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The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one! — Page 96


With Ashoka gearing up I would love to check this out.
Mind shooting a link?

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Couldn’t agree more Eddie! I’ve loved the whole series so far 😄


Hey i see that you mention tales of the clone wars in a few places (the 2003 intermission), but it has no link in the spreadsheet. Is that on purpose?


Just watched your Dissent on Umbara episode and wow, Thanks EddieDean without your efforts I would of never of seen it as I just couldn’t get into the poorly paced, kidified version of the standard Clone Wars. Great work 😁👌

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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I am really enjoying your edits! The synopsis at the beginning of each episode is totally necessary and I will say “perfect, just what is needed”.

I am still on the first season, and everything so far is making sense to me. Thanks again!


Wonderful to hear, buddy! Those synopses serve a very important role so I’m glad they’ve been well received. I put as much effort into the mundane presentation as editing the content itself, but I think it’s borne out! It only gets better from where you are.

The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus


Finished watching your final episode of season 5 and the entire The Clone Wars: Refocused has been a great watch from beginning to end. The two mystical force centric episodes were the weakest in my view but thats to do with the source material and not the editor who does a great job making them fit in more by making the scenes and context more dreamlike and not actual physical places within the galaxy which fits in more with the films.

Thanks Eddie Dean I now have a Clone Wars show I can always watch and reference with the StarWars story canon without all the issues the original has.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Hi Eddie. I posted last month wondering if your edit was the right choice for my wife and I’s chronological watch through of the entire series.

We decide to go for it and we’ve been watching your cut, Clone Wars Refocused. I will give my feedback first and then I have just some questions at the end:

Our context is, neither of us have watched Clone Wars in its entirety, only misc episodes here and there. Also, my wife has never watched Revenge of the Sith. So I am showing her the prequels and your series /before/ I show her RotS. But, we are both storytellers (I write screenplays and she writes/draws comics online) and my wife is a BIG animation fan, she watches a lot of animation so she naturally has a lot of thougnts.

So if I can critique my own feedback, I will tell you now I was NOT taking notes during my watch through, because I want to just relax and enjoy it as best I can. I feel this will hurt my feedback a bit, I would need to watch it a second time taking notes to give you the best feedback, probably along with watching the original show. Some of my feedback may seem a bit vague as a result of this.

We are halfway through your season 3. In general, we feel the edits were a bit more jarring in places early on and improve as the series goes along. Season 1 feels more choppy than the content in your Seasons 2 and 3 so far. I assume your seasons 4 and 5 will follow 2 and 3 in quality.

I tend to lean a bit more towards serious/darker content, but even I agreed with my wife on this point: It would be nice for your edits to just have a little bit more humor throughout.

Now I know your cut aims to cut out the cringe and unnecessary fluff, which I assume is where a lot of the humor lands. But the six George Lucas films had a lot of humor spread throughout. By no means do I want it to be overloaded with humor that ruins the mood, but… at times it feels like there are whole episodes/arcs almost entirely devoid of humor. IMO we shouldn’t go 30 minutes without a joke. George Lucas would have thrown a joke in by that point. So far, having watched TPM and AOTC and your Clone Wars Refocused, the GL movies had a lot more humor consistently throughout. I would just throw a few more jokes in throughout.

But otherwise we are LOVING your edit. We both had tried TCW in the past and just couldn’t make it. Now we are enjoying it as a great series that does not feel like fluff at all. Not that ALL of it feels completely necessary, but it’s always exciting and enjoyable at least.

So to TLDR me and my wife’s feedback:

  • We recommend to do another pass on your Season 1. Your seasons 2 and 3 feel much better cut by comparison. Season 1 felt a bit choppy at times.

  • Add just a /tiny/ bit more humor throughout. Do a watch through with humor in mind, we shouldn’t go more than 30-40 minutes without a joke imo.

Now, my questions. I wanted to show my wife an RotS cut WITH the Padme-birth of rebellion scenes included, just cause I feel Padme gets the short stick in RotS. I wanted to find a relatively newer fan edit for this and was having trouble, but I found Dugnutt’s RotS Expanded, which is basically just a cut that restores the deleted scenes as best as possible to blu ray quality. I love RotS already, so I dont want to change it much, which is why I choose his compared to some others that change/remove too much. But my questions are:

  • Dugnutt’s edit restores the Shaak ti death scene at the start of RotS. Does Clone Wars/your edit contradict this at all?
  • Dugnutt makes the decision in his edit to use audio from the Qui gon Liam Neeson dialogue from TCW in the qui gon scene in RotS. From what I can see, you do still include that content in your Refocused Season 4 finale “Cosmic Force”. So my question is, is the “Cosmic Force” episoe you cut truly and completely necessary? In the end, it wont bother us if it is, we’ll just acknowledge that some content gets reused. I would prefer Dugnutt just not include it, but I havent found a bettr RotS edit, the others Ive seen just change and remove too much of the movie.

Thank you for your edit! It has made the series watchable for us. We are busy adults and would NEVER have watched the original series otherwise.


Patali said:

… I wanted to show my wife an RotS cut WITH the Padme-birth of rebellion scenes included, just cause I feel Padme gets the short stick in RotS.

