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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS ** — Page 146


Hardcore Legend said:
-we now know all the visions have been things that actually happened, including Rey being there when the Knights of Ren and Kylo massacre the rest of the students in the rain and then he turns to attack Rey

Wtf? Rey wasn’t there?! Plus unless Ben Solo had his Kylo mask and black cowl hidden under his pillow then it didn’t happen like we see in Rey’s vision either. You’re taking it way too literally.


The things my phone chooses the change that aren’t misspelled makes some of my post like a really boring MADLIBS!

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Matt.F said:

Hardcore Legend said:
Which is why I still think that when JJ returns he gives Rey a Skywalker parent.

No, I’d just drop it. You went into TLJ with that baggage and preconceptions, and it didn’t pan out. Rey is ‘Rey Random’. I’d just drop it.

ps. some kids didn’t believe - or didn’t want to believe - Darth Vader when he told Luke that he was his father in ESB too.

While I have no problem with Rey’s parents being nobodies, I do think with JJ coming back there is at least a possibility he could flip it around on us again. Even Rian said the answer to Rey’s parentage will ultimately be up to JJ. In terms of the truth of that revelation, Rian said it was an emotionally honest revelation from Kylo. That is what Kylo saw in his vision and he is being honest with Rey. But consider that Rey also had an emotionally honest revelation- her vision of Kylo turning back to the light, and she was wrong, so perhaps he was too.

Again, I have no strong feelings about it either way, but the next movie will ultimately decide whether to keep her parents as drunk nobodies or mark her place in history as the descendent of (insert any known character here). Nothing is set in stone just yet.


Matt.F said:

Hardcore Legend said:
-we now know all the visions have been things that actually happened, including Rey being there when the Knights of Ren and Kylo massacre the rest of the students in the rain and then he turns to attack Rey

Wtf? Rey wasn’t there?! Plus unless Ben Solo had his Kylo mask and black cowl hidden under his pillow then it didn’t happen like we see in Rey’s vision either. You’re taking it way too literally.

We now see the vision happens in chronological order:
-Luke is separated from Saber (literally)
-The new temple is destroyed
-Kylo and the Knights of Ren kill a large group of people. He then turns to see Rey (who is experiencing the vision)
-little Rey is left behind, crying out at ship to come back. Vision Rey turns to see the ship fly away as it turns into Starkiller base
-Kylo is chasing vision Rey through Starkiller forest and points Saber at her, as Rey “falls” out of vision

The only person that interacts with Rey is Kylo in this vision.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Matt.F said:

Hardcore Legend said:
-we now know all the visions have been things that actually happened, including Rey being there when the Knights of Ren and Kylo massacre the rest of the students in the rain and then he turns to attack Rey

Wtf? Rey wasn’t there?! Plus unless Ben Solo had his Kylo mask and black cowl hidden under his pillow then it didn’t happen like we see in Rey’s vision either. You’re taking it way too literally.

Yeah, there is no way the Knights of Ren flashback was related to Ben’s attack on the temple. I could be wrong here, but I believe that scene was actually meant to take place on Jakku, where Kylo and the knights attack a Jakku outpost. The alien that gets slaughtered and his compadres lying dead on the ground closely resemble some characters that were supposed to be like the “Police” of Jakku. Constable Zuvio I believe was the character that they made a big deal about leading up to TFA- he might even be the one that gets stabbed through the chest in the flashback. But I admit it’s been a while since I’ve seen the flashback, so I could definitely be mistaken.


In Rey’s vision I thought it sounded like Ben-Kenobi saying Rey

Ah 77, my favourite year even if i wasn’t alive


Mocata said:

NeverarGreat said:
For that matter, I’d be all for going back to them using blasters made from real guns.
There’s some real consternation on set when the gunfights are that loud.

I prefer the look of the weapons in general which had been based on real blank firing guns. The new ones look too much like toys.

Once again, it’s something R1 got right that the series hasn’t since Jedi.
Why were the props n’ effects in R1 so much better than even the ST?

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


Humby said:

Matt.F said:

Hardcore Legend said:
-we now know all the visions have been things that actually happened, including Rey being there when the Knights of Ren and Kylo massacre the rest of the students in the rain and then he turns to attack Rey

Wtf? Rey wasn’t there?! Plus unless Ben Solo had his Kylo mask and black cowl hidden under his pillow then it didn’t happen like we see in Rey’s vision either. You’re taking it way too literally.

Yeah, there is no way the Knights of Ren flashback was related to Ben’s attack on the temple. I could be wrong here, but I believe that scene was actually meant to take place on Jakku, where Kylo and the knights attack a Jakku outpost. The alien that gets slaughtered and his compadres lying dead on the ground closely resemble some characters that were supposed to be like the “Police” of Jakku. Constable Zuvio I believe was the character that they made a big deal about leading up to TFA- he might even be the one that gets stabbed through the chest in the flashback. But I admit it’s been a while since I’ve seen the flashback, so I could definitely be mistaken.



