pacing for both chapters and improve the “movie” story arcs without having too much going on in one film.


Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I’m currently trying to put together a cut based on Eddie’s post. My original Book 5 in 2022 was received very well so I’m going to try to merge the ideas in that film with some of the new ideas we’ve all come up with in 2023 to try to get the best of both worlds here. I really like the order of events I created in the recent release, but it doesn’t work with a full Tatooine storyline for one movie. I am intrigued by Eddie’s idea to have Din be excommunicated and cut all immediate mentions of his atonement. Then we can experience a full 1.5 movies of this lonely journey he goes on, and further extend the separation of Din and Grogu. Also, as a callback to Book 2, I do still like the idea of us seeing Din and Boba go on parallel journeys. That would fit all in with my initial goals here with The Way of Mandalore. Having him hit rock bottom after seeing Grogu in the distance and not being able to be with him would give him a good motivation to head to his clan and plead for a path to atonement and belonging.

That will indeed mean I need to dig into Book 5 again as I have to completely restructure what I just released. But I don’t see any other way to include BoBF here in its full form. I could release an ~80-minute standalone movie of Boba like some people were requesting with Dr. Pershing’s story, but that has never been my intent for this project. I want a saga of 2-2.5 hour movies in this New Republic time period told from the perspective of Mandalorians. At the end of the day, this isn’t my first foray into massive plot structuring for my films haha. I do believe each time I’ve done this, they have been individually improved to a great degree, as well as created a more cohesive movie saga.

I am still quite torn on Boba not appearing in Books 6/7 in any real manner. Yes, I can get him some easter egg appearances on Mandalore but this new order does leave him out from the main plot thread. I may try and preserve some scenes from BoBF that I can add to Book 7. However, at some point, we will get additional Mandalorian content whether that comes in the form of the Filoni movie or Season 4 first, or maybe even Ahsoka/Skeleton Crew crossover and I’m sure they’ll explain where Boba was and perhaps I can plug that into my saga down the road. Such a missed opportunity to not bring him into Mandalore in season 3, but I can only work with what I have today.

Daiyus said:

I was in many ways hoping you’d expand into the Ashoka content so that we could watch a refined New Republic era with all the various major plotlines intact, melded together in chronological order. Of course, this was entirely wishful thinking on my part and no expectation is implied.

It’s looking like Ahsoka can be turned into a 1-2 movie experience. I believe it is intended to run chronologically concurrent with Mando S3 content? I’ll get to Ahsoka one day, especially if there happen to be any crossovers with Mando. When this site was down I started playing with the first couple of episodes. Combat is much better than other shows, but man even there we’re getting lightsabers flip-flopping directions between cuts and other goofs. Baylan’s hallway scene was very sloppy, but it will be fixed one day!

pableve said:

Regarding your Book 6 plans.
I belive it would be better to make 2 books out of your plan. So the Book 6 would be pretty muvh what you have in act 1 but with all the usable 70 min of Book of Boba fett footage and then have it intersect with Bo katan training Mandalorians.

And then have Book 7 be what you have planed in act 2 and act 3 of your current Book 6 plan.

I think that would be better and insted of having 1 nearly 3h film you end up with 2 films around 1h 40min.

I have a hard rule of thumb that a Star Wars movie MUST be at least 2 hours. No George Lucas film was under that and I won’t go under it either. I should be able to make three 2+hour movies with the new proposed order.

Again, thanks for all the replies. It’s going to take a while to make this all happen. I’m ~30 minutes into the new Book 5 structure, trying to combine two movies into one and save some scenes for future movies etc. Lots of scene and soundtrack juggling to do but at least I have all of the individual scenes edited how I want them (for the most part, which the new order some scenes will need to change) so the hardest work is done. No more frame by frame combat analysis needed, at least until Book 7…

And I will get back to the final updates on Books 1-4!

