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The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released) — Page 24


Holy space balls, that Crait battle is absolutely fantastic

No offense, kid, but I don’t think you know how to boil water.


Looking real great with the Palpatine transmission! How I wish that would have been in there from the get go. There’s just a few nitpicks for the visuals of the transmission.

(I dont know where you got the shot of the transmission fyi so if it originally looks like how it does in the edit my bad)

-Would it be possible to change the coloring of the white transmission line to match the ones next to it? (ie brighter white instead of yellowish). I understand that is how it is supposed to be colored but knowing that this is an edit it comes across as unfinished on first viewing, so just a thought to make is look possibly more polished.

-Could you extend the transmission line just a few millimeters in both directions to look less rotoscoped in? So on the right just enough to mesh in with the vertical white border line, and on the left just enough to disappear behind the edge of the monitor.

I KNOW super nitpicky! but thats all I can really think of to make this scene fit perfectly! Wonderful idea btw and I think it lends itself well to the next and final chapter in this somewhat troubled sequel trilogy.

P.S. I’m glad you are carrying on for now with my cloaked mirror vision idea. 😃

P.P.S. With this Palpatine reveal it is more imperative (in my opinion) to remove the slave boys scene from the end. There is enough happening in the end of the movie, then to introduce more characters (one of whom owns a random rebel ring that means nothing to the audience) who have nothing to do with the next film. In a perfect world we might have gotten a larger look at the universe reacting to these happenings but we really cant afford anymore distracting scenes. I hope you understand what I mean.

Ending on the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace searching for a new home is a perfect way to end the movie.

This is the way.


If the ending of the broom boy scene is removed does this now mean the scene of Finn and Rose in Canto Bight where we see broom boy being whipped is now obsolete?

This was only added in poppa V2 edit to give more context to broom boy. If the broom boy is removed at the end at the movie then the scene is pointless. The scene does give a bit more background on Rose backstory so maybe broom boy could be removed it possible.


Axios said:

Ending on the Millennium Falcon in hyperspace searching for a new home is a perfect way to end the movie.

I’ve always hated broom boi so I would be down for this. And I think the Canto Bight scene can stay as it helps build the world or revert to the V1 version. Swap the shots of the Falcon in hyperspace and group shot and circle out with the group shot in the Falcon. I did a sample of this before. If I find the link I will attach below.

Pw: fanedit

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330, I actually had the same feeling on extending the last radio shot. It just needs another beat to let the music resolve a bit more. Good call!

Axios, that’s good feedback! The transmission effect is an early pass, so it will need refining. I’m not sure about the color of of signal, as it’s the same color as what was originally there (original shot showed the signal as a simple sign wav), but I’ll take a look! The other thing that needs to be done is add some depth of field blur to match the rest of the monitor, so that should help.

As for the broom boy, I’ll have to see how it feels to watch the whole thing again when the V3 changes are done. The extra material in Canto Bight is good thematic background either way, but I’ve also always been a fan of the ending. It just makes the universe finally feel expansive and emotionally resonant at the same time, paying off Luke’s sacrifice (which is critically important now that TROS didn’t do it justice).

I also agree with Hal on this, who said (paraphrasing hopefully accurately) that Star Wars movies tend to end with an extended scene without dialogue, letting the music build towards the finale and giving the audience time to relax and reflect. Going from princess Leia’s last line to the end credits in 8 seconds just doesn’t feel right.


Well, TROS notwithstanding.

I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.


Here’s another pass of the radio scene, with updated work on the radio fx, addressing the kind of things Axios pointed out. It’s still yellowish, and if that stands out we can try white!
PW: fanedit

And here’s a first pass of the cave Sith whispers with a first pass effort for a subtle hood moment as the two shadows merge into one.
PW: fanedit

Hal was also kind enough to share his work on the Palpatine laugh during the Luke/Kylo flashback, so we now have teases at 1:08 (sith cave whispers), 1:12 (Luke/Kylo flashback), and 2:10 (radio scene). I’m thinking DZ-330 might be right about having something earlier in the film around the time she is first drawn to the dark side cave. I’m thinking since this pairs with her later cave scene, another sith whisper might be appropriate.

