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The 2 Ewok Films - 'Caravan Of Courage' (aka 'The Ewok Adventure'), & 'Battle For Endor'


I had always heard that the two made-for-TV Ewok movies (1984’s ‘Caravan of Courage’ and 1985’s ‘Battle for Endor’) were just mediocre and that they were only for children or fans who had to have everything. Despite all this, I got the Ewok movies on DVD a couple of months ago. Caravan of Courage was a little dull, but oddly enough, it reminded me of The Hobbit for some reason. Anyway, it wasn’t a masterpiece.

I was pleasantly surprised by ‘Battle for Endor’, however. I actually thought that that was a really good movie, certainly not up to the caliber of the OT, but very entertaining nonetheless. The effects were certainly better than the original Ewok movie, and the acting wasn’t bad either. The Mauraders looked like they belonged in the Lord of the Rings movies as opposed to Star Wars, and the old man’s pet was strange. I just got a big kick out of the movie, though.

Does anyone else like these?

Arnie.d’s Star Wars Ewok Adventures - double feature DVD (2004) thread has info on the ‘Star Wars Ewok Adventures’ release.

Adamwankenobi’s Ewok Feature Films (‘Caravan Of Courage’ & ‘Battle For Endor’) - 1999 soundtrack CD thread

An Ewok Adventure (aka ‘Caravan Of Courage’) info - IMDB : Wikipedia : Wookieepedia : Lucasfilm Wiki : StarWars.com

Battle For Endor info - IMDB : Wikipedia : Wookieepedia : Lucasfilm Wiki : StarWars.com

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

I loved them when I was a kid, before I even saw the original trilogy.

I haven't seen them since though, and I haven't really remembered to buy the DVDs when I'm in a store.

Now that you mention it, I might just go make a special trip tomorrow.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."
I'm kind off a sucker for anything Star Wars, so...

Actually, when I was kid I was astonished to see another Star Wars movie. I thought that I had made a fantastic discovery that no one else knew about. I asked my mom if I could rent The Battle For Endor and was just blown away. When we went back I got my mom to rent me the Caravan of Courage, and though not as good, still enjoyed it. I remember thinking that the little girl was Princess Leia and her older brother was Luke...somehow it all made sense to the mind of a six year old. I thought those movies were like a prequel and that Luke and Leia had been to Endor before as kids. When you see Wicket in ROTJ he sees something familiar about Leia...yeah...like I said, I was young

I did buy the DVDs. I must say they did good job of restoring the picture.
Are they now part of the official SW EU?
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
I have fond memories of the Ewok movies.

Hey Sessler, you changed your avatar. How come?
I'd like a qui-gon jinn please with an Obi-Wan to go.

Red heads ROCK. Blondes do not rock. Nuff said.

I don't know if they're part of the EU, but George Lucas liked them and actually released them on home video more than once before the DVD (unlike the Holiday Special). The only difference between the LD and the DVD (in Caravan of Courage) is the opening credits. The LD says "The Ewok Adventure", while the DVD says "Caravan of Courage." What struck me as interesting is that "Caravan of Courage" was released theatrically in Europe. What I'm wondering is- does a widescreen version exist?

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Originally posted by: Trooperman
What I'm wondering is- does a widescreen version exist?

Since it was a made with the intention of being a telefilm, later being released theatrically overseas, it was most likely shot open matte. Shooting open matte would expose the entire frame, giving the film the proper television aspect ratio. For the overseas prints, the top and bottom of the image were most likely cropped from the original image.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

OK. So it wasn't shot in widescreen, but it was shown this way as an afterthought. As a result, the picture was cropped. So the full-screen ratio isn't leaving anything out.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Originally posted by: Han Solo VS Indiana Jones
I have fond memories of the Ewok movies.

Hey Sessler, you changed your avatar. How come?

The avatar I had "Han_Doc" apparently was a custom avatar for an old lite-poster that hasn't been here in forever and he asked me to change it.

I sent Jay an avatar to upload for me, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. I dunno if he checks that e-mail anymore or not.
"I don't mind if you don't like my manners. I don't like them myself. They're pretty bad. I grieve over them during the long winter evenings."

Originally posted by: Trooperman
OK. So it wasn't shot in widescreen, but it was shown this way as an afterthought. As a result, the picture was cropped. So the full-screen ratio isn't leaving anything out.

