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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 302


xhonzi said:

Jaskoen said:

xhonzi said:I haven't seen any totals yet, but I bet Gears of War 3 totally walks all over this sales figure.

The first week it will sell a million units or so in NA and make probably around $200M+ in sales.  And they're selling only to people that have xbox 360s, so the potential market is much smaller to boot.

SW BD seems like a fairly modest succes in comparison. 

EDIT: Spoke too soon.  Looks like GoW3 sold 1.3 M copies in the past 3 days.

 Based on the sample size of my household, Gears 3 is outselling the Star Wars blu-rays 1-0.

Wow, that's like 10000000% percent!

More?  I forget math.


After seeing the first weekend sales of the BluRay, it just shows me that Lucas could care less if we are still fans of the movies.  The one thing you to concede about SW is that it continues to build fans with each generation.

Now I do not condone Lucas actions towards the originals, but why should he give a shit about the originals when this boxset sold well enough to keep the Lucasfilm gravy train rolling?

I have always said as long as a SW release is popular, Lucas will never change.  The SE in theaters made loads of money, the PT movies made loads of money, the 2004 SE DVD's made loads of money, and now the 2011 Blurays will make loads of money.

There is no way Lucas needs to give in about the OOT, because there is enough fans who enjoy the SE or don't care about the changes that offset us. 

Sorry guys, but I put my hands up at this point, and these sales figures show that we are not winning the battle.  Lucas can do whatever he wants, and I can't come up with a reason in HIS mind that he should remaster the OOT.


Should we start figuring out a way to tunnel under Skywalker Ranch and steal the original negatives?


zombie84 said:

Should we start figuring out a way to tunnel under Skywalker Ranch and steal the original negatives?



*runs out the door with a shovel*


zombie84 said:

Should we start figuring out a way to tunnel under Skywalker Ranch and steal the original negatives?


The ranch does have a formidably defense mechanism. There's an energy field projected from the small nearby island of Alcatraz.



CO said:

After seeing the first weekend sales of the BluRay, it just shows me that Lucas could care less if we are still fans of the movies.  The one thing you to concede about SW is that it continues to build fans with each generation.


Now I do not condone Lucas actions towards the originals, but why should he give a shit about the originals when this boxset sold well enough to keep the Lucasfilm gravy train rolling?

I have always said as long as a SW release is popular, Lucas will never change.  The SE in theaters made loads of money, the PT movies made loads of money, the 2004 SE DVD's made loads of money, and now the 2011 Blurays will make loads of money.

There is no way Lucas needs to give in about the OOT, because there is enough fans who enjoy the SE or don't care about the changes that offset us. 

Sorry guys, but I put my hands up at this point, and these sales figures show that we are not winning the battle.  Lucas can do whatever he wants, and I can't come up with a reason in HIS mind that he should remaster the OOT.



More than that, the saga box set set a new record for the best selling box set of all time. So I guess that tells Lucas that any future version of starwars he releases is an instant gold mine, no matter what he alters or replaces. That pretty much kills any chance of a BD OUT from ever happening.

So I guess then next incarnations ( the 3D versions ) will have even more alterations and changes.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


CO said:

After seeing the first weekend sales of the BluRay, it just shows me that Lucas could care less if we are still fans of the movies.  The one thing you to concede about SW is that it continues to build fans with each generation.

Now I do not condone Lucas actions towards the originals, but why should he give a shit about the originals when this boxset sold well enough to keep the Lucasfilm gravy train rolling?

I have always said as long as a SW release is popular, Lucas will never change.  The SE in theaters made loads of money, the PT movies made loads of money, the 2004 SE DVD's made loads of money, and now the 2011 Blurays will make loads of money.

There is no way Lucas needs to give in about the OOT, because there is enough fans who enjoy the SE or don't care about the changes that offset us. 

Sorry guys, but I put my hands up at this point, and these sales figures show that we are not winning the battle.  Lucas can do whatever he wants, and I can't come up with a reason in HIS mind that he should remaster the OOT.

Not so sure. The OOT is his only "special feature" left. The current Blu-ray set has a treasure chest of deleted scenes (albeit looking like dogshit). Whatever he releases next on whatever format, it needs to have an extra incentive to buy it. The OOT is that incentive.

