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The Last Jedi: Legendary (Released) — Page 50


I for one think the only hole that needs patching in TLJ is Holdo. There is a clearly ADR dialog spoken when she says “I’ve dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you.”

The idea would be to replace that with something like “But there could be a First Order informant on board.”

So the whole thing would go as follows: “Of course you do. I understand. But there could be a First Order informant on board. You’re impulsive, dangerous, and the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post, and follow your orders.”


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I for one think the only hole that needs patching in TLJ is Holdo. There is a clearly ADR dialog spoken when she says “I’ve dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you.”

The idea would be to replace that with something like “But there could be a First Order informant on board.”

So the whole thing would go as follows: “Of course you do. I understand. But there could be a First Order informant on board. You’re impulsive, dangerous, and the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post, and follow your orders.”

Changing that line so extensively would probably clash with the rest of the scene, though.

“I just want to know what’s going on.”
“Of course you do. I understand. But what I want is a captain I can trust. You’re impulsive…dangerous…and the last thing we need right now.”

This keeps the suggestion that there may be those among the crew that are less than trustworty, while focusing the conversation on the real sticking point between these two characters. It’s important that we don’t make Holdo so transparent in her reasoning that we think Poe is the unreasonable one…there still needs to be a communication breakdown between them.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

Changing that line so extensively would probably clash with the rest of the scene, though.

“I just want to know what’s going on.”
“Of course you do. I understand. But what I want is a captain I can trust. You’re impulsive…dangerous…and the last thing we need right now.”

Hal might not want to open this can of worms with the other movies outside of TROS. But it is something I’m looking into. I actually recent went through and took notes on what I dialogue I would alter for the movie. I had something similar, but that line is even better! And, I feel like it flows really well with how it looks like she moves. Better than the current line.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I for one think the only hole that needs patching in TLJ is Holdo. There is a clearly ADR dialog spoken when she says “I’ve dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you.”

The idea would be to replace that with something like “But there could be a First Order informant on board.”

So the whole thing would go as follows: “Of course you do. I understand. But there could be a First Order informant on board. You’re impulsive, dangerous, and the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post, and follow your orders.”

I do agree with this or atleasy something like this. That holdo is the main thing that needs fixing left in TLJ, though that may be for another edit like Hal said.

“You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view” — Obi-Wan Kenobi


NeverarGreat said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I for one think the only hole that needs patching in TLJ is Holdo. There is a clearly ADR dialog spoken when she says “I’ve dealt with plenty of trigger happy flyboys like you.”

The idea would be to replace that with something like “But there could be a First Order informant on board.”

So the whole thing would go as follows: “Of course you do. I understand. But there could be a First Order informant on board. You’re impulsive, dangerous, and the last thing we need right now. So stick to your post, and follow your orders.”

Changing that line so extensively would probably clash with the rest of the scene, though.

“I just want to know what’s going on.”
“Of course you do. I understand. But what I want is a captain I can trust. You’re impulsive…dangerous…and the last thing we need right now.”

This keeps the suggestion that there may be those among the crew that are less than trustworty, while focusing the conversation on the real sticking point between these two characters. It’s important that we don’t make Holdo so transparent in her reasoning that we think Poe is the unreasonable one…there still needs to be a communication breakdown between them.

I think this is the perfect balance for that line. Well done.


I do like that improvement on the line, but it’s implied she doesn’t trust him. It’s a fair idea, but I don’t want to crack open TLJ:L again for it. I gotta avoid constantly updating for stuff, lol.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hi, I would love the link to the edit please! If you could also send TROS Ascendant edit too that would be great


Hi. I have all of your other SW edits. The Last Jedi is the only one I’m missing. Can you help a guy out? Please and thank you.


Not sure if anyone has caught this yet but at around 1:15:30 there’s a stray frame of the Ahch-To establishing shot before it cuts to Finn/Rose.


hinventon said:

Not sure if anyone has caught this yet but at around 1:15:30 there’s a stray frame of the Ahch-To establishing shot before it cuts to Finn/Rose.

Good eye. Really good eye. What I am going to do is fix it in my timeline and the ProRes video output, so that it is fixed in the event I ever do another update.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hello. Can someone please send me a link to this edit? The torrent is stuck at 13%
Many thanks.


Is there a link to this and Ascendant? Would love to watch these films in a way that makes sense, TIA!