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Star Wars The Completely Last Edition ever


OK I have come up with a concept for the LAST edit of Star Wars ever needed so you can all stop whining about what they did to YOUR Star Wars. (BTW pretty sure it still belongs to Lucas)

First of all you will need to by The Ultimate Star Wars Experience Player to be sold by Lucasarts. This player plays all Star Wars video available. No Blu-ray, dvd, laser disc or vhs player needed.

You will need a High-Speed internet connection.

And your favorite flavor of Popcorn

Watch the cool opening menu animation (Completely customizable becuase some of you will hate the default one and open a thread about how much it sucks. But this will make you look silly now becuase you customize it.)

Select the Star Wars you wish to watch.

Episodes 1-6, Cartoon, Animated Series, others

For this example we will choose Episode 4.

Then we get two other choices SE, Original Theatrical release.

We are going to pick SE this time Then you can choose Normal or Customize.
 For this demonstration we will choose customize.
 Now you can set up the movie you wish to watch.Choose whether or not Jabba will be in it, will Han shoot first? Old Mos Eisley or new and so on and so forth.
 You can also choose Fan-Edits thanks to the release of the Ultimate Star Wars Experience Player SDK that allow fan-edits to be uploaded and incorporated into your version of Star Wars.
 So you can add Adywan's new Death Star battle to the Original Theatrical release of Episode IV, opps that would be the 78 release. I meant the orginal theatrical release of Star Wars.

Want to be able to tweak it better than that? How about just start watching the film? Choose from either OT or SE as a template and have the movie be enjoyed as a customize on the go branching version.

Customize on the fly from Lucasfilm released options and fan-edit uploads. This version will be saved as you go and once youve created your masterpiece it will play seemlessly once all options are finialized.

Cant wait for Adywan's Version of empire? Get out the video editing equipment and add those drop ships and 40+ walkers to the battle of Hoth. Upload to the Ultimate Star Wars Experience Player Network and now everyone can incorporate your change into thier movie. With edits that dont involve new footage only a small txt file is downloaded to your player to tell the machine how to arrange the movie. You'll be watching your best friend's edit of SW in no time!

This is availble for all Star Wars video properties.

Some features include...

the "All Canon" button which will remove non-EU canon from the movies.
The "I died in 97" button. Which prevents anything but the original theatrical releases from playing.
More features include...
"Jar-Jar-less PT"
"Extended edition PT"
"Humorless Star Wars"
and much more!

Lucasarts is proud to present a solution that will silence the naysayers forever. With Ultimate Star Wars Experience Player, everyone's version of Star wars is the best one! Get yours today!!!!


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia


LOL Nice one!

I'll go for the "It's Lucas' damn property and he can do with it what he likes!" version, possibly to include some deleted scenes that expand the story.

Get over yourselves people! If you don't like what Lucas has done, or not done, with HIS creation....how about you take some of that pent up creative (or so you may think) energy and create your own franchise/property???

Think you'd be so quick to mouth off then? What if something you held near and dear to your heart was constantly dissected, criticized, torn apart, re-done, edited, argued over, and generally ripped a new one? If any of you had have the drive and creativity in your little finger that Lucas has, you'd get off your collective asses and do something with your own creation instead of bashing and rehashing someone else’s work.

It's simple people, enjoy what you like 'cause life is short. Too short to expend that much energy tearing someone else down. Do your own thing....march to your own beat and take responsibility for YOUR creations. Have fun with life, you only get one!

And if you don't like something??? There's a solution: Change the channel, turn off the game system, don't buy the game in the first place, buy a ticket for another movie. The quickest way to send your message is thru the wallet people.

)O( - When I want your opinion, I will read it in your entrails!

Keela said:

What if something you held near and dear to your heart was constantly dissected, criticized, torn apart, re-done, edited, argued over, and generally ripped a new one?

Personally speaking, that is precisely what has happened.

AxiaEuxine, your post was meant to be a jab at the naysayers, but it shows how Lucas has managed to divide his own fans. Without the SE, this never would have happened.

And remember: We are all here because we love Star Wars.


You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


But it belongs to him....if he wanted to take every copy off the shelves and piss on them, he can do that...it's HIS to do with what he will.

What he wanted to do was entertain people. That's all. It's HIS vision, with which he can do what he likes. If you don't find it entertaining....STOP WATCHING IT!