I'm confident that it'll happen at some point. I may be old and grey, but it'll happen.



I just don't see it happening anymore, and looks to me that people just want the new versions. So I guess George wins.

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights


CO said:

Sorry guys, but I put my hands up at this point, and these sales figures show that we are not winning the battle.  Lucas can do whatever he wants, and I can't come up with a reason in HIS mind that he should remaster the OOT.

Maybe we can't win the popularity contest. But we might be able to sway Lucas if we can create a critical consensus. If too many film critics start clamoring for the originals, it might get too loud to ignore.

I think it's already starting to happen. Just about every review I've read has said, "yeah, it's not the original versions, but it LOOKS GREAT!"

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


TheBoost said:

zombie84 said:

Should we start figuring out a way to tunnel under Skywalker Ranch and steal the original negatives?


The ranch does have a formidably defense mechanism. There's an energy field projected by all living things.


John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



Wow, guys, I'm surprised at this uproar about the sales. Did you seriously expect anything else? I mean, it's STAR WARS on Blu-Ray ;-)

But seriously, the average Joe doesn't care or even know, because they don't go the the internet to read about SW. They see the adverts in the shop and think: Hey! Great, SW on BD, that's something I've gotta have in my collection!

And then they watch the films 1-6 and hear Vader say "Nooooo" and think "hey, has that always been there?... Ah, whatever..."

And of course, 99% of the issues that we said would be there, are there and the people who said that those issues won't be there and the LFL will fix them (thus totally acknowledging the existence of such issues and as they expected that they must be fixed their gravity) and yet still, even when these issues were confirmed, they went and bought the set and wrote shamelessly gushing reviews on it. So how can we win by reasoning and using logical arguments, when the other side is so clearly determined to close their eyes?

But what we're doing here is still important. We still did some good in the world, because maybe there was ten thousand people, or even just a few hundred, who were able to make an actually informed decision about the Blus thanks to our efforts. Of course it won't hurt the sales, if they go into millions, but it's still worth it! And we have to keep it up!



Harmy said:

Wow, guys, I'm surprised at this uproar about the sales. Did you seriously expect anything else? I mean, it's STAR WARS on Blu-Ray ;-)

But seriously, the average Joe doesn't care or even know, because they don't go the the internet to read about SW. They see the adverts in the shop and think: Hey! Great, SW on BD, that's something I've gotta have in my collection!

And then they watch the films 1-6 and hear Vader say "Nooooo" and think "hey, has that always been there?... Ah, whatever..."

And of course, 99% of the issues that we said would be there, are there and the people who said that those issues won't be there and the LFL will fix them (thus totally acknowledging the existence of such issues and as they expected that they must be fixed their gravity) and yet still, even when these issues were confirmed, they went and bought the set and wrote shamelessly gushing reviews on it. So how can we win by reasoning and using logical arguments, when the other side is so clearly determined to close their eyes?

But what we're doing here is still important. We still did some good in the world, because maybe there was ten thousand people, or even just a few hundred, who were able to make an actually informed decision about the Blus thanks to our efforts. Of course it won't hurt the sales, if they go into millions, but it's still worth it! And we have to keep it up!


Well stated, Harmy.

And I have to say, your Despecialized Edition has given me some kind of temporary solace during these "dark times", and they'll certainly tide me over.  I'll keep up my end of not buying this bedazzled crap set, and I'll continue to hold out hope that this madness will end someday and that someone (be it Lucas or someone else) will do a nice 4k or 8K remaster of the original films. And won't that be a great day.

Lastly, yeah, it sold well. But look at this from 2004. $84M in a week? How about $100M in A DAY.


While the new set has sold well, it's significantly lower than seven years ago. I do believe there is a significant backlash, and certainly more people holding out (or at least off). I would imagine this set would've sold a lot more if it was done properly.



Harmy said:

Wow, guys, I'm surprised at this uproar about the sales. Did you seriously expect anything else? I mean, it's STAR WARS on Blu-Ray ;-)




3 of my friends, who were all initially upset when they heard of the changes (or pretended to be), went ahead and bought the box set anyways for this exact reason.