You should check out StankPac’s Edit of Revenge of the Sith Special Edition although its old now its well worth the watch and still is my go for RotS to this day. 👍

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Patali said:

  • Dugnutt’s edit restores the Shaak ti death scene at the start of RotS. Does Clone Wars/your edit contradict this at all?
  • Dugnutt makes the decision in his edit to use audio from the Qui gon Liam Neeson dialogue from TCW in the qui gon scene in RotS. From what I can see, you do still include that content in your Refocused Season 4 finale “Cosmic Force”. So my question is, is the “Cosmic Force” episoe you cut truly and completely necessary? In the end, it wont bother us if it is, we’ll just acknowledge that some content gets reused. I would prefer Dugnutt just not include it, but I havent found a bettr RotS edit, the others Ive seen just change and remove too much of the movie.

Mostly yes. A vision in TCW shows Ti dying at the temple at the hands of Vader (a deleted scene that only exists as stills).

Maybe try Numeral Joker’s cut of RotS. It’s the extended film with the SoM arc woven in. Unfortunatly it also has the non-canon 2D CW bits at the start.


I have watched most of it at this point and have to say: Very well done! It keeps most of the best parts while getting rid of the rest.

There were just a few episodes thst felt a bit off to me.

The pilot was a bit choppy. Mad respect for reducing the runtime by an hour and still have something semi-coherent. But still, it was just semi-coherent. Quick fix for one choppy feeling edit: Show a bit more of Ahsokas shuttle approaching, I think that would smoothen the transition here.

Corruption on Mandalore was a bit weird with all the costume changes and the story was again only semi-coherent. I guess we have to see what happened to Almec and there was not enough material left after cutting that episode down?

The Holocron heist also felt a bit off. If Cad Bane is using a hostage situation as a distraction, why would he put himself in said hostage situation? Him having to get out there and to the temple without someone following is quite a bet to take. Personally, I think ditching the hostage crisis would have been a net plus.

What I really enjoyed was how you handled Tales of the lost clones… It cherry picked those episodes for one really nice Anthology special.
And let me stress that this is my Goto version of this show now!


Most of the way through S3 and enjoying this thoroughly. The whole thing just flows logically, and the opening text snippets and music just give the whole war the proper somber tone.

Excellent work so far! I’ll post again when I finish. (I’m watching the ‘green’ line on the chart- the recommended viewing.)


I just wrapped up S1 with my family and I’m loving it. The Tartakovsky episodes were a favorite of mine, and I was quite happy to get to see some again. My son loved those episodes.

My wife was a fan of the Ahsoka origin story as we finished her series right before jumping into TCW.

My only gripe with it may be the audio (which I don’t know if it can/could be fixed). A lot of the dialog is low when music or action is going on (sans screaming of course).

This cut out quite a bit of fluff. I’ve tried to watch CW many times in the past but never got beyond season 2 or 3. I can’t wait to see the rest! S2 will be started tomorrow, and rest assured I’ll be back with more feedback if any. Though I may wait until we’re further along the series.

Thank you for all of your hard work. I’m grateful I can enjoy this with my family and even my youngling (ha) can follow along and is enjoying every second of it.


I just finished the series (as someone who hasn’t watched the original), and wow, this was exciting and engrossing and there wasn’t really anything that pulled me out or felt out of place to me. Thank you for the excellent work on this.

The only episode that felt like it was cut back a little too much was The Living Force, the condensed version of the Mortis arc. The dialogue and story were fine, but the dream-like vibe and expansive setting felt like they should have breathed a little more - I wish there were more clips of the setting itself, not necessarily more dialogue or story.

Like I said, I haven’t actually seen the original, so I don’t know whether clips like that actually exist in that arc, but I think that’s a rare case where slowing down the pacing would actually help tell the story better (or at least help us feel its impact).


Finished the ‘Quality Cut’ this past week.


I can’t even imagine the amount of effort that went into this. But in short, it was flat-out awesome. This takes TCW and makes a coherent whole out of it, while dumping the worst ‘filler’ and ‘kiddie’ elements of it. I can’t imagine watching this any other way, now, nor will I next time I feel like a TCW hit.

I need to make another mention of the musical additions in this project: they definitely helped ‘make it.’ Haunting, appropriate, and in my mind, essential to the whole.

Very well done!


koboldthinktank said:

The only episode that felt like it was cut back a little too much was The Living Force, the condensed version of the Mortis arc. The dialogue and story were fine, but the dream-like vibe and expansive setting felt like they should have breathed a little more - I wish there were more clips of the setting itself, not necessarily more dialogue or story.

Like I said, I haven’t actually seen the original, so I don’t know whether clips like that actually exist in that arc, but I think that’s a rare case where slowing down the pacing would actually help tell the story better (or at least help us feel its impact).

You know whats crazy is, that was one of the episodes my wife and I really didnt care for almost at all. It felt like it was explaining a little too much about the force, and adding lore that the force doesn’t need, and imo didnt feel integral to the characters plots. There was three things I liked from the episode:
-The quigon-anakin vision
-Dark Ahsoka

IMO, I would like to find a place to insert those quigon and shmi sequences elsewhere in the series as dreams for Anakin, maybe in another arc somewhere where Anakin is sleeping, entirely removed from this arc. I’d like to do the same with the dark ahsoka stuff but it seems too tied into this whole arc to be removed at all, but I feel like trhe shmi and quigon visions could really slot in somewhere else nicely.

Same with the yodas mystical quest episodes. Had some cool scenes but we werent fans.