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The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse. — Page 12


I only remember dreams from early childhood.

One, where I was wandering in my backyard and a vulture, sitting on our playset, grabbed me and stuffed me down its throat.

Another where I became self-aware I was in a dream while walking down a maze, and decided there was no point in continuing down the maze if it wasn’t real, so I pinched myself and woke up.

Another, years later, where I was driving to Disney World with cops on my tail, and hiding in a secret base my grandparents apparently owned.


Handman said:

I only remember dreams from early childhood.

One, where I was wandering in my backyard and a vulture, sitting on our playset, grabbed me and stuffed me down its throat.

I had a similar dream when I was somewhere between 3-5 yrs old, but it was in my room instead of my backyard, and instead of a vulture it was a malevolent shadow.

I had a sequel to that dream a few years later where I was in a huge castle (which resembled the one in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, at least on the inside, I can’t recall the outside or if I ever even went there). I was there because the Black Ghost—as I called him—lived there and I was going to kill him. I snuck around for a while until I saw a door barely cracked open. I went in and saw him sleeping, so I slowly approached him and pulled out a knife to stab him with (I assume it was a magic knife with which one can kill shadowy spectres) but before I could he spoke. I don’t recall his words, but he told me a sad story that suddenly made me decide not to execute the figure. He was apparently dying anyway, and I woke up just before he did.



I’ve been having some cool dreams lately, but I’ve been neglecting to jot them down. Now I’ve forgotten most of their details. 😦


Had a series of strange dreams last night, but only recall this one.

I was on a sailing ship with Arnold Schwarzeneggar and Olivia d’Abo; he was dressed as Conan and she in her birthday suit. I wanted desperately to sleep with her, but Arnold told me the only way that would happen is if I disguised myself as him. Wanting to help me out, he gave me his helmet to wear, and then I tried my best Arnold impression; at first I couldn’t get a handle on it – I sounded like a Scotsman at first – but quickly managed to get it dead-on.

Olivia leapt off the deck and took a dive into the ocean. Not wanting to lose her, I dove in after her. After swimming in the murky water for a couple minutes, I located her. Taking hold of her leg, I swam back up to the surface and dragged her onto shore. We then had sex on the beach.

Oh, but then I had one of those dreams within a dream. I woke up to find my sexcapade with Olivia in the Land of Nod had left me … a bit messy. To clean myself up, I dived into a small pool and swam around for a bit. I think there were rocks at the bottom of the pool, like I was swimming around in a large-scale fish bowl or aquarium.

Luckily when I woke up for real, I was clean as a whistle.


My latest dream: My family and I moved into a new house, where I was tormented by a witch-ghost who looked like Julie Christie or Catherine O’Hara or both. I defeated the witch-ghost, but it didn’t matter; when the dream came to a close, we were all dead and ghosts ourselves.

Suffice to say, my description above doesn’t do the actual contents nor the atmosphere of the dream justice. It was a very complex dream, and it’s no longer fresh in my mind, so I can’t begin to relate it properly. It’s given me a good idea for a horror movie, though: I might make a screenplay out of it one day.


Just took a long nap.

The dream:

Some friends and I were visiting a strange laboratory/hospital/private school/something? and we were perusing the exhibits and visitor things on the lower floors, but that’s not why we were there. The place was a massive front for something far more sinister. I don’t remember what the goal was, but we had lab coats and fake IDs we put on as we climbed a narrow flight of stairs towards the back corner of the building. As we reached a restricted area, our fake IDs, being fake, triggered a yellow light to flash as we passed a certain line on the floor. I chickened out even though no one was paying attention to the yellow light, because of course I did, but the rest of the group proceeded up more stairs. I anxiously paced around a bit as various actual employees passed me, paying little to no attention to me. Suddenly, a big alarm went off, warning of intruders (my brother and friends of course) and everyone was ordered to evacuate. I went downstairs and passed several young children from the school there, and a teacher was saying something about how she thought it was a grand lunch lady scheme. I made my way to the exit and went outside, only to see privately-owned bomber planes overhead, which proceeded to drop bombs over the area of the building where my group likely was. The fat teacher yelled “Yee-haw!”



The following is quite possibly the strangest dream I’ve ever had. If not, it’s certainly the strangest dream I’ve had within living memory.

My mother’s side of the family was throwing a family reunion at my Uncle Dave and Aunt Sharon’s place, so my mother and father and me went there to take part in the proceedings (my sister was strangely absent). There, we found ourselves packed in amongst dozens upon dozens of relatives, many of whom we had met only briefly once before or not at all.

Fast forward to dinnertime, where Aunt Sharon served me a platter of buffalo wings and coffee cake as an appetizer before the main course, which was either steak or turkey (the diner got to decide which they wanted). There was going to be a large gap of time between the appetizer and the main course, so after eating my wings and nibbling on my cake, I spent the interim chatting with one of my cousins, Andrea.

