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Star Wars coming to Blu Ray (UPDATE: August 30 2011, No! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!) — Page 296


TV's Frink said:

none said:

nightstalkerpoet wrote: I'm just not understanding how this boycott is supposed to affect a multimillionaire who feels very little financial impact either way. Perhaps attempting to work out some quid pro quo is the way to go...

yeah.  after that explain why there is a failed tv pilot which has a pop rapper getting excited about a puppet who is singing about putting it's penis into the vagina of a tv personality dressed as Princess Leia. 


This was my exact reaction to that. lol


Seems like they tried to the the Crank Yankers/Avenue Q thing.

Oh, that's exactly why the puppets look like the Crank Yanker puppets. Well then.

Cool to see Kanye dressed as a stormtrooper, though!

Keep Circulating the Tapes.


(It hasn’t happened yet)


georgec said:

For every fan that boycotts there are probably two or three younger fans who are just coming around to SW. If we look at the bigger picture the UOT purists like ourselves are probably a dying breed.

I disagree.  The staying factor of this effort is not about Star Wars, it's about preserving classic films.  This could have happened to any movie, it just happened to be Star Wars.  And I believe that great cinema will be around for a long time, and that there will always be a cadre of people for generations to come that will be upset when great art is not cared for.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


TV's Frink said:

Promus said:

Don't suggest that people watch them on the blu-ray discs. It's distasteful.

There's nothing wrong with buying the Blu-ray discs.  It's a personal choice.

One day, we're going to get enough people in Congress to change that law.


Since they're like poetry, what with the rhyming and all, I find that I only need to watch three out of the six films.


evan1975 said:

none said:

TV's  Frink wrote: What?

Anchorhead wrote: .


Wow.  Jim Henson must be rolling in his grave.  No wonder Frank Oz cut his ties with the Jim Henson Studios people if they can OK dreck like this.

I should point out the Henson folks have done puppet work for outside clients since the very beginning. Even if Disney didn't own the Muppets name now, they wouldn't put the Muppet label on something like this.

If you ever saw the Muppets that were on Saturday Night Live the very first season, you've glimpsed Jim Henson's darker comedy side. ;)

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

If you ever saw the Muppets that were on Saturday Night Live the very first season, you've glimpsed Jim Henson's darker comedy side. ;)

Yeah, to be honest I didn't really like those either.  From what I've read, Jim's people weren't allowed to write for those sketches, only the SNL writers, all of whom hated the Muppets.

Puppets cursing and making sex & drug refs is only funny for about a couple minutes.  Then it gets old real quick.

What Jim Henson did with the Muppet Show and George (and his people) did with the OT was quite ingenious on how they were able to entertain people of all ages without scraping the bottom of the barrel.  Today's type of "all-ages" entertainment is sloppy, juvenile storytelling with a few veiled sexual innuendos or pop-cultural refs.


evan1975 said:

SilverWook said:

If you ever saw the Muppets that were on Saturday Night Live the very first season, you've glimpsed Jim Henson's darker comedy side. ;)

Yeah, to be honest I didn't really like those either.  From what I've read, Jim's people weren't allowed to write for those sketches, only the SNL writers, all of whom hated the Muppets.

Puppets cursing and making sex & drug refs is only funny for about a couple minutes.  Then it gets old real quick.

What Jim Henson did with the Muppet Show and George (and his people) did with the OT was quite ingenious on how they were able to entertain people of all ages without scraping the bottom of the barrel.  Today's type of "all-ages" entertainment is sloppy, juvenile storytelling with a few veiled sexual innuendos or pop-cultural refs.

I loved those characters. Without them, Dark Crystal and the Henson Creature shop might never have happened.

There have been a couple U.K. sitcoms with puppets behaving badly that pull it off. "PETS" is the only one I've seen complete episodes of though.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


georgec said:

For every fan that boycotts there are probably two or three younger fans who are just coming around to SW.

The boycott and the criticism isn't going to hurt this set financially but hopefully it promotes the idea that there is an audience out there for what amounts to a whole other set of movies. Which can't hurt a studio that has such a thin library. It's like having 9 star wars movies in the catalog instead of 6. I'm sure the Broccolis would like to have 3 extra Bond movies they can sell. Especially when you have no more sure things on the horizon. (To me, 3D Phantom Menace and Red Tails aren't sure things.) Plus I couldn't help notice that Best Buy was a total zoo in 2004 when the dvds came out and it wasn't like that at all this time. (I was there to buy SCARFACE, I swear!)


Back in 2004 internet sales weren't anywhere near as common as they are now.

So maybe the lack of nerd locusts is down to them getting them grazing online.

Also the economic downturn has made people a bit more frugal and we have to consider the piracy thing.

Maybe it's a sign of the negative publicity though.


none said:

Mike O wrote: Any word on how this sold?

The NYTimes has some stats either this weekend or early next week.  This site:


Will have stats in a week or two.  (they are currently showing the week ending Sept. 4th)  There's probably a site which does daily, anyone know?


