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Startale: A New Star Wars Fanedit Concept


This is an idea for an experimental fanedit that, rather than making it better, is a different take on Star Wars. I was inspired by The Man Behind the Mask’s The War of the Stars. The idea of this fanedit is to make Star Wars into something an average Tumblr user would obsess over.

Here are some of the changes I have in mind:
Luke is a trans girl and Leia is his (her?) future self rather than his sister.
Vader is not Luke’s father, rather he and Darth Maul are the same person.
Droids are non-binary, all their voices will be replaced by beeps with subtitles to make their gender more ambiguous.
All of John Williams’ score will be replaced by music from Undertale.

You can watch a concept for the opening scene here.

Do you think I should go through with making this?


I skimmed through your clip, and although I’m probably biased, I don’t think this is watchable. It’s basically just a couple of music videos and a couple of untouched scenes mashed together.

And I have no idea how (or why) you’re going to accomplish the Luke/Leia/Vader/Maul stuff.


brb i need to tell all my tumblr feminazi frinds about this

In all seriousness, This actually sounds like a pretty solid idea, I love how you aimed for one specific demographic and that makes it even funnier to me.


Smithers said:

I don’t really know why you would want to make this, it would just turn Star Wars into some weird tumblr fanfiction shit.

OP is clearly making this because they’re interested in making it what you consider “weird Tumblr fanfiction shit.” That you don’t share that interest doesn’t make OP’s interest or goal invalid – Star Wars is different things to different people.

Now, OP:

  • I’m not familiar enough with Undertale to know the original context of the music, but the track you use for Anakin’s surgery feels a little tonally off – it’s more “jaunty walk through RPGville” than “a villain is born”. (Maybe that’s what you’re going for?)
  • Similarly, maybe you could try to cut the footage to match the rhythm of the music more – I think Undertale’s retro aesthetic would probably lend itself to fast, choppy cuts that you won’t really find in Star Wars. (Try fading out the music a little more gracefully, too.)
  • The video you posted is cropped – maybe it’s a limitation of the software you’re using, and I can’t speak for others, but when I think Star Wars, I think that lovely widescreen that really shows off that beautifully designed world. (Of course, I cropped for my own episodic edit, too.)
  • I’m really interested in your “Luke as a trans girl” angle – how are you planning to pull that off?

Anyway, keep it up, and don’t let someone like Smithers here dissuade you from playing with Star Wars. 😃


Windows7Guy100 said:

Luke is a trans girl and Leia is his (her?) future self rather than his sister.

This is batshit crazy enough to be intriguing.

That said, your video doesn’t quite sell the concept for me.


This could be the single funniest thing made in the history of fanedits.
Please, continue.

Honestly though, if you can actually pull something like this off convincingly then kudos to you.

EDIT: Just watched the vid. For once Frink and I agree on something.
I don’t want to be a jerk about it, so please take this as constructive criticism, but it really just plays out as random scenes mashed together with random music thrown on top.
The word “mind-numbing” would probably be relevant here.

In saying that though, fanedits are usually made for the intent of either A) experimentation or B) making their preferred version of the film that they can enjoy watching.
So if this is exactly what you want, go for it.


I’d be interesting in watching this, just because I have no idea how the hell you’d be able to pull it off. Best of luck to you! I’m sure many of us here would be more than happy to lend a hand, if you’d need help with anything (myself included).


Crazy concept, why not do it? But the AR looks off in the clip, a bit squished.