Andrea was a pretty girl, about fifteen years old though she looked like she was at least five years older, and rather friendly. She told me that we had met once before years ago, in the last family reunion, when we were both little kids, where we had participated in a game where we pretended to be man and wife (Yeah, in spite of the fact that she was fifteen and I was still twenty-nine in the dream, making it impossible for us to have both been little kids at the same time, we somehow had still been.). In spite of playing the marriage game, though, we had come away disliking each other in real life. At first I couldn’t remember any of this ever happening, which frustrated her deeply, but gradually I came to recall this chain of events.

To get away from all the hustle and bustle going around us, Andrea and I had stepped into an alcove between two walls or shelves or something so we could talk alone and in peace. One of our relatives found us there, and he had immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had brought her there so I could seduce her without being caught, which wasn’t what I had been doing at all. This relative spread this unfounded claim to everyone else, and soon most everyone was regarding me as a statutory rapist, threatening to call the police. Even though Andrea backed me up, angrily shouting to everyone that nothing sexual had gone on between us, no one listened; even her mother, Aunt Middleton, treated me like a bug to squash. (My parents had mysteriously disappeared during all of this.)

Pretty soon tempers escalated, and those who had been crying for my arrest began howling for my blood; they literally wanted me dead. One of the relatives there – dressed in a suit of steampunk armour – soon began stalking me. He wore mechanical gauntlets on his wrists which launched long metal bolts, bolts launched at great enough velocity to kill me. I took one of these bolts, and through trickery, I managed to kill Mr. Steampunk with it.

Shit then really got real. In fear of my life, I began using a machete and a garden claw as weapons to defend myself, hacking and slashing through droves of murderous relatives to stay alive. In the midst of all this, someone had ordered a pizza. When the pizza man entered the building, in the heat of battle I failed to keep myself from burying my machete blade in his carotid artery. Eyes widening in horror, I pulled the blade out of his neck and pressed my hand down on the gushing wound. One of my uncles, a doctor, took my place stanching the pizza man’s blood flow while I told someone to call for an ambulance; someone mentioned that they had already notified the authorities, that paramedics and policemen were already on their way. The dream kind of trailed off there.

I think the strangest aspect of this dream is that aside from my own mother and father, none of the people in this dream are real-life relatives of mine. “Uncle” Dave and “Aunt” Sharon are old friends of my parents who are now divorced; “Aunt” Middleton was a counselor/aide who worked at my high school; the doctor uncle I mentioned looked exactly like Kevin’s Uncle Frank from the first two Home Alone movies; and my cousin Andrea was actually Andrea Nemeth, a retired Canadian actress.


This was a trippy dream I had:

First, some subtext and backstory. I apologise for how complicated this is.

There is a kid at my school who is in year 7, and as such, doesn’t play an actual instrument, just a recorder. He always blows into it really hard at lunches to make the sharp high squealing noise, just to annoy everyone. I don’t know his name but he was in this dream.

Also present was this acquaintance of mine who also happens to be a transsexual (although hasn’t done anything physical to herself, just thinks of herself as a man).

Lastly, about a week ago, I was riding my bike to school. Around the corner from my school is this congested intersection, making it practically impossible to ride on the road there. So, like I usually do, I rode on the footpath around there. As I turned the corner, there was an old man walking in my path, though several feet away, so there was no way he could have been hit by my bike. But alas, he shouts out angrily “Look at this fuckwit on the footpath!” despite several younger kids being in his vicinity. I didn’t do anything, I just rode off.

So all this stuff actually happened, all these people just factor into the dream.

In the dream, me, the transgender girl, the recorder kid and a few other kids were for some reason sitting on computer chairs (the spinny kind on wheels) on the middle of a road near my place. For some reason, I was trying to impress the trans girl (who in real life I garner no attraction for), so I made some quippy joke about my hair colour, and the kids around me somehow couldn’t see my hair from where I was sitting, so Recorder Kid jumped off his chair and tried to come and take a look. I started scooting off on my chair, for some reason super fast, and Recorder Kid was chasing me. Eventually he caught up to me and exclaimed that my hair was dark blonde, not red as I had stated, and ran off to tell his friends. Then I heard the sound of a car from behind me and realised Recorder Kid was trying to run me over, so I started scooting off again, but he rammed me from behind and I jumped off the chair and onto the car, climbing around to his window, and then I started beating on him really ferociously, at one point biting down hard on his ear. Then, out of nowhere, the old man who called me a fuckwit in real life comes up to me, and says angrily that Recorder Kid is only seven years old (despite clearly being 12 or something), and even weirder, that he is his son. Old Man then gets a large log and starts chasing me with it, threatening to kill me. Luckily I am able to outrun him and get to my house (which is a short distance from this street we were on). I ran inside, where my mother and brother were sitting down, and I say that the old man is trying to kill me. I look outside and am glad that he has stopped pursuing me, but then see the car pull up the driveway and the old man get out with an oversized double barrel shotgun. My heart starts pounding, and I run to the phone, knowing that the police will never get to me in time, when the front door is blasted off it’s hinges and I am shot.

I woke up after that, adrenaline coursing through me, my heart still pounding, me head and chest hurting.

It was pretty weird.

Not enough people read the EU.


If only I could do them justice with perfectly recalled, point-by-point descriptions. Then they’d really be something to read about.


I dreamt that another Fantastic Four movie had come out.

