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TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released) — Page 12


NeverarGreat said:

Here’s the shuttle version without the TIE fighter escort. I think it will need the TIEs in the final version.

Password: kylo

I went ahead and cleaned up the laser a bit more as well as giving the Finalizer some movement.

This is cool, I like it. I guess it makes more sense too, in many ways.

• It makes sense to have the TIE attack that Rey sees come as more of a surprise attack, it’s a bit weird to just have them approach slowly in plain sight. The attack would be more of a surprise to the audience as well.
• Also, Kylo coming alone or with a few TIEs approaching slowly and menacingly works for him as a character. Later on when Rey sees the castle being destroyed he just glides in slowly as well.
• The reactions of everyone on the ground works better as well, not panicking, just wondering and worrying. Perhaps especially how Han is now looking at his son, with that troubled expression.
• And of course it removes the continuity problem with the angle and direction of the attacking TIEs.

So I guess I’d like to try this concept next, without the intercutting, and see how it works with the score and everything.


Awesome! So glad to finally find some sort of solution. 😃

JEDIT: Here’s close-to-final sequence, from the launch of the shuttle to landing:
Password: kylo
And here’s the uncompressed avi of the final sequence with a few more tweaks to the movement of the shuttle:

I just used the original movie edits, so obviously it will need dubbing at the very least. Beyond that though, cuts are really subjective. I suppose the Apocalypse Now TIEs can go, but ‘Those beasts!’ sounds about right considering the surprise attack.

What do you think? Should Kylo have a TIE escort, or is he more brazen than that?

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

Awesome! So glad to finally find some sort of solution. 😃

JEDIT: Here’s close-to-final sequence, from the launch of the shuttle to landing:
Password: kylo
And here’s the uncompressed avi of the final sequence with a few more tweaks to the movement of the shuttle:

I just used the original movie edits, so obviously it will need dubbing at the very least. Beyond that though, cuts are really subjective. I suppose the Apocalypse Now TIEs can go, but ‘Those beasts!’ sounds about right considering the surprise attack.

What do you think? Should Kylo have a TIE escort, or is he more brazen than that?

Very nice! I’m downloading the avi now. I’m thinking maybe the escort is unnecessary? This way it looks less threatening (which strategically would be good) but as you say also brazen and badass. And either way Kylo knows TIEs are coming.

I’m not really convinced by the ship and it’s movements now though. It’s clearly just a cutout, and seen from the back. Ideally I would like a 3D model or even a physical model, or at least a better cutout. What could be cool (and JJ Abramsy) as well would be a zoom in on the ship in the second shot of the sky. Maybe. I think I’ll try some things.

Here’s a cutout I made with the shuttle straight from the front, it could work better:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8f0z415ideyu2yg/kylo shuttle front.png?dl=0


NeverarGreat said:

Awesome! So glad to finally find some sort of solution. 😃

JEDIT: Here’s close-to-final sequence, from the launch of the shuttle to landing:
Password: kylo
And here’s the uncompressed avi of the final sequence with a few more tweaks to the movement of the shuttle:

I just used the original movie edits, so obviously it will need dubbing at the very least. Beyond that though, cuts are really subjective. I suppose the Apocalypse Now TIEs can go, but ‘Those beasts!’ sounds about right considering the surprise attack.

What do you think? Should Kylo have a TIE escort, or is he more brazen than that?

The ship movements looks unconvincing to me. An actual 3d model with animation would definetly look better here. Also I think the shuttle should be farther away and moving slower since it would arrive way earlier than the TIEs in this version. And I’d add the TIE escort simply because the Empire and the First Order like to show their military power by giving escorts to everything^^

Ultimately I’m not sold on the idea though. It does fix several issues for sure but it also lets us know very early that Kylo arrives which we don’t know in the original cut at that point. And I also find it a little unbelievable that the First Order would launch a surprise attack and at the same time have a Stardestroyer clearly visible in orbit and a shuttle coming right at their target. I personally have more problems believing that than seeing the bar patrons not running away immediately when they see the TIEs. But I guess that comes down to personal preferences and if necessary I can always edit the TIEs back in for myself^^


Kexikus said:

And I also find it a little unbelievable that the First Order would launch a surprise attack and at the same time have a Stardestroyer clearly visible in orbit and a shuttle coming right at their target.