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


I think someone in this thread (or in another) also proposed keeping the modern Boba Fett stuff intact but moving it to a spot in between the first and second halves of Mando s3. That also seems to have potential in my view. It would slow down the return to Mandalore and also involve contacting the various groups/types of Mandalorians to “unite the tribes.”


Hey! I want to introduce myself and share some of my feedback. I have written multiple screenplays, and I’ve worked on small productions for stunt acting. I am certainly no expert so take all of my feedback for what it is- my enthusiastic SUGGESTIONS to help you improve your awesome project. All of my notes come from a fellow big Star Wars fan who loves and appreciates your edits!!

I have never checked out your edits as I am a big fan of S1 and S2 of Mandalorian and felt that I personally do not NEED a shorter edit. Then Boba Fett came out. Then S3. Then Kenobi (thanks PixelJoker!). This led me to your edits, and the way you assembled the story requires that I watch ALL of them. So I will watch all of them and give my input as a fellow film enthusiast. Not all of my notes will be actionable, but sharing is the least I can do!


One of the things that makes movies FEEL like movies is a THEME LINE in the early parts of the movie. It’s one of those classic screenplay rules that belong in the first 5 pages of a script. It operates like a thesis in an essay- what statement of belief will be challenged by our hero’s experience? This is a tough thing to accomplish as the shows you are working with do not necessarily give great lines to an overall plot structure (They are building a short episode, not a full film). In Book 1, a theme line would happen around his talk with Greef Karga. Unfortunately, he doesn’t really deliver a line that works. Then our protagonist receives the “quest” from THE CLIENT. No thesis. Then the Armorer, but here it’s very late in the story… and while she offers wisdom the lines are geared at exposition, not giving theme to our movie. I am not sure how to improve it as you’ve only got what you got. Perhaps a new V.O. with the Armorer stating Book 1’s thesis more clearly when she accepts his payment- but I don’t know how feasible this option is. Or perhaps a new MANDO line to The Client stating his intent to always travel alone.

The Fight scene edits = A+
I can see these fight scenes are punchier, shorter, quicker, and have less chaff getting shot by good characters to help raise the stakes. Fewer misses at the good guys. More tension is kept. Great work here!

Small suggestion- perhaps after the Warm or Cold line you can cut to carbonite in the face blast. Could be a shorter/punchier scene to jump straight to the ship.

Overall, I am very impressed. The problem to me personally is this cuts from the show when its at it’s best. Later Books in this series will have the advantage of cutting garbage (Looking at you, S3!). This book has the disadvantage of cutting relatively successful material. Much harder to do!! (And I am very impressed at what you created here!)
This gives me a LOT of hope for these next chapters and I cannot wait to review them.



Omg. I am so glad I am watching this. BOBA FETT ALREADY?! I love it!

The tiny cuts during his capture make a LOT more tension. I am blown away.

Boba is NOT awake during Jawas- these are the kind of small touches that go a long way. Great cut.

EVERY choice you made for Boba to be standoffish, less lines, etc works brilliantly. I am so happy with this. I am convinced this is a guy who would wear a wookie braid on his armor and hunt people for money.

It feels like it takes a long time to reach Mando- (14 minutes). Perhaps starting the Mando in the village scene earlier could help. A good earlier segue point would be when Boba arrives at the raider camp. If we add a Mando cut here, we see a tighter similarity in Mando “Moving in” to the village, as Boba is “moving in” to the slave camp. It would also mean where your second cutaway would land is now when Mando is “fitting in” as Boba is “fitting in”- tightening the two halves of our story.

I would also love to see even a glimpse of Boba in his nighttime chains to extend the perception of time to the audience. Or a glimpse of the dog at night (as his failed escape sequence is cut altogether). It helps add to your addition of him intimidating the dog later in the daytime. (Connected thread = 1- dog is scary. 2- Boba is scarier!)