I know they're at the top of Amazon's rank. The thing is going to sell like gangbusters, and I think it's just another final nail in the coffin.

“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death


I've been talking with my wife lately about the "backlash" and how it's even been picked up in the mainstream media this time around. Maybe fans have been pushed to far.  I know I have.  I don't object to whatever changes George wants to make to his SEs, I just want the freedom to watch the OT alongside them, and judging from the 1 Star reviews on Amazon, it "seemed" like a lot of others felt the same way.

Walked into Future Shop yesterday morning to buy some coffee for my Keurig.  My wife says "Do I need to hold you back from the SW display"?  Ha ha ha!  I go in, and find "every" copy in their AT-AT display sold out! That thing held a lot of copies, and I know they refilled it throughout the day, the day before.  Wife looks at me and says "You might as well just buy the damned thing".  The sad thing is, I know she's right :-(

“Yes, it speaks of the trinity; casting light at the sun with its wandering eye”


FunkyDays said:

Walked into Future Shop yesterday morning to buy some coffee for my Keurig.  My wife says "Do I need to hold you back from the SW display"?  Ha ha ha!  I go in, and find "every" copy in their AT-AT display sold out! That thing held a lot of copies, and I know they refilled it throughout the day, the day before.  Wife looks at me and says "You might as well just buy the damned thing".  The sad thing is, I know she's right :-(
I have to admit, that AT-AT display is pretty bad-ass. It also made me realize, ALL of the promotion signage is OT stuff, save for CG Yoda, who is still an OT character. Where are the Trade Federation ship displays? ;-)

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:


I have to admit, that AT-AT display is pretty bad-ass.



“Yes, it speaks of the trinity; casting light at the sun with its wandering eye”


Mavimao said:

Look, the simple truth is, the OUT remastered in HD is going to make a huge chunk of change when released. George Lucas know this, and is just waiting on the opportune time to release it.

Just wait.

Well, in 2017 Star Wars will be 40 years old, it could be a good time... But George could also announce in 2014 that he´s remaking the original movies to release in 2017 instead... :D


fishmanlee said:

There is the Cereal box thing (where three boxes put together spell Star Wars) I think it has images of PT cast members.

Pringles currently has a Star Wars cans promotion, and it's all the OT.

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Asaki said:

fishmanlee said:

There is the Cereal box thing (where three boxes put together spell Star Wars) I think it has images of PT cast members.

Pringles currently has a Star Wars cans promotion, and it's all the OT.

Only eat Pringles! Never eat cereal! Anything less is supporting George's PT!

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Marcos_Edson said:

 But George could also announce in 2014 that he´s remaking the original movies to release in 2017 instead... :D

That would be ideal! :D




I received a gift today.

It's the new DVD set of the Doctor Who story Day Of The Daleks.

It's stuffed with the usual extras and has a special edition of the story with new filmed elements, new special effects and and a new sound mix with new Dalek voices BUT it also has the original broadcast version restored to the same level as the elements used in the special edition.

Day Of The Daleks is by no means on the list of really highly regarded stories (it's nice enough and no turkey but you'd have to look far to find a fan with it on his or her top ten list) so if it can get both versions treated equally why not Star Wars?

I remember that philistine, Michael Grade defending his decision to cancel the show by saying the BBC could never produce visuals of the quality of Star Wars (that's the OUT versions).

So we have here a show cancelled with the excuse that Star Wars visually blew it out of the water (as if that ever mattered with Doctor Who) being restored in it's original form and presented with a special edition, while Star Wars is only presented in it's 'doctored' form.

The irony is enlarged because a short sighted BBC wiped many episodes of the show (some of them true classics) and these are now subject to a probably hopeless treasure hunt.

The only records of them are fan recordings of the audio and stills photographed from the television screen.

If Lucas doesn't get his finger out it may be in future generations that what we are doing here be similarly valuable.

Along with giving to charity and other causes, perhaps rewarding distributors who put out the original versions equally with their alternate cuts and special editions could be another purchasing alternative to buying the current blu-Ray set of Star Wars.


Bingowings said:

Day Of The Daleks is by no means on the list of really highly regarded stories (it's nice enough and no turkey but you'd have to look far to find a fan with it on his or her top ten list) so if it can get both versions treated equally why not Star Wars?

Yeah this pretty much blows the argument that it would be too expensive to restore the OOT. The resources available to LFL is orders of magnitude higher, and the sales of SW would be orders of magnitude higher as well.

If Lucas doesn't get his finger out it may be in future generations that what we are doing here be similarly valuable.

Yes!  This is very possible, and one reason I think it's exciting to be a part of this forum.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Not as sympathetic a take as I would have liked (granted its supposed to be an objective news article), but I know the author and he's generally decent on sci fi and fantasy topics (and a big fan of Dr. Who), so if you want another outlet to express grief or support you can comment there.

The blue elephant in the room.


georgec said:

For every fan that boycotts there are 500-5,000 fans that don't care.



Plus the kids that are too young to know/care.