What I was trying to get across is do something of YOUR OWN, YOU create a project that YOU hold dear, spend hours, days, months, years creating and perfecting it. Tweaking it so it's just so.... Find out how much fun it is to have to settle for less than what you see in your mind's eye, because of budget, production issues, technology limitations, and see how much fun it is to sweat and worry and bleed over YOUR IDEA...then after all that...Find out how much fun it is to constantly hear how horrible it is, how awful and just so wrong....

And all the while, the people who bemoan the loss of what THEY thought YOUR idea should look like....watch them continue to spend money on it anyway.

Yep...you all are really showing Lucas boy! Excuse him while he balances his bank account again.

)O( - When I want your opinion, I will read it in your entrails!

Keela said:

But it belongs to him....if he wanted to take every copy off the shelves and piss on them, he can do that...it's HIS to do with what he will.

What he wanted to do was entertain people. That's all. It's HIS vision, with which he can do what he likes. If you don't find it entertaining....STOP WATCHING IT!

What I was trying to get across is do something of YOUR OWN, YOU create a project that YOU hold dear, spend hours, days, months, years creating and perfecting it. Tweaking it so it's just so.... Find out how much fun it is to have to settle for less than what you see in your mind's eye, because of budget, production issues, technology limitations, and see how much fun it is to sweat and worry and bleed over YOUR IDEA...then after all that...Find out how much fun it is to constantly hear how horrible it is, how awful and just so wrong....

And all the while, the people who bemoan the loss of what THEY thought YOUR idea should look like....watch them continue to spend money on it anyway.

Yep...you all are really showing Lucas boy! Excuse him while he balances his bank account again.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that most fans have much more love for George's movies than he has. He was never happy with these movies and has always considered them imperfect. And I think I'd take issue with him knocking down my door to come whizz on my SW movies (which I paid for). 

We do not bemoan the loss of what these movies should have been, but the loss of what they were for 20 years.

Star Wars is a huge place. It's not just 6 movies. It's novels, games, music, toys, collectibles, props, tv shows, and cereals. Lighten up. There's a place for everyone.

This thread should probably be moved to the General forum.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I'm completely light. And I am quite familiar with the EU.

I grant you every right to have your position and stauchly defend it.

But what if you're one of the apparenly few and far between that doesn't mind what Lucas has or hasn't done with SW, in any incarnation? What if you're the guy that just really, super, duper, honest to golly gee willakers LOVES Star Wars! I mean loves it, in all it's glorious imperfection and reimagination. What if it has brought you joy since you were a small boy (or girl) from 1977 on and that, oddly enough, despite all your efforts to the contrary, despite the fact that you are a jaded and cynical individual as a whole, what if you just still realllllllly LOVE Star Wars. It brings you joy, laughter, and entertainment. It brings people into your life that you might not have met otherwise.

And what if every time you opened a magazine to read a video game review, or started up a web page to check your email, or logged on your XBox, or what have you and EVERY time there was someone bashing Star Wars, Lucas, etc...

If there is a place for everyone, which I totally agree there is, then why is it that there are so many who just don't get that they need to STFU and leave others to their joy in peace?

I have a very good friend who loves, or loved, SW. But now, she's not so wild about the Special Editions. She's not so wild about the Prequils. We've argued and discussed till we are blue in the face. She stubbornly believs in her position and refused to budge. Even a smidge. But we can still come together on many things IN Star Wars, but we've agreed to disagree about the incarnation that SW has had since ROTJ came out. And our friendship is better for it...

So why can't everyone (channeling Rodney King) just get along? Why do we have to constantly be reminded that so many out there just think Lucas is a moron and has ruined THEIR Star Wars?

If there truly is a place for everyone, as you say, then where is the place for the guy who still loves all that SW has to offer without complaint who can live a peacful life without having to avoid everything he loves in order to avoid all the negativity thrust upon him? Where does that guy go?

)O( - When I want your opinion, I will read it in your entrails!

Keela said:

If there is a place for everyone, which I totally agree there is, then why is it that there are so many who just don't get that they need to STFU and leave others to their joy in peace?