Thank you all for your helpful feedback!


stevepaynter said:

If the ending of the broom boy scene is removed does this now mean the scene of Finn and Rose in Canto Bight where we see broom boy being whipped is now obsolete?

This was only added in poppa V2 edit to give more context to broom boy. If the broom boy is removed at the end at the movie then the scene is pointless. The scene does give a bit more background on Rose backstory so maybe broom boy could be removed it possible.

Why not move it to the end of The Rise of Skywalker, where… (massive spoilers ahead!!!)

… we see the montage of First Order Star Destroyers being destroyed across the galaxy? Simple, just insert a destroyed Star Destroyer into the shot of the boy looking at the night sky.

The unfortunate reality of the Star Wars prequel and Disney trilogies is that they will always be around. Forever. They will never go away. It can never be undone.

I also prefer to be referred to as “TNT”, not “Freezing”.


poppasketti said:

And here’s a first pass of the cave Sith whispers with a first pass effort for a subtle hood moment as the two shadows merge into one.
PW: fanedit

The whispers are perfect! really liked that sinister vibe, I think there should be more emphasis on the hood though just before Rey’s face is revealed, what do you think of the idea of adding palpatine essense leaving snokes body while his eyes suddenly turn yellow just as Kyo cuts him in half? I think it would give the impression that palpatine was behind Snoke all along and was actually goading Kylo into killing him (Snoke) thus completing his training and finally becoming worthy of the Final Order.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


poppasketti said:

Here’s another pass of the radio scene, with updated work on the radio fx, addressing the kind of things Axios pointed out. It’s still yellowish, and if that stands out we can try white!
PW: fanedit

And here’s a first pass of the cave Sith whispers with a first pass effort for a subtle hood moment as the two shadows merge into one.
PW: fanedit

Hal was also kind enough to share his work on the Palpatine laugh during the Luke/Kylo flashback, so we now have teases at 1:08 (sith cave whispers), 1:12 (Luke/Kylo flashback), and 2:10 (radio scene). I’m thinking DZ-330 might be right about having something earlier in the film around the time she is first drawn to the dark side cave. I’m thinking since this pairs with her later cave scene, another sith whisper might be appropriate.

Thank you all for your helpful feedback!

These are well done! I still think it is funny that Palpatine is contacting him by radio, of all things, but the fx and music choices feel really seamless!

I love the Sith chants in the cave. What was your source for them? If this had been in the theatrical film it probably would’ve made me think Palpatine created her, like an anti-Chosen One. I like it. I think I noticed the hood during the two figures merging but it is definitely subtle. I don’t think one would notice the difference.


Speaking of foreshadowing story elements for TROS in TLJ, have you considered trying to foreshadow Finn being Force-senstive at all? I think it would be difficult to remove the implication from TROS, but I don’t really know where in TLJ you could put hints to that. Maybe before he wakes up, he could hear Force whispers like Rey, or hear an echo of Rey saying “Finn”, which is why he wakes up saying “Rey!” It would also parallel the “Luke.” “Leia!” interaction later on in the film between the siblings.


Those are done very well, very well indeed as per usual Poppa!

The cave scene is probably the “best” in the sense of subtlety but foreshadowing at the same time.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I really like your changes! No Leia spacewalk, No Phasma fight, your new Finn sequence in the battle. I also think there should be a more obvious claok/hood on the figure in Rey’s vision.

DZ-330 said:

PM Sent
Full Palpatine Scene
PW: fanedit

My garage video editor messed up the frames when exporting but the idea is still the same haha

JEDIT: Updated link with corrected video

I like this version best, if the transition from “Only together” and “will you experience…” can be smoothed out so it’s not as obviously edited, but I guess you’ve already decided on the other version.