How about Kylo and TIEs but no Stardestroyer?


Sir Ridley said:

How about Kylo and TIEs but no Stardestroyer?

I’d have to see it but the combination of a shuttle flying directly at them and a surprise attack is what feels off to me. Not having the Stardestroyer wouldn’t change that and also it looks very cool.


Kexikus said:

I’d have to see it but the combination of a shuttle flying directly at them and a surprise attack is what feels off to me. Not having the Stardestroyer wouldn’t change that and also it looks very cool.

With the material available I’d say something bad has to come directly at them, and TIEs need to fly over Rey. I don’t know if the way the crowd is looking and where Rey is is even the same, so perhaps seeing TIEs in both places would technically be two different groups of TIEs which would explain why they don’t match exactly, but would raise other questions. Hmmm.

Something else to try could be changing the shot where Rey looks up to have the TIEs a bit higher up.


There were two bits of video of the shuttle flying away from the battle, and I just reversed those videos and color-shifted the engines to appear more like the front of the ship. So I used video of the shuttle with a luma key to remove the sky. If someone wants to do a 3D version or something, they are more than welcome, but I don’t know if that would be necessary if the shuttle is as far away as continuity suggests.

A problem with any of these ideas (TIE attack or shuttle) is something that Sir Ridley has said - it’s not very JJ Abrams to have a shot of something slow moving and far away in the sky, so whenever I tried that with the shuttle it didn’t look like the style of TFA, which is why it moves so fast.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Just an idea for this current focus. I’ve watched the eyes of the characters and they require some distant image as is produced, but I was wondering if you could add ties blowing up other ships. This is a destination like Mos Eisley. It would be believable that there would be air traffic going on. What if what they are looking at is the Star Destroyer and a fleet of ties blowing up some transport(s). This would validate their reactions and possibly smooth over the scene. You could even add laser blasts to the ties that are flying over Rey. Just a thought.

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Personally I think the shuttle looks great. A lot more convincing than the TIEs. It doesn’t look like an obvious cutout to me. I’d also like for the edit to keep the “Apocalypse Now” shot if possible…admittedly just because I think it’s a cool shot.


Octorox said:

I’d also like for the edit to keep the “Apocalypse Now” shot if possible…

Yes please, it’s the best shot of the entire movie !


Hal 9000 said:

Carrie’s hair is different in the deleted scene. 😦

Here’s the idea: we insert Han in the beginning of the deleted scene, with the line “you changed your hair”, and then when we see her the next time he remarks once again “you changed your hair”. Problem solved.

But yeah, that’s a shame. The braid, right? Technically I guess it could be removed digitally. Looking at the scene I feel like it would be doable. If there is a perfect spot for the scene in the movie and all that’s needed to make it work is removing the braid (and the time code) I could give it a try.

In other news: I’m currently looking into having 3D ships for the Kylo idea. I’m cautiously optimistic about it, but not quite there yet.


MalàStrana said:

Octorox said:

I’d also like for the edit to keep the “Apocalypse Now” shot if possible…

Yes please, it’s the best shot of an entirely different movie!


About the 3D work, there is a blog I frequent that has a lot of 3D models of Star Wars ships and vehicles, perhaps that guy would have something we could use, or that he would be willing to make. It’s worth a shot anyway.