It's called "freedom of speech" and it is something i will defend the right to have with my last breath. Why the hell should we have to, as you say, STFU about things we don't like just to make the Lucasfanboys life better? Well we shouldn't have to. Maybe we should be saying the same to all those, like you,  that blindly defend what George has done to the saga since 1997 and tell you to STFU. You are entitled to your opinion about Star Wars and so are we but that doesn't give you the right to tell us that we shouldn't be able to rant about the things that annoy us about what star wars has now become. I still love Star Wars and have done ever since i sat in that theatre in 1977 at 10 years old. I always had the utmost admiration for George Lucas , but lately he has totally lost the plot. Gone is the film-maker that pushed the boundaries of visuals in a cinematic experience but never let those visuals overtake the story. All we have now is someone using the Star Wars name to make warehouses full of money.

i have spent enough money on Star Wars merchandising over the past 31 years (which is all now pretty much worthless thanks to what George has done to the saga) that it really pisses me off everything Star Wars related now seems to be created just to sell more toys. Before it used to be the film came first then the toys were sold as a tie-in. But now it's "all about the merchandising".

It always seems strange to me that someone comes here, to a site that was set up because Lucas refuses to give us the original versions of the OT, and tries to tell us that we should be happy with what he does and that we should all get along. You are preaching to the un-convertible, but there would be a lot, and i would personally say HELL of a lot less hatred toward George if he just gave us such a classic series of films the treatment he has given his revisionist versions. He brought this all upon himself. Even when the SE's came out there wasn't all this Lucas bashing. The day it started was the day he told us that the only versions of the OT that will ever exist from then on would be the SE's, which should always have been just a fun alternative to the original and NEVER a replacement.

Ok, rant over. lol :)



AxiaEuxine said:

OK I have come up with a concept for the LAST edit of Star Wars ever needed so you can all stop whining about what they did to YOUR Star Wars. (BTW pretty sure it still belongs to Lucas)

To quote Yoda:  I am wondering, why are you here?

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


This thread is pure SPAM bullshit. If you Lucas lovers want to come in here and spread your shit everywhere at least do it in the general forum.

Dam fucking kids....

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.



1) I never said anyone should lose their Freedom of Speech. And to be clear the First Amendment actually states the following: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." All that guarantees is that the Government can't make laws to prohibit or constrain speech. Broader interpretations and Judicial rulings have expanded the use of the Amendment, but essentially all it guarantees is the Uncle Sam can't throw you in jail for saying what you think.


2) I am not "blindly" defending George Lucas. I am staunchly defending his right to do what ever the hell he wants to with his creation. Just as I would defend your right to do what you will with your original work. And, I was playing Devil's Advocate. There are many things about the SE that I dislike, tbh...I just don't endlessly argue about them.


3) Do you know George personally? No? Then perhaps you should reserve value judgments on his motivations. Again...Devil's Advocate.


4) I too have spent far more than anyone probably should on Star Wars merchandise. That said, I have the choice to spend money on future purchases or not. Again, you want to get George's attention...stop buying stuff. Don't buy into the mega-merchandising. I didn't hear nearly as many of you bitching about how much money you were spending on cracked plastic action figures from EBay from 1980 or on the ump-teenth release of the Original Trilogy in the new shiny black snazzy box, before the SE when it was just re-released for no particular reason. I stood in line with some of you for hours waiting to see the Original Trilogy re-released in the theaters as the SE...all the way thru to Jedi. If you were so mortally offended by the SE, then why go see Empire and Jedi too?? Why spend the extra ticket price if you hated ANH so much? I seem to remember record sales on movie tickets for every single movie, including the SE and the Prequels. Again...hit 'em in the pocket book and they'll stop. I promise.


5) Haven't you ever done something you spent hours of blood, sweat and tears trying to make come out like you see in your head only to have someone come along and tell you it was total crap? Surely there are people out there who don't like your fan edits who have been so shy and un-retiring as to let you know in now uncertain terms that they don't appreciate your efforts. Possibly bringing your questionable parentage and possible mental status to the mix? Even if that hasn't happened, can't you imagine how bitter that would make you feel? To the point of saying "Fine, screw you, I'll do what I damn please and forget you all!"


6) I wasn't trying to convert anyone. On either side. I was merely stating that we DO all need to just agree to disagree and appreciate the fact that all of us Sci-Fi loving, outcast, computer geeks still have a reason to come together and find common ground. Even if we disagree on the details, we can all agree that Star Wars has and continues to effect our lives greatly.