“I’m sorry” and Mando replies “This is the way”. My suggestion here would be to cut Mando’s line and use his silence as a response. TitW doesn’t seem to fit here (This could also be my overreactive response to Season 3’s abuse of this line LOL)

Cara Dune’s intro/dialogue seems a little rushed. Not sure how to improve- it was just a little weird to me when we jump back to Cara and she is whiskey/spatchka buddies with Mando.
I also notice you cut before he removes his helm for dinner. Fans were so mad at this when it happened but I just assumed he was in a spot where he couldn’t be seen 😃

The transition around 45:20 of Mando leaving but Boba staying- OUTSTANDING. Wonderful joint storytelling here. However, the audio seems a bit off in the transition.

No lizard quest/spirit journey? Will this be reused later in a future flashback?

The scene of Boba passing the mechanic right after her introduction- Outstanding. The stories are passing so close and it makes me as an audience member completely hyped for when they intersect!

Ohhhhh Boba is scouting for his ship as a tool to wipe out the bikers. Holy crap way better storytelling.

Night time shots of Fennec etc are a little dark and hard to see. Is color correction possible here?

I read your notes on the bounty hunter/Fennec/dewback betrayal scene. The betrayal seems too quick and unclear. Her confident lean back just doesn’t work with finding her dead next. SHE has the card in her sleeve, not this expendable chump bounty hunter. The manipulation by Fennec (that was cut) is actually a great introduction to HER as a character. I am sad to see this go as she will be around for much more of the story but now she lacks a proper introduction. It makes her come across as flat in later scenes- we don’t KNOW how smart or clever she is. We know she can shoot, and that’s about it. I see what you are going for here in your notes- but I don’t think the edit as it currently stands accomplishes this goal.

1:14:02 - Should the Mechanic be reversed in her reaction shots here? Her spacing to Grogu looks a little weird to me like she’s looking at a different object. (Disney error, not yours)

Later transitions are great- the pacing of Mando gathering crew and Boba scouting are so tightly paced.

I would love to get just a little more of Fennec’s droid, we jump immediately to the droid returning. It’s minor but a scene separation or slightly additional footage of its exploration might help here.

THANK YOU for removing the kitchen droid. Such a waste of time that serves no purpose other than to infantilize Boba Fett.

When they sneak into the bay- they are caught immediately. It seems really quick. A second or two of sneaking before this would be good to imply they have gone undetected for a bit- but I don’t know what footage you even have for this!

“Kuilil do you copy” - I think the pan up would go to his body for the most efficient storytelling. We can infer Grogu is with the scouts.

LOL I forgot Grogu stopped a great big fireball in this episode… man Season 3 is running out of ideas more than I thought.

“I am not a living thing” Thank you for shortening the most obvious line of all time! LOL
However, I think the story would be stronger if we kept the rest of the scene. It is powerful and shows Mando’s transition as a character. His hatred of droids is one of his first growth archs, and it makes IG’s sacrifice later in this movie more meaningful. Why does Mando care in the lava without US seeing his change? The audience sees this change in the actor’s eyes. Aside from the powerful acting- we see his confusion and uncertainty. All around a win of a scene that works for this movie.
Also, it ties into Bill Burr’s comments in Season 2 when he questions the logic of the creed.
If I can’t convince you to keep it- please at least consider making the transition moment a few frames later when the helmet starts to come up. This will have the bonus of teasing the audience for the eventual reveal.

The enclave edits and arrangement are top-notch.

I kinda wish we had the “I need one of those” line to bring his jetpack acquisition full circle. I don’t really see any way to add the scene earlier in the film, unfortunately!

“Brains and muscle- you have both” - Fennec hasn’t displayed brains to the audience. Would be improved with the inclusion of her interaction with the young bounty hunter earlier where we see her manipulate his actions.

Boba’s resolute control of his campfire speech is SO MUCH BETTER. I can’t believe this is the same show.

I also loved the inclusion of the credits/artwork and other tiny details. It goes a long way in feeling like a full release!


Kypo, love your professional perspective on a screenplay’s thesis and theme lines!
Speaking of which, if this is something Acbagel is interested in, we have been experimenting with voice AI for another edit project, so I wonder if we could do something similar with this.

