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The Force Awakens: Official Review Thread - ** SPOILERS ** — Page 115


DominicCobb said:
There is not a single thing in the PT that is better than TFA.

That is correct. The truth is that they are equally worthless.

However, as I have said before, PT at least have some spirit and creativity (a bad one but still), while TFA is a soulless rehash crap.



TV’s Frink said:

Better than the protagonists in TFA?

Eh, there’s only so much you can do with a TV character. As it stands, though, over the 6ish seasons of the show, Anakin was far more developed and nuanced than the TFA characters after one movie (same as with pretty much any franchise character after one movie). And far more developed and nuanced than Anakin after the three PT movies.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


imperialscum said:

DominicCobb said:
There is not a single thing in the PT that is better than TFA.

That is correct. The truth is that they are equally worthless.

However, as I have said before, PT at least have some spirit and creativity (a bad one but still), while TFA is a soulless rehash crap.

u ok my friend

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


DominicCobb said:
There is not a single thing in the PT that is better than TFA. Fact.

Well… no. I can think of at least 3 major points that are better in the PT movies than in TFA. Music, narratives, global aesthetics (a fourth would be: no squirrel face in the PT). But this has already been discussed so many times I don’t even understand why people stick to their “it’s a FACT !” motto, whether you agree or not. Replace “Fact” by “imo” it works better.


Lord Haseo said:

Tyrphanax said:

TV’s Frink said:

Better than the protagonists in TFA?

Eh, there’s only so much you can do with a TV character.

If you really think that then you need to watch more TV.

I don’t watch much TV but you’re right. You can do a lot more with a TV character. You generally only get 120 minutes to do something with a movie character.


MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:
There is not a single thing in the PT that is better than TFA. Fact.

Well… no. I can think of at least 3 major points that are better in the PT movies than in TFA. Music, narratives, global aesthetics (a fourth would be: no squirrel face in the PT). But this has already been discussed so many times I don’t even understand why people stick to their “it’s a FACT !” motto, whether you agree or not. Replace “Fact” by “imo” it works better.

“Imo” doesn’t account for lab and field testing.

WTF is “global aesthetics” anyway?


Show me where that exists in the PT.

JEDIT: That was just in response to your link. To the added, I just can’t even.


MalàStrana said:

DominicCobb said:
There is not a single thing in the PT that is better than TFA. Fact.

Well… no. I can think of at least 3 major points that are better in the PT movies than in TFA…


2/3 of the PT takes TFA in this regard I agree.


And this brings up a question…What is more important: a good plot or the way in which it was executed? I say execution because even though the actual story of TFA is lacking it executed pretty well which actually made it enjoyable whereas ROTS has the best story of the saga (on paper) but I can’t enjoy it because the story was executed poorly on almost every level.

global aesthetics

I’m going to need some elaborating on this one.


TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

Tyrphanax said:

TV’s Frink said:

Better than the protagonists in TFA?

Eh, there’s only so much you can do with a TV character.

If you really think that then you need to watch more TV.

I don’t watch much TV but you’re right. You can do a lot more with a TV character. You generally only get 120 minutes to do something with a movie character.

Exactly when it comes to TV (especially dramas) you have like 44 minutes to develop a character and that is plenty. I recall that you watched the first Season of Breaking Bad and remember how much Walter’s character was developed in the first Episode ALONE. We know:

  • What his profession is

  • A couple of things from his past

  • Who he cared about and how he interacted with those people

  • His motivations for making Meth

  • and through various scenes the audience get’s to see a few of his personality traits

from just one episode. And with 5 Seasons of development Walter White is one of the most layered, nuanced and morally ambiguous characters ever written. There’s a lot one can do with a TV character…if they’re written right.


TV’s Frink said:

Lord Haseo said:

Tyrphanax said:

TV’s Frink said:

Better than the protagonists in TFA?

Eh, there’s only so much you can do with a TV character.

If you really think that then you need to watch more TV.

I don’t watch much TV but you’re right. You can do a lot more with a TV character. You generally only get 120 minutes to do something with a movie character.

Sorry, I should have said animated kid’s show cartoon character.

You guys are both correct.

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


I agree Anakin is better on TCW than in the PT but that is a very low bar. He is passable but honestly I find it hard to care for any of the characters in TCW. It’s a half-hour non-serialized kids show driven by mostly action (basically never character) so I guess that’s to be expected. For a compelling Anakin, read the ROTS novelization or Labyrinth of Evil.


In before Duracell I don’t believe you it’s a trick trademark Duracell 2015 (?)


TV’s Frink said:

Well first off, I don’t care about anything outside of the movies, but that’s a personal choice. With that said, what exactly are you using as your personal canon (I hate the term “headcanon” and refuse to use it)? Is this based on something tangible, or just a fan fiction story in your head? Did someone create a good Anakin character?

Really, just TCW and the RotS novelization did wonders for me. I think that the book format is much better for telling Anakin’s story, and TCW made him a much more likable character. It also made his transition into Vader more believable by sprinkling moments of darkness throughout. Moments like these make some of the sillier stuff worth it;


Context: Obi-Wan faked his death and disguised himself as the dude who “killed” him, Anakin was under the impression that Obi-Wan really was dead.


Jeebus said:

TV’s Frink said:

Well first off, I don’t care about anything outside of the movies, but that’s a personal choice. With that said, what exactly are you using as your personal canon (I hate the term “headcanon” and refuse to use it)? Is this based on something tangible, or just a fan fiction story in your head? Did someone create a good Anakin character?

Really, just TCW and the RotS novelization did wonders for me. I think that the book format is much better for telling Anakin’s story, and TCW made him a much more likable character.

Well sure but that doesn’t make Anakin in the movies a magically good, compelling character. If we’re just talking movies, Anakin is not even in remotely the same league of any of the TFA characters. He’s in a league of his own, swimming in a trash compactor pool of wildly inconsistent, inexplicable, and downright annoying shit.


DominicCobb said:

Jeebus said:

TV’s Frink said:

Well first off, I don’t care about anything outside of the movies, but that’s a personal choice. With that said, what exactly are you using as your personal canon (I hate the term “headcanon” and refuse to use it)? Is this based on something tangible, or just a fan fiction story in your head? Did someone create a good Anakin character?

Really, just TCW and the RotS novelization did wonders for me. I think that the book format is much better for telling Anakin’s story, and TCW made him a much more likable character.

If we’re just talking movies,

That’s the thing though, I’m not.


ray_afraid said:

DominicCobb said:

I agree Anakin is better on TCW than in the PT but that is a very low bar. He is passable but honestly I find it hard to care for any of the characters in TCW. It’s a half-hour non-serialized kids show

This is all I ever found it to be as well. The praise it gets is something I’ll never understand.

I think mainly people feel the need to overpraise it to convince others that it’s not just a mindless kid’s show and/or more PT garbage but I think it can be pretty fun to watch.