Dude Kylo kills doesn’t look much like a ‘student’ looks like Zuvio.



“Through the force many things you will see, the past, the future, characters that made it as action figures but weren’t in the movie, and deleted subplots…”


Just to further what is actually in the vision, this is from the official screenplay Disney used during awards season:

“A little girl. Rey as a child. She is sobbing, hysterical. Unkar Plutt’s meaty hand holds her thin arm. She is on Jakku, watching a starship fly into the sky, abandoning her.” Rey yells, “No, come back!” and Unkar Plutt responds, “Quiet, girl!” as the “ship flies towards the desert sun, which is strangely eclipsed, as if being eaten by darkness.”

The shot of Kylo and the Knights of Ren lists a ‘Warrior’ being killed. I, too, thought it was Zuvio when I saw the film. But that doesn’t make sense chronologically.

Also, it is Kenobi that speaks to her. Ewan McGregor was credited as coming in and doing voice-over work.

The Jedi are all but extinct.......

Hardcore Legend said:

Also, it is Kenobi that speaks to her. Ewan McGregor was credited as coming in and doing voice-over work.

I believe they also used a snippet of Guinness saying “afraid.”


Matt.F said:

Dude Kylo kills doesn’t look much like a ‘student’ looks like Zuvio.

Just a design coincidence. Zuvio is still in a few frames of Jakku.


yhwx said:

Hardcore Legend said:

Also, it is Kenobi that speaks to her. Ewan McGregor was credited as coming in and doing voice-over work.

I believe they also used a snippet of Guinness saying “afraid.”

Every time I hear the snippet, I hear “afraid.”

I know the original film too well…


Mocata said:

Matt.F said:

Dude Kylo kills doesn’t look much like a ‘student’ looks like Zuvio.

Just a design coincidence. Zuvio is still in a few frames of Jakku.

So Jedi padawan students wear helmets now? Okay…


Hardcore Legend said:

DominicCobb said:

Hardcore Legend said:

Collipso said:

What’s the problem with Rey’s vision of seeing her parents leave in a spaceship? I’m sure that would be extremely traumatic. Why do they have to be important people simply because she saw them leaving? Yes, the way it was setup left the audience wondering who are those people, and if we knew them. But the characters weren’t giving any fucks at all, except for Rey. I don’t see what’s the big deal about it. Simply because we saw them leave, it doesn’t make them more important or less, or changes who they are.

They were junkers that sold her for beer money but had a fancy ship they could leave the planet on? I guess they could have sold her for passage off the planet but Kylo says they are buried there on the planet.

I assumed the ship crashed. I honestly didn’t even consider it a potential discrepancy, I mean I suppose there is room for different interpretations (and who knows maybe JJ will incorporate the parents somehow?) but either way I don’t think it’s that big a deal.

Furthermore, it is implied Kylo knows her (or at least JJ was leaning that way). Besides the “what girl” line, in the novelization he says to her in the forest “it IS you!”

“What girl” is precisely because he doesn’t know her - “why is there someone else on Jakku who would be helping the droid escape and a kid, no less?”

When he says “It is you” he’s referring to the awakening he and Snoke felt. This is really the only reasonable interpretation in the context of not only TLJ but just TFA by itself. The line doesn’t make sense in any other way, unless you’ve built up an elaborate alternate completely unspoken of series of events in your head. (It’s likely they cut it out of the film because people would read things into it that weren’t there)

Why would you assume the ship crashed? There is nothing to imply it does. Rey cries out to the ship “come back” and she spends the entire film talking about waiting for her family to come back and get her.

Why would I assume that? Because the question is (has been since TFA), if Rey’s parents left, why haven’t they come back? When Kylo speaks to Rey, the answer is because they’re dead. Which is why I assumed the ship crashed, though I suppose any manner of things could have happened.

All of it could have been misdirection by JJ, but there is a list of things that imply that everyone knows more about Rey’s family than she does:

No, the opposite.

-Kyle’s “WHAT girl?”

I just explained this.

-the way JJ cuts away from Maz the second she asks Han “who’s the girl”

Because Han is explaining information we already know. When we next see Maz, and she talks to Rey, she says that Han told her about wanting to go back to Jakku.

-the vision she has of the ship flying away and the girl crying out to it

I don’t see the problem here? Like, at all? Rey’s parents left here. That remains unchanged.

The idea that seeing this contradicts with what Kylo said is kinda silly. Did we really need him to spend five minutes explaining everything that happened?