If you could come up some potential theme lines, and Acbagel was interested in using it, I could try to make the lines. Something that can be said off camera by an actor, or said by character with a helmet, would be preferable.

Speaking of which, Acbagel, if there are any other spots where you have caught yourself saying, “Man, it would be great if we had a line here to explain this”, feel free to reach out because I’d be more than happy to generate some lines for you. I had already been wanting to remake Luke’s dialogue in Mando and BOBF to make it sound more natural and like Mark Hamill. It would be a good opportunity to alter his lines to fit your interpretation of the character, if you felt this version of Luke shouldn’t follow the “attachments” rule, for example. Just let me know!


kypo said:

Also- Have you ever considered adding other fanedit material- like this salvaged Jango Fett scene from Attack of the Clones? Could be a good way to “add” to some of these flashback scenes.


This is a pretty cool edit. I’ve also thought that this would’ve been a good way to demonstrate the abilities of beskar. Instead of cutting Jango up, you could’ve had Windu’s lightsaber bounce off his beskar armor twice, maybe Jango begins to ignite his flamethrower, forcing Windu to finally kill him. Because it is ironic that Windu wanted to capture this guy, then ends up killing him. Anyway, that’s a story for another edit.


RogueLeader said:

Kypo, love your professional perspective on a screenplay’s thesis and theme lines!
Speaking of which, if this is something Acbagel is interested in, we have been experimenting with voice AI for another edit project, so I wonder if we could do something similar with this.

If you could come up some potential theme lines, and Acbagel was interested in using it, I could try to make the lines. Something that can be said off camera by an actor, or said by character with a helmet, would be preferable.

Speaking of which, Acbagel, if there are any other spots where you have caught yourself saying, “Man, it would be great if we had a line here to explain this”, feel free to reach out because I’d be more than happy to generate some lines for you. I had already been wanting to remake Luke’s dialogue in Mando and BOBF to make it sound more natural and like Mark Hamill. It would be a good opportunity to alter his lines to fit your interpretation of the character, if you felt this version of Luke shouldn’t follow the “attachments” rule, for example. Just let me know!

Thank you! Absolutely- I would love to work with you all here. There are so many small changes that could be made with all of these helmets. This would be a great way to bring tiny adjustments to the script!

(My own personal, selfish, dream would be a line where Din Djarin hints that he saw the mythosaur as well… or a better dialogue between Boba and Mando before they fight the Pikes)


I’d be wary of having Din see the mythosaur, because that’s likely intended to be specific to Bo Katan and the plot might depend on it later.

But more dialogue elsewhere could be very useful, especially to help smooth out changes where we’ve got Din going somewhere he didn’t originally, or to justify his new actions.

Already I can imagine something like “Better go pick up the new ship Peli has for me” in the current book 5.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Is there still an active link for the current day bobf V2 film I have heard circling around? I would love to check it out, I think these edits are amazing and I will continue to follow these posts with great interest!


EddieDean said:

That’s a really good point about AI voice lines RogueLeader, especially since there’s LOADS of Mando and Boba dialogue, plus so many of these characters speak with helmets on.

AI voices are a bit of a game changer. I’m not sure the tech is good enough (yet) for widespread plot changes, but its certainly adequate to aid more minor editing.

Here is a clip from my Bad Batch edit. 2 short AI voice insertions to get the Batch straight to Ord Mantell after escaping Kamino.


The tech isn’t perfect as I couldn’t get an adequate “Ord Mantell” in Hunter’s voice so I left the J19 reference in place. [Its only mentioned once in a random Clone Wars episode, so most viewers won’t know that J19 is Saleucemi, not Ord Mantell).