7) And…I understand that this place is a place for those who do disagree with what they dislike about the direction of their favorite movie. That said, why can’t it stay in places like this. Why does SW/Lucas bashing have to permeate every possible geek friendly place out there? What is so darn polarizing about a series of movies that has caused the subject to come up even in something, for example, like a video game review of a 1st Person Shooter which has nothing sci-fi about it and wasn’t even made by Lucasarts?



Again I say…why can’t we all just agree to disagree?

vbangle said:

This thread is pure SPAM bullshit. If you Lucas lovers want to come in here and spread your shit everywhere at least do it in the general forum.

Dam fucking kids....


Oh and for the record, I am neither SPAM’ing nor am I a “damn fucking kid” as I am 37 years old and happen to have children I’m trying to teach tolerance to. If you’re beliefs/opinions are so fragile that your only recourse to an attempt at genuine debate is to respond with such anger and assumptions, perhaps this is the wrong place to have a civil discussion… For those of you who can appreciate a heated yet civil debate…I apologize. Lesson learned.





)O( - When I want your opinion, I will read it in your entrails!

Keela said:

Why does SW/Lucas bashing have to permeate every possible geek friendly place out there? What is so darn polarizing about a series of movies that has caused the subject to come up even in something, for example, like a video game review of a 1st Person Shooter which has nothing sci-fi about it and wasn’t even made by Lucasarts?

Because I believe it is wrong that a great movie has been expunged. I would feel the same way about someone burning old books - even if they were burned by the author.  You've made it clear that you don't care, that's fine.  And I know he has the "right" to do it. But I'm still going to whine about it because it is morally wrong to delete historically important cultural artifacts.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars

Keela said:


1) I never said anyone should lose their Freedom of Speech. And to be clear the First Amendment actually states the following: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." All that guarantees is that the Government can't make laws to prohibit or constrain speech. Broader interpretations and Judicial rulings have expanded the use of the Amendment, but essentially all it guarantees is the Uncle Sam can't throw you in jail for saying what you think.


2) I am not "blindly" defending George Lucas. I am staunchly defending his right to do what ever the hell he wants to with his creation. Just as I would defend your right to do what you will with your original work. And, I was playing Devil's Advocate. There are many things about the SE that I dislike, tbh...I just don't endlessly argue about them.


3) Do you know George personally? No? Then perhaps you should reserve value judgments on his motivations. Again...Devil's Advocate.


4) I too have spent far more than anyone probably should on Star Wars merchandise. That said, I have the choice to spend money on future purchases or not. Again, you want to get George's attention...stop buying stuff. Don't buy into the mega-merchandising. I didn't hear nearly as many of you bitching about how much money you were spending on cracked plastic action figures from EBay from 1980 or on the ump-teenth release of the Original Trilogy in the new shiny black snazzy box, before the SE when it was just re-released for no particular reason. I stood in line with some of you for hours waiting to see the Original Trilogy re-released in the theaters as the SE...all the way thru to Jedi. If you were so mortally offended by the SE, then why go see Empire and Jedi too?? Why spend the extra ticket price if you hated ANH so much? I seem to remember record sales on movie tickets for every single movie, including the SE and the Prequels. Again...hit 'em in the pocket book and they'll stop. I promise.


5) Haven't you ever done something you spent hours of blood, sweat and tears trying to make come out like you see in your head only to have someone come along and tell you it was total crap? Surely there are people out there who don't like your fan edits who have been so shy and un-retiring as to let you know in now uncertain terms that they don't appreciate your efforts. Possibly bringing your questionable parentage and possible mental status to the mix? Even if that hasn't happened, can't you imagine how bitter that would make you feel? To the point of saying "Fine, screw you, I'll do what I damn please and forget you all!"


6) I wasn't trying to convert anyone. On either side. I was merely stating that we DO all need to just agree to disagree and appreciate the fact that all of us Sci-Fi loving, outcast, computer geeks still have a reason to come together and find common ground. Even if we disagree on the details, we can all agree that Star Wars has and continues to effect our lives greatly.


7) And…I understand that this place is a place for those who do disagree with what they dislike about the direction of their favorite movie. That said, why can’t it stay in places like this. Why does SW/Lucas bashing have to permeate every possible geek friendly place out there? What is so darn polarizing about a series of movies that has caused the subject to come up even in something, for example, like a video game review of a 1st Person Shooter which has nothing sci-fi about it and wasn’t even made by Lucasarts?