FreezingTNT2 said:

stevepaynter said:

If the ending of the broom boy scene is removed does this now mean the scene of Finn and Rose in Canto Bight where we see broom boy being whipped is now obsolete?

This was only added in poppa V2 edit to give more context to broom boy. If the broom boy is removed at the end at the movie then the scene is pointless. The scene does give a bit more background on Rose backstory so maybe broom boy could be removed it possible.

Why not move it to the end of The Rise of Skywalker, where… (massive spoilers ahead!!!)

… we see the montage of First Order Star Destroyers being destroyed across the galaxy? Simple, just insert a destroyed Star Destroyer into the shot of the boy looking at the night sky.

I agree that Broom Boy should be removed from the end, and I love this idea to put it in TROS.

Change.org: Make Disney Release JJ Abrams’s 3+ hour Cut of Rise of Skywalker: http://chng.it/9H6YSwSKnF


Re-watching the Radio scene, I think what feel’s off to me is essentially reusing scenes of Kylo’s facial reactions that occurred with Rey & dice to be then used again for the radio. Granted, the way you cut it it seems like his reactions to the radio are truthfully genuine and could have been in the movie … but since it is recycling the scenes, it makes it a bit too “fan-edity.”

A suggestion I would have is to actually remove the Rey scene. In TLJ, it was showing that Rey was “done” with Kylo and severing the link she has with him. But in ROTS … it’s kinda like “Lol, just kidding, we still connected yo.” So really, we don’t need that scene or metaphor/symbolism/etc.

By removing that, you won’t have to reuse scenes to make it work. Also, for fun and giggles … I wonder if it would be better to try and use “less” dialogue for Palps? More static before and after with him simply saying “find me?” That way the scene and moment has more of an impact to take it in? Also the different dialogues and laughter don’t really match up … kind of like in shows they voice over scenes and you can totally hear it not matching the scene. Plus, I think Palp’s voice needs to be distorted a bit … that way it is not too clean.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


RogueLeader, I actually had the same thought about the radio! It doesn’t quite make sense. I think I started down that path thinking it would be Palp’s broadcast, but liked DZ-330’s calling out to Kylo. It’s too early for the broadcast, and I really like the ideas being discussed by Hal and others about its placement in TROS.

At the moment, I’m trying to work with what we have, and am not sure I could achieve Palpatine communicating in a way that feels like Kylo is responding without the radio. It’s one of the reasons I’m thinking of keeping V2 for those that would prefer not to have the extra Palpatine stuff (or at least not this scene).

Still, it does work for me, and I may sit on it for a while and look at the other areas.

As for the site whisper audio, I thought these would be hard to find but a quick YouTube search and…


Cool find, I love the Sith whispers!

Well I think you’ve done a solid job so far making it feel like it could’ve been a part of the movie. I agree a lot with jarbear’s last post regarding it. In order to not reuse those shots of Ben looking up, just cut his and Rey’s last interaction, that way you can just use it for his reaction to the radio. I also think making it briefer, and just having it say, “Find me…”, or perhaps, “The time has come… find me…” might have a more subtle touch. And like jarbear said, having the dialogue somewhat distorted could lend to some mystery regarding who exactly is sending the mystery. Your hypothetical first time viewer might be pretty sure it is Palpatine, but still enough room is open for speculation.


idir_hh said:
I think there should be more emphasis on the hood though just before Rey’s face is revealed, what do you think of the idea of adding palpatine essense leaving snokes body while his eyes suddenly turn yellow just as Kyo cuts him in half?

The hood is very subtle right now, it was kind of a quick and dirty effort. I do wonder how explicit we want to make this though. The scene is about Rey’s internal struggle— her empty search for meaning- and if we call too much attention to the hood, I worry it will give it away and we’ll be thinking about Palpatine instead of Rey’s increasing isolation.