Precisely. That's what I think, anyway.

I used to be very active on this forum. I’m not really anymore. Sometimes, people still want to get in touch with me about something, and that is great! If that describes you, please email me at [my username]ATgmailDOTcom.

Hi everybody. You’re all awesome. Keep up the good work.

You guys do know we see the darker side of Star Wars in Caravan of Courage, right?
Deej, Wicket's father, has a filthy mouth.

In the beginning of the movie, after the 2 brothers have fallen and are wrestling on the ground, Deej says "Oh, feech!"

I did some checking, the "official" translation is 'fooey', but if you listen to HOW he says it, you'll understand that the intent behind it is a slightly harsher f-word.
Aha! So I expect we'll be seeing a "Caravan of Courage-Special Edition" for the 25th anniversary in 2009, and then Lucas will have the opportunity to edit that out.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

I wanted to expand on my previous statement. Not only did George Lucas like the Ewok movies and released them multiple times, he actually wrote the story and produced them. So he was actually more involved with the Ewok movies than with The Empire Strikes Back!

I thought that that was kind of a funny thought.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

So I suppose it makes it part of the EU after all.
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” — Nazi Reich Marshal Hermann Goering
Good luck trying to fit them into the larger continuity though. Wicket has learned to speak english (galactic standard?) in the second film. Therefore, it can't be set before Jedi or else he would have used it with Leia after she won his trust. And if they are set after Jedi, shouldn't there be a lot of broken Imperial hardware lying about? Not to mention trooper helmets being used as drum sets? My head hurts now...

Where were you in '77?

They are set after Return of the Jedi; that much I know.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

According to the version of the tf.n TimeTales I have saved for my Fan Fiction project (research), the events of the 2 movies are "not long before Return of the Jedi".

If I recall the timeline in my Behind the Magic CDs, this also says that the movies happened before ROTJ.

If you want to know why they let the Ewoks talk english (basic), its very simple. They didn't want to bring in a narrator like that had in the first movie.

If you need an 'in-movie' explanation...how about this: Cindel and her family didn't speak basic (though we heard it). Wicket gains a rudimentary idea of the language.
In ROTJ, the rebels did speak basic.

Hey all,
I'm a little confused here. I have an old VHS movie called "The Ewok Adventure" (1984). It is about Mace and his little sister, Cindel, looking for there missing parents. That back of the cover says, "also available: the battle for endor." So, does this mean the one I have is "Caravan of Courage"? If so, when did it adopt this title? because nowhere does it say that anywhere on the VHS.
The Ewok Adventure is Caravan of Courage, yes.
When did it adopt that title?

I thought it was always present. That it was The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage. I've always known it as Caravan of Courage.

I thought it was always present. That it was The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage. I've always known it as Caravan of Courage.

That's funny. It doesn't say that anywhere on the box, or the tape, or in the movie itself. Just says, Ewok adventure.
This confusion (Ewok Adventure vs. Caravan of Courage) stems from the fact that there were two versions of this film. Almost identical, the only difference was the opening credits. The original TV version said "The Ewok Adventure" in the credits, and the European theatrical version said "Caravan of Courage." When the recent DVD was released, for some reason they decided to use the "Caravan of Courage" credits, in full screen ratio.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the case. The old "Ewok Adventure" credits can be found on old VHS tapes and LD's.

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

A-ha! That makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
No problem. I actually find this difference very interesting.

Nobody knows where to find a capture of the "Ewok Adventure" credits for download, do they?

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

The poster art for both films are pretty nice. From the style I think they were done by the same artists who did the posters for the original trilogy. The artwork on the Japanese "Battle For Endor" laserdisc cracks me up though. It has a Han Solo-esque type fellow brandishing a blaster, standing with Wicket, Teek and Cindel. Someone apparently thought Wilford Brimely wasn't going to be a big draw.

Where were you in '77?


Originally posted by: Mr.Coffee

I thought it was always present. That it was The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage. I've always known it as Caravan of Courage.

That's funny. It doesn't say that anywhere on the box, or the tape, or in the movie itself. Just says, Ewok adventure.

"The Ewok Adventure" was called Caravan of Courage in the U.K. and I also think that it had a THEATRICAL release in the U.K. but here in the U.S.A. it was a Televison Movie

Word to the Spookies...

“We have to address the fact that the president has broken the law.”

— Senator Russ Feingold.