Current Project:- Bad Batch EP3: Shadows of Tantiss


EddieDean said:

Ooooft. Buddy you know I’ve got a huge amount of respect for you and your work, and obviously you’ve got the complete right to execute your vision however you want, but I have to say that I think that treatment of the Boba content isn’t the right move for what I think your priorities are - or what they started out as. Perhaps your priorities have shifted, but to my mind when you started out it was to include as much good content as possible, in a smoothed-out movie structure. Whereas now, I feel like you’ve got major issues with the pacing and structure of Mando season three that you’re trying to repair (totally fair!) but executed this way would come at the detriment of other content.

You’re arguing, fairly, that Boba doesn’t appear to matter to Mando season three’s plot about uniting the clans, but - does he need to? He’s never been a ‘true’ Mandalorian (his own appearances in Mando S1-2 and his own show confirm that), so he doesn’t owe our characters anything. And just because he’s not present this season, doesn’t mean he won’t return in future, or even get wrapped up in the ongoing mission to retake Mandalore. And if he does, what then? I think you’d miss his earlier appearances.

Remember, this isn’t an ensemble show. It’s many contemporary-set shows which sometimes overlap. Boba isn’t (necessarily) a main character in The Mandalorian (or even The Filoniverse) saga, and neither is Ahsoka. Each show is its own thing - and ultimately the payoff, I’m sure, is going to come from consuming as much of it (polished, if you like) as possible.

Furthermore, Boba’s content is good! As you proved with your own original Boba edits, it’s a show which really lands, when some tweaks are made.

I don’t know. I’m not trying to be difficult here - I’ve had loud opinions in your thread quite enough! I just urge you - completely respectfully - to think and be absolutely sure about what your top-level priorities are for the entire Way of Mandalore project, and see how your decisions align. That sounds patronising but I don’t mean it that way at all - many times during my own project I had to check myself and found my priorities drifting, and had to reign them back in and make tough choices. And hey, if you’re certain this is the vision you’re striving for, of course I’ll respect and support that. I’m really invested in this project, that’s the only reason I’m so passionate about it here!

Also Acbagel I made a simple project of BoBF series here to fix making Boba back to being a bad ass again. I never got around to refining it after the inital v1 but maybe you could take some ideas from it for this quality project your doing here. Example Boba being a bad ass in battle and not keep taking dirt naps which sounds like you’ve already fixed but it shows we’re on the same page of Bobas Book 😉 : https://vimeo.com/721775369

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


EddieDean said:

You’re the absolute MVP buddy ❤️

No you!

vranir said:

I think someone in this thread (or in another) also proposed keeping the modern Boba Fett stuff intact but moving it to a spot in between the first and second halves of Mando s3. That also seems to have potential in my view. It would slow down the return to Mandalore and also involve contacting the various groups/types of Mandalorians to “unite the tribes.”

The problem is that there is barely any context for Din joining Boba. In BoBF it’s basically, “I have nothing to do rn so why not”. And then there is actually no final scene with Din and Boba. Not one frame where they say goodbye or anything, it’s just battle scenes and then poof Din is in space with Grogu. Sadly, there’s not much to work with on the fan edit side here. I used some AI voice generation for my short ~20 minute edit of Tatooine which would have worked well enough, but expanding this all into a cohesive film in the middle of S3 doesn’t work well. If we want the full Boba story here, Din needs to help because he is purposeless without Grogu. I can’t make that main AI lines about such a different placement of this story.

kypo said:

Also- Have you ever considered adding other fanedit material- like this salvaged Jango Fett scene from Attack of the Clones? Could be a good way to “add” to some of these flashback scenes.


Kypo, first gotta say, absolutely killer reviews. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I’ll get back to responding to them in detail when I can. As far as the flashback, is there a certain place you’d recommend that? I believe all my Boba memory scenes are in Book 2, are you suggesting putting this clip somewhere in there?

RogueLeader said:

Speaking of which, Acbagel, if there are any other spots where you have caught yourself saying, “Man, it would be great if we had a line here to explain this”, feel free to reach out because I’d be more than happy to generate some lines for you. I had already been wanting to remake Luke’s dialogue in Mando and BOBF to make it sound more natural and like Mark Hamill. It would be a good opportunity to alter his lines to fit your interpretation of the character, if you felt this version of Luke shouldn’t follow the “attachments” rule, for example. Just let me know!