Again I say…why can’t we all just agree to disagree?

vbangle said:

This thread is pure SPAM bullshit. If you Lucas lovers want to come in here and spread your shit everywhere at least do it in the general forum.

Dam fucking kids....


Oh and for the record, I am neither SPAM’ing nor am I a “damn fucking kid” as I am 37 years old and happen to have children I’m trying to teach tolerance to. If you’re beliefs/opinions are so fragile that your only recourse to an attempt at genuine debate is to respond with such anger and assumptions, perhaps this is the wrong place to have a civil discussion… For those of you who can appreciate a heated yet civil debate…I apologize. Lesson learned.





ok, for one I am British so the first Amendment means nothing to me. And the freedom of speech i am talking about is what our Grandfathers fought for in the wars to give us this right and not what any sort of Government or piece of paper tells us what freedom of speech is because that is being taken away from us more an more as we speak.

Secondly did you even read what i wrote properly? i never said that i had a problem with the SE's and many people never did until we were told that this is the only version that will exist from now on, taking away a huge part of cinematic history. That's what got us pissed.

I also haven't purchased anything to so with Star Wars since the 2004 DVD set, and even then it was only the DVD's since the PT came out (not the GOUT) and Star Wars just flooded the market with its logo on almost everything but were mostly totally crap items just to make money.

For your information i have received hell of a lot of negative feedback about my edits. so what. you always have to take the negative with the positive. It's the only way you learn. But George locked himself in his little Skywalker ranch bubble and refuses to listen to anyone apart from his "yes" men. Power corrupts. Wouldn't it be a totally boring world if everyone agreed with everything?

Having the hatred for what's happened to star wars invade other places apart from here just shows how widespread the ill feelings are. If you don't like it invading other sites then why don't you actually go and start a Star Wars board that no one can discuss their hatred for this issue and you would be happy then wouldn't you? You tell us we should stop going on at Lucas and instead get off our asses and make our own movies then why haven't you started you own board? Maybe take some of your own advise first before having a go at people who want to be able to rant about what they hate about Star Wars now without being banned. I love this place. Its one of the only places that you're not instantly banned for having your own opinions and can have a good old fashioned argument.

At the end of the day its just the internet. No ones actually going out and causing harm to anyone so why shouldn't we be able to bitch about something we love. Its not causing any harm to anyone. If we didn't like Star Wars then we all wouldn't be here

My advise: if you don't like something then go out and do something about it

It's great that you can still love Star Wars but for many of us Lucas just went that step too far 

And i agree that this should be in the general forum and not here




well my stand on this is such,

you are going to have your "fanboys" for both sides,nothing anyone can do about that,so just deal with it,or move to the next thread.

but personally,I like ALL versions of all films,prequel or no prequel,OT or no OT,I also like the edits being made by some of the people here,but all that said,it is VERY VERY tiresome to read post after post from the same friggin people CONSTANTLY bashing everything and anything that is said,written,produced,released,etc.etc.etc. by George Lucas,you guys know who you are and I can't figure out why you guy's do not get the same treatment as this guy is here that started this thread.

I mean come on,is everything you bashers do in life DIRECTLY related to GL and the SW franchise?

sorry for the rant,but all is fair in love and war,I sure would like to see the constant bashers get a lashing like this guy is.

also,1 more thing,I have bought almost all LD's released,all VHS released,and ALL DVD's to date released,so I like Star Wars,I HATE GL in no way shape or form!





The Star Wars story ended 3 years ago. It is kept alive by merchandising now. People here (and elsewhere) bitch and complain so LFL home video is aware there's still some level of demand out there for the originals. When they are deciding what trinkets get sold every year, they use things like consumer demand to decide. Nobody gives a fuck about lectures on "bashing Lucas". 


Since this thread isn't about a true preservation project, perhaps this thread should be moved (or locked?)


EDIT: Sorry, PSYCHO_DAYV. I see you already suggested this.


I saw it as simple satire.  The post I mean.

Why'd some people have to get all uptight?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em



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I hate assholes who have nothing better to do than attack and mock other people just because those other people want to have and discuss what they consider to be a good thing.