-after talking to Han, Maz telling Rey the lightsaber “it belonged to Luke’s father, and Luke and now it calls to you” as if there is an importance to that line

They were both powerful Jedi/force users. Meaning, the lightsaber is calling to Rey because she has that power. If Maz thought they were related, she would have just said that, instead of saying “your parents are never coming back.”

-we now know all the visions have been things that actually happened, including Rey being there when the Knights of Ren and Kylo massacre the rest of the students in the rain and then he turns to attack Rey

That’s a completely unrelated massacre. And even if it was the temple, how does that imply Rey is related to someone?

The implication is Han, Maz and Kylo know who she is and that she is important. Maz makes her lineage seem important. Kathleen Kennedy has said that the saga films are about “the next generation of Skywalkers”. For the saga films to not die with this trilogy: Kylo has to be redeemed (which would be tough), Rey has to be a Skywalker, or Kylo wins and survives ending this trilogy on a down note.

No one has said they’re continuing the saga films after IX. In fact, they’ve said the opposite. Of course I don’t doubt they’re considering it, but don’t count on this being a reason.

Again, all of this could be classic JJ mystery box stuff but even RJ said that Abrams did not tell him where he was going with Rey’s parents so it appears RJ took all of these clues JJ left and threw them in the trash.

Rey’s parents have always been the same thing. JJ and RJ were on the same page about this.

Which is why I still think that when JJ returns he gives Rey a Skywalker parent.

The one thing I could actually see would be to make Rey an honorary Skywalker of some sort (like maybe Leia adopts her?). Not likely, but possible.


Matt.F said:

Mocata said:

Matt.F said:

Dude Kylo kills doesn’t look much like a ‘student’ looks like Zuvio.

Just a design coincidence. Zuvio is still in a few frames of Jakku.

So Jedi padawan students wear helmets now? Okay…

Just because it’s not Zuvio doesn’t mean it’s a Jedi student. In fact, it’s neither (we have no idea who it is).


Oh actually… now it all makes sense. Kylo struck whilst they were all in VR mode!



Matt.F said:

Just a design coincidence. Zuvio is still in a few frames of Jakku.

So Jedi padawan students wear helmets now? Okay…

Huh? I’m not giving you an interpretation, that’s just how it is. Unless you want to believe Jakku has a rainy season and Zuvio had a twin brother… Duvio.


yhwx said:

Hardcore Legend said:

Also, it is Kenobi that speaks to her. Ewan McGregor was credited as coming in and doing voice-over work.

I believe they also used a snippet of Guinness saying “afraid.”

I also heard Darth Sidious saying “a Jedi” in the background as well

Ah 77, my favourite year even if i wasn’t alive


Mocata said:

Matt.F said:

Just a design coincidence. Zuvio is still in a few frames of Jakku.

So Jedi padawan students wear helmets now? Okay…

Huh? I’m not giving you an interpretation, that’s just how it is. Unless you want to believe Jakku has a rainy season and Zuvio had a twin brother… Duvio.

My interpretation is that this Force vision is probably meant to be Kylo and Knights of Ren massacre of the students at Jedi school… but it actually was repurposed footage and shows Zuvio being killed from a sequence that was deleted (and yes rain FX super simple to add on after the fact).

I remember JJ being very bullish in an early interview about the amount of deleted material there was from TFA, and then when we eventually got the home release it was a rather meagre affair. We all know that there was material with a ‘Constable Zuvio’ and an action figure of him was made for the first wave of characters so perhaps it was quiet a significant scene.


Yep, they only make action figures for significant scenes.

Most likely he was just in an extended scene of Rey at Niima Outpost.


Dom, quite possibly, but why didn’t they include Zuvio’s scene on the Blu Ray? One possible and legitimate reason to exclude it might have been because it had been partly repurposed for the vision scene?

I’d be interested to hear, what is your interpretation of the Kylo massacre snippets we see?


Matt.F said:

Dom, quite possibly, but why didn’t they include Zuvio’s scene on the Blu Ray? One possible and legitimate reason to exclude it might have been because it had been partly repurposed for the vision scene?

Well there was a lot of deleted stuff that wasn’t included, who knows why. Maybe because it was too short, too long, unfinished, part of a subplot that was dropped, no idea. I sincerely doubt it was repurposed for the vision scene for a LOT of reasons, the most obvious being that the guy in the vision looks nothing like Zuvio, beyond a vaguely similar hat.

I’d be interested to hear, what is your interpretation of the Kylo massacre snippets we see?

I think it’s just a random massacre to show the menace of Kylo Ren/the dark side (perhaps their first mission once they joined Snoke). I think it’s entirely possible that it was originally intended to show the massacre of Luke’s students, but that’s obviously no longer the case.


DominicCobb said:

Yep, they only make action figures for significant scenes.

Most likely he was just in an extended scene of Rey at Niima Outpost.

Yes, the toy companies got handed the designs before it was removed.