Yes, that will definitely come in handy. I’ve just recently begun experimenting with ElevenLabs myself, but I’ve heard the lines from Ascendent, and some of them are truly amazing! When we finalize a couple lines here I’ll DM you and see if you have any good models for those voices yet.

beachedwhale said:

Is there still an active link for the current day bobf V2 film I have heard circling around? I would love to check it out, I think these edits are amazing and I will continue to follow these posts with great interest!

You’re looking for the old Book 5 from last year (before Mando Season 3 was released and I decided to change the story around Grogu)? If so, yes, DM me and I’ll send that to you.

Darth Muffy said:

Also Acbagel I made a simple project of BoBF series here to fix making Boba back to being a bad ass again. I never got around to refining it after the inital v1 but maybe you could take some ideas from it for this quality project your doing here. Example Boba being a bad ass in battle and not keep taking dirt naps which sounds like you’ve already fixed but it shows we’re on the same page of Bobas Book 😉 : https://vimeo.com/721775369

Nice! I scrolled through some of the changes there and it looks like we have a similar vision for Boba. Are there any changes that were not in my film that you had ideas for me to add?

Thanks for all the posts, everyone! I’ll be able to edit some more later this week so I’ll keep making progress and updates on Books 5-7 whenever I can.

(The Force Awakens) Heirs of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Last Jedi) Fate of the Jedi | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Rise of Skywalker) Legacy of the Force | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit

(The Bad Batch) Cinematic Version | A More Mature Edit

(The Mandalorian+Boba) The Way of Mandalore | A Compilation Edit

(Kenobi) | A Star Wars Legends Re-edit


kypo said:

Also- Have you ever considered adding other fanedit material- like this salvaged Jango Fett scene from Attack of the Clones? Could be a good way to “add” to some of these flashback scenes.


Kypo, first gotta say, absolutely killer reviews. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that. I’ll get back to responding to them in detail when I can. As far as the flashback, is there a certain place you’d recommend that? I believe all my Boba memory scenes are in Book 2, are you suggesting putting this clip somewhere in there?

I am glad to help! I should have 3 and 4 reviews up shortly. I am really having fun with your awesome work!

As for this particular scene- it could potentially fit right at the start of Book 2 when we see young Boba hold Jango’s helmet. Shorten this deleted scene as needed to fit the tone- it’s a dream so you have editing freedom here. It would strike the audience that this is what they remember- but it’s different. That’s a great feeling for a fanedit to impart on the audience at the start of a new movie.

If not there- perhaps a later flashback/bacta tank (flashbacta LOL) could be inserted. Boba does wake up from nightmares occasionally- and could help extend some of the Daimyo Boba content. (I’m not done with the other movies yet so I do not have a more specific answer)

I don’t remember the creator of this restored scene- but they used deleted stunt scenes for Jango’s death and added the special effects to make it sit in AotC. They shared it on the fan edits reddit for anyone who might use it.


Acbagel said:

It’s looking like Ahsoka can be turned into a 1-2 movie experience. I believe it is intended to run chronologically concurrent with Mando S3 content? I’ll get to Ahsoka one day, especially if there happen to be any crossovers with Mando. When this site was down I started playing with the first couple of episodes. Combat is much better than other shows, but man even there we’re getting lightsabers flip-flopping directions between cuts and other goofs. Baylan’s hallway scene was very sloppy, but it will be fixed one day!

I think it is running concurrently, yes. I believe that Ahsoka helps Din with Morgan, then goes to Luke. Once we’ve had Din watching Grogu from a distance with Ahsoka, she leaves Luke (“will I ever see you again”), that’s when she’s off to collect the map, so Ahsoka S1 fits in right in-between B5/B6, or alongside B6/7. I can easily believe it’s taken Baylan from Book 4 to the end of Book 5 to track Morgan down and rescue her kicking off the events of the Ahsoka show.

