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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS ** — Page 137


imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.
I didn’t care for it, but it didn’t wound me. I was disappointed, but so what? It didn’t erase movies I like so that it can exist. It doesn’t force it’s way onto my tv screen. In fact, TFA has stayed out of my way since I left the theater, but it’s there if I ever want it. Good boy!

I do not really care about the film.

Clearly untrue.

However, if someone claims it is well-written, I do feel like I need point out the fact that its plot is horrible.

Completely unnecessary. Everybody knows what you think and no one needs to hear it a thousand more times, the first one thousand times were more than enough.


imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.
I didn’t care for it, but it didn’t wound me. I was disappointed, but so what? It didn’t erase movies I like so that it can exist. It doesn’t force it’s way onto my tv screen. In fact, TFA has stayed out of my way since I left the theater, but it’s there if I ever want it. Good boy!

I do not really care about the film. However, if someone claims it is well-written, I do feel like I need point out the fact that its plot is horrible.

Being polar like that and thinking your opinion is the correct, objective, and/or more intelligent one is generally an immature thing to do, though. Moreso if you don’t face up to that fact. Just to be fair.

There’s no objective truth about something like this. And if you do want to argue about objectivity in narrative storytelling, you’re arguing under the misinformed notion that there is only one mode and way a story should be told. It really just boils down to you having an opinion that some stories (TFA in particular) aren’t worth telling.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.


Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

And even seeing some of the complaints thrown at the PT makes it apparent that complaining is in our nature.

Even now there are folks who didn’t like the Vader slaughter scene in Rogue One. I mean come on man…


Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

Ray’s Lounge
Biggs in ANH edit idea
ROTJ opening edit idea


ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

I do not come here to complain, even though this is what this thread is for. However, when someone is praising shitty TFA plot in some other thread I cannot resist not to set them straight. Since I did not want to derail that thread, I simply expressed it here instead of there.



Too bad you can’t set someone “straight” with a well thought out argument…


Lord Haseo said:

Too bad you can’t set someone “straight” with a well thought out argument…

Exactly. You have proven that you cannot be set straight with a well thought out argument.



imperialscum said:

Lord Haseo said:

Too bad you can’t set someone “straight” with a well thought out argument…

Exactly. You have proven that you cannot be set straight with a well thought out argument.

You have to know about the source material to form a good argument. Or at least don’t contradict yourself and have an argument that makes some sort of sense and has some bearing on reality. That’s not too much to ask for.


imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

I do not come here to complain, even though doing so constitutes roughly 94.567% of my posts.



TV’s Frink said:

imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

I do not come here to complain, even though doing so constitutes roughly 94.567% of my posts.


I doubt this thread constitutes even 1% of my recent posts…



Moderator sense tingling…

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


imperialscum said:

TV’s Frink said:

imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

I do not come here to complain, even though doing so constitutes roughly 94.567% of my posts.


I doubt this thread constitutes even 1% of my recent posts…

Your complaining is not limited to this thread, unfortunately.


Even now there are folks who didn’t like the Vader slaughter scene in Rogue One. I mean come on man…

??? Why is it an issue if I didn’t like this? Do I complain about it obnoxiously?


Handman said:

Even now there are folks who didn’t like the Vader slaughter scene in Rogue One. I mean come on man…

??? Why is it an issue if I didn’t like this?

It’s not a big deal but I find it strange just like I would find it strange that someone doesn’t like Anthony Hopkin’s portrayal as Hannibal Lecter.

Do I complain about it obnoxiously?



TV’s Frink said:

imperialscum said:

TV’s Frink said:

imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

I do not come here to complain, even though doing so constitutes roughly 94.567% of my posts.


I doubt this thread constitutes even 1% of my recent posts…

Your complaining is not limited to this thread, unfortunately.

The conversation you intruded was going on specifically about this thread.



imperialscum said:

TV’s Frink said:

imperialscum said:

TV’s Frink said:

imperialscum said:

ray_afraid said:

Ryan-SWI said:

ray_afraid said:

I don’t understand why anybody would come here to complain about a movie that is over a year old now. It’s just a movie.

You mean like complaining about a movie that is almost 20 years old?
I don’t think time is really an issue for Star Wars fans wanting to complain about something.

I don’t go to places where PT fans meet to complain about how awful I feel the movies they love are. If it comes up in conversation, I’ll express my feelings. But I don’t go out of my way to constantly tell people I don’t like what they love.

I rarely go into this thread, but anytime I do, it’s the same conversation between the same people. What’s the point?

I do not come here to complain, even though doing so constitutes roughly 94.567% of my posts.


I doubt this thread constitutes even 1% of my recent posts…

Your complaining is not limited to this thread, unfortunately.

The conversation you intruded was going on specifically about this thread.

[Ric pic]

Also, despite your being one with the truth, you fucked up your English again, and no nonsense about evolving language can cover it up. You should probably just stop posting.


I wasn’t planning on rewatching TFA any time soon, but last week I got the sudden urge to give it a go. Just to give myself a somewhat different experience from the first time, I turned the colour of my TV all the way down and skipped completely over the Starkiller stuff.

I didn’t expect myself to enjoy the film more than I did the first time around, but I did. I found myself more invested in the characters this time around, and the B&W look really worked wonders for many parts of the film; it lent some of the outdoor scenes a nice Bergman flavour, Snoke looked slightly better in monochrome (emphasis on slightly), it gave everything associated with the First Order a more mechanical aesthetic (which I liked), and it even made Kylo Ren and his lightsaber look more impressive – like the Grim Reaper wielding a medieval longsword.

Overall, I still think this movie rates a 6/10, but only because the Starkiller stuff is an albatross around the film’s neck. The parts of the film aside from that – everything with Rey, Finn, Han, etc. – are worthy of a 7/10.


Hm. I should try a black and white viewing. I did that with The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) and it was significantly improved



DuracellEnergizer said:
the B&W look really worked wonders for many parts of the film; it lent some of the outdoor scenes a nice Bergman flavour, Snoke looked slightly better in monochrome (emphasis on slightly), it gave everything associated with the First Order a more mechanical aesthetic (which I liked), and it even made Kylo Ren and his lightsaber look more impressive – like the Grim Reaper wielding a medieval longsword.

Well I know what I’m doing this weekend. Admittedly I’m probably going to bite the bullet and buy Rouge One tomorrow so I’ll watch that, the OT and TFA all in B&W. Thanks for the idea man 😉