At this point, I am resigned to the fact that we may never see the OOT in HD and there's nothing we can do about it, but as others have already said, when George wants to do the inevitable double dip in a year or two we may get them as a special feature (I doubt it). Here's hoping.



Looking at the charts, boy they aren't kidding when they say blu-ray sales are still relatively soft. Not for Star Wars, just in general. (The headline isn't is as great if you say "In it's first week Star Wars sells a fraction as many copies as the dvd of Beverly Hills Chihuahua!")


Mr. Bungle said:

Harmy said:

Wow, guys, I'm surprised at this uproar about the sales. Did you seriously expect anything else? I mean, it's STAR WARS on Blu-Ray ;-)

But seriously, the average Joe doesn't care or even know, because they don't go the the internet to read about SW. They see the adverts in the shop and think: Hey! Great, SW on BD, that's something I've gotta have in my collection!

And then they watch the films 1-6 and hear Vader say "Nooooo" and think "hey, has that always been there?... Ah, whatever..."

And of course, 99% of the issues that we said would be there, are there and the people who said that those issues won't be there and the LFL will fix them (thus totally acknowledging the existence of such issues and as they expected that they must be fixed their gravity) and yet still, even when these issues were confirmed, they went and bought the set and wrote shamelessly gushing reviews on it. So how can we win by reasoning and using logical arguments, when the other side is so clearly determined to close their eyes?

But what we're doing here is still important. We still did some good in the world, because maybe there was ten thousand people, or even just a few hundred, who were able to make an actually informed decision about the Blus thanks to our efforts. Of course it won't hurt the sales, if they go into millions, but it's still worth it! And we have to keep it up!


Well stated, Harmy.

And I have to say, your Despecialized Edition has given me some kind of temporary solace during these "dark times", and they'll certainly tide me over.  I'll keep up my end of not buying this bedazzled crap set, and I'll continue to hold out hope that this madness will end someday and that someone (be it Lucas or someone else) will do a nice 4k or 8K remaster of the original films. And won't that be a great day.

Lastly, yeah, it sold well. But look at this from 2004. $84M in a week? How about $100M in A DAY.


While the new set has sold well, it's significantly lower than seven years ago. I do believe there is a significant backlash, and certainly more people holding out (or at least off). I would imagine this set would've sold a lot more if it was done properly.




That drop off is from all the people who hate the changes and boycotted the release! =P


Mr. Bungle said:

Not so sure. The OOT is his only "special feature" left. The current Blu-ray set has a treasure chest of deleted scenes (albeit looking like dogshit). Whatever he releases next on whatever format, it needs to have an extra incentive to buy it. The OOT is that incentive.

Actually, there is another special cra... ahem, feature... left. The dreaded Holiday Special. Hell, he might even special edit it!


Wow, thanks for posting those stats! Our people have DEFINITELY made a statement that WILL be heard at LFL. There's no way they can ignore us now.

For all the people who are still worried that we've "lost" somehow, just also remember this: for the first time, our little "movement" to boycott the stupid releases has been reported in major news outlets, and even non-"fanboy" sources have taken the stand with us for film preservation (for a high-quality release of the OUT). Some people may have caved in and bought the blu-rays, but even amongst them, the changes are almost universally hated, and there has been a very publicized backlash against those changes.

Plus, since when has monetary returns meant anything about quality, or people's attitude towards something? "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" was one of the highest-grossing films of all time, but it's also one of the shittiest and universally-reviled movies of all time.

And even amongst those who caved and bought the blu-ray sets, the prequel sets STILL underperformed. Nobody will ever like THOSE shitty movies.

Young Anakin and Obi-Wan 

Sebastian Shaw as Anakin Skywalker, Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi

If you want the OT deleted scenes, PM me and I'll send them to you! DON'T BUY THE BLU-RAY DISCS!!!


zombie84 said:

Should we start figuring out a way to tunnel under Skywalker Ranch and steal the original negatives?

I was in the Library of Congress last week and was curious where they keep their copies and also what they do (if anything) to preserve them.

The blue elephant in the room.