I don't purchase any of Lucas' shit and even if I did that would have no bearing upon what people are complaining about on this forum. As vbangle so brilliantly said in another thread, something with the name "Star Wars" can still be shitty. In like manner, something that is "owned" by George Lucas is also capable of being shitty. If you want to worship the man as some infallible deity and visciously attack anyone who doesn't follow that religion of yours, you can go right ahead and do that, but all us normal people with look at you and think you're an idiot.

As for me, I would like George Lucas to release a decent version of the real Star Wars on Blu-ray, but if he doesn't it's not the end of the world for me. In the meantime, it's fun to discuss how George Lucas has bungled the management of his property. I know that makes me a weirdo in terms of popular culture, but at least my weirdness isn't designed to bother or degrade my fellow human beings.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

AxiaEuxine said:

OK I have come up with a concept for the LAST edit of Star Wars ever needed so you can all stop whining about what they did to YOUR Star Wars. (BTW pretty sure it still belongs to Lucas)

Star Wars

Empire Strikes Back

Return of the Jedi

The original unaltered versions, all given the treatment any modern home video release deserve. The end.

Lucasarts is proud to present a solution that will silence the naysayers forever. With Ultimate Star Wars Experience, everyone's version of Star wars is the best one! Get yours today!!!!




Just curious, but what is wrong with wanting your favorite movies on DVD?

I am also curious why you little joke had a video game company making a home video release, instead of Lucasfilm. Maybe you don't know Mr. Lucas' various companies and their functions very well be cause you and too busy kneeling withyour head in his lap...

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

dark_jedi said:

it is VERY VERY tiresome to read post after post from the same friggin people CONSTANTLY bashing everything and anything that is said,written,produced,released,etc.etc.etc. by George Lucas,you guys know who you are and I can't figure out why you guy's do not get the same treatment as this guy is here that started this thread.

I would be tired of reading thread after thread of idiots complaining about us complaining, but I am smart enough simply not to read them. Maybe you ought to try that sometime instead of bitching so much.

Or maybe I miss understood the situation, did I hear you mention something about a diranged SW fan who is holding a gun to your head and gleefully making you read these forums? You didn't? Okay then, yeah, stop reading and consider yourself freed. 


Adywan, I find it funny how she posted a quote from the US constitution, the world doesn't exist beyond America for a lot of these kids. Even if they are 37 years old (which makes the facts that they can't see the world beyond their own front door and are complaining about someone elses unsatified customers even more sad).

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

C3PX said:

 Adywan, I find it funny how she posted a quote from the US constitution, the world doesn't exist beyond America for a lot of these kids. Even if they are 37 years old (which makes the facts that they can't see the world beyond their own front door and are complaining about someone elses unsatified customers even more sad).


Ok you know what.... I decided to stay out of it since there were nothing but misinterpretations and attacks going on and no one was actually hearing me...but now....


FYI, I have many MANY Brit friends and some of them can't see their world beyond a tiny island that would fit inside the state I live in.

That said, I take offense to the assumption that I'm one of "those Americans." You have NO idea who I am personally, my beliefs, my education, anything about me. I am however American. Born here and can’t do a thing about it even if I wanted to. So to jump all over me because of my birthplace, to get all elitist because my default setting is what I'm most familiar with is just asinine and as prejudiced as you are making me out to be. I would no more assume to know any thing about anyone here than you should assume you know me from a total of 5 posts!

I am also somewhat unfamiliar with British politics and I would never presume to defend a position I was debating with someone else’s political structure, so I used what I know. I do however know several Brits who assume they know how US politics should work and have no compunction in telling me who/what I should and shouldn't vote for on any given occasion.

But of course...I would never assume you were one of them.

Done...over...drop it. I'm outta here and refuse to spend any further energy on thick headed geeks who's only way of defending a position is by attacking someone personally instead of having an intelligent debate from two similar points of view. It’s too bad there were so many that couldn’t see past the ends of their own nose to possibly engage in intelligent discussion and maybe both sides could learn something new along the way.  

Gee…and then people wonder why the world is the way it is...

To those of you who took Axia's post as the joke it was meant to be, and those who represented a modicum of tolerance and humor, I thank you for restoring some faith in the human race. Few and far between as you may be.


)O( - When I want your opinion, I will read it in your entrails!