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StarWarsLegacy.com - The Official Thread — Page 27


mverta said:

Well I want people from all corners of the galaxy to be able to attend...

Well... that's the real trick, isn't it? ;)

mverta said:

Since the announcement's already gone out for this Sunday's chat, I'll set up a back-to-back and schedule a new one, but the time and date we'll do by popularity poll, how's that?

Sounds great.


<p>Just recently joined the Legacy forums but have yet to receive a confirmation email to utilize the account, signed up a few hours ago, is this an error?</p>


I am not notified until a user has confirmed his/her email. Check that first.  Also, some users try to put in bullcrap temporary emails during registration, which then get kicked back to me at the first mass emailing, and then the user is deleted.  So heads up, in case.






View the Restoration and join the discussion at StarWarsLegacy.com!



Ended up in spam folder....email is legit, looking forward to learning more about your exciting work.



hairy_hen said:

...no one but LFL actually has any legal right to them whatsoever.  Believe me, I wish that were otherwise as much as anyone, but it isn't.  So when talking about making a film restoration from the kind of materials that Mike has access to, there is no way most of that can be mentioned openly in a public forum...

Sorry, don't mean to go off topic, but this is a question that's been bothering me for a while.  It's always been apparent that Lucas owns the rights to Empire and Jedi having funded them himself rather than going through the studios, but doesn't Fox have a say in Star Wars itself?  Does Lucasfilm have exclusive control of it as well?

As for the chats, I look forward to sitting in on one, though I doubt I'll have much to contribute other than encouragement.  I have precious little expertise in technical matters :)


IIRC, Lucas got all the the rights to the original film sometime in the 80's.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Brooks said:

Sorry, don't mean to go off topic, but this is a question that's been bothering me for a while.  It's always been apparent that Lucas owns the rights to Empire and Jedi having funded them himself rather than going through the studios, but doesn't Fox have a say in Star Wars itself?  Does Lucasfilm have exclusive control of it as well?

Zombie did an informative article on the issue here: http://secrethistoryofstarwars.com/buyingstarwars.html 

Lucasfilm (madman) didn't acquire the full rights to the first film until sometime after '97.

We want you to be aware that we have no plans—now or in the future—to restore the earlier versions. 

Sincerely, Lynne Hale publicity@lucasfilm.com


Handing over all control and elements for New Hope was part of the deal Fox made for the prequels. Yeah.


Hey there forcefans -


The site's gotten a lot of new members of late, so I'm doing a last-minute, live, and completely uncensored chat TONIGHT! (2/21) at 9pm PST. 


Unlike previous chats, which are literally that, this will be broadcast live on my USTREAM channel.  All the same interactivity, more info! :)







View the Restoration and join the discussion at StarWarsLegacy.com!


Wow. I know it was last minute, but in the future, could we do an "audio-only" stream? My internet is just not up to par, I guess - I can only hear about 5 sec. of audio at a time before it buffers...


I had a few problems connecting too but I thought it was very interesting, thanks, Mike.


mverta said:

Crawl update, sportsfans.  Go check out the video in the Legacy forums!

I'm still interested but I can't access the forums anymore. I can login but no forums show up. It's like I'm banned, and if so I would like to know why.


Oh. Hello Mr. Verta!

I have a small request: if you're not going to release your work, could you please stop posting here? It's teasing and it's evil. I'm never going to see your restoration, so I don't care what you're doing with it.

Thank you.

Fanrestore - Fan Restoration Forum: https://fanrestore.com


^Speak for yourself!  I often forget to check on Legacy, so I like hearing from mverta over here.  The optimist in me has this feeling his connections to Lucasfilm could, one day, pay off.  Also, at least he's honest about it upfront.

@You_Too: you don't appear to be banned to me.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Feallan said:

Oh. Hello Mr. Verta!

I have a small request: if you're not going to release your work, could you please stop posting here? It's teasing and it's evil. I'm never going to see your restoration, so I don't care what you're doing with it.

Thank you.

 Speak for yourself, dude.  I always enjoy reading what Mike has to say.

“In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be “replaced” by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten.” - George Lucas