wwdarth said:
Hmmmm. If you cut from "Give yourself to the dark side"...to "Never!!"....you're really missing a HUGE moment in the entire Star Wars saga. There would be no spark to set off Luke to "use his anger' and really dance the line of turning to the dark side. I applaud your creativity, but I can't agree with robbing Jedi of arguably it's most powerful moment.
I agree, that's the real problem and it's set up by Lucas changing Force use into a inherited trait instead of something that is obtainable by even the most humble of farm boys.
If anyone could be a Jedi it wouldn't be necessary for Leia to be his sister to be the other.
Vader could still threaten to turn the love of his life, just as much as his only other living relative, making it the Force choosing people rather than choosing dynasties.
I can't really see a realistic way out of that other than keeping it the way it is.
Seperated siblings is a classic story motif and in real cases of that sort there is often a strong physical attraction (sometimes even after the relationship is revealed for what it is).
It's a bit dark and gritty for a film with cute teddy bear warriors but Star Wars does seem to have an identity crisis between being adult fantasy and a fairy tale with lasers.