Baronlando said:

Looking at the charts, boy they aren't kidding when they say blu-ray sales are still relatively soft. Not for Star Wars, just in general. (The headline isn't is as great if you say "In it's first week Star Wars sells a fraction as many copies as the dvd of Beverly Hills Chihuahua!")

Yeah, and there's a significant portion of people who 1) don't own a Blu-ray player, 2) don't own an HD set, 3) already have the DVD set and are fine with that, 4) are kind of strapped these days. Regardless, there's a huge spin here in selling this as some massive success story. Yeah, it's definitely great news for a format that some people have stupidly compared to laserdisc and declared DOA. But people in general don't buy movies the like they did 5 - 10 years ago.



The jump in quality is less significant for dvd to blu than it was vhs to dvd. I know plenty of people, young AND old, who claim they can't see the difference at all. So in short that's probably why. Star Wars would be selling even more like hotcakes if more people had made the jump... also VCR tapes were out of the general market by the time Star Wars was on DVD; up until this recent recall, people could still easily pick up the saga on DVD.

Pardon the "Man-who" testimonial but I was hoping it would prove my point...

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Marcos_Edson said:

Mr. Bungle said:

Not so sure. The OOT is his only "special feature" left. The current Blu-ray set has a treasure chest of deleted scenes (albeit looking like dogshit). Whatever he releases next on whatever format, it needs to have an extra incentive to buy it. The OOT is that incentive.

Actually, there is another special cra... ahem, feature... left. The dreaded Holiday Special. Hell, he might even special edit it!

and From Star Wars to Jedi, and Isolated Score tracks.

John Williams score to Return of the Jedi Remastered/Remixed:



Mr. Bungle said:

Baronlando said:

Looking at the charts, boy they aren't kidding when they say blu-ray sales are still relatively soft. Not for Star Wars, just in general. (The headline isn't is as great if you say "In it's first week Star Wars sells a fraction as many copies as the dvd of Beverly Hills Chihuahua!")

Yeah, and there's a significant portion of people who 1) don't own a Blu-ray player, 2) don't own an HD set, 3) already have the DVD set and are fine with that, 4) are kind of strapped these days. Regardless, there's a huge spin here in selling this as some massive success story. Yeah, it's definitely great news for a format that some people have stupidly compared to laserdisc and declared DOA. But people in general don't buy movies the like they did 5 - 10 years ago.


As Laserdisc had a healthy 20+ year run as a niche format, (and pioneered many things we now take for granted with DVD and Blu Ray today) that's actually a backhanded compliment in my book. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


To me, the greatest joy will be to see E.T. released on Blu-Ray with the original version only (Spielberg apparently will not release the revised one, he said) as a statement to his good friend that you just don't screw with your original works. This, coming after the Indiana Jones trilogy with no CGI improvements or dialog changes.

Lucas will forever be delusional and never satisfied with his movies.  I could give a flying fuck about the 3-D versions of the Saga.

Furthest from the bright center of the universe


Well said everyone! What I have noticed, is that FINALLY there are several articles and blog entries about the changes and how bad they are, where's the originals, etc. That speaks volumes. Lucas has been pissing off so few for so long, it has finally hit mainstream media. Hell, even MSN had a little article about "fan backlash." That's an important step that we have taken, and I hope we keep on walking! More have realized the crime against culture and history here.

I sincerely hope we are closer to getting the OOT.

Harmy, thanks again for your efforts with the DE. It looks great!

I wonder if any of George's kids are going to have him committed any time soon. He truly is nuts and I hope he gets the help he needs.

It’s really sad when the “creative minds” behind something we hold dear are also guilty of its destruction.


I just wish there was some kind of audio commentary or someone to explain to me , that after 30 years why Han's Line in EMPIRE "You could use a good kiss!" was cut from the Blue Ray? I just wanna hear some kind of logical explanation as to how deleting that line ADDS anything or IMPROVES the quality of the movie?  it's like cutting out the punchline of the joke??

Does George really hate HAN SOLO that much that he needs to water down his character at every turn?

I just want to hear the rationale that went into making the decision to remove the line, because now all I hear is the gap where it used to be.