Forest Whitaker had been cast as Mr. Fantastic. In addition to having stretch powers, he’d also been given super strength and had his genius-level intellect removed. Also, to disguise himself, he went around in whiteface. That’s right – a black Reed Richards wearing makeup to look like a white man.

As for the other characters, the Thing and the Human Torch had been combined into one character – a rock man with flame powers; there was no sign of the Invisible Woman anywhere; and Adrian Paul played Kryptonian Jesus. Yes, Kryptonian Jesus; he wore brown-and-tan robes over a Superman costume.

What a stupid dream.


As stupid as that movie seemsc at least it doesn’t sound boring like every other FF movie*

*I’ve only seen one all the way through I think.



Same. I saw the first FF movie years ago and hated every aspect of it aside from Michael Chiklis as the Thing. Since reading a number of the Lee-Kirby and John Byrne stories, I have absolutely no desire to see another until they decide to do the characters justice.


Had a series of strange/disturbing dreams before I woke up this morning. Unfortunately, I’ve forgotten all but two fragments.

First fragment: I bought a copy of Nightmare on Elm Street 2 on-line. When the DVD arrived, I found that it was a Region 2 DVD, making it unplayable for me. For some reason, a bunch of region-free Blu-rays had been packaged along with it; they were all crappy knockoffs of classic animated Disney films.

Second fragment: I lead or at least participated in some kind of insurrection that took place in a college during winter. Then I found myself outside the college waiting for the bus in the snow. I was then hit by a car or some other vehicle; I received no major injuries, though I was knocked senseless and ended up missing the bus.

Some guy driving a red car offered me a ride. Since he looked like a cross between Ernie Coombs and Hans Moleman, I figured I’d accept it. Once we got close to my neighbourhood, though, he propositioned me for sex. That’s when I pretended to whip out a knife and held its imaginary blade up to his throat, threatening to cut him good if he didn’t let me out and drive away toot sweet. That he did. Oh, and it wasn’t winter anymore.

As I proceeded to walk the rest of the way home, that red car reappeared. Ernie Moleman was no longer behind the wheel, though; there were three unfamiliar men in there now, one of them wearing a white hood over his head; he had a bloody hole smack-dab in the centre of his forehead.

As there was little cover to be had, I cut across someone’s backyard and ducked down behind a short length of fence, where I could see them but they couldn’t see me. Oh, but they weren’t human, after all, and they didn’t need sight to find me; emerging from their car, they strode right up to where I was hiding. That’s when I took up a length of hard, heavy wood and began beating at them with it. Of course, they were supernatural, and as such they had greater endurance to pain and injury than I did; I’d hit them, and at best it would slow them down for a couple seconds. Taking up their own lengths of wood, they in turn began hitting me with them; I wasn’t as tough as they were.

Right before I woke up, I picked up a trowel. Attacking one of the men – a portly, balding fellow – I stabbed him right in the forehead with the implement. Twisting the blade around inside his brain, I managed to pop his eyes out, leaving them bulging from their sockets. I didn’t kill or incapacitate him, though; he was still as able to fight me as before.


Several days ago I had a dream that Axl Rose – wearing a tuxedo, holding a dirty needle – was sitting up in a cherry tree in my background. After leaping out of the tree, he proceeded to rant and rave to everyone in earshot, violently waving the dirty needle around in the air.

I ended up beating him to death with a baseball bat.


I’ve been falling in and out of sleep all morning and having many different dreams. One of which involved Bibleman fighting Transformers.



Had a really convoluted dream before I woke up this morning. I couldn’t make heads nor tails of it when it was fresh in my mind, and I’ve all but forgotten what went on in it now. All I recall is that characters from Stranger Things were in it.

*sigh* October 31 can’t arrive soon enough.


Dreamed that I was visited by the spirit of my dog, Sheba, who’s been dead since 2010/11. She appeared as she had through much of her life – chunky – but without the mass of tumours she had developed on her chest in the years before her death. Accompanying her were the spirits of several other dogs, some I recognized, others I didn’t. They hadn’t come to frighten me; they just wanted me to know that death was not the end.


I had a dream that The Last Jedi suffered from severe censorship and Disney tried to appeal to everyone, including Flat Earthers, so they scribbled out anytime the curvature of a planet was on screen. Harrison Ford made an appearance, looking for his whip from Indiana Jones for some reason. The film was completely incoherent and I ended up hating it more than Attack of the Clones.

I hope this isn’t a premonition.


Maybe it’s just a premonition of the Chinese version of the film.



Handman said:

I had a dream that The Last Jedi suffered from severe censorship and Disney tried to appeal to everyone, including Flat Earthers, so they scribbled out anytime the curvature of a planet was on screen. Harrison Ford made an appearance, looking for his whip from Indiana Jones for some reason. The film was completely incoherent and I ended up hating it more than Attack of the Clones.

I hope this isn’t a premonition.

I had several dreams of this nature before TFA opened. One of them involved characters in the movie wandering around several locations such as a giant department store stocked floor to ceiling with Star Wars merchandise, or a street vendor on Jakku hocking Star Wars merchandise.

There was a theme.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)