I’m not sure what Palpatine essense would look like leaving Snoke. Do you mean like smoke at the spot he’s split in half? Yellow eyes could be done, though.

RogueLeader said:
Maybe before he wakes up, he could hear Force whispers like Rey, or hear an echo of Rey saying “Finn”, which is why he wakes up saying “Rey!” It would also parallel the “Luke.” “Leia!” interaction later on in the film between the siblings.

I LOVE this idea! A simple “Finn” whisper by Rey is so simple and elegant. The only thing I wonder is does this set up the expectations for better payoff than we got in TROS? Hopefully the deleted scenes will help!


poppasketti said:

I LOVE this idea! A simple “Finn” whisper by Rey is so simple and elegant. The only thing I wonder is does this set up the expectations for better payoff than we got in TROS? Hopefully the deleted scenes will help!

I already have some ideas on how we could provide some payoff to that subplot if we need to do it ourselves, but hopefully we get another deleted scene related to that. Dom mentioned awhile back that he imagined there being a cut scene where Poe is like, “You love Rey, don’t you?” and Finn responding, “No, I have the Force.” and then Poe looking a little relieve, paralleling the jealous Han ROTJ subplot. It probably doesn’t exist but that would’ve been a great little scene.


jarbear and RL, good points!

I had originally considered cutting the Rey/Kylo interaction, but I loved it so much. It’s just beautiful acting and great wordless storytelling. That’s why my first pass earlier in the week actually wedged the Palpatine tease in between the dice and the Rey/Kylo moment:

It doesn’t reuse any shots, but I think it feels sudden and overstuffed.

I should definitely try a version without the Rey/Kylo moment and see how it feels!

Also, it’s funny about the distortion on the voice, because I’m actually using a ton of it (highpass, eq, distortion)! But I’ll keep playing with it. I think I need to have it cut in and out a bit more!


Regarding what idir was saying about Snoke, I could picture something added in the shot where the saber flies toward Rey and she grabs it, and Snoke’s torso falling over. Maybe when his upper body tumbles over, a whiff of that blue smoke/flame could waft up and then disappear. I think the throne is out of focus during that moment, so it would still be subtle. I guess the idea is that a part of Palpatine’s essence was inside Snoke, controlling him.


Hey pops I know what you mean that scene with Kylo and Rey being a great non verbal. I have nothing against it at all since I agree how good it is. In regards to the radio aspect, I think it has to go unless one could pick and choose which scenes of Kylos up close to be used for which part … but I’m not sure it’ll work cleanly.

Granted you can always just have the radio at the end of it all … kinda random. Lol.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


poppasketti said:

RogueLeader, I actually had the same thought about the radio! It doesn’t quite make sense. I think I started down that path thinking it would be Palp’s broadcast, but liked DZ-330’s calling out to Kylo. It’s too early for the broadcast, and I really like the ideas being discussed by Hal and others about its placement in TROS…

As well done as this scene is we can’t get past that the Emperor, master of the dark side, is basically phoning home Elliot on a speak n spell. TROS crawl referencing a broadcast was also laughable. That’s why it belongs on fortnite because the broadcast idea kind of sucks. Just blowing up a planet is the best kind of broadcast.

heil Palpatine!


It’s one of the reasons I’m thinking of keeping V2 for those that would prefer not to have the extra Palpatine stuff (or at least not this scene).

It appears you will not please everyone with teasing Palpatine’s return in TLJ so think this is the best option. Have a Rekindled: Classic (V2) and Rekindled:Palpatine Returns (V3).

I personally like the radio broadcast and see no reason the Kylo and Rey force connection can’t stay. I think the scene works well.


stevepaynter said:

I personally like the radio broadcast and see no reason the Kylo and Rey force connection can’t stay. I think the scene works well.



Well, it wouldn’t hurt to at least compare them and see how they feel, if it isn’t too much trouble for Poppa. I also like the Rey and Kylo interaction, but I don’t like the reuse of Kylo’s reaction shots.