It’ll be interesting to see how Sabine’s arc plays out. We’ve already been told that her family died in the Purge, during their first tenure as Master & Padawan; it’s even hinted by Baylan that the reason they died is connected to Ahsoka. Sabine is a Mandalorian, with connections to the Mandalore of old, so I’d like to think that if she survives Peridia and comes back, she’ll be somewhat interested in what Din & Bo-Katan have been up to. That’ll be the Mandalorian link between the shows at least. Be interesting to see what happens in the final 3 episodes!


Another GENERAL suggestion:

Have you considered editing the soundtracks for these movies? The main themes are absolute CLASSICS- but it sometimes feels stifled as we really only have a few songs spread over 5 movies. This is also reinforced by the use of the leitmotif’s being recycled frequently, and the musical spikes hitting every time our character does something cool (great in a show format where we return each week, less valuable in a movie format where we haven’t left). IE Mando steps into the room *FLUTE THEME PLAYS (you know what I’m talking about!)

Some suggestions would be to include more varied versions of these songs to stretch what we have further:

Or perhaps a Daimyo Boba theme for later to show a character growth/transition:

Or include something similar but different like The Hu (already a canon band referenced in Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: Survivor):

In fact all of the songs on this list are “canon” in-universe songs from Jedi: Survivor. Check the time stamps to play with certain sounds/vibes as there is a good variety here:

ACBagel my friend you are not restricted to my suggestions above by any means. There is a wide variety of music we could fit in here- our goal is to raise our movie production value here and this is one area we could improve!


Darth Muffy said:

Also Acbagel I made a simple project of BoBF series here to fix making Boba back to being a bad ass again. I never got around to refining it after the inital v1 but maybe you could take some ideas from it for this quality project your doing here. Example Boba being a bad ass in battle and not keep taking dirt naps which sounds like you’ve already fixed but it shows we’re on the same page of Bobas Book 😉 : https://vimeo.com/721775369

Nice! I scrolled through some of the changes there and it looks like we have a similar vision for Boba. Are there any changes that were not in my film that you had ideas for me to add?

I’ve not finished your book 2 as yet so can’t compare but one thing in the BoBF that bothered me was that Boba left Fennec to sort out the person involved with killing his tusken family at the end of the show, then she anticlimactically just leaves through the door. I addressed that with an alternate ending idea which might interest you.

Also would it be possible to improve on the encode quality a bit as there’s quite a bit of image banding within the darker scenes, examples:

Heres a good quick tip to reduce banding when encoding here

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


I’ve not finished your book 2 as yet so can’t compare but one thing in the BoBF that bothered me was that Boba left Fennec to sort out the person involved with killing his tusken family at the end of the show, then she anticlimactically just leaves through the door. I addressed that with an alternate ending idea which might interest you.

I Have my own edit that frames Cad Bane as the one who was hired to kill the tuskins, which is why he takes so much pride in taunting boba about it. I altered the convo so go as follows:

Boba: “I will only negotiate with the head of the Pyke Synidcate.”

Cad: NEW AI LINE “You mean the one who hired me to murder your tuskin family”.

This way Boba gets his vengeance and ties Cad into the main story.


WtarSars said:

I’ve not finished your book 2 as yet so can’t compare but one thing in the BoBF that bothered me was that Boba left Fennec to sort out the person involved with killing his tusken family at the end of the show, then she anticlimactically just leaves through the door. I addressed that with an alternate ending idea which might interest you.

I Have my own edit that frames Cad Bane as the one who was hired to kill the tuskins, which is why he takes so much pride in taunting boba about it. I altered the convo so go as follows:

Boba: “I will only negotiate with the head of the Pyke Synidcate.”

Cad: NEW AI LINE “You mean the one who hired me to murder your tuskin family”.

This way Boba gets his vengeance and ties Cad into the main story.

I love this. Way better. Can you PM me a link?