I was mildly interested when this was all first announced. Ewan is the perfect age for this now. Also, not being familiar with the prequels, I would be going in fresh and with nothing to reconcile story-wise. As more has come out, however, I realize this isn’t for me. Not personally, nor am I the target audience. This is clearly for prequel fans - and that’s fantastic, by the way. Other than Bad Batch (which I really like), most Disney era Star Wars has been backward-looking. Good for me, bad for the TFN faction.
I figured I’d probably pass on this, but after seeing something in Bendu’s video discussion above, I’m certain of it.
Here we go with that idiotic behind-the-back sabre twirling. I guess it’s supposed to be the cool move because it was all over the prequels, but I can’t help but laugh at how ridiculous it is. Every person who did that - placed their weapon behind their back - would be slaughtered instantly. Too bad Disney is carrying it over from Lucas.
Good luck with the series. It is my sincere hope that whoever is looking forward to it finds it to be just as fulfilling as the first season of The Mandalorian was for me.