You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Here’s a version with only the Star Destroyer emerging from the clouds:
Password: destroyer

It would be awesome if the destroyer blows up a transport, so that Finn has a loud noise to react to and his line ‘they did it’ would make sense. I would bet that all we need is a transport taking off in the distance at the beginning of the panning shot where Rey is running from the castle - the one that begins on the castle and ends on the woods. We would only need to notice the ship taking off, and the destruction would happen offscreen, with Finn reacting to the noise and looking up. Then there would only need to be a cloud of debris for that shot. No need for TIE fighters, the shuttle, any of that.

Done and done.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


^good ideas. So the Star Destroyer is the one blowing up the transport in this idea? It still is kind of odd to me though. The shots of the incoming squadrons imply surprise attack. Doesn’t make sense that the Destroyer would be the one blowing up the transport. Ruins the element of surprise. That’s why I thought it might be best to have the ties do it. They could do this off screen and fly through the debris as you’ve suggested. Then it’s more of an ambush and full on assault.

Request edits at https://digmodification.wordpress.com/contact


Here’s how I imagine the setup:

Kylo orders the attack force to approach the castle from a different direction, low over the trees to keep the element of surprise. The Finalizer is waiting above the clouds to make sure no ships escape. When the transport lifts off, Hux or Kylo decides to forego subtlety and make sure nothing escapes, and they blow it up. This involves emerging from the clouds and revealing themselves, but the assault force is already committed to their attack vector. The only thing that changes is that the castle patrons now know they can’t escape, but they still don’t know the attack is imminent, which is why they remain somewhat calm.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


NeverarGreat said:

MalàStrana said:

Octorox said:

I’d also like for the edit to keep the “Apocalypse Now” shot if possible…

Yes please, it’s the best shot of an entirely different movie!


You’re going too far 😃 Everybody I know had only one shot in mind to talk about when the movie came out and it was this one. The only moment where JJ was actually trying to do something very different albeit very “starwarsie” AND very in the tone to represent the First Order as a menace. This shot is 100% Star Wars and to my view it’s TFA signature.


NeverarGreat said:

I just wish it made some more sense, continuity-wise. 😃

Ok ! So what about putting it during the second raid on Jakku ?


Now that I’ve seen the shot with only the Stardestroyer I think that this is the best solution. It explains why nobody is panicing since there is no attack incoming yet but it also gets rid of Kylos shuttle approaching from a different angle. So the attack isn’t really meant to be a complete surprise attack but the FO wants to hide their true intentions until it’s too late.

Having the Stardestroyer shoot a ship could work but I think it’s not necessary. It would provide a good reason for Finn to look up but I never had any problems with that. You could also add a little crowd noise that makes him wonder what’s going on and so he turns around and sees the destroyer in the sky. And since we have “They found us.” instead of “They’ve done it.” anyway we don’t need a reason for the latter.

About Leia’s hair: It looks like it should be possible to digitally remove the braid which would make it no more noticeable than Kylo’s backhead in the Snoke scenes. But even if it’s not, I think that this continuity error is a small price to pay to have this scene in the movie.


^Agreed on all points. I think that the destroyed shuttle idea would be the best of the scenarios if done well, but it would probably be a great deal of work. For the destroyer alone idea, there could be some dialogue offscreen from the large brown alien, though he only has one line of dialogue in the film. It may be changed enough to make it work. I’ve also been thinking about the Finn dialogue change. He could say ‘The First Order, they’ve come’ using that word from his ‘come get it’ line at the end of the movie. Or if he ever says something approximating ‘they’ve tracked us’, that could be inserted where ‘It’s the Republic’ was originally, so no need to lip sync it, and the line makes a bit more sense: ‘They’ve tracked us! It’s the First Order, they’ve done it!’

I’m not particularly good with audio, so just some ideas for the experts here 😃

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Why not just use “It’s the First Order. They found us.”?
I think that’s pretty much perfect since it explains what that Stardestroyer means (in case the audience doesn’t get it) and also continues their earlier discussion that the FO is probably able to track the Millenium Falcon.