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Star Wars: Rogue One - * Non Spoiler Discussion Thread * — Page 25


ZkinandBonez said:

Well, Pablo Hidalgo has given his answer to why we saw a “dish” on the Death Star framework in ROTS and the dish being installed 19 years later in the RO teaser.

Huh, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that that trailer shot directly contradicted the prequels. I just thought well that looks logical… and of course logic by it’s nature contradicts the prequels.

TFA was careful not to contradict the PT, opting instead to just ignore or not acknowledge cra*p like the midichlorians. It’ll be interesting what R1 chooses to do. I doubt it can set the film when it does and be able to fully except ROTS and ANH as both being canon. But would they go so far as to pretend the final shots of ROTS didn’t happen?

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


SilverWook said:

They used a crane in Star Wars, and actually had to open up the roof of the soundstage to do it. (One of my favorite practical shots in the movie.) They did use forklifts for the snowspeeders lifting off in ESB.

Apparently they went back to Cardington in Bedfordshire to film in the same Hangers that they did for the original in 1977

Also why do people keep quoting the Alarm from the trailer as being the “Imperial Alarm” This is also the Alarm on the Tantive (Blockade Runner) right?


I was interested to find out that the red and white droid (‘R5-X2’) seen in the ‘Rogue One’ trailer is supposed to be the one seen beside Jabba when he introduced the podrace in ‘TPM’.

Just sayin’.


The same prop or the same character?

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


Honestly I’m a little disappointed in the trailer, but that’s really because my expectations for this movie were kind of goofy.
I was REALLY REALLY hoping for some Star Wars x James Bond action with a rogue-ish Rebel infiltrating the Empire and charming their way to the plans in a very cheesy, yet believable way. This is okay too though, I like action. My only two real complaints about the trailer is that the asian guy with the wooden stick beating up the Stormtrooper fully dressed in armor seemed a little TOO goofy, but maybe it’s a “vibrostick”. Also Forest Whitaker’s speech was really bad. Not the actual contents of the speech, but the delivery was kind of horrible. One small thing I’d like to mention is the “This is a rebellion isn’t it? I rebel.” sounded a little weird to me, but I can’t explain why. I let out a small chuckle when I first heard it.
I really hope this has a decent soundtrack too.


JediExile said:

My only two real complaints about the trailer is that the asian guy with the wooden stick beating up the Stormtrooper fully dressed in armor seemed a little TOO goofy, but maybe it’s a “vibrostick”.


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doubleofive said:

JediExile said:

My only two real complaints about the trailer is that the asian guy with the wooden stick beating up the Stormtrooper fully dressed in armor seemed a little TOO goofy, but maybe it’s a “vibrostick”.


Language Timothy!


Oh, he’s Asian, alright. I think Frink takes umbrage at you defaulting to describing him by his race.


DuracellEnergizer said:

Oh, he’s Asian, alright. I think Frink takes umbrage at you defaulting to describing him by his race.

What’s wrong with that though? He’s the only Asian character in the trailer from what I saw. There’s nothing really wrong with referring to him by his race because that’s all I really know about him. I don’t recognize the actor or the character. I suppose I could say “that guy with a stick”, but who honestly cares?


I was referring to the recent “it’s not an Asian accent it’s a Japanese accent” thing. Therefore at least partially kidding.


^That was fantastic emanswfan, great job!

Forum Moderator

That made me want to go watch ANH right now 😃

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers


Very nice job with that teaser emanswfan. 😃

I’d have preferred to see the ‘rainbow’ LUCASFILM logo used, along with the ‘STAR WARS’ logo at the end instead, but I liked this so much I added it to the ‘Fanmade trailers’ section over at Fanedit(.)org for them to see.


SilverWook said:

The same prop or the same character?

That red and white droid sure seems to get around - Not only does it feature in the ‘Rogue One’ teaser, but I’ve just noticed that’s it’s also in the background of ‘The Force Awakens’ a couple of times too…when Finn arrives at the rebel base, and meets up with Poe again.

(however, the jury’s still out on whether it’s our old friend ‘R5-X2’ from ‘The Phantom Menace’ Jabba scene, or not)


Shouldn’t that be considered a spoiler?


Oh jeez, I forgot we had two threads now. I’ll move it over there.